i propose that instead of pride month, we have queer year (queer people are treated like actual people all year long)
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aromantic-diaries · 20 hours
I don't think it's infantilizing to headcanon an autistic character as asexual especially since there are many autistic asexuals and a lot of them may see themselves in these characters. What should raise an eyebrow is when they get the "precious innocent baby cinnamon roll who doesn't know what sex is" treatment cause if I'm being completely honest that characterization is offensive to both autistic and asexual people
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Friendly reminder that trees are canonically asexual 💜🤍🩶🖤
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reinanova · 1 day
aro and ace are trending?? on the eve of pride month?? this year is for the aspecs for real
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that-bisexual · 1 day
yeah, love is love. Even platonic love and queer platonic partners. Even aesthetic love. Even love without sex. All love is love.
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meriahlatyar · 17 hours
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Yay Pride! 🏳️‍🌈 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
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xemmez · 11 hours
it’s pride month and as an asexual person, i really wanted to make a post that is important to me.
i am already starting to see a lot of asexuality-based pride posts that are keeping up the notion that all asexual people are completely sex repulsed and NEVER engage with any sort of sexual thing ever, which is an extremely outdated concept that isn’t as inclusive as it seems.
there are just as many sex-positive and sex-neutral asexuals who use the label as sex-repulsed ones. by consistently putting out asexual pride merchandise like “cake! not sex!” and “eeerm. i’d rather read about dragons than porn!” it’s alienating a lot asexual people who feel weird using the term because they do enjoy things like sex or porn.
there are asexual sex workers, asexual smut fanfic writers, asexuals who engage in sexual conversations with others, asexuals who do hookups, asexuals who run kink blogs, asexuals who do everything an allosexual person does with a much lowered sense of attraction to people if any at all. those people also deserve to feel good.
asexuality is simply a lack or lowered amount of sexual attraction to others. that doesn’t mean that lack of attraction immediately turns into repulse at the concept every single time. this lack of budge with the label being inherently connected to pure sex repulsion is why so many people are worried to actually use the label.
sex-positive, sex-neutral, sex-repulsed, even asexuals who feel like their opinions change over time depending on their mood, they’re all as equally valid as an outdated slogan for a sexuality.
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sh4rksp34r3 · 2 days
oops i accidentally queerplatonicafied your ship and aspeced your character again
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scaley-moth-wings · 2 days
Asexual Pride
Aromantic pride
Aroace pride
Aro/ace umbrella pride!!
Honorable mentions:
Aroace lesbians/pans/bi’s/gays
Feel free to rb with more honorable mentions!!
Everyone is loved here <3
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Tomorrow, We Rise
Happy Early Pride 😎
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aromantic-diaries · 3 days
I'm starting to understand that the reason why I didn't admit I was asexual for so long wasn't because I was uncertain or confused about my sexuality but that I was ashamed of it. I felt like being asexual would make me a dull and boring excuse of a person, that not having sex would mean my life can never be meaningful and I'll just be a pathetic virgin for the rest of my life. And most of all it made me feel childish.
I've gotten to know myself better since I finally admitted to myself that I was aromantic which made it easier to admit that I was also asexual and all of what I described seems kind of foolish now because I do find meaning in my sexless existence but it does make me think about how much emphasis is placed upon sex to the point where I was ashamed to admit I didn't want it
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I couldn't get very much from this creepers post because they blocked me and literally ace/aro person who called out their bad behavior after calling of course calling these ace/aro ppl fucking losers...
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So apparently when they were younger like in early middle school their ace friend got mad because divine made them uncomfortable... And divine held onto this all these years... Then decided to make a weird TikTok about it to make the person who they haven't seen in years... They are mocking their ace friend that they had as a child and only as a child.
Weird energy my dude
But of course there was ppl giving their support and just saying nasty stuff about ace/aro people here's some
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And these were the comments they were leaving to any ace/aro person who didn't agree with the comments or divines behavior
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The attacking people comment was used repeatedly by divine towards anyone that called out people on acephobia or just rapey comments...
Calling ace and aro spec people fucking losers was also constantly used by divine towards any ace/aro people that didn't agree with the gross stuff going on in the comments.
The person that divine is calling a fucking losers was literally politely talking to another ace person about dming to talk about shared asexual experiences because the comments were making them uncomfortable. (ー̀дー́)
There was one creeper basically trying to say ace people not being okay with sexual things happening around them " think the world revolves around them" and saying things like -
" no isn't a boundary"
" even if people were having sex in front of you, you can't demand they stop just because you tell them no"
" you can't demand people stop being sexually Or romantically attracted to you"
and repeatedly called any ace and aro that disagreed a " child that didn't understand consent"
divine liked these comments, you can you into divines comments and see that yourself...
I wish I could have gotten more screen shots of vile things being said but divine is blocking everyone who disagrees and deleting comments that could incriminate them at such a fast speed, it'll give you whiplash.
They still have the post up I'm pretty sure but not sure how long they will with the backlash that divine is desperately trying to hide.
y'all can try if you guys wanna go see it.
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 3 days
being an arospec/acespec person who also actively enjoys romance to the point of preferring it over regular stories is so funny😭
like im kicking my feet and giggling at these storylines and ships but do i wanna be in a regular relationship? no. no not really.
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iamshmolphrog · 1 day
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im actually thinking of doing outfits inspired by lots of different pride flags for June so PLEASE leave a suggestion of your flag or just one you think would look good! odds are I won't be able to do one every single day but by golly I'm gonna cram in as many as possible
(and if you want to search for them my art is tagged #shmol frog art)
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My discord pfp is currently the one where the person flips their middle finger and blasts earth with the ace flsg
So very pride
But I want a NEW one
Hm hm hmmmmm
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sapphire-deity · 18 hours
Dink donk it's Pride Month and I'm here to talk about Hideduo's relationship.
I generally just use the word queer for myself, it's comfortable for me, but within that I know I'm somewhere under the ace umbrella. And with FitPac, the fact that despite all the innuendo and flirting and comments they never kissed? Never hinted at even having gotten down and dirty offscreen? Made it clear multiple times they were treating it carefully and taking things slow for everyone's comfort level?
I know they likely eventually would have, with more time on the server, I get they weren't necessarily an ace couple. But being ace (even a sex positive one) and seeing a couple you adore only getting stronger and more comfortable with each other despite never sleeping together genuinely meant so much to me.
My second take is this: Fit has never (to my knowledge) confirmed how he identifies (which is completely fine, I'm not saying it isn't) but the fact that two men from different cultures with only one shared language and a translator to communicate, who are both (to my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong) seen as straight, can roleplay a pair of gay characters without making the relationship a joke or flinching away from it when outside of rp? That they treat it like they're roleplaying any other relationship? They're not afraid of it, they don't think it's weird, they don't get mad if you mention it to them when not in rp. It's not a dirty word or situation to them, and that is so important to me.
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