#writing community
sourdough-seal · 2 days
i know we go on and on about how writing is not fun but sometimes if it's a Saturday at 10:02am and there is a soft breeze blowing through the window and you have a hot chocolate to drink and you are still wearing your pajamas and your laptop is open to your favorite scene which comes halfway through chapter eleven... then it is slightly, slightly just a little tiny bit fun.
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beccawise7 · 2 days
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Eight billion people in the world, and you found the other half of your soul.
Do you know how rare that is? Or how long people hope & search for something that genuine?
Value it. Take care with it.
Communicate often.
Cry together through the pains this world brings & belly laugh through the joys.
We have one life.
Live it well. ~beccawise7 💜🖤
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concentfortea · 3 days
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vavandeveresfan · 20 hours
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raineandsky · 20 hours
When the villains caught wind of a new hero on the team, they’d all taken interest. When someone came back claiming he’s blind, it’d sparked a whole new debate.
Straightforward, they’d all said. He won’t even see us coming. They’d laughed at how easy it’d seemed.
The villain feels like they’ve stumbled on a pile of gold when they come across the hero. He’s running his hand along something on the fence in front of him, something that the villain will later realise is a braille description of the view ahead of him. A white cape drifts around his ankles, an equally white suit flattering against his typical heroic body, the lightest of smiles on his face as his fingers trace the patterns of dots along the railing.
The villain can’t help but grin as they slowly make their way towards the poor hero, so oblivious, so stupid. They’re barely a hair breadth away, their dagger practically unsheathing itself, when the hero spins towards them with a swish of his cape and a flick of a blade.
The villain barely reels back in time. Staying quiet doesn’t occur to them when they’re startled. The hero looks like he’s staring right through them, an arrogant smirk on his face.
“Ah,” he says brightly, “you’re one of those criminals I’m meant to be looking out for?”
The villain sidesteps, careful to keep their footing quiet, but it doesn’t matter. The hero’s head cocks towards them as they try to step out of his blade’s path.
“You’re almost silent,” the hero continues. A smirk adorns his face, intrigued. “Incredible.”
The villain is close enough to strike, the hero looking slightly too far beyond them to be right in his assumptions. The villain shifts in fast, their dagger poised. The hero dodges back and retaliates with a swing of his own.
The villain stumbles out of reach and the hero follows. The villain’s unprepared; they were expecting a hero who’s unsure who they’re looking for, where the villain is. They were expecting an easy plaything that they could stab when they got bored.
But this—the hero is nothing but brazen confidence.
The villain shoves their dagger up to meet his blade, throwing his arm out. They move in for another strike but the hero’s already recovered. His blade easily tucks under their arm and slices into their side.
Something of a strangled gasp escapes the villain before they can stop it. They stagger back, a hand touched timidly to the wound, their eyes flitting back up to the hero. He simply waits, his blade crimson and his eyes blank. How? How?
“Would you do me the honour of telling me who I’ve met?” he asks, as if this is nothing more than a casual meeting between friends of friends. The villain wants to snap him in half for the audacity.
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business.”
“Aha,” the hero says, almost a laugh, “You’re [Villain].”
The villain can only stare at him in horror. The hero seems to feel the tension in the silence, because he continues. “You’ve a bad mouth, favour in the blade, light on your feet.” A teasing smile. “And you’ve a smooth, caramel voice I haven’t heard in many like you.”
“Wh— Excuse me— You—” 
The hero just smirks, the stupid smirk of someone who knows he’s untouchable in every sense of the word. “Flustered by compliments, too,” the hero finishes with a laugh. “Good to remember for next time.”
“I’m not flustered!” the villain finally manages, “and my voice isn’t caramel. That isn’t a thing. You sound stupid.”
“I’m happy to be stupid if it means I can recognise you as the villain who speaks in caramel.”
The villain’s side is beginning to really ache. They need to be something that’s not here when it inevitably gets worse. “Do what you want. I’m going home.”
“May I escort you to a prison cell?”
The villain barks a laugh, their side practically splitting with the forced fakeness of it. “As if you know where the agency is from here.”
“I always know where I am, [Villain].” A smile again, softer this time. Knowing. “You underestimate me for a characteristic I think makes me as interesting to you as you are to me.”
The burn in the villain’s skin is an ode to that. “Sure.” The villain turns on their heel before a thought occurs to them. “I’m going to walk away, loudly. Do me a favour and don’t fucking shank me when I do.”
