thegirlinthecher · 2 days
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Is this a sign 🥹 ? Am I aro-ace?
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mgc02 · 2 days
AroAce Confusion: when you feel other types of attraction towards people often fictional characters and you have a sort of "crush" and you don't know how to feel about it. Do I wanna... do something with this person? Maybe? No. Idk. But I can't stop thinking about them. Aaaaaaaaahhh whats wrong with me?!?! I wanna be close to them but not in a romantic or sexual way. But like more than friends. I know what a qpr is but what is qpr crush? Does squish count? I has confusion!!!
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I couldn't get very much from this creepers post because they blocked me and literally ace/aro person who called out their bad behavior after calling of course calling these ace/aro ppl fucking losers...
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So apparently when they were younger like in early middle school their ace friend got mad because divine made them uncomfortable... And divine held onto this all these years... Then decided to make a weird TikTok about it to make the person who they haven't seen in years... They are mocking their ace friend that they had as a child and only as a child.
Weird energy my dude
But of course there was ppl giving their support and just saying nasty stuff about ace/aro people here's some
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And these were the comments they were leaving to any ace/aro person who didn't agree with the comments or divines behavior
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The attacking people comment was used repeatedly by divine towards anyone that called out people on acephobia or just rapey comments...
Calling ace and aro spec people fucking losers was also constantly used by divine towards any ace/aro people that didn't agree with the gross stuff going on in the comments.
The person that divine is calling a fucking losers was literally politely talking to another ace person about dming to talk about shared asexual experiences because the comments were making them uncomfortable. (ー̀дー́)
There was one creeper basically trying to say ace people not being okay with sexual things happening around them " think the world revolves around them" and saying things like -
" no isn't a boundary"
" even if people were having sex in front of you, you can't demand they stop just because you tell them no"
" you can't demand people stop being sexually Or romantically attracted to you"
and repeatedly called any ace and aro that disagreed a " child that didn't understand consent"
divine liked these comments, you can you into divines comments and see that yourself...
I wish I could have gotten more screen shots of vile things being said but divine is blocking everyone who disagrees and deleting comments that could incriminate them at such a fast speed, it'll give you whiplash.
They still have the post up I'm pretty sure but not sure how long they will with the backlash that divine is desperately trying to hide.
y'all can try if you guys wanna go see it.
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Being AroAce kinda sucks.
Not because I hate being aroace, but because I hate feeling left out of different than allo people.
I watch shows, and I don't get the MCs motives or they do weird stuff I feel odd about.
Like- stop normalizing being perverted, I don't get how that's even entertaining!
I'm not lonely because I'm AroAce, I'm lonely because I'm forgotten and left out.
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characterpridepfps · 5 hours
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@some-random-ace requested asexual Alastor!! Thought I might as well add aromantic Alastor, as well, thanks to that one scene with the epic, green lighting. Free to use!!
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olivescales3 · 12 hours
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smallidarityyuri · 20 hours
Happy pride month Joel and Jimmy are both aromantic. Yes they kiss and hold hands and do things behind closed walls that are born of your goddamn business but they're still aromantic. Aromantic people can still do romantic things even if they don't experience it the same way as you do. All people experience things differently and people under the same label as you can fit that label differently than you. So yes, they may do romantic things together but that does not take away from the fact that they are aromantic.
Sincerely, an aroace
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kdzhfuntime · 1 day
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Happy Pride Month <3
I'm sorry there's no comic like last year, maybe I will try to do something later, but I don't promise anything :'3
I must say that when I found out I was aromantic I felt... So relieved and so happy, there was nothing wrong with me, I didn't have to be hard on myself for not having crushes or immediately falling in love with anyone because I simply didn't feel romantic attraction.
When I found out I was asexual my first reaction was "... Wait, people feel horny at looking at each other?"
Then I immediately realized I was asexual.
Can't blame me for not realizing I was not feeling something I "should have been feeling", dude, that shocked me xD But then I felt happy as well <3
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soulless-bex · 2 days
best aspec characters?
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gaycubes4life · 2 days
I see pretty men in dresses and I immediately want to ravish them. I’m only in my cycle so rn I’m like, not ace really, but DAMN I NEED A PRETTY MAN WITH SHOULDER LENGTH HAIR TO CRY AS I DEVOUR HIM AND MAKE HIM FEEL LIKE THE PRETTIEST BOY IN THE WORLD!!!
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daybringersol · 8 months
fun fact (not fun at all fact actually) :
aromanticism and asexuality are still treated as issues to be fixed in most therapy settings, at least in the western psychiatric institution. i cannot fucking mention my aromanticism or asexuality to a therapist or it’ll immediately become their primary concern and goal to fix. whether or not i have a partner/am trying to have a partner is actively being used as an indicator of my wellness, regardless of if i WANT one. i cannot have access to needed mental health ressources because of fear of conversion therapy. aro and/or ace conversion therapy is the norm in most psychiatric institutions and we are getting told by the rest of the queer community that our oppression isnt real and that there is no link between our struggles and theirs.
more thoughts on the medicalization of asexuality and/or aromanticism
answers to common notes
aplatonic perspective
background information
tips to avoid aro and/or ace conversion therapy
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fun-k-boards · 2 months
Things friends can't do according to allos!
(these are all things I have been told with 100% sincerity, and not stuff that I myself believe. Also I know not all allos are like this.)
Give each other meaningful gifts
Pay attention to the others likes and dislikes
Look at one another in a 'certain way' (???)
Match clothes or accessories
Hold hands for 'too long' (???)
Hug for 'too long' or hug 'too close' (???)
Cuddle because it's 'too intimate'
Not want to pull away during a hug or holding hands
Lean onto the other emotionally and physically
Smile in one another's presence
Laugh at each others jokes
Give genuine advice
Text each other 'good morning' 'good evening' 'good night' 'happy birthday' 'happy new years' 'merry Christmas' etc, etc
Ask how the others doing
I'll add more once I think of things I've forgotten
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confusedhomicidalrage · 2 months
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bynux · 2 months
Trying to figure something out about myself; please reblog this for a larger sample size.
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maryhall · 7 months
Unpopular (?) opinion:
When I was young and wondering why I hadn't experienced a crush yet, the internet said I was probably just a late bloomer. They urged me not to identify as aroace because I could change my mind later on.
And looking back, like… so?
If I had been a late bloomer, who cares?
I was 13. I felt comfort in the aroace community. I didn’t feel like a weirdo for once in my life, surrounded by people who were like me. But I was urged to not join these communities until I became an adult in case I changed my mind about being ace. So I didn’t. And I paid for that.
Who cares? If you’re young and feel like you’re aroace, then you’re aroace. If you “change your mind” later, it’s okay. No one is going to be born and know themselves 100%. I genuinely thought I was alloromantic once, but now know I’m not.
Speaking from experience, I would rather have kids be “wrong” about their sexuality than feel like they have no place of belonging.
We shouldn’t gatekeep aroace folk because of their age. It hurts. It makes kids feel like they are the freaks society tells them they are.
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siriusly-remu · 3 months
the aromantic agenda
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@makelimeade @kiwimuichiro @fallenrain40 @redysetdare @canonically47 @arodabi @drakenhert @pinnakoladda @thisvegetabledoesntfallinlove @midnightcrisisstuff @the-nefarious-vampire
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