#writer on ao3
writers when they’re proofreading their works for the 34th time *find zero mistakes, there’s no typo, no grammatical error. everything looks good. hit the post button*
writers when they’re reading said works after they’ve been published like proud parents *find 52 mistakes at first glance, 38 typos and 14 grammatical errors with a bunch of inconsistencies and plot holes*
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maihonhassan · 2 months
How hopeless a poet was when he wrote this line:
"Tum se bohat kuch kehna hai magar, kabhi tum nahi milte kabhi alfaaz nahi milte."
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banishedartcat · 4 months
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I love writing them. 🥹
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ghl-osty · 5 months
i’d like to talk about fanfiction real quick because there are some issues really frequently that can make or break a story. and they’re avoidable!! and it makes me so sad when i’m trying to read a good fanfic and there’s so many errors that i have to stop.
so this is one i see surprisingly often… please make sure you know how to spell a character’s name when writing a fanfiction. it’s usually something small like damian vs. damien or lucas vs. lukas but to me it’s so distracting and disappointing when there’s a beautifully written story with a character’s name spelled wrong.
this is a big one, too. when writing, some people don’t always have a spell check or an editor built in to their platform. if that’s you, please triple check your work! and here are a few frequent ones i see-
-shook vs. shock
i shook his hand
i was in shock that she did such a horrible thing
-peaked vs. piqued
-he looked like he peaked in high school
-they piqued my interest
blonde vs blond
-she had blonde hair
-he had blond hair
blonde is a gendered word. i’m not actually sure how it’s used with nonbinary people, let me know!
their, there, and they’re
-it was theirs
-she’s over there
-they were scared, and now they’re not
remember that they’re is a contraction of they are!
quite vs. quiet
she tried to be quiet, not making any noise.
they were quite bored with this whole event.
(thank you to @nathaaaan for the suggestion)
i watched a really good series yesterday
serie isn’t actually a word…
please, please, please do some research if you write a character who speaks another language. even if it’s reading other fanfictions to figure out how your character’s language fits in with the language you’re writing with.
-having a character to say that it’s ’hard to switch back’ is… unrealistic at best. i wouldn’t recommend using it.
-please gender the words correctly! in most of the romance languages, words are gendered. make sure to add that in!
unless you’re going for a gimmick, i’d be careful with repetition. having a character say something more than once, especially in the same sentence, can be annoying and makes the dialogue sound forced.
especially the word antics…. i literally had to put a fic down because ‘antics’ was in every other sentence.
ex: “Lily sighed, annoyed. She was so annoyed!”
(yes this is a real actual example with the character name changed. don’t let this be you.)
i think this can be overlooked a lot but format is important!!!
-paragraph breaks!! seeing a huge chunk of words with absolutely no breaks is overwhelming. add some space!
-“the punctuation goes inside the quotations.” he said
-i know i’m being a bit of a hypocrite, but capitalization! names, beginning of sentences, and places!! if you don’t capitalize, at least be consistent with it!
“This is how fanfiction, or really any writing, should be formatted.” Eli said with a smile
“And every new sentence should be a paragraph break,” interjected Alex, “Unless you’re going for a certain style. In which case, you do you.”
Eli sighed. “That’s true, Alex. What OP didn’t know was that tumblr has a formatting issue, so that when she posts this, the paragraph breaks won’t show! She hopes she fixed it. But it might not work!”
“We can always imagine the bullet points as paragraph breaks.”
-friendly neighborhood reminder that paragraph breaks happen when introducing a new idea as well!
-bolds and italics are important.
“I told him not to go,” acceptable, a bit dry.
“I told him not to go,” exquisite, flavorful.
and as always. please make sure they’re talking like people. not disney sitcom characters.
you would not believe how much i see this messed up. and it’s easy to get wrong. remember, you can always look something up if you aren’t sure. but stay consistent with your tenses!
past tense
She walked up to the drab, grey building, trembling. As she pulled the door open, a bell rang, signaling her arrival.
this one’s probably the most used. notice that it’s almost like we’re retelling the story, after it’s already happened (hence past tense)
present tense
She walks up to the drab, grey building, trembling. She pulls the door open, and a bell rings to signal her arrival.
we have to change quite a few words for the same sentence to make sense in present tense.
future tense
She’ll walk up to the drab, grey building, trembling. She’ll pull the door open, and a bell will ring to signal her arrival.
i honestly don’t think i’ve ever seen future tense used in a novel unless it’s used in dialogue. but it’s almost as if you’re speaking hypothetically about an event.
