enyasaints · 11 hours
EEOC Sexual Assault Lawsuit
I was sexually assaulted at my job repeatedly. I need help getting an employment lawyer to take my case. If you can spare anything I would be eternally grateful. Thank you.
Direct Aid:
CA: $Enyasaint
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nando161mando · 1 day
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trump supporters: "What about the people on Epstein's lists?"
I'm guessing that excludes trump himself in their eyes somehow, having been close to and praising Epstein before this shit came out, and being in the documents many times.
Trump in 2016: "I'm gonna put Hillary Clinton in prison!"
Trump supporters: "Yeah! Fuck that bitch! Lock her up and throw away the key!"
Trump in 2024: *is found guilty of crime*
Trump supporters: Nooooo these liberals are lying and cheating!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
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submalevolentgrace · 8 hours
...In some ways what Everett-puralia meenamatta is doing seems profoundly simple: he wanted to be arrested at the Styx in March, and was. And he eventually wants to be rearrested for failing to appear in court – though not until September, because he plans to be involved in further protest action with friend and fellow Tasmanian activist Bob Brown, who has himself been arrested many times in the forests. Here is where it gets slightly more complicated. Beyond his 50-plus years of environmental activism and protest against the wholesale destruction of Tasmania’s culturally totemic old growth forests, Everett-puralia meenamatta’s desire to be arrested and eventually rearrested – and perhaps jailed or fined – is strategically aimed to highlight issues of Indigenous sovereignty, legal jurisdiction, colonialism and the citizenship status of Indigenous people on this continent. “I do not identify as an Australian citizen,” says the former commercial fisherman, who recently obtained his master’s degree in history at the University of Tasmania. “There has never been a true conciliation between First Nations people and the colonial nation of Australia. And any notion that First Nations peoples are citizens of Australia is an historic political lie being maintained by governments and institutions alike. “It’s a trickery throughout its history to evade any responsibility to negotiate a treaty with our First Nations.” Everett-puralia meenamatta does not recognise the court’s jurisdiction over him, as an Aboriginal “non-Australian citizen”. The court, he explains, is like so many Australian institutions – an enduring colonial instrument of an Australian state he neither recognises nor belongs to.
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batshit-auspol · 6 months
Please enjoy the infectious laughter of the Australian senate struggling to keep its composure while grilling a man about bee semen
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slayhamkennedy · 4 months
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“Australia Day” is almost over and I haven’t even seen the photo of Burnum Burnum planting the Aboriginal flag on the cliffs of Dover and claiming Britain for the Indigenous people of Australia on my dash yet
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area51-narutorun · 2 months
ok I’m trying to see something here
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asynca · 24 days
Are you Australian? Are you worried about Australia's zero-consequence attitude towards Israel's treatment of Palestinians? Sign this officially registered petition which calls for Australia to cut diplomatic ties with Israel specifically over their treatment of Palestinians.
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justmaghookit · 3 months
To protect their identities I will not be posting images of the victims.
Yesterday a 45 year old white man took it upon himself to do a "citizens arrest" wherein he physically restrained three blak kids, binding their wrists together with zip ties and then binding them to each other. The children were aged 6, 7 and 8. They had gone swimming in the pool of a vacant property which is currently for sale, you know, regular kid stuff.
The perpetrator is not the owner of the property, allegedly he is a tradesman who was called to work on the air conditioning in the property and took great personal issue with three kids taking a cheeky swim on a blistering summers day. The man then called the police to report trespassing.
You know you've fucked up when so called australia's famously racist cops rock up on the scene and go "what the fuck mate." even the WA police commissioner was able to find a shred of empathy in his cold dead heart to call the scene "disturbing"
The children were attended by an ambulance and there has been no reports of injuries, though I suspect they're deeply traumatized by the experience, if the images of them sobbing are anything to go by.
The man has been arrested and is facing three counts of aggravated assault.
As I was making sure I had my information correct writing this post I saw a lot of white folks on twitter asking where the parents were, how they wouldn't let their kids do this, how its still trespassing blah blah blah, regular entitled white racist nonsense.
I was once a cheeky kid myself, and more than once I hopped a fence to go swimming in the neighbours pool while they weren't home alongside my siblings, but I'm white, so I'm allowed the luxury of kids will be kids. These were just children, innocent little bubs who just wanted to cool down in the suffocating heat. They were punished for the crime of daring to be children while blak.
It just goes to show just how deeply racism against indigenous people is still rooted in our society.
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nando161mando · 1 day
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batshit-auspol · 7 months
Australian Federal Election 2001: Pranksters follow around Prime Ministerial contender Kim Beazley in an attempt to sneak fake microphones into news footage
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Follow for more Batshit Moments in Australian Politics
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ahmednabubake · 5 days
“Make a difference today! Your donation can safe a children's lives.”
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slayhamkennedy · 3 months
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A police officer shoots his ex boyfriend and partner with his police issued gun and the grieving queer community BEGS for them not to march in pride because we literally just lost two of our own, and there's absolutely no sympathy from the cops? I'm not surprised, but I'm disgusted and appalled. ACAB includes queer cops too.
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catshinji · 2 months
For Australian residents!
A House of Representatives petition has just been filed. Unlike other petitions, this one will be presented to the House and requires a response from a Minister.
Elbit Systems, the Israeli defence contractor responsible for much of the weaponry currently causing devastation in Gaza, has just been awarded a $917 million contract with the Australian government.
The demand of this petition is to remove all contracts and deals between Australia and Elbit Systems.
Again, this is more than a change.org petition - this is a government petition with a certainty of being tabled before the House of Representatives. This is just one step of many that this country needs to take in ending Australia's support for the genocide of Palestinians.
Please sign and share the petition here. And don't forget to confirm your signature via the email afterwards.
The deadline is April 17th - make sure to sign before then.
No contracts with the Israeli war machine.
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