#whump tropes
whumpacabra · 3 days
I am so weak for consent during recovery. Consent to be touched, consent to medical treatment, consent to medical procedures, consent to medication, consent to be helped. It’s about acknowledging autonomy and giving someone who had no control over how they were hurt the power to control how they heal.
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whumper-cars · 2 days
One I LOVE but never see: Living Battery
Superhero Whumpee being used to power something for the Villain
Nonhuman Whumpee has magical blood that can be used to power machines and having their blood drained
Whumper having multiple magic Whumpees so that once one is fully drained or too tired to produce magic they just move on to the next one
Cyborg/Robot Whumper that leeches off of other cyborgs/robots to gain energy
Alien Whumpee being used to power a spaceship
A tiny Whumpee with electricity powers being put in the battery slot of an electronic appliance so they're a literal battery (this may be inaccurate but idc)
Just thinkin about living batteries
Feel free to add onto any of my prompts!
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I adore whumpees who act like they’re fine for the caretaker’s sake, who accept physical touch even when they don’t want to for fear of the caretaker leaving them. I adore whumpees who think caretaker is their new whumper. I adore whumpees who want so desperately to make caretaker happy, but don’t know how (still in the slave mindset of “how can I serve caretaker?”) when all caretaker really wants is to see whumpee heal and think of their own happiness for a change. I adore whump where the physical danger is gone, but the emotional rollercoaster has just begun.
You. Get. It. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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sleepyiswhumping · 11 hours
when whumpee has to be the caretaker for caretaker for a bit
for whatever reason
caretaker's sick, injured, whatever
whumpee has to, even if only for a little bit, manage their own issues alone and help caretaker with theirs
maybe they realise "god damn this is a lot of work, caretaker does this for me all the time?"
maybe they begin to feel like theyre a burden, and after caretaker gets better, they consider leaving so they wont burden caretaker anymore
maybe they do
maybe they get captured/recaptured
when theyre freed again, they realise that no, they werent a burden; caretaker is so happy to see them alive and well
caretaker doesnt care about the struggles of taking care of themself and whumpee at the same time because they love whumpee
theyre their best friend, partner, sibling, etc, and nothing can change how much they love whumpee, not even the constant, large amounts of effort they need to put in to help them
and this maybe leads to whumpee wanting to help caretaker, realizing “hey i actually like doing the laundry/making meals/etc for us” and help caretaker, and in doing so also help themself by regaining agency and feeling satisfaction from the relief caretaker feels having one less thing to worry about
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whumpee turned villain, but not because they want to. no, because whumper forced them to — what else is whumper going to do with them? just leave them behind? might as well make good use of whumpee while they have them, and pitting whumpee against their old team is the perfect way to upset everyone all at once.
the team, of course, has no idea why whumpee has suddenly turned on them, but it’s making them all question if whumpee ever really cared, or if they’ve been on whumper’s side all along.
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 days
Feel free to expand on the weirdly loving handler and living weapon thingy you blessed our eyeballs with 👀👀
F-feel free to share more 👀👀
The thingy in question
With pleasure :D
I hope you wanted a lot more because this got long.
You can have:
Cuddles with undertones of power dynamics
Handler gently guiding/maneuvering a currently very dissociated living weapon (possibly after a hard mission/battle/something else that was difficult for them to go through)
Dogged loyalty and devotion
Weapon too conditioned to fully understand what they’re feeling
Both protective of each other but express it in different ways according to their roles
Denial. Denial that the living weapon is really a person, denial that one or both of them have gotten too attached/emotional about the other, denial about the ways the relationship is unhealthy, whatever else.
Can’t express their love/care the way two people normally would but find other ways to show it to each other.
They get each other in a certain way that no one else does, see sides of each other that aren't shown in many other situations
The drastic contrast between violence on the field and tenderness in private
And it comes in different varieties
Flavor 1: “I take care of my things.”
