#Rex tcw
puppy dog eyes rex. that’s it that’s the post
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journen · 19 days
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Cody and Rex selfie! ✌️📸
Commission for my awesome friend @bitwhizzle , or @/Bittipins on Instagram! 😊
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kara-ct · 1 month
Anakin : Luke, Leia meet your Uncle Rex!
Rex : What? General! You can't just kidnap random kids!
Anakin : They're mine! I made them myself. Padme helped.
Rex : It's even worse! C-3PO is pretty awful! We don't need another one of your creations!
Anakin : ...
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lirinck2 · 24 days
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"POV: they are confronted after doing a serious crime" alignment chart!!
The Bad Batch / Clone Wars edition
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superlarva · 1 year
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Sooo... I'm thinking of writing a fic about Rex obtaining a set of traumatized twins (Fives and Echo) and having to learn how to parent them (similar to Buir Basics, which gave me severe brainrot, one of my favorite fics, I love it). Would people be at all interested in that?
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second part of the Cat Batch Cafe references! This time it's the humans! .... plus alien. I meant to post it right after the first reference post but I forgor
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coldbrewarts · 8 days
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Seelos squad wallpapers 💙💛🩶
Fox & Thorn | Cody, Fives & Howzer
Thank you to @moonlightwarriorqueen and @sunshinesdaydream for helping me pick out some of the flowers by meaning!
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starrylothcat · 7 months
For the 'sweet and intimate actions' prompts you reblogged, may I request some 12 (Character B tucking Character A’s head under their chin while they’re cuddling) with a touch of 13 (Character B nuzzling their neck and breathing in Character A’s scent/fragrance, and commenting on how nice they smell) with Rex and short fem!reader?
No obligation! (eternal-transcience)
With You
Pairing: Rex x Fem!Reader, but can also be Gen!Reader
Warnings: None. Fluff, fluffy fluffy fluff. Kissing, but nothing explicit. Established relationship.
WC: ~700
Summary: You and Rex share a morning in bed.
A/N: Hello @eternal-transcience ! Thank you so much for the ask. Rex is King and I haven’t written for him in awhile, so I was happy to get this request! I was possessed by the Fluff Gods and wrote this fluffy lil’ piece for you. I hope you enjoy it!
Prompts taken from Sweet and Intimate Actions list.
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You woke slowly, blinking sleep out of your eyes and stretching under the pile of blankets that lay on top of you.
You instinctively reached over, hoping your hand would meet the warmth of Rex’s shoulder or chest, but instead found empty mattress.
You frowned, knowing he had probably been up for hours working on reports. You never expected Rex to toss aside his duties for you, but sometimes he didn’t know when to take a break.
You sat up fully, ready to find Rex and drag him back to bed.
As your feet hit the carpeted floor, the bedroom door opened and Rex stepped in, holding two cups of hot caf.
“Good morning.” He smiled softly, the wrinkles you loved so much appearing at the sides of his eyes. It was something he was self-conscious about, but you lived to see those wrinkles, since they only appeared when he was smiling. When he was happy.
He set the caf down on your nightstand, kissing your forehead as he did so.
“How long have you been awake?” You asked, watching as he strode to his side of the bed, placing his caf down as he sat on the edge of the mattress.
“Not long. Figured you’d be up soon, thought I’d take it slow this morning.”
You grinned, settling back into bed as he did the same. Rex pulled you into him, placing his chin on your head, and tucking your face into the crook of his neck. He knew you loved this, being so close to him and safe in his arms.
“Taking it slow is something we never get to do.” You mumbled as you snuggled even closer to him, his strong arms draped around your smaller form, huddled entirely to his warm, solid body.
Rex hummed, stroking your back in gentle, rhythmic movements that made your eyelids droopy.
“I know…” He kissed the top of your head. “That’s why I’m back in bed.”
You removed your head from his neck, taking in everything that was him. He was basked in the early morning light, tanned muscle decorated with scars of different shapes and sizes that you have traced and memorized time and time again.
Rex was resolute in so many things. His duty to the Republic. His love for his brothers. His dedication to you. You will always be a loving and safe place for him, just as he is for you.