The hero’s face twists back into a smirk. “As long as I hear you moving away. Until next time, [Villain].”
A blind hero! everyone had cried. It’s almost too easy!
The villain scurries away with a gash to the chest and a slam to their ego, and they know now to know better than that.
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Additional comment from the submitter: ❝Because I hear people say you ‘shouldn’t’ keep writing fanfics if you’re older than 30 and instead should focus on your family and your actual career, etc. but most of my favorite fanfic authors are, as far as I know, older than 30 and maybe it’s just me and I know AGE IS NOT THE FACTOR (but experience probably is), but most of the fics I’ve read that were written by people older than 30 were so much better than fics that were written by younger people.❞
This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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goodluckclove · 2 days
Hey since I officially dropped the paperback of Blind Trust I'm taking the day off to eat snacks and lounge in bed.
I am also feeling silly so people should ask for writing advice because I would love to give some terrible, not accurate advice.
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amandarayyy · 3 days
Alright my loves, I absolutely need more engagement! I need more friends whether we remain internet friends or we become travel friends, book nerd friends, actual irl friends or just venting buddies. So if you have any of the common interest I do PLEASE follow me so I can follow you back or message me so we can start talking and becoming besties in whatever way or if you’re just feeling lonely and would like a friend!
My current obsessions:
•Luke newton
•Nicola coughlan
•romance novels
•dark romance
•mafia romance
•the original charmed
•what I like about you
•the 90s
•early 2000s
•millennial vibes
•Starbucks (but no coffee for me 🙈)
•essential oils
•diy things
•cooking shows
•Dylan O’Brien
•friends to lovers
•enemies to lovers
•fake dating
•cop shows
•Olivia x Elliot
•cats (animals in general)
•Claudia Jessie
I could literally talk for hours about tv shows and books. I could vent about my life, traveling, trying to figure out life and what to do regarding future, negative parents, having children, single parenthood, being broke, dreaming of all the things life has to offer, gorgeous men and women celebrities. I can be a chatterbox if it’s something I’m interested in, otherwise I’m an introvert and I like to stay in my cocoon and read and watch tv so I figure tumblr was my best bet on trying to engage more with people who are like minded 😂
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the-golden-comet · 2 days
Thank you for the tag, @thatuselesshuman !
I think Noah hasn’t been interviewed yet, so he’ll get his time to shine in the hot seat….if we can pull him out of his apartment, that is.
Noah from YWIMC:
Were you named after anyone?
I dunno….my dad’s Catholic, so it was probably after Noah’s Ark….
When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh…I’m not sure, actually. I know the hardest time I cried was back in Georgia, when my school outed me to my parents. I don’t think I can ever look my dad in the eye again after the look he gave me….
Do you have any kids?
….Nah. I’m too focused on school right now to worry about starting a family. Ali said he wanted to adopt the children off the streets of Madinah, but his father forbade him. He’d probably make a great dad. He’s kind, and really energetic. Fuck….fuck, dude. It’s so fucking unfair to him.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
That would require me talking to a lot of people. And people suck. Except Ali…I don’t know if I could ever be sarcastic with him. He’s like a golden retriever…goofy, happy. It’d probably go over his head….and I don’t wanna hurt his feelings.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
….I don’t.
What is your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Neither. I like documentaries. Uhhhh, I guess if I had to choose? Happy endings. I don’t like getting jumpscared by cheap scare tactics.
Any special talents?
Err….not really? I guess…I can time manage pretty well. I’m getting good grades….uhh….
Ali: —KUN HADI. 😡 Noah can draw BEAUTIFUL bridges. Sadiq, stop downplaying your talents!
….Oh. Right. I can draw….but like so can any other architect, because we need to design—
Ali: —Shaaaaa sa sa sa sa. Nope. You’re talented. Your drawings are beautiful. Your art is beautiful. YOU are beautiful.
…..thanks, Ali.
Where were you born?
Georgia. I hated it there, so I moved up to Washington for college to get as far away from that side of the country as possible…I needed to get away from that small town. I don’t want to be recognized. I don’t….I don’t want to go through that again.
Do you have any pets?
How tall are you?
What is your dream job?
