miiju86 · 11 months
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let that sink in....
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nando161mando · 6 months
Today is the International Day of Banks. Celebrating this event with fire is highly recommended.
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awesomecooperlove · 6 months
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After more than six months of research brought about by five court cases in Canada and the U.S., where people were losing their homes, it became more than apparent that the Admiralty court system has been weaponized against We the People.
People have been losing their homes through a conspiracy to commit fraud, beginning at the highest levels of the banking industry. They're all in it — the courts, the BAR attorneys, the government, and law enforcement. It's the largest scam in the history of mankind. The numbers are staggering.
This is how they do it. Everybody needs to know what's been going on! SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!
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azspot · 1 year
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Cost of living crisis?
Not if you're a banker in Britain.
They can now get an unlimited annual bonus, which was previously capped in 2014 "to help avoid" a financial meltdown like the global crash in 2008... which was caused by... bankers.
A reward for failure when the victims are ordinary, hardworking taxpayers.
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radiofreealbemut · 1 year
Full album in free download here https://archive.org/details/earsheltering112
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kapitaali · 2 years
Banksters: The Untouchable Bank
From the director of ‘Goldman Sachs: The Bank that Rules the World’ comes a major new investigation into corruption at one of the world’s top financial institutions – HSBC.
If HSBC were a country, it would be the fifth world economic power. Founded during the golden age of the Opium trade to enable the British Empire to access the Chinese market, it has created a unique network to move dirty money around the world. From tax evasion to money laundering for the mafia and manipulation of currency, “this bank had done everything bad that a bank can possibly do.”
In 2012, HSBC nearly lost its license to operate in the US for laundering the money of the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels. Criminal charges were filed and HSBC’s executives hauled before a Senate committee. But George Osborne, UK’s then Chancellor of the Exchequer, wrote to his counterpart in America and to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve to plead for leniency. He claimed that if HSBC received a harsh punishment, it would have serious repercussions on the world’s financial and economic stability. The letter worked and HSBC was fined 2 billion euros. The equivalent of one month’s profits.
As the center of international finance moves to Asia, HSBC is in prime position. It is the most Chinese of Western banks and the most European of Chinese banks. Protected by London, blessed by Beijing, who would dare attack it?
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copiosis · 2 years
How Copiosis Makes Powerful Enemies Into Great Friends
How Copiosis Makes Powerful Enemies Into Great Friends. The New World Order giving everyone what they want. But at the start, some may not like what we offer at all. Here's how we expect to change that.
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash Two really big groups of people will probably really dislike Copiosis. So much so they could become our enemies. One group: those profiting through the banking industry. The other, and this is multi layered, comprise those profiting from the financial and drug industries. How does Copiosis address their concerns? If we cannot, such groups potentially can…
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jtoddring · 5 months
The Global Fascist Coup: Time To Face Reality
We need to stop making the irrational and unfounded, anti-empirical assumption that the corporate and financial elite are stupid – they are demonstrably sociopathic, but they are not stupid, as a class – and it would be stupid of them to not cooperate and coordinate, orchestrate, plan and carry out broad agendas based on their shared, common class interests, despite the obvious fact that they do…
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junktex · 6 months
(ALERT VIDEO!) Things Just Went From Bad To Worse... AND THEY ARE LAUGH...
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reelnewz4u · 8 months
If you look hard enough it will be revealed that the same people within the Federal Reserve, Central Banks, are the same people in the secret societies, and Non-Government Organizations (NGO's)…
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amir79 · 11 months
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
#rothchilds #scumbags #criminals #Europe #planned wars #planneddestruction #robbingpeople #crooks #killers #criminals #charities
#documentary #infiltration #gangsters #banksters #titanic #
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azspot · 1 year
The underlying reason why the failure of a medium-sized bank in California created so much angst worldwide is that international capitalism has never been able to get back on its feet after 2008.
In more detail: Central banks (the FED, the ECB, etc.) have one basic tool – the interest rate. When they want to put a brake on economic activity to keep inflation in check, they raise the interest rate, and vice-versa. But, in addition to price stability, central banks have two other goals: the stability of the banking system, and the balancing of liquidity with investment. The interest rate chosen by the central bank is one. That same number (e.g. 3%) must achieve three objectives simultaneously: price stability, banking system stability, and balancing between liquidity and investment.