but please make sure you’re consistent with these! don’t use one and then switch to another!!
now of COURSE writing is a form of creation, and you can ultimately do whatever you want! if you want to write something, write it. this is just a little guide for some of the mistakes i see most often!
but all in all just double check your writing, always!!! there are so many good works out there that could be great.,… if you don’t have someone to beta read you can always send it to me or put it in word <3
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fmoe1997 · 5 months
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Hey all! Got another fic for ya, another secret santa gift, this time for my friend @motts-erella! This is also a first for me because I wrote a nice radiosnake fic for their gift. Seeing their art, among others, really inspired me here, and I got to write one of my favorite tropes: hurt/comfort. Sprinkle in some evil gays being evil together, and I say I'm very proud with the result! It was truly wonderful seeing how much they appreciated the gift too and I hope y'all appreciate it just as much ❤️
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strawberrywinter4 · 2 months
i saw your post about prompts!
and ooo maybe something related to sherlock's growing/settling relationship with rosie as she grows into a teen and john realising that she's much more alike mary than she thinks when she gets upset that she can't remember much about her mother. the men help her see that.
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Relationship: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson & Rosie Watson
Rating: General Audience
Tags: Established Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Post Season/Series 04, Father-Daughter Relationship, Rosie is a teenager, Teen attitude, Parentlock, Post Mary Morstan, Angst, Fluff
Thank you so, so much for this prompt, anon! I’m so sorry I didn’t get to it sooner and you were one of my first people to send in prompts. I hope this is to your liking❤️❤️
Something’s different about Rosie today, John can tell.
Maybe it’s the unsaid sense of a father or maybe it’s because the teen has displayed a frown since the moment she woke up.
John remembers wishing Rosie a good day at school when he dropped her off, students hurrying to get to their first class.
Rosie, however, only stared at the ground, ignoring John. Her blue eyes were blank, her jaw tense.
John blinked, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Hey.”
Rosie’s eyelashes fluttered as she turned to John. “Yeah?”
“You alright?”
She shrugged, and John was only happy it wasn’t an eye roll as well, a pair of gestures that the teen had acquired as the years went on. “M’fine, Dad,” she dismissed, carrying her bag and leaving John’s side before John could say anything else.
“Her menstrual cycle, maybe?” Sherlock had suggested back at 221B when John voiced his concerns. “Did she seem irate?”
“No,” John had said. “Well—god, I don’t even know. Maybe? Just… down, I guess.”
Sherlock came up behind John and soothed a loose hair on the doctor’s head. “Ask her when she gets home, then.”
John snorted. “You know how to deal with her best. You ask her.”
“John,” Sherlock said, sending him a pointed look. “Talk to her.”
The conversation replays in John’s head as he and Rosie walk home, their steps in sync.
Rosie has just turned 14, and her attitude certainly shows it. John finds that his daughter has obtained his obvious anger issues. That can cause some arguments to take place, as much as John wishes it didn’t. Or maybe it’s because she’s around the snarky detective, catching on to his sass.
John sighs through his nose. He hopes not.
Before they enter the flat, John stops her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Rosie, wait.”
Rosie stops, turning to him with a stiff shrug. “Yeah?”
John turns his head. “You sure you’re alright, darling?”
Rosie’s still for too long, her eyes never leaving John’s. “I told you, I’m fine,” she says.
“Right, well, you say that, but you don’t seem like it.”
Rosie scoffs. “Well, I don’t know what you want me to do about it. This is how I act.”
John grits his teeth. “Not usually. Usually you don’t give me an attitude.”
“I’m not giving you an attitude. I’m talking.”
John laughs humorlessly. “Rosie, this isn’t talking. This is starting an argument.”
This time, Rosie rolls her eyes. “God, I can’t get anything through with you!”
And to John’s great surprise, she barges through the door and practically stomps up the stars. John waits for another moment and soon, he registers a door slamming.
John sighs in frustration and heads up to 221B as well in a much calmer fashion. Once he steps into the living room to the flat, Sherlock turns to him where he’s conducting an experiment on the kitchen counter.
“Not good, then?” the detective asks with a quirk of a brow.
John runs a hand over his face. “No. No, not good.”
“She doesn’t like when you’re snarky back,” Sherlock murmurs, flicking a glass tube with his fingers to allow more water flow.
“I wasn’t- look, she has to learn how to dial down that attitude,” John says, leaning on the frame of the entrance to the kitchen. “I swear, it’s almost like arguing with you.”
