jakubmeow · 2 days
"You can't just ignore, or be neutral about syscourse!"
Yes you can, just because somebody has a disability and wants to be involved in the community, doesn't mean they have to constantly fight with fakeclaimers, or endos, etc etc.
People are allowed to just chill out, have a nice time.
A lot of people cannot take threats and such, if they fight, they will be getting threats and such. I can handle threats, I can handle people being ignorant, but many people cannot handle that, and that is why they should not involve themselves in discourse.
I'm not claiming anybody is weak, systems are very strong people, and you won't ever be able to truly understand the horrors they went through that caused them to be one. They are the opposite of weak.
Don't feel invalid because you can't involve yourself in this constant war. Take a breather for yourself.
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sirius-romsys · 2 days
"Having friends in your head must be so fun!!"
Okay, say it's fun when someone that isn't you takes over your body and decides to do something horrid? Not necessarily a crime, but say, broke up with your lover(s), or cut you off from your entire family.
We're all mentally unstable, at any moment one of us can just decide to commit and it's the end.
It's not fun. It's scary.
Especially because not all of us are "friends", many of us simply get along because we are stuck together.
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pluralcultureis · 2 days
plural culture is theres been a name for our switches this entire fucking time and its called non-possessive and now im pissed because this made up like 70% of our self doubt AND ITS HAD A WORD . THERE WAS A WORD THIS WHOLE TIME AND WE DIDNT KNOW ARE YOUFUCKINGNKIDGNMEEMEEEEEEEEE
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anti-endo-haven · 2 days
I’m making a post about this.
Someone that has fully fused or is functionally multiple is STILL DISORDERED. This disorder impairs people in different ways. To say that it doesn’t is invalidating and harsh because you cannot tell how someone is impaired by being on social media.
You do not lose the disorder once you’ve gotten help to process trauma. That trauma is still there. You still fit the criteria for OSDDID even with healing. You don’t lose the disorder magically.
Someone who has reached final fusion still has the trauma responses to split because of that trauma and stressors. OSDDID is a LIFELONG disorder.
For those that believe that someone who heals doesn’t stay disordered, please do more research as you are wrong.
If someone has, for say, a personality disorder that personality disorder will stay for their ENTIRE life. The same is with a DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER.
It is a disorder for a reason. A child’s brain has fragmented to cause alters. To tell someone who has been impaired and unable to function that no matter what path they go down for healing, they will not be disordered is wrong and I suggest looking through medical documentation again.
You will always be disordered. There is no way to magically heal past a disorder that is life long, it will always be there. It can be helped but it will not go away.
You will never stop being disordered.
For the person in my comments trying to tell me that someone will go from being disordered to not fitting the OSDDID criteria to, potentially, no longer having PTSD which is COMMON TO HAVE with OSDDID, please get your facts straight. You will harm a community and survivors with your thoughts and misinformation. Please, do the research.
Once you have a disorder, there is no going back. It stays like a leech. You cannot get rid of that leech. To think you can is wrong.
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the-system-arcade · 3 days
The _System_Arcade_v2.0
Welcome to the System Arcade! Your one-stop shop for everything you need!... If you’re a part of a system, that is! 
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A while back, the original admin of this blog made an interest check for a server for system folks who also kin. After 4 years of inactivity, we’ve decided to do a hard reboot and start running this server again with new and updated things! 
What We Offer:
A safe space for systems to meet new people, chat it up, and generally unwind! 
Individual chats for different headmate roles as well as general system chats, along with a space for people who kin!
Forums for a wide range of sources / pieces of media to talk about and find fellow fans/kin/introjects of! 
Plurakit! ( Obviously, haha! ). We also have Tatsu, Dyno, and YAGPDB.xyz
All types of sources are allowed! Cringe culture is dead! 
Requirements to Join: 
Please have the body be 14+! We have spaces for minors to talk to other minors as well as adults to talk to other adults. ( And on top of that, there’s no NSFW allowed in this server. ) 
Be a system ( obviously … ) 
Besides that, just don’t be a jerk! We don’t tolerate discrimination or drama of any kind, including syscource. This is a place for any system to meet with other systems!
So. . . What are you waiting for? [JOIN_TODAY]!
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sysmedsaresexist · 24 hours
Kind reminder
It's not your job to tell people how to identify.
Many, many mental health disorders are lifelong, they never go away, but symptom management is possible!
If someone reaches a point that they are choosing to no longer identify with their disorder, or feel that it no longer fits them, or simply choose not to transfer their medical records to a new doctor (hi) because they feel they no longer need access to resources at that time, or if they never had a diagnosis to begin with...
That's none of your business.
You can't force the label on them, or force them to keep it. Yelling about how they still have a disorder isn't helping anyone-- not yourself, not them, not the people still working on themselves watching this happen.
You can't force diagnosis, treatment, or ideals on people. There are many reasons that someone might choose to drop a label or diagnosis, and it's none of your business why or how.
Learn to respect personal autonomy and self-determination in mental health care.
You're not just telling them they have a disorder, you're also telling them that they're struggling, even if they're not.
And that's just not for you to decide.
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ben-marco · 2 days
It disturbs me to no end that it is easier for teenagers to end up in Discord servers full of people who will convince them that they were abused by shadowy international groups than it is for these same teenagers to get actual professional help for the trauma they actually do have.
It's upsetting that there's a trend of teenagers who are more willing to accept that they were internationally trafficked for their entire childhoods than they are to accept that maybe their parents weren't perfect, or that they were physically/emotionally/sexually abused in a non-organized context, or that they do not have trauma histories to begin with.
It's disheartening that young people seem to think that OEA is the only "valid" form of abuse, that DID is the only "valid" mental illness, and that they have to exaggerate what actually happened to them and the conditions they actually have.
