#sw the bad batch
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I finally got time to work on a bigger piece and it had to be the bad batch!
I love these idiots and I feel so robbed of not having gotten canon old designs for the rest of them outside of Hunter and Omega
Also I wanted Tech back because he's my favourite nerd
I imagine this picture was taken earlier that day that Omega left to join the rebel alliance
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havoc-7 · 2 days
Omega: being a sniper must be so nice. Just sitting up high and keeping an eye on things through your scope? You have the chillest job on the battlefield.
Crosshair: *has flashbacks to this one battle where he watches through his scope as Hunter runs head-on into a firing squad of 200 droids with nothing but a knife, while Wrecker is purposely trying to set off every bomb he finds, while Tech takes off not only his leg armor but the rest of his armor too because it’s “getting in the way,” and he can’t even see Echo anymore but alarms just started going off in the Separatist base behind them*
Crosshair: …yep.
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He said no pickles
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Take this quick Modern!AU WIP as I write nothing but pain
Echo chuckled nervously. "You don't need to call us," He assured Hunter over the phone. "I have everything under control."
"You sure?" Hunter sounded worried. "I just– I feel awful taking the whole day out, even if it's for a good reason—"
There's a reasonably loud popping sound from the kitchen, several, varying degrees of "shit" screamed, and a strong smell of something burning.
Echo winced hard, but he doesn't dare look. He doesn't want to know yet.
"What was that?" Hunter asked suspiciously.
"Omega.. dropped her AZI down the stairs," A white lie. "Nothing big. She's picking him up now."
The voices in the kitchen are panicking, Omega'a voice is high and stressed- that burning smell had gotten worse.
"She sounds worried," Hunter groaned. "Maybe I should come check—"
"No!" Echo raised his voice. "Everything's alright, isn't it, guys?"
He knew they heard him. Why they didn't answer immediately, he doesn't know, and that scares him.
"Everything's great!" Wrecker called back, like a saint. "Nothing out of the ordinary here!"
"Nope!" Omega chirped, as well. The panic is palpable.
Echo sighed. "See?" He tried to assure anyway. "They're fine. And I'll keep them in line, till you get back." He promised.
Hunter let out a weary sigh, and agreed. "Thanks, 'Cho," He mumbled. "I need this."
"I know," Echo smiled. "Now go enjoy your day."
The line goes dead, and Echo waits all of seven seconds before storming into the kitchen in a furious blaze.
"What's going on in here?!" He asked. "I said 'act natural', not– oh. Oh what the fuck."
Echo stared open mouthed at the once burning oven, eyes finding the metal responsible for the loud popping sound, and then his eyes track the trail of a.. travelling fire. A fire Echo can no longer see.
The smoke is still being cleared by Omega, who now stood alone with a teatowl as she flapped the smoke towards the windows. "Hi, Echo!" She waved.
"Omega–" Echo gaped, staring at their burnt kitchen. "What happened?"
"Oh–" Omega looked sheepish now. "Uhm, I left the fork in the tray when Wrecker put it in the oven..." She sends him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Echo, I didn't know it'd blow up."
"That's– fine," He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Where are the other three?"
Did they seriously leave their little sister to pick up their mess? Wrecker and Crosshair, Echo understood but didn't condone- but Tech? He expected a bit more su—
"Oh," Again, Omega sheepishly pointed outside. "Tech caught on fire."
Echo can only stare, and stare, until he catches up with what's been said to him.
"He what?!"
Tech's currently rolling around on the grass while Wrecker and Crosshair work together to hose him down, btw. he's fine. Hunter's sanity might not survive the ordeal, however.
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every wednesday that passes without a new bad batch episode takes a year off my life
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shakall · 3 months
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headcanon that Crosshair braids Omega's hair to distract himself from trembling hands
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star-wars-shitposts · 5 months
someone had to teach the clones sex ed and our options are aliens, space monks, and some bounty hunters who were game to cut ties with friends and family for 10 years with no explanation (excellent at healthy relationships)
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alamogirl80 · 2 months
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If somehow… Cody found Obi-Wan after he escaped the Empire set during The Bad Batch:
Obi-Wan recognized the sunburst paint before the trooper dropped his blaster, wrong color though it was. Obi-Wan couldn’t let go of his own blaster — too many memories of canon fire, blasters and falling, falling falling
Then Cody is right there, grabbing his wrist, pulling him in. And sure, Obi-Wan could push back, use the Force, escape… but distraught brown eyes have him pinned.
“Obi-Wan.” Shaky, broken voice he knows so well. “It’s me. It’s Cody. Please…”
And thus, Obi-Wan is lost… a trembling shell of the man he once was. Unable and unwilling to fight back.
He’s Cody’s now. Always was.
A breath. Then another. And… “Cody?”
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gil-estel · 19 days
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scenes from a pabu vacation
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cael-art · 16 days
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No bc why is he so pretty-
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vivaislenska · 25 days
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He gave her wings and she’ll make him proud.
(The Tech Turn™️ is 100% going to be crucial for the Rebellion.)
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4o4notf0und · 2 months
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STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH S3x13 — Into the Breach
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havoc-7 · 1 day
Watching The Bad Batch has made the Battle of Endor so much more emotional for me. Cuz like. We see the clones continuing to fight, even after the army they were bred into dissolves. They never stop fighting for the republic that NEVER fought for them. They laid the foundations of the rebellion. Endor was THE end of the war that the clones had been fighting from day one. It was the glorious, victorious ending that all our precious clone brothers deserved—and so few of them got to see it. But they also played such a huge role in blazing the trail for the people that DID see it—Ashoka, Omega. They lost so much, but they gave so much, and that’s the clone legacy—boys whose sacrifices and dreams lived to fight another day, even if most of them are marching far away.
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dib-dab-art-attack · 23 days
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Their island is called Pabu and they kicked Tom Nook off on day one, ain't no way they going back into debt again...
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local-cryptid · 2 months
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i actually started this a couple weeks ago but with the latest episodes i felt the need to finish it
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honestly it’s just me and my clone obsession against the world
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