“No. It’s like arguing with you,” Sherlock corrects. “Or Mary. Really, I can see both of you in her quite clearly.”
John grits his teeth at the comment. He looks up at the bedroom, the shut door displaying unwelcomeness. John steps forward. “Maybe I should-”
“Don’t,” Sherlock says, his eyes still on the tube. “Give her time. Allow her to cool off.”
John clenches his jaw, then nods curtly. “Yeah. Right, erm-”
In a swift movement, Sherlock turns on the stool, taking John’s sides and bringing him closer so that he’s able to stand between his legs. John releases a quiet sigh of relief at the feel of Sherlock’s hands at his sides, soothing him.
“In the research I’ve done, teenagers are prone to get angry easier,” Sherlock says.
“You’ve done research?”
“Shut up. What I’m saying is, just… be patient with her, I suppose. If you two keep bickering back and forth, it will be to no end.”
John stares at Sherlock, unable to take his eyes off this wonderful, brilliant man in front of him. “I love you,” John breathes.
Sherlock grins. “I know.”
Two hours pass, maybe three. John is jittering in his chair, and Sherlock is browsing his (John’s) computer leisurely for a case.
John nods, making a decision. “Right. I’m gonna go talk to her.” He stands and Sherlock’s deep voice catches him.
“Calmly,” Sherlock warns, not looking up from the screen.
John opens his mouth to say something, then decides to simply settle for a nod.
Two steps at a time, he heads up the stairs. For a while, he just stands there, fist hesitantly nearing the wooden door.
He takes a deep breath, then knocks.
He knocks again.
John can hear an annoyed breath from the other end of the room. Soon, Rosie opens the door, her eyes expectant. “Yes?” she asks.
John gestures into the room. “May I come in, your majesty?”
Rosie fights a grin, but quickly hides it as she steps aside. “If you want.”
John comes in and briefly admires Rosie’s room. The design has changed over the years. It used to be John’s old room and it was quite bland, but as Rosie’s gotten older, John has encouraged her to decorate it how she pleases. Now there are a few posters of celebrities (that Sherlock rolls his eyes at) and John catches that there’s even a poster of James Bond.
John’s heart swells. He made sure to introduce Rosie to the Bond films at an early age and, together, they’ve made it a tradition to have a movie night at least once a year to binge watch the films. At first, Sherlock refused to partake in it. But when Rosie gave him her big blue eyes, silently pleading that he join them, Sherlock sighed in defeat, taking a seat next to them on the sofa.
John sucks in a breath, breaking his thoughts. He turns to Rosie, his eyes now filling with concern. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong now?”
Rosie looks down, fiddling her fingers. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Rosie,” John says gently. “Come on. You don’t have to lie about this.”
Rosie stares at him, then seems to make a decision. She goes across the room, opening a drawer and pulling out a deck of photographs.
John doesn’t have to see them to know what they are.
“I didn’t mean to snoop,” Rosie claims nervously, stepping forward as she looks down at the pictures of her mother on her wedding day. “But… I mean- I saw the photo album in the corner of your room and- and I couldn’t help but look… keep them. I promise I’ll put them all back, but I just wanted to look, and-”
“Rosie,” John says. He sighs, putting a hand on her shoulder. “It’s alright, darling. It- I knew you’d be curious someday.”
Rosie released a trembling breath. John’s heart breaks. “Why don’t we talk about Mum?” she asks.
John bites down hard on his inner cheek. “You know it’s a sensitive subject. You know how she died.”
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about her,” Rosie counters, her voice cracking.
John squeezes her shoulder, then leads them both to sit on the bed. “I know,” he says. “I know and I’m… so sorry. I just- there’s so much about your mother that- that’s not… I just don’t want you to see her in a bad light.”
“Then… at least tell me if- if I’m like her,” Rosie pleads.
“Oh, darling, of course you are,” John reassures. “You’re a spitting image of her.”
“Could you just- tell me about her? Tell me what she’s like?”
“Well, she was-”
“I want Sherlock to be here,” Rosie interrupts, her eyes desperate.
John pauses. He quickly recovers and nods. “Yeah… yeah, ‘course.”
Just then, Sherlock opens the door. He sniffs and John frowns. “You summoned me,” Sherlock says as he shuts the door behind him.
“Sherlock, how many times do I have to remind you not to listen in on conversations?” John says with gritted teeth as Rose laughs.
“You can hardly blame me, John,” Sherlock defends as he sits on the other side of Rosie.
“I can and I most certainly will.”
Sherlock’s eyes focus on Rosie. “What would you like to know?”