Very possessive
Heavy on the dehumanization
Handler/owner won’t let the weapon forget that they’re no more than an object in their eyes; every kindness and comfort serves as a reminder of this because each one is the handler taking care of and maintaining a thing that belongs to them.
—But they’re a very valued object. Maybe they’re expensive. Maybe they’re irreplaceable. Maybe the handler is very picky discerning about what kind of living weapon they’ll work with and others don’t fit the bill. Maybe they’ve saved the handler’s life more times than anyone else the handler has worked with on the field. Regardless of the reason, the handler won’t even entertain the idea of tossing the weapon aside like any other object.
A form of ownership that looks a lot like love. It’s hard to tell where the lines are drawn between sole ownership and monogamy, between maintenance and tenderness, between carefulness and caringness.
Handler definitely will not share. This weapon is theirs and theirs alone. You are not taking it on a mission without them.
Flavor 2: Basically BDSM but more questionable in the “safe, sane, and consensual” department.
Heavy on the affection & fondness. Probably in both directions.
Handler treats the weapon as more than an object, but never as a peer. They’re beloved but ultimately expected to obey.
One or both of them delight in their unequal roles.
Likely some kind of tension and want between the handler and the weapon. Also probably in both directions.
Some dubcon intimacy going on. I’ll let you decide how dubious and how intimate. Suffice it to say, the weapon is conditioned to do what their handler tells them, and that conditioning doesn’t just disappear when they leave the battlefield.
Maybe there is some consent involved, at least at some stage. Maybe they volunteered to become a living weapon out of their own desires.
Flavor 3: Stuck in this situation and doing what they can to be nice
Handler knows this is a weapon but it looks so human
Surely the conditioning can’t completely eliminate their emotions. They must be able to feel the difference between kindness and callousness even if they don’t show it. It would be cruel not to give them gentleness and comfort when they’re past the point of being able to seek it out for themself.
Finding excuses for the “unnecessarily” nice treatment. It’s to keep them operating in peak condition. It’s to reinforce their loyalty to their handler and contrast with the violence of the enemy. It’s because it would be more unnecessary work for the handler to break the habits they formed interacting with actual people. It’s because the handler has fallen for those doe eyes.
Would probably decondition them if they were in any place to do so. But they have to answer to a higher power, whether that be a commanding officer or a greater moral good, etc. so instead they focus on making the aspects that they can control of the situation they are in more merciful and comfortable even as they continue to use them as a weapon.
Flavor 4: Love each other but both believe the dehumanization.
Conditioned like you wouldn’t believe
Maybe the handler has fallen for propaganda. Maybe they took the weapon at their very conditioned word. Maybe they’ve gone through some kind of conditioning themself. Regardless, they see the living weapon as just that: a living weapon. Definitely not a person, but not some lifeless, inanimate thing either.
There’s a deep, non-sexual intimacy to the relationship between a weapon and its wielder. To depend on another to save your life time and again, to destroy foes you could never overcome with your own bare hands. To trust someone so deeply you respond to their orders faster than you can assess a threat or target yourself, so completely you don’t even think to question them. To participate together in the intense acts of killing and fighting for your life.
That forms a bond no one else can truly understand. No relationship in polite society compares with one founded on mortal peril and unquestioning faith.
In the end one is a person and one is a weapon, but they’ve both developed a love for the other. Their relationship is built on the difference in their roles and functionally inextricable from that difference, yet is defined by more than roles alone. If you asked them what they were to each other they would say “It’s my weapon” and “They’re my wielder” with absolute surety, but they would say it with love in their eyes and fondness in their voices.
Flavor 5: Handler doesn’t realize how deeply gentle their treatment affects the weapon
Maybe the handler considers it basic human decency. Maybe they consider it more efficient to keep their weapon in top condition. Maybe they’re just a naturally gentle person. Regardless, they treat the weapon better than any handler or trainer before them but (at least initially) don’t consider it a huge deal.