I’d like to be an architect. After school, I want to land a decent paying job, work from home, draft my designs…and if that doesn’t work out, I guess I can teach History lessons online so I don’t have to be with anybody. A nice home in the countryside, away from people, peace and quiet for me to sketch my prototypes.
Thank you again! Tagging (np): @autism-purgatory , @fortunatetragedy , @gioiaalbanoart , @finickyfelix , @bookish-karina , @brigidfromthecelts , @wyked-ao3 , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @zackprincebooks , @cybercelestian , @illarian-rambling , @corinneglass , +open tag for whoever wants to join!
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thewatcher727 · 3 days
Writing Description Notes: Fear/Terrified
Updated 30th May 2024 More description notes
By all means mask your fear from others, but be honest to yourself.
He did his best to keep it hidden from the others, but alas, such phobias always had a way of brimming to the surface.
The knight’s unsettled countenance stroked the tyrant's ego and his words further drew out like a blade.
John’s heart trembled at the recognition of the sound.
Her shell was cracking, but Jane shook her head.
A malicious voice they all knew too well drew the simple sound out with dark relish.
Jane’s heart sank through her feet.
Though the princess was visibly fine, she was disciplining a shiver in her spine.
John froze, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
His breathing accelerated, pure terror clawing at his throat.
John tried to force his body to move, but his limbs were unresponsive.
His mouth hung open in silent screams.
His bones felt like jelly, feeling his legs about to give out.
John’s eyes threw open, a terrified yell reverberated throughout the room.
His eyes took in more light than expected, every part of him frozen as his thoughts desperately tried to catch up.
Rooted in place, John felt his stomach twist, his hands flying to clutch his chest.
All life drained from his face, looking as white as a ghost.
His skin tingled, heart rapidly beating within his chest as his breathing grew tighter.
The lights were on, yet nobody was home.
All the blood drained from John’s face.
To her surprise, her arms slowly trembled, a sinking feeling beginning to take hold.
She clenched her hands tightly in a futile attempt to quell her agitation, but her arms continued to shake uncontrollably.
She swallowed her own fear to expand the safe zone for her friends, to become the stoic leader they deserved.
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writingwithfolklore · 18 hours
I will Edit and Give Feedback on Your Writing For Free :-)
Hello all!
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As many of you know, I’m a part-time editor of non-fiction and writer of all things fiction, but I would love to get more experience editing creative fiction. I don’t consider myself experienced enough to charge for this, and I also understand paying for editing or feedback can be a huge barrier for improving a manuscript! For these reasons I’m offering my services for the low, low cost of absolutely free :-)
My credentials:
I’ve been a creative writer for over a decade and have written countless novels, short stories, and other forms of fiction.
I have been published several times in magazines, newspapers, and literary journals.
I am an editor for a newspaper and have been an editorial intern at a magazine, an editor for a literary journal and also a marketing intern at a publishing house.
I have a diploma in filmmaking and a degree in Communications studies.
Here’s what I can do:
Give feedback on the first 30-ish pages of a novel, short story, or other short works.
Edit/copy edit up to 30 pages.
Look over and give feedback on outlines, character building, world building (or all three).
Edit and provide feedback on academic/school work or essay planning (though I can’t write any of it for you)
Offer peptalks and encouragement!
What I can’t do
Smut or otherwise explicit/spicy romances, sorry.
Poetry (I’m useless with it, I don’t think I’d be very helpful in this area)
Writing without any content/trigger warnings (I am able to provide help here, you just need to add the warnings first)
Write the work for you
If you are interested, send me a message with what you need help on, the breadth of the project, and where you’d prefer to chat! While I’m willing to talk just over messaging, I also have a WWF discord so we can exchange documents (I also find Tumblr messaging to kind of suck sometimes).
              Also down to answer any questions you have in the comments!
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vavandeveresfan · 3 days
When I get an idea for a new fic and I already have too many WIPs.
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assumed, adopted from without; taken in to complete something else, tough originally extrinsic; supplemental; additional
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lannegarrett · 2 days
Me, when someone interrupts my writing:
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When I was a little girl, my mother told me a story. It went something like this: 
There was a hero, brave and kind and strong. When Evil rose up, he took up his sword and fought against it. There was a long and hard battle, but the hero triumphed, and everyone lived happily ever after.
That, I learnt, is bullshit. Evil is infinitely more powerful than Good could ever be. All the heroes in the world could never make a dent in it.
So why am I taking up my sword?
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