Rosie looks down as she thinks. “It’s selfish.”
“Bee,” Sherlock says in the soft voice he only reserves for Rosie and John. “Nothing you can say is selfish. You have every right to know. I was wondering when you’d bring the topic up.”
Rosie sighs. “Anything, really. I want… I want to know if I’m like her at all or- just anything.”
John can’t help but give a small smile. “You have her stubbornness,” he says. “I think that’s the main thing. I swear, sometimes you talk just like her.”
“You have her energy,” Sherlock continues, and John wants to kiss the man for being such a wonderful sport. He knows Sherlock still feels inexplicable guilt, even as they’ve progressed their relationship into a couple. He knows Sherlock has a difficult time talking about the subject, but the fact that he talks about it like it’s the easiest thing in the world when someone brings Mary up… John loves him. “She was quite the lively woman.”
“You’re clever,” John says, his voice now a whisper. “She was intelligent, could always see through a lie and had a lense of reality.”
Rosie looks like she’s on the verge of tears. Sherlock rubs her back. “What is it?” the detective asks.
“No, no, it’s just…” She lets out a long breath. “Everyone at school always talks about their mothers. And- And that made me more upset that I couldn’t relate to them.” A small smile forms on Rosie’s lips. “I’m glad I can… that I can learn about Mum. And just knowing that I’m somewhat like her-” Rosie sniffles, smiling through her tears. “It makes me so happy.”
John pulls Rosie in for a tight hug, striving not to shed tears himself. He kisses her blonde curls. “You’re a lot more like her than you think. She’ll always be a part of you and I want you to never forget that.”
Sherlock seems hesitant on joining in on the affection, but Rosie huffs and pulls him in by his arm sleeve. “‘Lock, get in here.”
Sherlock chuckles at the nickname and joins in, wrapping his long arms around the both of them.
They stay like that for a while, just the three of them.
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @ninasnakie @thegildedbee @whodwantmeasaflatmate @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @sherlocknjohn221b @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @7-percent @itsonlytext @chinike @peanitbear @mary-johnlocked @bakerstreetbe @curlyjohnlock @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ceceliajupe @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165 @jolieblack
(Please let me know if you don’t wish to be tagged or if you’d like to be tagged.)
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As the Sun Sets // New Beginnings // Part Eleven
TW: Kissing, cursing?
Part Twelve
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Scarlets POV:
My legs burn at the speed at which Theo drags me out into the halls of the dungeons. He is insisting that we need a quiet place to talk. Alone. “Th-” I start but he cuts me off with a ‘sush’ as he continues to pull me along. 
Theo leads me through the castle, outside to our spot on the side of the black lake. As we make our way towards the there is this eare of awkward silence. The kiss that me and Theo shared left a lot unsaid. Where does this put us? Is there even an us? Is this something that I have all made up in my head?
Once we are at the lake Theo sits down, casually pulling a cigarette out of his trouser pocket. Placing the stick in between his lips and lightning it every so skillfully with the tip of his wand. The embers of the cigarette glowing with his inhale, before they die out with his exhale. The action was truly mesmerizing.  
The sense of unease has me hesitating before I decide to sit down. I can feel the warmth radiating off of him. Why didn't I grab another blanket before we came outside? Oh right, he wouldn't tell me where we were going.
I pull my skirt down some to cover more of my legs. At this movement, I catch Theos' eyes raking over my thighs before they snap back to the lake with his jaw set. 
Theo must have been able to sense my discomfort, because he takes off his jumper and hands it over to me. I’m immediately surrounded by his scent. Lime, violets and tobacco. A blush creeped to my cheeks. After I put it on he holds the cigarette out for me. “Thank you.” I breathe out grabbing it from him taking my own inhale.
It's not unusual for Theo to sense what I need without me asking for something. After an awkward silence filled with the ruffeling of clothes and the whooshing of the lake, is when I finally gain enough courage to open my mouth. “Theo.” 
He waits a second before giving in and slowly turning his head towards me, but not meeting my eyes. His normally sea green eyes are dimmed with occlusion. I swallow anxiety. “What did he say to you? Adrian. O-on the pitch?”
Theos eyes harden as he seemingly relives the moment from earlier.. “It doesn't matter.” He muttered, turning his head back towards the lake. “Theodore Nott. Look at me. Dammit.” I cursed, grabbing the sides of his face, forcing him to look at me. 
There was a pause, as if he was trying to find the right words. “It doesn't matter, Scarlet. He was being disgusting and an areshole.” His eyes soften, searching my face I am desperately holding on to as he waits for me to continue. 