And herein lies the reason why I argue that, after 2008, capitalism cannot recover: There is no longer one interest rate that can achieve all three of these objectives simultaneously. This is the tragedy of central bankers: If they want to tame inflation (at a high enough interest rate), they trigger a banking crisis and, as a result, they are forced to bail out the oligarchs who, despite being bailed out, drive investments below liquidity. If, on the other hand, they impose a lower interest rate to avoid triggering a banking crisis, then inflation gets out of control – with the result that businesses expect interest rates to rise, which discourages them from investing. And so on and so forth.
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traumatizedtrader · 1 year
Criminal #Naked Shorting
How one targeted company has managed to survive against the odds.
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Criminal Naked Short Selling 
How one targeted company has managed to survive against the odds.
  Over the course of 15 years, I have diligently refined this piece of writing through multiple revisions. I’ve carefully removed sections to not overwhelm the reader or convey my palpable anger. It’s important to note that this essay reflects my personal opinions and should not be construed as financial advice or an offer to buy company shares. Instead, I offer this article as a means of education and encourage readers to follow the embedded links to completely appreciate the crime at hand.
  Since the early 90s, I have been a shareholder of TMMI an OTC Pink sheet listed company with a rich history founded by a former rock star turned computer scientist Philip Taylor Kramer, and have followed TMMI’s stock, particularly over the last few years and I am appalled by the daily oppressive and manipulative trading practice that has recently become widely recognized as “Naked Shorting.” It is a tool that is commonly used by unscrupulous market participants via equally corrupt market makers, using this once relatively unknown tool that was at one time referred to as “the Madoff Exception”. It is my belief this misunderstood practice currently plagues TMMI’s market valuation, and I have concluded that the stock price has been criminally manipulated to an artificially depressed stock price and is currently using a manipulative practice commonly referred to as “cellar boxing,” to protect an undeclared naked short position caught within TMMI’s share structure. This fraudulent act is openly conducted against the shareholders of TMMI without fear of regulatory repercussions.
  To understand how this is possible, I will provide some charts to illustrate the trading history and supporting links to give a clearer picture. There are several key events that I will touch on that I believe will support my conclusions
The Naked Short
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The first indications of this naked short existence first came to light in late 1999 and into the new millennium. TMMI had a very liquid market that consistently traded several million shares daily with a share structure representing about one-third of the current issued and outstanding share structure TMMI has today. When you look at the current daily volume, liquidity is virtually non-existent. This has been achieved as previously mentioned, through the manipulative practice of “cellar boxing” the share price of the stock, currently employed by the naked short cabal. The multi-year chart illustrates the spectacular appreciation of the stock price right into the millennium with several hundred million shares exchanging hands leading to an explosive mid-January trading session with the share price being quoted with the bid price of 1.70 above the quoted offer of 1.65 and followed up in the morning opening with the share price gapping up over a dollar from the previous day’s closing price of $1.70 per share with the first trade a consisting of block trade of over 15 million shares at $2.87. I believe this first trade of the day represents the last of the off-side naked short position being held at a major firm.
  Take note that during this period, Naked Shorting was a well-kept secret among the major Wall Street Bank Brokerages and was a very effective tool in the overall manipulation of share prices of countless public companies.
  What was the cause of this millennium run in the price of TMMI? Going back to this period in time there was a tech bubble that was in full bloom and TMMI’s fractal compression technology was receiving widespread investor and media attention for the potential impact TMMI would have in the video delivery market. This millennium run took place long after the founding partner and brain trust behind the technology, Taylor Kramer had disappeared and the company had been thrown into total disarray.
  TMMI had somehow managed to overcome this tragic event and through the efforts of some of Taylor’s friends and shareholders against tremendous odds managed to keep his dream, and more importantly the company Total Multimedia (www.tmmi.us) he founded, alive to this day.
