#queer positivity
bisexualpositivity · 16 hours
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🌈Happy Pride Month 2024!🥳
Want to…
Anonymously share your experiences
Give queer kids some much needed words of advice
Spread positivity by talking about what you love most about being LGBTQ+?
Consider filling out one or more responses in the form below! Throughout pride month, we’ll be collecting short memoirs, confessions, and more to publish anonymously on our blog with the intention of educating others and fostering a sense of community on tumblr.
(This is completely optional and anonymous — you will NOT be required to sign into google in order and this form won’t collect your email address.)
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midnight-love-song · 24 hours
Happy pride month my bunch of deviant little freaks
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your-queer-dad · 18 hours
Hey dad!
Just wanted to say happy pride month :))
Hey kiddo!! Happy pride month!!!
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theophan-o · 2 days
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My drawings from previous year (2023, using pencils, white charcoal and chalk) - playing with H. Sienkiewicz's idea of the Knight-Damsel ("rycerz-panna") or the Cossack with a female face ("watażka z białogłowską twarzą"). Gender-neutral Eastern European fashion from the mid-17th century was a great help here;-)
Let's queer the Polish Classic Literature!
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
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Omg this is SUCH a grandma thing. She’s totally okay with them being queer, she’s just upset that she can’t feed them her world-famous ham.
“Honey, you’re so thin! Are you eating enough at home? I really don’t agree with this whole ‘vegetarian’ thing, I’m worried about my grandbaby not getting enough protein!!!”
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cosmiclion · 10 months
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Love wins 😌
And a version for my aro/ace/not interested in kissing for whatever reason siblings:
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positively-bi · 7 months
Hey, guess what? You're allowed to identify as something and then later identify as something else. It doesn't make you a liar or a fraud or an idiot. It's fine. It's okay. People change and grow and their understandings of themselves change and grow too. That's life. Don't sweat it.
It's okay to identify as gay and then later as bi or as bi and then later as gay. It's okay to identify as aro and then later realise you do experience romantic attraction. It's okay to change what name you use or what pronouns you use three hundred times. It's okay and you're always welcome in my community. Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace.
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bloggingboutburgers · 6 months
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Self-affirmation, uh, finds a way
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fagpunkqueer · 1 year
i love you bears i love you butches i love you trans men i love you transmascs i love you drag kings i love you masc queers of all persuasions the world is so much better and brighter for the existence of queer masculinity
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agrebel18 · 2 months
i love you polyamorous relationships, open relationships, friends with benefits/friends that have sex with each other, queerplatonic relationships, friendships that have some weird queer element to it, relationship anarchy, staying single and i love anything that doesn't match what society considers "normal"
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your-queer-dad · 2 days
hey dad
I’m almost two weeks clean of self harm (it’ll be two weeks on sunday) and it’s been really hard but I’m determined to reach two weeks
anyways I just wanted to share that with someone so yeah
Hey kiddo!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!! You're doing so well!!!!! I'm so incredibly proud of you, that's an amazing achievement!!! You got this kiddo!!
- dad x
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boy-gender · 5 months
feminine and flamboyant trans men/mascs/boys i love you!!! i love you so much!!! ✨🎉💗💕💜💙🤎🏳‍🌈💟💛🧡🌈🦄💝😍🎀💚
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intersexfairy · 5 months
having breasts does not make you a woman. having a vagina, vulva, or ovaries does not make you a woman. having XX chromosomes or an estrogen-dominant body does not make you a woman. having a period or the capability to have children does not make you a woman.
having or not having these things can affirm your identity and make you feel more like yourself, for sure. but the point is your body does not decide who you are - you do. you are in control of your own gender, your own identity. you are you no matter the body you inhabit. and i hope that if you dont feel it now, someday your body feels truly like home.
💜 this post includes intersex people. don't forget your intersex peers! 💜
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babybluebanshee · 10 months
It's honestly kind of jarring being one of only two queer people at my job, because sometimes I'll see people who are obviously, visibly, unabashedly queer and mention it to one of my non-queer coworkers and they're like "why does it matter?" or "i don't care if someone is gay or straight or whatever" or "okay, and?" What they don't seem to understand is that I'm not being judgy when I point it out. That's nothing but queer joy babey.
A trans boy who's experimenting with hair dye and oversized hoodies and new names and has currently settled on a video game character? We love to see it.
A gay elder who has never explicitly told me that he's gay, but wears rainbows all the time, has a little pride pin on his hat, paints his nails, and mentions his gender-neutral "beloved" who loves Rocky Horror and Priscilla Queen of the Desert? Makes me want to cry from sheer happiness.
A woman and her daughter coming in to get library cards, and when I asked how many she'd like on her family account, she replies "three, for me, my daughter, and my wife"? Catch me trying not to burst with euphoric squealing at the circulation desk.
When I point these people out, it's because I'm happy to see them! I'm glad these people can live authentically and contentedly and that we can run into each other. I"m glad there are closeted people who can see the visibly queer folks and maybe get that little extra bit of confidence to live the way they want. I'm glad we don't have to hide!
Basically, I live and breathe that panel from Fun Home.
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fella-lovin-fella · 6 months
i know it's bleak out there for queer folks, but please keep this in mind: i can open Spotify right now with the intention of listening to trans artists and i wouldn't even know where to start. there are so many smart and beautiful trans and gay people sharing educational content, vlogs, and silly videos while openly and loudly queer. there are video games that allow custom pronouns, where you can romance anyone of any gender, where you can make characters that are asexual and aromantic and cant be changed. there are tv shows fully about gay people. cis/het allies are everywhere. PLEASE dont forget how far we've come. i love you, stay safe.
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batri-jopa · 1 year
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I love my life highly satisfied just being myself
(Check the OTHER VERSION too✌️)
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