#star wars fanart
kelstares · 2 days
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holds them gently
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raphaerolo · 1 day
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Okay but what if he was tossed overboard for running his mouth and he was a merman have we all considered that
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magicalplaylist · 1 day
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Here is a soft smiling Maul!
And Maul slaying with darksaber and lightsaber!
Love him more and more everyday!
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tyquu · 1 day
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Skybridger doodle cause I’m going nuts abt them again
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shapelytimber · 2 days
Butch Boba fett anyone ?
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I'm cooking (and it's once again my sw sapphic au sorry if you followed me for something else kfkflkf), but I'm also a bit busy rn so for now look at my little sketches ! I had a lot of fun with these :)
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littlebreadrolls · 2 days
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how about a lil sith anakin au
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shoppingbaag · 19 hours
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Happy children's day!
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frostbitebakery · 2 days
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“Let’s put you out of your misery,” Doom says, checking the charge on his blasters while keeping an eye on the stray droid crawling towards an abandoned E-5 rifle.
“You’re mine,” Doom grits out, gets his fingers around the leg of the droid making for General Tiplar. He pulls, rolls. The droid is on his chest and he clamps an arm around it, sinks his knife into its neck. Wipes the blood out of his eyes.
“I need answers,” Doom says, arms crossed so he doesn’t try to strangle the holo. “See that you get them.”
“I will get them,” Rex promises, voice stoic to resemble a Commander’s.
Doom doesn’t snort but it’s a close call.
“I’m sorry for your lo—“
He flicks the comm off. He doesn’t have the capacity for niceties.
Tiplee is slowly finishing the transport box for her sister. “We fought a lot growing up,” she says. “We were in separate crèche clans even.”
His jaw ticks under his bucket.
“We only grew close once we were both adults. People are in motion, always. In body, in spirit. Sometimes you are only meant to meet at later points in your life even if you’ve known each other since you were born.” She strokes a careful hand over Tiplar’s forehead. “I will let you say your goodbyes.”
Doom steps up to the box once Tiplee is gone.
Tiplar hasn’t gone grey yet. There’s a furrow burnt in her brows, the confusion over a clone shooting her carrying her to death.
“I will watch over her,” he states. Promises don’t mean anything in war. So he doesn’t promise. His heart skips a beat. He was meant to watch over Tiplar as well.
“Botany,” he slurs out, clinks his cup to Tiplee’s when she holds hers up. “I love sunshine. And plants. There’s so many!”
“I’m gonna,” she hiccups, booze sloshing over the rim of her cup when she points at him, “I’m gonna sneak you into the gardens in the Temple and show you the strawberry patch.”
“Sneak?” He thought everything in the Triple Zero Temple is free to roam for all Jedi.
“Totally,” Tiplee agrees with an enthusiastic nod and he realizes he’s spoken aloud. “But sneaking is funnierer— funner— funyun?”
He nods right back. “Funyun sounds right.”
“What do you mean, poisoned?” Doom asks. According to survival sim training, the strawberries look pretty unpoisoned.
Tiplee holds up a berry, turns it around a bit. “The Dark is ever growing. Spreading throughout the Galaxy, into the earth of every planet. It has changed the very matter of things.” She smiles up at him. “I remember them sweeter.”
“I will help your strawberries be the best they can be, I— promise.” He wretches the word out of himself. Pulls and pulls until it’s off his tongue and out in the open. “Hold on until then, yes?”
Tiplee smiles at him, taps her thumb against his temple. “Doom, you have found a place where you feel you are meant to be. It will be alright even if my time has come.”
“Uhm,” he says. Blinks. Swallows.
Maxir leans back, hands disappearing into the robe sleeves. “I’ve read this wrong?”
Probably not? “I don’t know,” he almost says until instinct takes over to not show indecisiveness. “Yes.”
Maxir’s face colors. He doesn’t tend to get cute blush spots high on his cheeks but rather an all consuming flush that looks close to blistering. “I’m sorry. I misjudged. It will not happen again.”
Jedi are so graceful in their apologies, Doom has learned. It’s charming.