Taking my time, I let go of his face and reach for the stick that is lying limply between his long fingers. I take a long inhale from the cigarette and slowly release the smoke from my lungs, before I look back at him again. “I chose you Theo.” A weak smile pulling at my mouth. He is still staring at me.
Confusion seems to be littered over his face. “He told me to choose. You or him.” “I remember.” Theo mumbles staring directly into my eyes. “I chose you Theo. Adrian- He wasn't a good boyfriend anyways. You're my best friend.” I explained grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. 
We sit in silence, just staring at the water, watching the mermaids come to the surface in the moonlight. A breeze passes through us and I can feel goose pimples breaking out over my pale legs. 
While we sit here I still can't understand why he was so upset about Adrian? He’s been with plenty of girls over the years and I’ve never been that upset about any of them. Okay -- outwardly, upset towards him. 
I built up the courage to ask him the question that has been bubbling in my head for days and take a shuddering breath. “Why were you ignoring me this week?” There's silence and I swear I can hear him gulp. “I wasn’t ignoring you.” 
“Yes you were. You didn’t talk to me in any of our classes. No witty banter, no teasing remarks. You wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. I’ve never been that cold to you.” I say sadly, tugging the sleeves of his jumper to attempt to trap the heat inside.. 
I can see guilt riddled on his face. “I just didn't like the way he talked to you. Scar, you would get upset anytime any of us would bring it up, so I just figured it would be better if I just kept my distance.” 
It was a good lie, I'll give him that. But there is something more. I can sense it. He’s still occluding. And hard. “You’re lying.” I say staring at him with narrowed eyes. 
I can feel anger start to replace the nervousness within me. He’s never lied to me before. At least not like this. 
“Why are you lying to me Theo? I can tell that you’re occluding.” I exclaimed a bit angrier than I meant to but I kept going. “You have always hated Adrian. Ever since I first told you about us dating. I-I’ve never been this cold to you. Not even when you are sleeping your way through the entire bloody school!” 
His head snaps to me, his eyes darken. “I do not sleep my way through the entire school.” He defended angrily. 
I scoff, rolling my eyes at him. I can name at least 5 girls from the start of term that he’s slept with, or at least tried to. I've been unfortunate enough to catch him on multiple occasions in hidden alcoves near classrooms or even in the bloody common room!
My reaction must have caused something to spark inside of him because I can see him fighting with himself. Fighting off the anger that is trying to explode out of him. Theo turns to face me, his green eyes bore into mine. “You want to know why I occlude Scarlet?” He pauses. Deep, ragged breaths are exhaling through his nose and his face is getting redder with anger? Annoyance?
I wait impatiently for him to continue. Besides my better judgment, I try to exacerbate it. “Yes, Theo. tel-”
He cuts me off “You want to know why I occlude? Because, I'm drowning in this pathetic, all-consuming love for you. It's embarrassing how desperate I've become. Pucey is a stain, a leech clinging to someone as magnificent as you. He doesn't deserve a single glance, a single touch from your delicate hands! You deserve the universe, Scarlet! You radiate beauty, kindness. It drives me insane – watching that arrogant arse treat you like garbage! Every time his hand brushes your thigh, or he touches you, I fantasize about ripping his arm from his body. I get the dark urge to Avada him for even daring to touch you! The very thought of him hurting you? Emotionally or physically… it-it tears me apart. But through all this fury, one truth burns brighter than all – I love you. I love you with a fire that consumes me.” 
He’s breathing heavily now. He looks at me with such intensity I don’t know what to say. It’s all I have wanted him to say for the last two years and now everything I have wanted to say back to him is stuck in my throat, unable to break free.
“I am in love with you, Scarlet Johnson. I have been in love with you since Draco first introduced us on the train to Hogwarts. I have loved you from the first time you smiled at me, the first time you corrected me in potions, the firs-“ I threw myself at him. Arms wrapping around his neck and kissing him a little harder than I should have. 
“I love you too Theo.” I breathe, opening my doors fully. 
Theo POV: 
“I love you too Theo.” 
I don't comprehend what's happening until her hands are playing with the hair on the back of my neck. Before she decides to let go, changing her mind I wrap my arms around her small frame and bring her to straddle my lap letting my hands wander under the wool of my jumper she's wearing. 
