#tcw commander cody
tattycoram · 21 hours
Cody: Hey, can you help me with this zipper? Obi-wan: Of course, darling Cody: Cody: Up, Obi-wan Obi-wan: Right, of course
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m00ntunaart · 15 days
Commander Cody has been quoted by Captain Rex as saying:
“I don’t care for these new Sith”
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ventresses · 8 months
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (5/?) - Codywan
Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
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s0ftand0nly · 4 months
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madbunnyarts · 4 months
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I hope you have a very Cody day
And two crops under cut
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0h0possum · 5 months
Codywan Headcanon/AU that lives rent free in my head
I think my favorite codywan headcanon/AU is that they are just so good at being professional and discreet when they need to, for literal years, that no one knows they are a thing.
Like my favorite idea of codywan is that they both agree their duties and obligations come first. Honestly they kinda deal with it like a business contract. They sit down and agree: yes they have feelings for each other, yes they want to be together, yes they want as much as a relationship as they can get now since they both never know when one of them might die, yes they need to put their war duties first, yes Obi-wan will always put his Jedi duties first, yes Cody will always put protecting and creating a future for his brothers first, yes the will keep this relationship under raps as it could be under scrutiny for breaking GAR and Jedi rules, yes they will only act as a couple when off duty.
They are just the opposite of Anakin and Padme, no one knows about them. Cody and Obi-wan aren’t trying to hide it per say, they just are so good at being The Commander and The General that no one would ever think they were anything but professional coworkers and maybe friends. Even if there are signs they may be more, their friends and family overlook them because ‘Cody’s too strict about following the regs to be interested in a relationship’ or ‘Obi-wan is too focused on being a model Jedi and following the Code to be in a relationship’.
They are too good at balancing their lives and being ‘The Unproblematic Couple™’.
So when the war ends and they defeat Palpatine, save Anakin and get the clones rights (because we only Stan happy endings in this Codywan house), they both agree mutually to take a break.
Cody takes time to find himself away from the GAR and being The Commander. He spends time with his brothers and helping them all find their feet once they leave the GAR. He helps build a life for them all, while also taking time to find who he is besides a soldier.
Obi-wan spends time reconnecting with Anakin and Ahsoka, making amends with both of them. Getting to finally return to being a peacekeeper and not a General at war. I imagine he would maybe step down from the council to just be a simple Jedi. Not Master of Sorensu, youngest ever High council member, The Negotiator, General, or Sith Killer.
After their short break they agree to start meeting up again, seeing if they still feel the way they did about each other when not in the stressful environment of war and an army setting. But, lo and behold, they still of course love each other. (All the while everyone just assumes it’s Obi-wan and Cody meeting up as ex. Coworkers. They used to be the best of FRIENDS during the war)
After Obi-wan sees Anakin is fine (living with his wife and kids) and the rest of the Order isn’t in dire need of his help, and Cody sees his brothers are finding their feet in the world without need of his leadership, they both just decide they’ve been dating long enough (a few year during and after the war) and they’ve put other duties ahead of theirs relationship long enough.
They just fucking get married and buy a house. Obi-wan leaves the order and Cody moves away from his brother. And they just get married.
WHICH COMES OUT OF NOWHERE TO EVERYONE ELSE. Everyone’s like “??!!!”, “since when have you two ever been together?!”
And fucking Obi-wan and Cody (with biggest deadpan older brother energy) just say “oh yeah, since like the middle of the war? We thought you guys knew? It just never came up in conversation?”
Just absolutely bamboozling everyone in their lives. Rex and Anakin both are like “YoU nEvEr ThOuGhT tO tElL mE? YoUr BrOtHeR?”. Cue Obi-wan and Cody vaguely shrugging and saying ‘there were more important things going on’.
But yeah I just like the idea of Cody and Obi-wan jump scaring their families with their relationship.
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mrs2224 · 22 days
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GILF Cody 🧡🧡
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clone-trooper-cheese · 4 months
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2/2/24!! It's gonna be there soon!