He holds up a ripe non-perfect strawberry. “You look like this.”
“I beg your pardon—“
“You’re safe,” Doom gasps, wildly looking at Maxir’s frozen figure. “You’re safe.”
“Come here. Sit down.”
The calm authority in Maxir’s voice has him on his feet and back on the ground before he knows it.
“You are safe,” Maxir reassures him for whatever reason, filling Doom’s spotty vision and leaving room for not much else. “May I touch you?”
It’s a new helper droid. Gangly limbs for reaching deep into the foliage without damaging it. Looking like a B-1. The clippers looking like a blaster.
Its head lies halfway across another crop’s field. The body stabbed with its own limbs and the clippers.
“You are safe.”
Doom doesn’t believe him yet.
“I don’t recognize you anymore,” Doom says to his reflection.
There’s laughter lines around his eyes, his mouth. He has freckles from the sun. Permanent dirt under his nails he recognizes as dirt, not blood. His body is covered in flowers.
Last night he met up with the last of the 962nd and Master Tiplee. Six, Mimic, and a few others had helped him haul around the huge crates of produce into the AgriCorps’ building and kitchen.
They’d blasted each other’s asses while peeling, tasting, cooking, and fighting over seasoning. They fell asleep under the stars, occupying chairs and hammocks dotting the terraces. Tiplee had drooled on his shoulder, the tips of her fingers still red with strawberry juice.
“I don’t recognize you anymore.”
“Mrnng,” Maxir mumbles, slowly shuffling his way past Doom to the shower.
“Maybe that’s a good thing,” Doom says to his reflection.
“No,” Doom murmurs, wrings his shoulder against the doorframe to Maxir’s office.
The desk is cluttered with data pads and flimsiwork bearing the AgriCorps seal. Analyzing crop conditions and rotations has taken up most of what is left of their day after tending to the fields and labs.
Maxir looks at him over his glasses before pushing them up, ruffling the short hair just under one of the horns. “No? I surely thought there was caf left…”
Doom pushes himself away from the door, takes the three steps to the desk before sitting down on a free-ish spot. “No, you didn’t read it wrong,” he non-explains. “Also, for safety reasons I disposed of the last of the caf.”
Maxir glances at the clock above the desk. “It’s been five hours. The sludge level must still be within reason.”
Doom blinks blandly at him.
Maxir blinks back before it visibly clicks. “Oh!” He buffs the back of his hand against Doom’s thigh. “I told you I’m nearly always right. Also,” he parrots back with a mischievous grin, “the fact we’ve kissed and held hands and you let me dote on you—“
“Excessively,” Maxir agrees. “I broke all constraints when I bought you last meal that one time.”
Doom pushes Maxir away from him by way of the rolling chair he’s sitting in while Maxir recalls in detail and with a lot of hand gestures how Doom had gracefully accepted being cared for.
“Or when you let me clean all the petri dishes by myself,” Maxir says excitedly, seat slowly spinning in a circle. “You were snoring so adorably on the lab bench.”
“I regret meeting you.”
“Mimir shoo for half the night cycle!” The chair slowly rotates back towards Doom. Maxir’s eyes soften. “I, for one, am very glad we met when we did.”
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WIP and backstory
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renif · 2 days
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master plo
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aaeeart · 6 hours
Hi! Not necessarily a request, but I have been meaning to draw this post:
with Kanan for the better part of a year but I keep forgetting about it and at this point its probably never happening 😔 Then I realized it might be better in your hands if you're interested! You are the CEO of Kanan Jarrus to me <3
But of course 💪
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bolithesenate · 8 hours
you know what, here's yet another adult Ahsoka redesign bc I can and will never not be salty about how canon butchered my girl's beautiful montrals
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by now i have done so many of these that it might medically classify as a curse idk
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yaksu0110 · 1 day
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jswahaarts · 1 day
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Wish we got to see their reunion 😭💚
Bg from Star Wars 1313 Concept Art !!
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grissaecrim · 1 day
The Healer
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Thank you @howdidthisevenhappenanyway for your donation 🇵🇸
Art by the wonderful @phi-guy
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