#capitalist hell
nando161mando · 9 months
If you want to know why people have lost faith in capitalism, this might help
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miiju86 · 11 months
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let that sink in....
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2022 - A group of activists use parkour to turn off useless energy wasting shop signs in Montpellier, France. [video]
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justacynicalromantic · 9 months
Musk too stupid to realise he's admitting to being a war criminal.
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The "emergency request" was part of "close the sky" over Ukraine.
At that time, civilians all over Ukraine were dying IN HUNDREDS from ballistic missiles launched from those ships. As the allies were slow to provide anti-missile systems at that time and Ukraine lacked planes, our military were trying to find other ways to disable ACTUAL WAR SHIPS IN OUR OWN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED WATERS FROM MASS SLAUGHTERING US.
This is Musk plainly stating he is complicit in mass murder.
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fleshdyke · 2 years
i wish so fucking bad that schools would teach even the most basic nature and wildlife literacy. bc what they teach now is how we get these godawful lawns and monocultures and an endlessly growing list of extinct animal species. like i can’t even count how many times i’ve been trying to explain to people why mosquitoes/moths/bats/flies/wasps/etc are so important and people have gone “but that’s what bees are for (pollination)” or “birds can just eat other things” or “things decompose on their own”. it has to be in the dozens. nothing makes me as upset as when people simply cannot wrap their heads around the fact (fact, fact, fact) that every single organism has its purpose in nature and there is *nothing* that is “pointless”. ignorance like this is what leads to barren monoculture lawns and deforestation and “pest control” and devastating invasive species and expanding extinction/endangerment lists. i just wish schools would teach that every animal and plant has its place, and *nothing* needs to be exterminated as a whole, *especially* native wildlife. but of course capitalism can’t thrive on proper environmentalism so i guess we’ll just have to deal with this.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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businessmemes · 3 months
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if you interact with Jenessica you will be reassigned to the JAR.
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enbycrip · 9 months
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hobgobknowsbest · 9 months
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sparksinthenight · 2 months
If the economy NEEDS workers working in degrading, dehumanizing, dangerous jobs where they have very little power, then you need to get a different economy. Any world that relies upon the exploitation and abuse of the workers needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt. We can make a society where no one has to work a job that’s physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, emotionally, or environmentally unhealthy or unsafe for them. We need to create that society.
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shannonpurdyjones · 23 days
One side effect of my research for this novel being steeped heavily in textile history is my swelling disgust with modern fabrics.
Firstly they're so thin? Like most things you see in Old Navy or even department stores might as well be tissue paper?? Even some branded sports t-shirts I've bought in recent years (that are supposed to be 'official apparel' and allegedly decent quality) are definitely not going to hold up more than a year or two without getting little holes from wear.
This side of even two hundred years ago fabrics were made to be used for YEARS, and that's with wearing them way more often because you only owned like three sets of clothes. They were thick and well made and most importantly made to LAST. And they were gorgeous?? Some of the weaves were so fine and the drape so buttery we still don't entirely know how these people managed to make them BY HAND. Not to mention intricate patterning and details that turned even some simple garments into freaking ART.
I know this is not news, the fast fashion phenomenon is well documented. Reading so much about the amazing fabrics we used to create and how we cherished and valued them, though, is making it hard not to mourn what we lost to mass production and capitalism. Not just the quality of the clothing and fabrics themselves, but the generations of knowledge and techniques that are just gone. It makes me what to cry.
I need to get a sewing machine.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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End corporate bailouts.
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oddmawd · 1 month
IMO: people's willingness to endanger the entire fanfiction ecosystem for their own personal gain is a direct result of capitalism being a dick
first it makes us think of EVERYTHING in terms of economics, "productivity" and money, money, money
then it makes us desperate to make ends meet (#eattherich)
and then side-hustle culture convinces us that our hobbies are worthless unless they're monetized
so the math adds up and desperate people look at their empty pantries and then at their time-consuming hobbies that pay them nothing, and it's no fucking wonder they start asking "hey, can i perhaps make a buck off of that hobby to soothe the misery of this financial hellscape somewhat?"
and i get the impulse, truly i do, but the problem with fanfic is that YOU CAN'T DO THAT
fic is a labor of love and i'm sorry but it's not the answer to our monetary problems, because those problems will get a lot worse for you if you wind up fined into oblivion over copyright infringement
enough people start turning fanfic into a black market instead of a grey one and we'll get chased back underground and then your nice little side-hustle goes up in smoke along with the entire fanfiction community as a whole
allow me to remind us that capitalism is a goddamn liar, side-hustle culture is a trap, and:
you are allowed to have a hobby that isn't profitable
hobbies are not worthless if they don't generate cash flow
turning your hobby into a side hustle often saps the joy out of it
try finding joy through the act of creating, not through the money you might make doing it
good luck out there
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madfoolish · 11 months
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bunninova · 1 month
nothing new to add to the watcher fiasco so here's this. not to make it personal but I'm gonna make it personal.
what they get payed per brand deal could pay for a year of uni for me. what they make with patreon per year would change my entire family's life. my 50-60 year old parents could finally drop one of the multiple jobs they have, my sister could spend time with her kids and finally afford a proper wedding, I could go back to much needed therapy. we could travel more and go to concerts and nice restaurants, we could get tattoos and professional haircuts, we could spend money on spoiling our pets, we could buy books and clothes and go to the cinema without having to carefully budget, things the watcher folk do regularly without giving it a second thought. I could buy my best friend with unstable housing an apartment for their family for fucks sake. I'm out here skipping meals on school days because I can't afford to spend £5-10 a day to eat at uni, 'borrowing' necessities from big stores, and missing out on social events or birthdays that involve going out. I've only donated £20 in total in the last couple months to help people in Gaza and it devastates me that I can't donate more. I'm still privileged in many ways, the world is in shambles and regular people are being hit with an economic crisis, where housing and food is hard to secure.
I've been a huge fan of Shane and Ryan since I was thirteen, they were my comfort creators. I even checked their shows and merch to see if I could afford it (no) because I wanted to support them. their content has gone down hill for the past year and I still sat through the forced cringey parts because I used to love their videos. I respected them, they brought me joy and inspired me to create. "we priced it low enough that anyone can afford it". fuck off. day 3 and not even an acknowledgement. this has felt like the biggest "fuck you, poor" ever to me and I'm crushed.
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aethericfist · 5 months
Buy an office chair
Seriously, gaming chairs are made as a consumer branding product... it's designed to break down quickly, and to lay on much more cost just for a brand that has NO value.
Office chairs are designed to hold out long, keep employees at work, long and healthy so they can amass more wealth for the company, and DON'T NEED BIG BRAND BUILDING BEHIND THEM.
Get an office chair.
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