#padme amidala
lady-arryn · 1 day
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PADME AMIDALA costume appreciation: ▶ The Phantom Menace [9/9] (costume design by Trisha Biggar)
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padmeamidela · 3 days
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my fate will be no different to that of our people
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swladies · 2 days
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Well, I don't approve
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thewrittenpodcast · 3 days
Obi wan: why is it that every time something happens its always you two
Leia: it's the skywalker-naberrie genes
Luke: yeah we can't help that both our parents like to break rules
Leia: and they taught us to do it
Anakin and Padme, avoiding eye contact:
Obi wan:
Obi wan: you two helped them didn't you
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diaphene · 1 day
tiktok ... how dare ?
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standard-people · 1 day
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stealthetrees · 1 day
Commander Fox is very good at lying. He has to be, to be able to get away with breaking the law and going against orders as often as he does. The unfortunate reality is that nearly all of his brothers are awful at lying. He does his best to teach them, they need to be able to do it well to get away with stealing money from senators to fund Fox’s war on organized crime after all.
Fox enlists the help of Padme’s handmaidens after repeated failures. The women are baffled by how bad Fox’s brothers are when he is so good at it. It becomes so frustrating for them they promise to help Fox with whatever scam or con he wants to pull for the rest of eternity as long as he doesn’t put them through that again.
The one exception is Havoc, who is actually very good at lying. The problem with Havic, however, is that they simply choose not to. Havoc knows how to lie bc they were trained as a medic and needed a good bedside manner, but is not allowed to help in the med bay because they like the sharp tools a little too much. Fox tried to cheer Havoc up by giving them a knife and it worked a little too well.
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padmestrilogy · 3 days
So you know how the handmaidens don’t have last names technically cause of the whole anonymity/security thing? Would they use the queen’s name as a “last name” if they needed one for something (like travel documents or whatever)? I still need to read the Padmé books but it’s also not mentioned on wookieepedia so maybe that’s just not a thing but it definitely adds an interesting layer to the whole depersonalization/separation of self thing that they have going on. Just some thoughts I’ve been having.
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these ARE interesting thoughts. i’ll admit im not super up to date on padme’s beyond-movie lore either: i’ve looked around at the books and comics and i think there’s some cool stuff in there, but also part of the appeal of padme for me is that when people try and reinterpret her, they typically end up transforming her. they make her infallible; they make her the Worst. she’s a character who it’s very easy to get wrong, as evidenced by 90% of fandom making her the Girlboss and moving on. so when it comes to filling in the gaps for padme’s lore i usually return to the movies, no matter how disinterested in padme’s heart they are, bc watching comic writer #56 waffle between her and anakin’s relationship as Toxic or Domestic is pretty tiring. (i know they’re doing their best too ! it’s just not fun)
if i’m just sticking to the movies when thinking about this, i’ll say it’s pretty obvious the handmaidens enter into this arrangement expecting to live their whole lives around padme. they are the shadows in every room she’s in, they die for her, they speak for her, they surround her. any and all handmaiden characterization we get in the movies is through their interactions with padme. even when they’re dying, they only speak of her and their duty. you talk about “travel documents” but it’s hard for me to imagine a reason a handmaiden might need to travel independently from padme, or why they’d need legal identification other than “handmaiden of naboo”. even with the handmaidens supposedly going on to have lives after padme, that’s not how they’re represented in the films. even if they do have political careers, i’d imagine they’d get into the naboo system by being known as a handmaiden, not a new identity.
i think the devotion of naboo’s handmaidens, who chose to forsake their lives and names at 14 until they die, is a solid parallel to the jedi, especially in a trilogy so obsessed with duality. that’s really where i’d start with questions of names and depersonalization. think of the jedi’s monk levels of isolation for the sake of the Cause, but the Cause in this case is a fourteen year old girl, and you are also fourteen. and even when you are an adult with grey hair and supposedly moved on, you will still bear the mark of being fourteen and having served and loved this girl.
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strawberrysnipes · 2 days
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requested by @sentinelminor
please like/rb if you use/save!
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summerrain123 · 2 days
I wanna talk about the conversations Padmé had with Sola in the AOTC novel, and they how clearly confirm that Padmé’ first and last love was always just Anakin 🥺 of course we know Anakin felt a deep connection with Padmé the moment she walked into Watto’s junk shop, and has loved her for 10 years, so she’s indefinitely his first and last. But on the flip side, is the truth for Padmé as well.
(Of course, I’m not counting adolescent crushes she had when she was a kid, because that’s not “love.”)
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Sola in the AOTC novel has a conversation with Padmé about how she never thinks about settling down and wonder if she’s ever even wanted a family, and clearly Sola thinks the concept is foreign to her sister because she never speaks on such things nor has she ever expressed the desire to want more (despite that we know Padmé does want these things.) because Padmé was always heavily focused with duty rather than getting involved with someone.