He was beautiful in all sense of the word. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have him by your side.
He must have been thinking the same as you as his gentle honeyed eyes met yours. He wordlessly brought a calloused hand to your cheek, capturing your lips in a long, worshipful kiss. You sighed against his lips, lightly running your fingertips over his buzzed head. He hummed in delight, deepening the kiss, his thumb stroking your cheek.
Rex laid you down on your back, covering his body with yours as he kissed you. You moved together in practiced rhythm, a loving dance that didn’t need words.
When you both finally parted for air, Rex gazed down at you with such reverence you felt butterflies explode in your stomach. He somehow always made you feel like you were meeting for the first time, enraptured by one another’s presence.
“I love you.” You whispered, mirroring his motion from before, stroking his cheek right below his eye. His eyes fluttered close at your touch, leaning into your hand. Rex slowly and carefully laid down on top of you, slightly off to the side to not crush you under his weight.
It was his turn to nuzzle himself into you, hearing him inhale and feeling him smile against your skin. “So sweet…” Rex rumbled, pressing his lips to your neck. “Always so sweet for me…” You felt his body relax against yours, his large hand finding your smaller one.
“I love you too, mesh’la. No matter where I am in the galaxy.”
You both lay there, tangled in one another, enjoying the quiet calm of the morning before you or Rex were called back to reality. The caf sat at your bedside tables, getting cold as you let yourselves be lost in one another.
It was a small slice of paradise, a glimpse of a peaceful life you could hopefully have one day, and you were going to enjoy every second of it.
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Taglist: @crosshairlovebot @sev-on-kamino @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @sunshinesdaydream @kashasenpai @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @coraex @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @sleepingsun501 @cw80831 @dangraccoon @mythical-illustrator @din-miller
Dividers by @freesia-writes (Rex) and @saradika
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circadianaa · 2 years
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death by a thousand cuts
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coffeeandbatboys · 3 months
Find me and don’t let go (Rex x Fem!Reader)
I was listening to Smart Iowa by Trousdale, and it made me think of this. I’m probably going to make a part 2
Warnings: angst, reunions, mentions of order 66, mentioned depression, happy ending, fluff, injury
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It’s been 693 standard rotations since you fled Coruscant. You’d left everything behind when the troopers turned their guns on you. You were only a weapons officer, but standing up for your Jedi commander had labeled you a traitor.
Somehow, you ended up on Kintoni, a farming planet with rows of corn that went on as far as you could see. You’d gotten a cabin with a garden and adopted a little orphaned Tooka. This is where you stayed. You almost wished that your husband could see the life you’d built. It had been something you had talked about for “after the war”.
But the last time you’d seen him had been not long before order 66. He kissed you goodbye and left with Ahsoka.
You tried to contact him, but all you knew was that their Venator had crashed into a moon. You were devastated because the only thing that had kept you going through the war was Rex.
Footsteps sound from the porch, pulling you from your thoughts—followed by a groan and a frail knock.
Your Tooka growls, though it’s hardly threatening. You grab your blaster defensively, peering through the window. A cloaked figure is leaned against the doorframe, but 501st blue vambraces catch your eye.
It can’t be.
You throw the door open and…
There he is.
He’s bleeding, and his eyes are screwed shut in pain, but he’s alive. The blonde fuzz peeking out from beneath the hood tells you so.
“Rex?!?” You cry, reaching a shaking hand out to steady him.
He sways when his head snaps up. Upon seeing you, he falls to his knees and cries. You follow, hitting the ground and wrapping him up in your arms. You both cry.
“Mesh’la?” He chokes out. You nod into his shoulder, tears still flowing.
“You found me, Rex. I’m here.”
“Maker. Oh, Maker,” he cries “I thought you’d been killed and—“
You scoff, cutting him off. “I thought you were dead, love.”
He holds you tighter and cries into your chest.
“I’m right here, cyare.”
“I missed you.” You cried. “I almost couldn’t go on.”
Rex feels his heart shatter into a million pieces.
“Am I…” he hesitates. “Am I still your husband?”
The question makes you sob harder, but you pull away to cup his face.
“You’re the only man I have ever loved. Of course you’re still my husband.”