  Several years after Kramer’s disappearance with the help of dedicated friends and shareholders, TMMI was preparing to release demos consisting of video clips showcasing TMMI’s fractal compression technology for the burgeoning CD-ROM market and it’s in this overheated tech environment that TMMI’s share price began its meteoric price rise. Most people at the time attributed this price rise to heavy promotion but I believe that the real cause for this sudden and aggressive run-up in price was simply the result of a massive short squeeze by a major Wall St. Bank needing to recalibrate its books. It was at the tail end of this short squeeze when a few rogue shareholders unbelievably laid claim to ownership of TMMI’s proprietary fractal compression technology that TMMI had spent in excess of 30 million dollars in development costs. This act ultimately led to the re-establishment of what I now believe is an enormous naked short position caught within TMMI’s share structure created via the unbridled naked short sell-off of stock once again involving hedge funds with complicit market makers and facilitated through major Wall St. bank brokerage firms. Just how many shares were naked shorted during this sell-off is anybody’s guess, but I suspect the entire capitalization and more may have been naked shorted when one considers the consistent daily fails to deliver now dating back over two decades. 
The Mazuma Affair
  In June of 2007, an already toxic environment at TMMI was further exacerbated by the actions of Corene Dion King, who had appointed herself as custodian. Without any board discussion or approval, King entered into a 504 reg D debt financing with Mazuma Corporation based in New Jersey and operated by Curt Kramer (no relation to Taylor Kramer). The deal involved exchanging $50,000 for 27 million shares intended for investment purposes. Three separate entities under King’s control also received a further 150 million shares. Mazuma wasted no time initiating an aggressive selling campaign, showing little regard for TMMI’s share price nor TMMI's shareholders' interests. As soon as TMMI’s then-acting president, Mr. Fernandez, learned of these highly suspicious actions by the custodian, he immediately contacted the SEC and sought relief in the Nevada State court. Thanks to his swift action, the illegal issuance of stock was halted and further trading and distribution of TMMI shares were prevented.
The Mazuma Sell-Off
  What I found intriguing was when the illegal shares were introduced into the system there came this sudden spike in volume and the aggressive selling of TMMI shares began. When you take a look at the chart below, you will see the malicious sell-off orchestrated by Mazuma of these 504 shares into the public market. What was their goal in selling the stock down with such unbridled aggression? Was it a setup for the naked short position to finally cover their positions? Who else may be involved in this oppressive act and as we have come to know, why did it take so long for Mazuma to comply with the Nevada State Court ordering the return of all the unauthorized shares to the company?
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  The DTCC initiated a Global Lock or Chill on the clearing of all TMMI’s publicly traded shares, which was a relatively obscure action at the time. This move spelled doom for TMMI as no public company had ever successfully unwound this action before. The DTCC’s handling of the situation was breathtaking in its opacity. For several months, there was little or no communication from the DTCC about returning the unauthorized shares as per the Nevada State Judge’s order. To add to the confusion, Mazuma had sold 7.254 million shares of the 27.5 million shares issued to it through a suspect 504 share offering of TMMI. Yet, during an eight-day trading period, approximately 22 million shares were traded. The chart raises questions about the extra 15 million shares that were not accounted for and where they ended up.
The Chill Unwinds
  The DTCC took a circuitous stance, claiming that it had placed a chill or global lock on all TMMI shares held in the system due to the presence of illegally issued shares. As a result, the identified “illegal” shares couldn’t be returned. Despite this specific rationale, DTC officials remained hesitant to expedite the return of the Mazuma shares to TMMI’s treasury, and several long months passed with little progress. Eventually, a misdirected internal email revealed that the illegal shares had been loaned out in violation of the court order, and within 48 hours of the DTCC being notified of the contents of the internal email the Global Lock was rescinded. The unsold shares were returned to TMMI’s treasury. 
  As the above chart shows, the trading volume immediately drops once the court order was issued against Mazuma. With liquidity disappearing, the daily naked short manipulation and cellar boxing resume. Naked short-selling in illiquid markets can be disastrous for a company, as it depresses the stock price and deters potential buyers. The company is then forced to sell additional shares at a low price to raise capital, further diluting its value and perpetuating the vicious cycle. How Mazuma’s involvement came to be is still somewhat of a mystery to me.
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  When one studies the above ten-year snapshot chart. You will notice as TMMI’s volume and share price starts to increase, several out-of-market trades are printed that can serve no purpose other than to reset the price of some undisclosed off-side position.
  What transpires in this historical perspective serves to confirm my suspicions that the short position that is caught in TMMI’s structure is a massive one and it is my belief there exists a low share price threshold that could potentially instigate a short cover as a most likely scenario unfolding before us.