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lemoneste · 1 year
I’d like to think Anakin Skywalker is like, mostly humble abt his position. Mostly.
And I feel like the only exception to that is: Commander Cody.
Bc I think Anakin is 100% aware of his reputation, good and bad, so when people sort of look at him in awe and point at him on the street he’s kind and humble and tries to not let it get to his head.
But Commander Cody..
Tell me why this bitch told THE Anakin Skywalker not to run in the halls?? Like excuse me?
Anakin doesn’t brag too often but with Cody he has a “don’t you know who I am” moment at least twice within an hour.
Like what do you mean “don’t burp” after gorging down my Space Taco Bell™ burrito, do u know who I am…??? What do you mean “don’t “bro” me, I am your commander” ??? Bitch I “bro” Rex all the time, YOU just suck. What do u mean “that’s a terrible plan, make up a new one or don’t go on the mission at all”????? Don’t u know who I am?? I’ve survived this far!!
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tattycoram · 3 months
Rex: Today I realised I'm old Cody: What happened? Rex: I fell in the mess hall and instead of laughing, Fives came running to see if I was ok Cody: Rex: I saw fear in his eyes
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ct1409lover · 1 year
Obi Wan : I love you.
Cody: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Obi Wan and Cody kiss passionately*
Anakin, to Rex: You owe me 20 dollars.
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ventresses · 5 months
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Star Wars + Moodboards
Codywan: Desert Husbands
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z-socks · 5 months
What's in a Name
Clones take great pride in their names. It's only natural that Cody would want to know about his General's.
Or Cody and Obi-Wan talk about the meaning and origins of their names. AO3
There were many things that came to light in the cool darkness of Obi-Wan’s quarters aboard the Negotiator. Shared in secret - although most of the vode seemed to know the true nature of his relationship with Cody - the dimly lit, small space of his room seemed to function as a kind of confessional, a sacred space where he and his beloved commander could whisper about their closely-guarded thoughts, feelings, worries, and hopes. 
“Cody,” Obi-Wan began, gently nuzzling deeper into his commander’s neck, languid and at ease as he returned to Cody’s arms, body cooling from their previous activities. “Why did you choose your name?” 
Cody kissed his forehead and pulled the sheets up around their waists, settling Obi-Wan onto his chest and slowly teasing his fingertips across the constellations of freckles on his jetti’s bare back. “It means glory in Mando’a.” 
Obi-Wan blinked a moment. ‘Cody’ wasn’t a Mandalorian word and ‘glory’ was…
“ Kote ,” Obi-Wan murmured. 
Cody hummed and pulled him tighter. 
“Have I…” Obi-Wan pushed up onto his elbow, “have I been saying it wrong this whole time?” 
Cody grinned, burying his face into Obi-Wan’s neck. “That dorn and trill sound is close in the vode accent.” He kissed at his jaw. “And maybe even closer in yours.”  
Obi-Wan frowned. “Why didn’t you ever correct me? I haven’t even spelled it correct-” 
“Obi-Wan,” Cody’s eyes were molten gold in the cast light from the meditation candle Obi-Wan had left lit. “It’s… I… the once-removal is… protective.” 
“What do you mean?”
Cody smiled sadly, eyes suddenly heavy. “Well Mandalore isn’t exactly on best terms with the Republic. And Clones…” 
Obi-Wan dropped his head. Yes, the attitude towards Clones was atrocious at worst, indifferent at best. “A high-ranking Clone with a Mandalorian name wouldn’t be a good look for the GAR,” he concluded. 
Cody nodded. 
Obi-Wan settled back down into his arms, his fingers tracing over a blaster bolt scar near Cody’s collarbone. “Would you prefer I call you Cody or Kote ?” 
“Cody.” But after a breath, after his hand rested solidly on the small of Obi-Wan’s back he added, “Maybe Kote when we’re here. Alone.” 