That’s the only confirmation he needs, catching your lips with his in a kiss you’ve waited nearly two years for. It’s followed by many desperate little kisses before you pull away, making up for lost time. He presses his forehead to yours, tears still slipping down both of your cheeks.
“Rex.” You cry. “I love you so much.”
He nods, wincing. “I love you more, Mesh’la.” He sucks in a breath and whimpers a little bit and you remember his injuries.
You pull away instantly, horrified that you could have forgot.
“Right, kriff. Here—“ he’s quite a bit larger than you, but you help him into the cabin and onto the chair that sits in the middle. You run to the ‘fresher and grab your med pack, returning to his side in record time.
He chuckles, noticing how flustered you are. You dab at the bruises and scratches on his face with the bacta gel, heart full of joy because he’s here. You don’t care how he got hurt or how he found you, because he came home to you. You couldn’t ask for anything more. He takes your hand to kiss your knuckles, and that’s when you know that everything is gonna be okay.
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mother-of-lothcats · 1 month
omega fought with rex on endor no i will not be elaborating
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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Heeem I feel like I don't draw Rex initiating enough, so I wanted to doodle a little something to fix that 🥺💖 he's definitely more cautious about pda than Brea is, but he's not shy by any means!
Taglist♡: @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @squips-ship @sunstar-of-the-north @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @adoredbyalatus @dearly-beeloved @cherry-bomb-ships @me-myself-and-my-fos @sunflawyer @cassmeeks
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kara-ct · 24 days
Obi-Wan: We're going to go east and Anakin's group is going to go west. Then...
Anakin : ...
Obi-Wan : I can't do that anymore, Anakin! I can't keep ignoring this!
Anakin : But...
Obi-Wan: Anakin, why do you have a fucking blaster ?!
Waxer : *Shocked* Cody! The general said the "f word" in front of the shinies !
Obi-Wan : I don't care! I can't believe Anakin is so uncivilized! Blasters are so uncivilized!
212th Battalion: ...
Cody : It's not...
Anakin: It was Rex's idea! He told Ahsoka and I that having blasters in addition to our lightsabers would give us an advantage on the battlefield and that it would be safer for us. And you know what? Rex is right!
Obi-Wan : Ahsoka too??? I can't believe Rex is such a bad influence on both of you! Anakin, Rex makes you act in such an uncivilized way!
Cody : Don't involve Rex in any of this! Skywalker does very well on his own to deprave himself!
Obi-Wan : You certainly don't mean that, my dear.
Cody : Don't "my dear" me! Skywalker is the one who has a terrible influence on Rex and the 501! Skywalker is a chaos demon!
Obi-Wan : Rex is evil incarnate! That stupid blonde head corrupted my little baby Padawan!
Cody : ... You're sleeping on the floor tonight.
Boil : Guys, our parents are fighting... Again.
Anakin : ... So that means I'm allowed to keep the blaster?
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chopper-base · 9 months
Rex: infiltration squad will sneak in-
Hardcase: and blow it up
Rex: ...no. you'll sneak in, gather the needed intel-
Fives: then blow it up
Rex: No. You will relay what you find-
Jesse: ...then blow it up?
Hardcase: ...but... what if it was??
Rex: ...I give up.
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So this week summes up:
An indeed fast return of Echo at the end of ep 7 (maybe it was just the dub but the way he said it sounded so gloomy)
Finally a new weapon for Omega
Crosshair being a worse overprotective dad than Hunter and fully committing to it (literally the best)
Howzer and Crosshair bonding
Cross was indeed supposed to be on of the special op clones
Some good Rex content
WOLFFE RETURN, LET'S GO (the way Rex was standing in the light while Wolffe was blocking the light/the light only shining on him from behind, help. I can't. This is to much.)
I can't wait to see Rex, Gregor and Wolffe turn into what we saw in Rebels. My heart isn't ready for it. But I also can't wait. The heartbreak is gonna be enormous.
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From then on paint was banned from the cafe.
Introducing my new lil Bad Batch au called Cat Batch Cafe! I'll have more info (hopefully) on it on May 1 in celebration of the Bad Batch finale.
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