#rent is too damn high
nando161mando · 2 days
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introvertedx10 · 5 months
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bensigas · 1 year
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Did this Landlords Are Leeches design, for fun. You can get it here if you’re interested: https://society6.com/art/landlords-are-leeches8284119 https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/44995877-landlords-are-leeches?store_id=2389831
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aformerghost · 1 month
Looking up the numbers on how much it takes to live alone in my area is very disheartening. I mean $53 an hour or over $60,000 annually to afford a 1 bedroom apartment? So everyone has to settle for toxic or awkward living situations just to exist down here wow okay makes a lot more sense now.
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scretladyspider · 1 year
🚨Please stop scrolling — Mutual Aid Request 🚨
I started a new job this week! Yay!!!!!
However I need some help. You see between now & when I get paid, I don’t have any source of income for things like bills and food that can’t be put off.
I need $300 this month for help with expenses that I can’t postpone until after I get paid.
(Originally it was higher, but Twitter helped me get a little over halfway there. I forgot to post here too for a bit. I’m putting off everything that I can afford to until my first paycheck, which should be at the end of the month.)
CashApp - secretladyspider
venmo - secretladyspider
Please reblog!
If more people see it, there’s a better chance someone who can help even a smidge will see it too. That’s why shares matter. So if nothing else, please reblog! It makes a difference, I promise.
Thank you for your help as I get back on my feet. 💛
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fly-the-pattern · 2 months
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nutzo0001 · 2 months
Friend need help:
In just 60 days we will be forced to leave our home. Rent prices in California has made it very very hard to find a new place despite our efforts. Owning this house is out of reach which is very depressing since my parents have worked countless years to keep this roof over our heads just for it to be taken away.
$1,495 USD raised of $5,600 goal
Finding a home that truly fits our needs has been a struggle, and planning for the future has caused us stress. But we're staying positive. We're working hard to save money and protect my nephews from this situation. Recently, our landlord offered to sell us the house we're currently in. It's tough right now, as we're barely making ends meet, but we're exploring options like seller financing or rent-to-own deals. House hunting has become monotonous, with unresponsive listings and deceptive schemes. It's not easy, especially with little kids, to find an apartment where noise isn't an issue. However, we believe things will work out. The support from our community has been incredible, and we're grateful for every dollar we receive. Though we know there's still a long road ahead, we will remain hopeful.
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rocinoncii · 4 months
I am going through a rough financial time right now. If any angels out there chose to give me a hand, I will be incredibly grateful. I have commissions for stream emotes and simple art available. Even just sharing this post would make a world of difference for me.
Thanks so much for reading, and hope you have a great day!
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commiepinkofag · 7 months
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nando161mando · 9 months
If you want to know why people have lost faith in capitalism, this might help
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prettyflycatguy · 9 months
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It’s almost the 1st again.
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n0thingiscool · 2 months
Rich people are so out of touch they really thought fucking up the housing market wouldn't come back to bite them. For real. And now that everyone's asking for higher wages across the board the rich are incensed and offended but like... are you fucking stupid? You fucked up the entire baseline of the cost of living you dumb fuck. Did you actually think society was just gonna be like, "Oh yea sure! My rent went up 40%? No problem, we got this." No, bitch. We deserve a comfortable cost of living income for our skillsets and that pretty much is $70,000 a year, at min, now. That's what fucking happens when you hyper inflate the cost of an apartment, you smooth brained dope. You're lucky we aren't pulling you assholes from your homes and "cultural revolutioning" your asses.
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steal-this-idea · 11 months
My rent, when listed among my other itemized monthly expenses, looks like that dril candle tweet
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Watch "How The Country's Largest Landlords Are Destroying Lives" on YouTube
Rents in America are completely insane, even as the Federal Minimum wage, which is still the only minimum wage in many states in the US South and Midwestern heartland, remains at historically low levels.
With the Minimum wage still set at $7.25 an hour, last raised in 2009, and rents at historic highs (the average renter is now paying $1'388 monthly), the Working Class is being squeezed more tightly than it has in more than a century. Working Class wealth is being sucked out of the system and shoveled into the pockets of endlessly consolidating and monopolizing Corporations controlled by the same small group of Billionaires and giant Corporate investors. Most of the largest and profitable corporations are all invested in and controlled by the very top 0.01% of the wealthiest billionaires, an increasing number of which aren't even necessarily American citizens, but rather are part of an International Capitalist Class with no National loyalties whatsoever.
To get an idea of just how squeezed the US Working Class is compared with the recent past, consider this: if the Minimum Wage had been tied to Rental inflation since 1968, than today's Minimum Wage would be roughly $22 today.
You can see this in the basic arithmetic yourself.
Average rent in the US in 1968 was close to $100 per month. Today it is $1'388 per month. That's an increase of 1'388%. And according to the Dept of Labor's online records, the Minimum Wage in 1968 for non-farm workers was $1.60 per hour. Multiply that by 1'388% and you get $22.20.
Headline inflation numbers released by Govts hide the true cost of inflation by factoring in things like the falling cost of certain technologies, most of which have little relevance to the average worker whose only concern is providing for their families a safe and happy environment in the midst of consistently rising prices and stagnant wages.
And that's just one example of how we are being squeezed as a Working Class like never before in the Post-WWII era.
We're also being squeezed from new directions and in other ways as well. Such as the consolidation of the food industry into a handful of private companies and giant corporations, predictably causing food costs to rise at an alarming rate. Add to that similar consolidation and rising prices with Banking Fees, Property Development and in the Energy sector and you get a disaster for the Working Class in the making.
We will all suffer greatly until we can close out the noise and division of the media and politicians, and unite as a Class against the Capitalists who long ago united against us.
We must put aside our differences in the culture wars, which are purposely being driven by the Corporate Media and the National Security State, and stand in solidarity with one another against the Capitalist machine, the giant Corporations, the Landlords, the Bosses, the Police State, and the corrupt Corporate State.
Our lives are being destroyed: Working Class lifespans, quality of life, addiction, alcoholism and other indicators are all tumbling downward at a rapid clip. Everything, especially rent, food, Energy and an education are all outlandishly expensive and getting more expensive, even as our wages have been stagnant for decades, Unions have been made powerless and corrupt, and Working Class Political action has died down to a trickle, or even just the rare droplet.
Until we come together and organize along Class Lines, our lives are only going to get worse and worse. And at the rate at which the Corporate State is consolidating its control over our information space, feeding us propaganda to promote their Capitalist Empire and divide Workers, we won't have long before the state of workers in the US is approaching the state of workers in some 3rd world countries under US Sanctions and Neocolonial economic blockade.
Get out there and Organize along Class lines Now! This IS Code Red for Workers!
When the task of the Working Class has been completed and our work as Socialists is done, the whole world will be a safer and better place for it.
It could be the dawn of new, fairer, Safer, more Progressive, Non-Imperialistic, Internationally collaborative, pro-Worker world with a Green future! It's up to all of us! 😊🌅🌱
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Here's your occasional reminder that renting for profit is immoral, that being a landlord isn't a job, doesn't contribute anything to society, in fact it is detrimental to it, and that hoarding housing just because you have some inherited wealth isn't something you've earned, moral or justifiable.
And if you ever hear that "you should be grateful to your landlord for providing your shelter" crap, you should feel free to respond with immediate and gratuitous violence.
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askinnyblackman · 1 year
that reddit thread about people living with their parents well into adulthood is making me feel a little less shitty about my current situation 😬
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