#cody x obi wan
tattycoram · 17 hours
Cody: Hey, can you help me with this zipper? Obi-wan: Of course, darling Cody: Cody: Up, Obi-wan Obi-wan: Right, of course
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the-greatest-8 · 19 hours
My lack of sleep and current fixations are so fucking strong I just had a 30 minute catnap, in which I dreamed about the following:
A chibi game on The Negotiator, in which everyone is missing and it's up to you(Obi-wan) to figure out where your men are./ There was also a weird-big sentient flower that glowed NOT unlike the flower from tangled that actively tries to boop you? Oh, and it's a horror game, so, it's dark the whole time? Idk man.
Cody travels back in time, as in he gets decanted, and then spends every moment working his way back to Obi-wan. As in he caters all his responses in tests to get to him, he actively tries to shape himself as a perfect soldier- just for Obi-wan. Just so he can get back to his General, and save his brothers. Because surely Obi-wan would be able to help him, surely his General would listen. (I don't even read that much Codywan?? I have no idea where this came from)
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alamogirl80 · 2 months
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If somehow… Cody found Obi-Wan after he escaped the Empire set during The Bad Batch:
Obi-Wan recognized the sunburst paint before the trooper dropped his blaster, wrong color though it was. Obi-Wan couldn’t let go of his own blaster — too many memories of canon fire, blasters and falling, falling falling
Then Cody is right there, grabbing his wrist, pulling him in. And sure, Obi-Wan could push back, use the Force, escape… but distraught brown eyes have him pinned.
“Obi-Wan.” Shaky, broken voice he knows so well. “It’s me. It’s Cody. Please…”
And thus, Obi-Wan is lost… a trembling shell of the man he once was. Unable and unwilling to fight back.
He’s Cody’s now. Always was.
A breath. Then another. And… “Cody?”
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ninjadeathblade · 10 months
Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace: Serious padawan, in love with Jedi code, no other romance for him, super cautious
Obi-Wan in the rest of the prequels: Thirty and flirty, you only live once, gets shipped with everyone
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kara-ct · 9 months
Cody : *Waking up at 3am because a comlink rings* ... Yes?
Anakin :... Cody?
Cody: General Skywalker? Is there a problem?
Anakin: No...
Cody: You need me for something?
Anakin : No...
Cody: So why did you call me at 3am?
Anakin: I didn't. Why did you respond to Obi-Wan's comlink?
Cody : What...?
Anakin :... Is Obi-Wan with you? At 3am? What does that mean?!
Cody : That's not what you think, sir! We were... He was...
Anakin : Obi-Wan, you're just a stupid hypocrite!
Obi-Wan: *wakes up because of the noise * What?
Cody : We can explain!
Anakin: Obi-Wan! The last time I asked Rex to work at this time to help me with the paperwork, you berated me for hours! But you're doing the same thing with Cody!
Obi-Wan : *always half asleep* Paperwork? Where?
Cody : Paperwork! We are guilty! We were working. Nothing else. You are absolutely right! *laughs nervously*
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goldnightshaade · 3 months
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They’re in a bar, restaurant, somewhere idk but anyways they kiss :)
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doodledraw · 27 days
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IM NOT LATE ITS STILL REVENGE OF THE FIFTH!!!!! have some codywan post-battle to celebrate :))
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amikoroyaiart · 1 year
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Codywan commission for @ryukokei
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darthmalewife · 19 days
The clones like to slip song lyrics into conversation to see if they can get people to notice.
Wolffe has managed to get a few lines of The Final Countdown in before anyone noticed.
Fox once slipped the names of seven Deftones songs into conversation before the senator he was talking to noticed.
Ponds has, on multiple occasions, got Windu with Nickelback songs.
Rex targets civilians for the sheer sake of he's a menace and it's funny. Furthest he's gotten is like an entire verse of In The End. Only reason he had to stop was because Anakin ruined it accidentally.
Cody goes for country songs. Man has gotten through the entirety of Highwaymen by telling someone that each verse was some prophetic force vision that Obi-Wan had.
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herbirdglitter · 5 months
I am suddenly convinced that Cody and Obiwan need to reunite with Cody returning Obi-Wan’s lightsaber.
Maybe Obi-Wan had to fend off some bandits that got to close to the farm. maybe he’s injured and staggers home, unaware he’s left his lightsaber in the sand, the wind swiftly hiding it from view.
Cody sees the smoke from the bandits burning speeders and goes to investigate, ever searching for signs of Obi-Wan. He finds blaster marks scorching the earth and the bandits long since having fled the scene, but nothing to point to obiwan. He turned to leave and his foot clinks softly against something in the sand and in a motion he’s done a hundred times, he leans down, and picks up Obi-Wan’s lightsaber.
He he stares, he cries, and he does a fair amount of kneeling in the dirt with his hands to his eyes and trying to process before he comes to his senses and begins searching sand for anything that would tell him Obi-WAN’s whereabouts. now that he knows what he’s looking for, he finds Obiwan’s tracks. An odd, dragging sort of track, lighter on one side and deeper on the other. He’s limping. Limping but alive.
Cody runs. He simply cannot wait another moment, lightsaber swinging once again from the familiar old clasp and pulse pounding in his head. It’s not long before he sees him, a bloodied figure, limping, bleeding from the head and only loosely clutching a blaster.
Then Cody calls “General! You forgot this.” And holds out the lightsaber.
And if that could just happen could die happy. Please and thank you.
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tattycoram · 3 months
Cody: I cut my finger Obi-wan: I can kiss it so it'll get better Cody: Does it work? Obi-wan: Yeah the healers used to do it when I was a kid *later that day* Cody: I need you to punch me in the mouth Wolffe: Fucking finally
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obes-kenobes-benos · 10 months
Obi-Wan: What?
Obi-Wan: But-
Obi-Wan: OKAY, I LOVE YOU!!!
Cody: So, it wasn't you who stole my caff?
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amandamadeathing · 6 days
Good placement, Tumblr. These two posts by @thesmegalodon and @rochenn were on top of each other.
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starwarsshipsbracket · 7 months
Round 1 - Bracket #8
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alamogirl80 · 2 months
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So I heard there was a Codywan smooch fest art thing going on? 😉
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kara-ct · 2 months
Obi-Wan: So... Cody and I are very close.
Cody: Very, very close.
Anakin: Well, I know. You are very good friends.
Cody: We're not friends.
Anakin : What???
Obi-Wan: Cody! Of course we're friends! It's just that there's something else as well.
Anakin: What else do you do?
Obi-Wan : I don't know how to explain this to you...
Cody : Your master and I sleep together.
Obi-Wan : Cody!
Anakin : That's all? I thought you wanted to tell me something important.
Obi-Wan: I thought you'd react differently.
Cody : Me too.
Anakin : Why? Rex and I do that too.
Obi-Wan : What?
Cody : What?!
Anakin: Fives and Echo joined us last time. It's happened before that Jesse and Hardcase come too.
Cody : WHAT?!
Anakin : It's rare, but Kix also comes to join us sometimes.
Obi-Wan : Oh my god! Anakin! I didn't raise you like that!
Cody : I'm going to be sick...
*2 hours later*
Anakin: I don't understand their reaction, Rex! We didn't do anything wrong!
Rex: I don't know, sir. Maybe sleeping in the same tent as his general is forbidden.
Anakin : What? Even when it's very cold? That's ridiculous! Sharing a tent is the best idea to avoid freezing to death!
Rex : I know, sir. Their reactions are strange.
Kix : Maybe it's because General Kenobi and Commander Cody weren't talking about sharing a tent?
Anakin : What were they talking about then?
Kix :
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