i propose that instead of pride month, we have queer year (queer people are treated like actual people all year long)
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pealeii · 1 day
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 13 hours
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Mood killer...
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OK. I’ve been out of the closet since 1998, but I kind of feel like compared to a lot of other people that are more sexually active or outgoing, I feel like I haven’t really done much with my gay identity. I don’t really have much to show for it. Therefore, I am giving myself a challenge and inviting all of you to do the same this pride month.
30 days of queer gratitude. 30 things. They can be paragraphs or just a few sentences that are part of your queer experience that you are grateful for. It can be someone treating you kindly at the pride parade, a compliment you got that meant a lot more than the person probably intended, a book or a song that made you feel seen. Whatever it is. Just tell people about it. Once per day for the entire month of June.
(Do it however you want but I would suggest on Tumblr re-blogging Yesterday’s post and adding a new entry just so the entire thing stays together.)
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justdavina · 1 day
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It's FRIDAY darling's which means it's time to break out those panties and bras..Your sexiest dress and get out and support the LGBTQA+ community
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It's pride Month time and it's new dye time!
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//picture is from Pinterest//
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lgbtqtext · 20 hours
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Tomorrow, We Rise
Happy Early Pride 😎
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Happy Pride Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are all amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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romanoffshouse · 10 hours
Happy Pride Month!
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Natsukawa. I love you, more than anyone in the world.
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iveeaten3humanorganz · 17 hours
I suggest…. For pride month… we totallllyyyyyy dontttttt….. take over all homophobic and terf tags….. that would be so crazy…. Don’t do that……..
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forsapphics · 17 hours
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@its-a-jinxed-world is a TERF and pro JKR, and should not be interacted with. I’ve noticed mentions of posting dms being a violation of tumblr TOS, and she does so regularly. Therefore, if this is indeed a violation, it is possible that she can be reported as such.
Please do not support her or her attempts to either 1) turn trans defences into jokes or 2) tries to use the old “trans women are not real women because genitalia and all that” argument. Those are pathetic and outdated, and some of her primary defences are screenshots (from twitter) and humor.
And, @its-a-jinxed-world, if you see this: As a cisgender female and hence the kind of person considered to be a ‘real’ female by people like you, I’m ashamed. If you truly wish to be inclusive and accepting, you wouldn’t spread your hate around, that too on a platform filled with queer people. I don’t care whether you think you have the moral high ground and are more of a woman than any of the people who identify as one. People deserve to be who they believe they are, not be restrained by people like you, who believe in sticking their nose into other people’s business and spreading hate. I may be cis, but I will stand up for trans rights - no, human rights as if they are my own. Trans women are fellow women, and I stand for all women. The same thing goes for transgender men: they can identify as and appear as whatever they wish, because it’s what’s right for them. I have friends on this site who are transgender, and I’m proud to say that they are wonderful human beings despite not being born as the gender they identify as; something you can never do. Disrespectfully: fuck you.
[Tagging @realsafari, @yes-im-youtube-kids and @gibbish-anon-from-gell for reach bc ik u all have a pretty big following and i want to get the point across. Sorry if this bothers you, I just know that you also stand for trans rights and could help me to get that disgusting terf off our website. Love ya, pooks :3 /p]
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