You do not have to have gone through OEA to be traumatized. You do not have to have DID to be mentally ill and in need of support. OEA is not the only thing that can traumatize a person. DID is not the only mental illness that deserves recognition and help (on that note, can we stop treating depression and anxiety as if they are "lesser" mental illnesses?).
Furthermore, it's OKAY to realize and accept that you do not have DID or trauma. Being dissociative and having trauma is not the norm. It should not be easier to believe that you have a history of extreme and organized abuse than it is to assume that your childhood was normal.
And as someone who did go through OEA, I can tell you that it is difficult to come to terms with what happened to me. I spend a lot of time wondering what my life could've been like otherwise, and wishing that I did not have a trauma history. So I hope you'll understand when I say it's bizarre to see minors blindly accepting that they went through OEA when they did not.
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sadowife · 1 day
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✦ Video Game System …
A flag for systems who have a deep connection to video games.
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Requested By : Anon.
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cdd-systems-support · 19 hours
happy pride month for queer systems!
happy pride month for lesbian systems, gay systems, enbian systems, mspec systems, aspec systems! happy pride month for trans systems, nonbinary systems, genderqueer systems, multigender systems, abinary systems, atrinary systems, xenogender systems! happy pride month for intersex systems! happy pride month for systems who use "contradictory" labels! happy pride month for systems who use their cultural queer labels!
happy pride month for systems who use neopronouns! happy pride month for systems who change pronouns often! happy pride month for systems who use multiple labels! happy pride month for systems who change labels often! happy pride month who can't find their labels because of identity confusion! happy pride month for systems who choose don't use labels!
happy pride month for systems who can't celebrate pride month. who live in unsafe places, in unsafe families, unsafe regions, unsafe countries. happy pride month for systems who have to stay closeted because of environment. i'm with you & i remember you. you belong too. hope someday you'll be able to celebrate pride month.
happy pride month to queer systems!
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wxrmeaterz · 1 day
Hey, systems with high headcounts cmere real quick
I know its confusing and you feel anxious about it
I know you get fakeclaimed for it
I know you're scared that maybe you think it means it isn't real
I know it all feels like too much
Whatever is happening is the only way your brain knows how to survive. This is survival for us.
We'll get through it.
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delphientropy · 1 day
friendly reminder that "non disordered systems" arent people who healed from their trauma. its people who think they can cherry pick our disorder and claim that they have symptoms (like alters) without actually having trauma or the disorder. if you heal or do final fusion, you still HAVE the disorder! you can STILL split! it happens and is medically recorded! DID/OSDD/etc are lifelong! there is no "cure" for it! you cannot become a non-disordered system! thank you
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caintooth · 6 months
seeing people my age talk about how scared they are of memory loss, which they only associate with old age, is so surreal to see as a 24 year old who has actively experienced memory loss for a long time now
there are causes for memory loss besides dementia and alzheimer’s, i hope y’all know that. dissociative disorders, trauma, brain injuries, thyroid problems, even just stress and lack of sleep can fuck up your ability to store, process, and access memory. and that’s just a few of the many causes i can think of off the top of my head right now.
please stop treating disabled people like some scary “other” that you might become only in the distant, decades-away future. we are your age, too. you may become one of us sooner than you know. stop acting like memory loss marks the end of a life, when so many of us have so much living left to do!
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pluralcultureis · 11 hours
Plural with MaDD culture is "did I actually have this interaction with an alter or did I daydream it? How much of this is headspace and how much is daydreaming? Is any of this system stuff or am I just daydreaming? Am I really daydreaming or is it system stuff? You'd think figuring this out would be easy."
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anti-endo-haven · 1 day
I’m a human being. I feel like some of you that come through here don’t realize that. I’m a human being. I have my own struggles.
I know I say things that end up being hot takes, such as my most recent thing saying that someone will always be disordered even once they heal (remission does not make the disorder go away).
But if your first thing is to tell me things that are rage and anger filled, take a step back. I’m not mad, but your words do hurt people.
I do not see how me saying my views of saying the disorders I deal with remind me of leeches because of how much they take of me is so easily thrown into me being called the leech and a pessimistic asshole. But where does your rage come from? Why throw it to someone else?
It’s good to not throw it to you, but there’s always people hurting on the other side of a screen.
I only ask that everyone here understand that, as much as I hate to actually confirm it, you’re still talking to a suicidal person. Sure, I make fun of things in my ask box, but if your friend was dealing with the same thing and got all of that and they couldn’t handle it, would you be upset, too? That someone you care about is struggling so much and yet, someone wants to harm them further?
With this, I’m cleaning my entire inbox out. I know there’s vents and questions, I will not be answering them, asks will be off until I am not drained from taking care of children all day.
And until I feel like everyone can understand that I’m still a human being.
But also because I don’t want to continuously lie and say I’m fine when I’m not.
Sympathy isn’t a bad thing, and I’m not asking for it. But understand where your rage is going, where it comes from, and why you think it is a good thing to harm others. I see your pain, and I understand, but what good does it do to fling your words towards others you don’t even know?
Please, understand.
I say this with no malice but as a very, very tired individual.
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powerrangersystem · 1 year
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worms-in-my-brain · 6 months
People with psychotic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with personality disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with substance abuse disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with tic disorders are neurodivergent too.
People with bipolar disorder are neurodivergent too.
People with dissociative disorders are neurodivergent too.
Neurodivergence isn’t just ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression. (Plus those last two also get left out sometimes!) Neurodivergence is anything that affects your brain.
“Neurodivergent people hate loud noises” is actually just as valid as a statement as “neurodivergent people have delusions,” “neurodivergent people have tics,” or even “neurodivergent people have low empathy.”
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