Obi-Wan smiled and kissed Cody’s shoulder, letting his eyes droop shut at the feeling of warmth that spread through him while encircled in Cody’s arms. 
“What about you?” Cody asked after a moment. 
“What does your name mean?” 
“Oh.” Obi-Wan tried not to stiffen too much at the question. He didn’t want Cody to know he’d hit a bit of a sore spot. But it was for naught as Cody tilted his chin up with a gentle finger. 
“I’m sorry, cyare . I didn’t mean-” 
“No, it’s quite alright.” He took a deep breath and released his ancient, engrained trepidation into the Force. “I was surrendered to the Jedi Temple at six months old. A note was pinned to my swaddlings that read Obi-Wan Kenobi . The Order mistook it as my name; Stewjon is not a Core World and very few travel to and from it making the language rather unknown. But I researched it one day many years later. Obi means no or not or none. Wan is to call. So, 'not called.'” He sighed, letting his fingers dance over Cody’s chest. “In other words, no name.” 
Cody’s voice was barely above a whisper. “And Kenobi ?” 
“ Ken is a suffix for family, a clan.”
“Clan none?” 
Obi-Wan put on a tired and broken smile. “No name, No people.” Abandoned, his mind supplied, pulling at old feelings of unwantedness. 
“A Foundling,” Cody breathed. 
“In Mandalorian culture you’d have been a Foundling.” 
And oh that sounded so much nicer than abandoned and unwanted and all the other harsh words that circled through his mind at the thought of his name’s origin. He huffed a little laugh, “Perhaps that’s why I was drawn to the mission of protecting Satine on Mandalore.” He sighed and tightened his grip around Cody’s waist. “That or choosing a new name to go undercover.” 
“What made you pick ‘Ben’?” 
Obi-Wan chuckled quietly. “Well now, we’ve come full circle in this conversation.” 
Cody raised a brow. 
“‘Ben’ was a phonetic cousin to Byn B-Y-N, Stewjoni for a watchtower or sentinel.” 
Cody grinned and landed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s cheek. “That’s quite fitting.” Another kiss. “Would you want me to call you Byn ?” 
“Maybe when we’re here. Alone,” he echoed back Cody’s words from earlier. “But if it’s all the same to you, darling,” he began, scooting up closer and capturing Cody’s lips into a kiss, “I much prefer cyare .” 
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How Good A Man
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Adept. Authoritative. Brave. Calm. Caring. Capable. Cautious. Competent. Confident. Dedicated. Dependable. Determined. Diplomatic. Empathetic. Experienced. Fearless. Grounding. Honorable. Intelligent. Loyal. Meticulous. Natural leader. Organized. Patient. Regal. Reliable. Respectful. Responsible. Solid. Steadfast. Thoughtful. Trustworthy.
The inspiration for the title draws from the well-known "Good man, that Cody." quote, as said by Obi Wan in the Clone Wars series.
And in wanting to capture the goodness of his character, I asked people for the words that came to mind when describing Commander Cody to include in this artwork. The words in orange are included in the final image; in the interest of space and legibility, I could not include all of the words I was given in addition to my own on a 4 x 6 card.
🧡 @codyday2224 thank you for putting together this event space in order for everyone to celebrate such a beloved character. 🧡
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sev-on-kamino · 7 months
sev 🥺🥺🥺 “that really does make you hard. i can feel you pulsing inside me” with cody? playing with fire and making him mad? 👀👀i love you
kit @corvod I need you to know that this quote with Cody of all people really altered my brain chemistry. I hope you enjoy this lil spicy morsel! prompt is in orange this time!
word count: 621 (my hand slipped, but I caught it)
warnings: unprotected piv sex, biting, the world’s shortest predator/prey chase, Cody being Cody, MINORS DNI
dividers by the homie @dystopicjumpsuit
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Cody was the patient one from his batch. No one knew that necessarily because no one ever tested his patience. His orders were followed immediately without question by everyone under his command. Even your natural aversion to authority didn’t make you immune to Cody’s will. He spoke, you listened. He said jump, you said how high?