  Looking back at the trading history of TMMI, you’ll see that in the lead-up to the millennial run, the company’s shares consistently traded several million shares daily, ranging from sub-penny to higher values, despite a total float of only 100 million outstanding shares. However, now, with almost three times the float, the stock rarely trades above a couple of hundred thousand shares on any given day. This begs the question: why is there a need for TMMI to be traded in this illiquid manner over such a long period? Could it be fear of liquidity attracting investors? Despite the daily low volume, there is a consistently high percentage of daily fails to deliver dating back to the early millennium, as seen on the OTC short report website. This leads one to believe that the naked short position is so large that the act of covering it could be catastrophic for the perpetrators of this fraud on TMMI shareholders.
Naked Shorting Gets Exposed
  What we witnessed during the 2008 global financial crisis was the SEC’s unusual and unprecedented emergency regulation prohibiting naked short selling, protecting just 17 banking institutions and upon the ensuing public outcry, the naked short selling ban was expanded to all publicly traded companies. There is evidence to support that it is not uncommon for the naked short position to represent from 30% to over 100% (in some cases even more) above the issued and outstanding shares of targeted companies illustrating just how serious and dangerous this practice has become to the overall stability of our financial markets.
  This can only be described as corporate and financial terrorism against a publicly traded US company. TMMI was developing crucial software technology that had the potential to provide the US with a global strategic advantage in video processing. Unfortunately, shareholders have been robbed of any opportunity to see the technology developed to fruition nor the chance to profit from their investment in TMMI. It’s time to put an end to this insidious and illegal method of price manipulation, which protects mammoth naked short positions that have been “grandfathered” within the DTCC. These positions sit outside of TMMI’s legally authorized share structure, and the need to address this issue is more pressing than ever.
  Fortunately for some of the long suffering shareholders, TMMI is still alive and trading, and with the recent board additions, TMMI may be ready to make some moves.
______________________ The Rabbit Hole _____________________
Unsolved Mysteries - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_amjG-naxU
Systemic Risk - https://vimeo.com/4520843
SEC Charges Merrill Lynch - https://www.marketwatch.com/story/sec-charges-merrill-lynch-fines-firm-11-million-for-short-sales-violations-2015-06-01
The Maddoff Exception - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-madoff-sec-remarks-idUKTRE4BG6US20081217
Companies Fight Back - https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2023/02/08/2603973/0/en/Companies-Fight-Back-Against-Market-Manipulation-and-Illegal-Short-Selling-Here-are-Four-Stocks-in-the-News.html
Cellar Boxing - https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/cellar-boxing-the-predatory-secret-that-wall-street-uses-to-exploit-an-infinite-money-glitch-in-97ccbd6c9923
Wall Streets Naked Swindle - https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/wall-streets-naked-swindle-194908/
Naked Short and Greedy - https://www.amazon.ca/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure/dp/1910151343
Anger at Goldman Still Simmers - https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/26/business/goldman-sachs-denies-claims-it-led-to-copper-rivers-demise.html?_r=3&
My Main Squeeze Fractal Compression - https://www.wired.com/1993/05/fractal/
The Vanishing - https://web.archive.org/web/20020204114404/http://www.maximonline.com/maximwear/articles/article_2193.html
Taylor Kramer Fandom -  https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Taylor_Kramer
TMMI TruDef - http://www.trudef.us/
Mazuma Funding Corporation - https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2013-249#.U7wtPbGTFv0
Nevada Court Order - https://www.prweb.com/releases/2007/07/prweb537846.htm
Global Lock or Chill - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMVVEiyJ3DQ
Fails to Deliver - https://www.otcshortreport.com/company/TMMI
"Grandfathered" - https://www.dtcc.com/clearing-services/equities-clearing-services/ow
Protecting the Banks from Naked Shorting - https://content.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1842499,00.html
Taser International Responds - https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-12-06/dklint7619.pdf
Patrick Byrne on Naked Shorting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_FZO9-ZIWU
Naked Short redefining systemic risk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH5cMQLJRUo
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I am probably not the only American who is wondering whether this official pronouncement that “the U.S. banking system remains sound” will age well. Let’s see where we are in 3-6 months when all the speculative risk and Woke banking practices are exposed.
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