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Padmé even tries to deny it when Sola insists that settling down with someone is something she needs and wants but finds that she can’t when she’s faced with the reality of it. This clearly indicates Padmé’ mindset all her life, trying to justify to herself that she doesn’t need to settle down and find love, start a family. She tries to convince herself that she’s okay and content with living her life in duty. Having not found anyone to love her whole life, she thinks she’s immune and not needing of matters like this, and yet she still finds it hard to deny the desire when her sister poses the question.
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Padmé eventually gives the idea some thought when she’s reunited with Anakin again, because up until now, she’s never in her life before gave into “wanting more”. Her life was always choosing duty and career over her desires. Or to put it more accurately lacking the conviction for that desire because nobody in her life before Anakin could make her.
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Padmé even so much as remembers Sola’s words of “finding love” and “settling down” the minute Anakin comes back into her life, admits that she found the idea more tempting than it had ever been. Because now, finally, Padmé truly had found someone to desire and fight for (even if she doesn’t yet realize it yet, because he’s a Jedi, and she’s a Senator.)
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After Padmé brings Anakin home to meet her family (something which Sola confirms Padmé had never done before with another boy 😏) Sola pulls her aside to talk about Anakin with Padmé, because she so clearly sees the sparks flying between them. Advising her sister to give the idea some thought, because as Sola says Padmé thinks “being a girlfriend and a Senator, aren’t mutually exclusive.”
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Sola confirms that Padmé just needs to “give into her desire” and that she’s always so “tied up in responsibilities”. Never leaving room for “more”.
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And the most pivotal part of Sola and Padmé’ conversation about her quickly growing feelings for Anakin, Sola corroborates that whatever Padmé is “feeling” is something “new” to her, she knows her sister has never felt this way about anyone before Anakin, and she knows she’s afraid. Padmé is weary because Anakin is a Jedi, but more importantly Padmé is afraid of her own feelings for Anakin too, because she herself also knows she’s never felt this way for anyone, her whole life was all politics and that’s all Padmé knows and is comfortable with, at this point. Sola then she tries to reassure Padmé that it’s a wonderful thing despite that it’s a new sensation her sister is going through. Padmé at this point even acknowledges that denying what her sister is saying wouldn’t be honest.
This is why Anakin and Padmé’ love was so pure, before they got together, their lives were entirely about duty and responsibility. And as Anakin and Padmé have stated in other SW novels, their lives before each other, belonged to something lesser then their true selves and the people they were before didn’t matter, as it took away from their individualities. After getting together they became two halves of one soul. They’re stronger together. Nobody {before one another} was able to do this for them.
They’re truly each others “one and only”, or “first and last.” 🌟
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skywalkerfeed · 1 day
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Like father like son 🫶🏼
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lavenderlemonrose · 2 days
I'm rewatching attack of the clones and I just- I'm padme, right, and I'm 24 and hot and a lauded senator and I've been reunited with two men that I last saw when I was 14: - a fully-trained jedi knight who was young and handsome when I first knew him and is now mature and even more handsome with swoopy hair, and who makes witty comments and has flirty eyes and jumps out of windows in the name of my safety - a 19-year-old boy who was a little kid when I first saw him, who makes smoldering bedroom eyes at me and tries to watch me over security cameras and has that godawful haircut and awkwardly painfully flirts with me when he's not having a tantrum over the fact that he's still an apprentice I don't think I'd end up making the same choice she does.
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shyjug · 1 day
When the inspo hits just right at 1am
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“Padme groomed Anakin” is one the worst Star Wars takes I’ve ever seen (and that’s saying something)
I know people are mostly joking but the thought that people actually believe it hurts me
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ezekiel13 · 11 hours
Alternate Star Wars universe where Dooku dies and when Obi-Wan arrives on Coruscant he’s immediately harassed by a lawyer telling him he’s the new Count of Serreno.
He has now inherited all of Dooku’s wealth. He decides to give this to Anakin and Padme (as well as making Padme the new Count/Countess) as a “belated wedding gift” and promptly leaves to kill Grievous- before Anakin can even ask about knowing he’s married.
Anakin and Padme (in Dooku’s mansion/palace) find evidence Palpatine is a Sith Lord, and Anakin returns to Coruscant, and successfully kills Palpatine alongside Mace Windu (up to you whether he’s taken along, or if he shows up late but is less convinced by Palpatine because he’s in a slightly better mental state because he’s got access to a bunch of very expensive doctors and med droids, alongside knowing the Jedi won’t take away his family.
Palpatine dies and then it’s just Obi-Wan frantically trying to give all of his wealth to every charity known to man, as well as babysitting Luke and Leia while Padme is helping fix the Republic & being a Count. Up to you what Anakin gets up to 🤷
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victoriartdrawings · 3 months
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