Inversely, Cody respected your position as a medical officer, and didn’t give you shit when you laid out a treatment plan. This typically made both of your lives far easier than they had any right to be given that you were usually in active war zones.
So the current standoff between the two of you was fully uncharted territory. You’d given your orders as the medical authority aboard the *Negotiator* and Cody had less than respectfully declined.
Your eyebrows shot up, accompanied by several confused blinks.
“Excuse me?” you asked, as though you hadn’t heard him properly.
“I have shit to do, saraad,” He replied, picking up his helmet from the side table. “Don’t give me that look.”
“Yes, you do have shit to do…following my orders,” you said, eyes darting towards the helmet. It was a split second decision to snatch the bucket right out of his hands.
Cody’s eyes widened in utter shock before narrowing dangerously.
“I give you a lot of leeway because you’re good at what you do, and you fuck like an angel.” His voice was low, calm, and steady. “Don’t let that go to your head and get you in trouble.”
He held his hand out for his helmet, but you clutched it to your chest, your chin raised defiantly. The marshal commander released a humorless laugh, and took a step towards you.
Fear and arousal jockeyed for position, and ultimately settled side by side low in your belly, as you took a step back.
You made to exit the medbay with the stolen equipment, but Cody was like lightning. One powerful arm looped tightly around your waist, holding you against his armored chest, while his free hand easily tugged his helmet right out of your grip, tossing it onto the table once more.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered nervously.
“Oh fuck is right,” he replied, spinning you around to face him.
In 2 minutes and 30 seconds, Cody had you naked and riding him on top of a crate in the supply closet. Your soft body would bear marks from the unyielding plastoid, and his iron grip for days.
“Can’t believe you had the balls to challenge me,” he groaned against your neck, as you rolled your hips against him.
“You fucking deserved it,” you replied, turning your head to bite him just below his jaw.
His grip tightened, and he pulled your hips flush against his.
“Who do you think you are?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Your saraad,” you said, stealing a kiss, and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. His cock twitched inside you, eliciting a surprised hum from you.
“Say that again,” he ordered. “Tell me who you belong to.”
“You, Commander.”
“Fuck, I like hearing that. Almost too much.”
“It’s true. I’m yours.” Again you could feel his cock jump at your words. “That really does make you hard. I can feel you pulsing inside me.”
“Careful, or I’ll fill that pretty little mouth of yours next.”
“I thought you had things to do,” you moaned, as he adjusted his hold on you to drive the head of his cock into the sensitive place inside you, that had your head spinning.
“Making you come for me was already on the list,” he said, as his nimble fingers found your clit, driving all thoughts beyond your impending orgasm right out of your head.
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tagu list: @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @808tsuika @sleepingsun501 @starrylothcat @ladyzirkonia @wings-and-beskar @pb-jellybeans @clio3kantarella @stardusthuntress @idontgetanysleep @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @anxiouspineapple99 @littlemissmanga @mandos-mind-trick @amorfista @kimiheartblade @freesia-writes @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @multi-fan-dom-madness @mooncommlink @1vlouds @moonlightwarriorqueen @starqueensthings @dangraccoon @idoubleswearimawriter @wizardofrozz @trixie2023 @dreamie411 @nunanuggets @foodmoneyandcats @cdbkake1565
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0h0possum · 3 months
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Some doodles of Cody and Rex from my Dragon shifter AU (AKA: my How To Train Your Dragon/ Clone Wars crossover)
Wanted to practice drawing the Duskfury/Cody’s dragon form. Plus conceptualize Rex’s dragon form.
Also since Cody was the first clone to gain his dragon from from his damaged chip, the first person he told/showed (other than Obi-Wan) was Rex. Except Rex was totally a dramatic little brother about it.
See my previous post about this AU for more details if you’re interested.
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