figbian · 2 days
i hate driving. can some butterflies pull me via chariot yet.
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I love being asexual there are like 8 billion people in the world and none of them are hot enough for me to want to fuck
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fryday · 2 days
genuinely because i've only seen that one photo and also see it over and over as i scroll down my dash, blonde phil has become like an abstract idea of a concept, just some pixels constructed into a visual on my screen that could or could not mean anything at all. it's like when you say a word too many times and it doesn't sound real anymore. to actually reactivate my brain re: what phlonde really is i have to see it in video format, in motion, and paired with the phil personality™️ before i'll be convinced again that any of this really exists in a meaningful way
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animnightmare · 3 days
"What if I need your liver" was such a crazy possesive line why does nobody talk about that
Houses reasonings for Wilson not getting the surgery werent just that it was dangerous, or could leave him alone, or made wilson a doormat
He didnt want Wilson to get the surgery in case he needed it for himself some day. Like yeah casually tell your best friend you think his organs basically belong to you, Okay.
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glittermutt · 16 hours
yall i found the secret gay sex with your mutuals button 😧
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thatoneluckybee · 2 days
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i'm actually sorry now
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venturelovebot · 2 days
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auuwmk · 3 days
no one is a bigger kdj hypeman than bihyung. whenever kdj does cool anime shonen protagonist type shit, bihyung eats that up every single time. bihyung goes "WOOOO!!!! THAT'S HIM, THAT'S MY GUY!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHO KDJ IS!!!!!!" almost every arc 😭😭
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biocrafthero · 3 days
Fandom was never meant to be a discord server with 1000 people in it, fandom should be you and your five other neurodivergent friends mashing your favorite characters together like action figures
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fleshdyke · 23 hours
theyre giving zebra finches hrt
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fryday · 2 days
the funniest thing about the concept of gayming month is that they're already SO gay in their regular month videos. irrepressibly gay. the only thing that could make their videos gayer is if they play explicitly coupley games with each other after/leading up to a hard lau*gunshot*
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some-zer0 · 2 days
Dyhard is a really fun relationship to play around with because they're such inverses. Like, Gwen is constantly emphasizing how she's trying to focus on her work while Alice is willfully uninterested in her job, and both try to get the rest of the Office to follow their lead in that regard. But Gwen seems to constantly be swamped with backlog, despite her ambitious attitude, whereas Alice is always on top of her caseload, despite having absolutely no interest in promotion
And when it comes to relationships with the rest of the Office, Gwen so desperately wants to be taken seriously and respected, but nobody gives her that. Meanwhile, Alice "you make it so hard to be friends with you" Dyer is one of the few people Colin humors, is staying in touch with Teddy even after he's left, is one of the people Sam most trusts, and is even trying to be on better terms with Celia despite the awkwardness between them. And for all her jabs at Gwen, she does still show regular concern for her (so long as that concern doesn't interfere with her cardinal rule of not getting too involved in spooky stuff). Their relationship with Lena is also black-and-white: Gwen actively tries to get her attention (and gets negative attention as a result), while Alice has nearly no interaction with her (something which Lena mentions is a compliment). These different approaches to relationships are also seen in how they react to the existence of the supernatural wrt the Office -- Gwen invites an External in, possibly putting everyone at risk, while Alice actively tries to discourage the others from getting involved with the incident reports because "curiosity killed the cat"
Even the way they handled their encounters with the supernatural was opposite! Gwen kept everything to herself and refused to admit how much it messed her up, despite her appearance showing it; Alice told the others right away and openly admitted that it seriously messed her up, even though her appearance doesn't show it. Alice received immediate support from Celia and Sam about the validity of her experience; Gwen was laughed out of the room
But they're both at such extreme ends of their scales that they're in danger of falling off the edge: Gwen is trying to know too much and Alice is trying to avoid too much. In their line of work, those opposite ends are equally dangerous. At the moment, they're so different that they keep bouncing off of each other -- conversations don't last and feelings remain static because they're just too different to find common ground. But they've been having more and more experiences that could be common ground, and they're both what the other person needs. Gwen's strengths are Alice's weaknesses and vice versa. And I think that dynamic is really fun to think about (platonically or romantically)
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i know madeleine and joey are COOKING with their album production right now so i'm TRYING to be patient but also. tad tad tad GIVE ME FOOD i need new music to gnaw on
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cadaverkeys · 3 days
I know a lot of tumblr users who have genuinely impacted the dialect of the western world (or at least, the internet-using youth) in a major way. Like. Some posts on this website have gone from funny 30 notes in a talk tag all the way to marketable mugs and shirts. I sometimes read these phrases on products and I think. I wonder if they know .. I wonder if the Tumblr user gets any subsidiary money....what the fuck...
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ssserf · 2 days
The Red Dwarf fandom is so great. It's a silly little sci-fi comedy show plagued with plot inconsistencies, but you step into the tag and it's filled with three page essays and deeply thought out theories.
It's like we all took a peek past the puns and laugh track and went:
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garykingz · 1 day
Esteban getting death threats over a human mistake is fucking bonkers. Absolutely bewildered that he was treated this way for a fucking accident
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