No one else has shown the weapon any sort of kindness since before they were a weapon.
Taken by surprise when the weapon breaks down crying in a tender moment
Handler is kind because it just makes sense. Cruelty doesn’t serve any purpose. It doesn’t have especial meaning to them.
In contrast, the kindness means everything to the living weapon. They become deeply devoted to the handler over it.
Maybe the handler finds out how much it means to the weapon. Do they try to tell them it’s no big deal? Do they make it more of a point to always show that kindness now that they know how important it is? Do they worry this means the weapon needs more conditioning?
I’ve had this on the mind a lot can you tell
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this or that - whump tropes (22)
character is up for some fun times with these torture methods
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whumperer-86 · 1 day
Joy of Life Season Two ep30
Stapped, fought, spit blood and collapsed
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rookthebird · 10 months
when the character who's like "i will never reveal my trauma to anyone" gets a high fever and, while weak and delirious, starts spilling every.
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whump-or-whatever · 27 days
I absolutely love when a character is trying to hide injuries or just how sore they are by moving around like normal. They’ve perfected walking without wincing, ignoring the pain as they sit down or stand up, maybe even running.
But then as soon as they’re out of sight, the second they make it home and the door closes behind them, they just collapse to the floor in tears.
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abhainnwhump · 9 months
Tumblr media
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When the unflappable character sees someone they care about in danger and the mask slips, it's great.
But when the unflappable character sees someone they care about in danger, and the mask DOESN'T slip.
Because they understand they need to be calm and unflappable now more than ever; if it protects them, it will certainly protect the person they care about. So their voice doesn't waver, their hands don't shake. They don't panic. From the outside looking in, they're as calm as could be. They handle it.
But after it's over-when the person they care about is safe, and the unflappable character is alone-they completely shatter. Gasping breaths, sobs, barely holding it together because someone they love almost DIED, and it was far, far too close for comfort.
(Optional: Character that they care about finds them in this state and comforts them.)
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Situation that's been rolling around my head recently:
Whumpee hears people entering Whumper's house. They desperately start trying to think of a plan to escape or call for help from these strangers.
But before they can do anything, Whumper comes to retrieve Whumpee themself. Because the guests in the house are people after Whumper's own heart, and Whumpee is going to be their entertainment for the evening.
Honestly, the possibilities for all sorts of whumpiness are endless.
or… hear me out, the one where whumpee — when whumper was away or wasn’t looking — desperately begged a stranger for help and told them how they were kidnapped by whumper, only for the stranger to chuckle and go tap whumper in the shoulder before telling them (whumper) they should “control their pet a little better”, all while smirking and looking whumpee right in the eye.
the pure terror and hopelessness when whumpee realized…
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bebx · 7 months
yeah yeah that famous quote that goes along the line of “if a writer falls in love with you, you can never die” but it’s the tireless AO3 writers who pull an all-nighter writing 100k words of fix-it fics where their favorite characters live
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what if selkie whump
ok ok. I KNOW this is very niche. I know. but hear me out. ignoring the obvious forced marriage whump that usually goes along w selkies (yes I know it’s tradition but I don’t feel like getting into those implications rn) — using the pelts for blackmail and/or torture. can they feel what’s done to their pelts? do the injuries transfer, or only the sensation? how far away from their pelt can a selkie go before it starts to hurt? how far can they go before they start to break?
why don’t we find out?
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spinzolliii · 2 months
There’s something about a whumpee just sitting down. Not fainting, necessarily. Maybe they’re just about to faint, and they quietly just kneel on the ground at a time and place that doesn’t make sense. They don’t even have the capacity or willingness to articulate why they need to abruptly stop and sit. Maybe they’re catatonic while the others look at them.
Maybe a caretaker can see the dull, vacant look in their eyes and immediately senses that something is seriously wrong. Maybe the fainting comes just a few moments later.
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