I need to feel her, touch her everywhere she will let me. She lets out a quiet moan into my mouth. It's the sweetest sound I have ever heard and I start to harden. She starts grinding down on me. “Fuck” I moan and have to pull away. I can already tell that I will not last long now that I have her hand on me and the first time she sees me come undone will not be from just making out with her on this bloody blanket outside. 
My walls have fallen down completely, allowing myself to feel every moment with her clearly. Looking into her eyes she has also opened her doors and her eyes are the prettiest green I have ever seen. 
“I love you Theo.” I almost come just from those words alone. She leans back in to continue kissing me, but I have to stop her. Her face immediately saddens and I start to panic. 
“Oh, I’m sorry” she stammers, embarrassed, as she removes her arms from around me to help push herself off of me. 
She thinks I don't want this? “No.” I say grabbing her arms stopping her from getting up. “I just--” How do I say this without completely embarrassing myself? “Stay with me tonight. Before everything goes to shite.” Her face suddenly changed.
 “I have a perfect place for us to go.” She is smiling wildly as she makes to stand, but before I let her up, I catch her lips with mine one more time.
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ATSS Tag List: @helendeath
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I have a question for the AO3 writers. How do y’all deal with comments like ‘ nice AI story ’ or ‘ even a dumb person could see this is AI ’ Just got my first and I would rather die than use a AI, even for school. So I am curious if you guys get these comment and how you react to them :)
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quantumelepant · 5 months
My two cents on a fandom related matter
Don't. Trust. Anyone.
This isn't about cyber security, it's about not giving anything for granted when approaching a fanwork, especially in fanfiction. I see people insulting left and right and being all defensive and aggressive about headcanons and "those who really GET the character". And the aforementioned two cents are... c h i l l.
The way I see it, headcanons and characterization are supposed to be extremely elastic. It's fine if you prefer one over the other and if you like reading and writing certain specific things, I'm not here to take them from you! But good characterization is based on more than strict sets of rules. If you play by them every single time, no matter the context, the AU, the trope, they might start to inexplicably clash, even if they've always seemed appropriate to you.
It's the same thing we see in color theory videos, where we look at an artwork and there's a color that looks like green but, when isolated, it's actually an entirely different one. This applies to writing as well ant that's because characterization is more than personality. I see these two big scary monsters mixed all. the. time.
Look, I'm no writer, everything I know I've learnt through fanfiction and countless brainstorming sessions with friends, but it's a game of balancing core characteristics, seeing where they break, what happens when you suppress and highlight different traits every time, and it's supposed to be fun. I feel there's so much pressure in fandom spaces to the point where this kind of exploration is discouraged.
So yeah, don't trust fanfiction authors. Characters are supposed to not feel photoshopped in the plot. These two elements will and MUST bend mutually in order for the entire work to feel natural. The same author might write two different versions of the same character and you could hate one and love the other.
I guess what I wanted to say is calm the fuck down and explore the places where the single wildest version of a character might sound legit to you.
HAVE. FUN. and don't get stuck in your own spider web of opinions.
Again, it's a game. Play it.
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capsicle13 · 4 months
My new fantasy stucky story if anyone is interested!
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artistic-fool · 4 months
Some art for my AceSabo Peaky Blinders inspired AU
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This is older art
Here's a link to the fic if curious!
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I’m not a perfectionist, but finding a typo or a grammatical error in my own already-published fic is like stepping on a Lego honestly
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maihonhassan · 2 months
In English we say:
"There is someone, somewhere searching for you in every person they meet."
But in Urdu we say:
"Main kab se apni talaash mein hun mila nahin hun, sawaal ye hai ki main kahin hun bhi ya nahin hun." - Pirzada Qasim
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banishedartcat · 3 months
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Still working on chapter 2. I’m aiming to have it out by the end of this month. 🤞
Here’s a lil more platonic Stobin to get you through these dark days.
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fnafs-ex-boyfriend · 5 months
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And another one from my fanfiction! Was really fun to draw considering how much I don’t like drawing normal Caine :Z
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fmoe1997 · 3 months
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Hey all! Dropped a new fic yesterday based around my latest ship obsession, cherrisnake! I tell ya, the art I've seen based around these two has been so sweet, cute, funny, sexy, and so much more in-between. I practically felt compelled to write a fic around them that captured all the major themes around their dynamic, in around 7,300 words. So if y'all want to see that... link is below! Hope you enjoy, as always ❤️
Also must shoutout @Twiggietime's series of posts on Twitter for being one of the biggest pieces of inspiration for this piece out of all the art I've seen. Like actually, it really helped to characterize them alongside the snippets we get from the show about their dynamic. Go follow if you can!
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