#did plural
anti-endo-haven · 2 days
I’m making a post about this.
Someone that has fully fused or is functionally multiple is STILL DISORDERED. This disorder impairs people in different ways. To say that it doesn’t is invalidating and harsh because you cannot tell how someone is impaired by being on social media.
You do not lose the disorder once you’ve gotten help to process trauma. That trauma is still there. You still fit the criteria for OSDDID even with healing. You don’t lose the disorder magically.
Someone who has reached final fusion still has the trauma responses to split because of that trauma and stressors. OSDDID is a LIFELONG disorder.
For those that believe that someone who heals doesn’t stay disordered, please do more research as you are wrong.
If someone has, for say, a personality disorder that personality disorder will stay for their ENTIRE life. The same is with a DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER.
It is a disorder for a reason. A child’s brain has fragmented to cause alters. To tell someone who has been impaired and unable to function that no matter what path they go down for healing, they will not be disordered is wrong and I suggest looking through medical documentation again.
You will always be disordered. There is no way to magically heal past a disorder that is life long, it will always be there. It can be helped but it will not go away.
You will never stop being disordered.
For the person in my comments trying to tell me that someone will go from being disordered to not fitting the OSDDID criteria to, potentially, no longer having PTSD which is COMMON TO HAVE with OSDDID, please get your facts straight. You will harm a community and survivors with your thoughts and misinformation. Please, do the research.
Once you have a disorder, there is no going back. It stays like a leech. You cannot get rid of that leech. To think you can is wrong.
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bat-coven · 27 days
I hate the idea that age=head count for systems. OSDD or DID develops when you're a CHILD. You gain alters first when you are a CHILD. That's how the disorder works and for some reason some people don't understand that. And saying "oh you can't have a high head count" to a younger system undermines what they've gone through (same with saying "you can't have a low head count" to an older system). Not only that but it also makes people ignore the complexities of how systems function and it just breeds a whole new problem (that being more fake claimers). I just think it's stupid
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lovesomesys · 2 months
Introject who is close to source? Great, good for you!
Introject who is working on distancing themself from source? Great, good for you!
Introject who is super source separated? Great, good for you!
I’m proud of you all regardless of whether you’re attached to source or not- whether you want to be attached or not. Whatever level of separation is best for you is amazing. I’m proud of you all.
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deceasedchoir · 28 days
i wish our body could shapeshift so i could just look in the mirror and see who's fronting
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me when a pro-endo post shows up on my dash
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cw// fakeclaiming, prejudice against non traumagenic headmates
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here are some sources on endogenic systems!
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Hello! This is an pinned post for this blog! You can ask anything you want, btw! (Also, HUGE NOTE: Credit to @anti-endo-haven, everything here is based on their account.)
This is an ANTI-ENDO blog. No endogenics, no willogenics, no western tulpas, no demogenics, none of their supporters. Endo-neutral or people who can't give a fuck anymore are welcome. NO SYSCOURSE ALLOWED.
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About the blog owner!
This blog is run by a anti-endo & anti non-traumagenic DID system. We have DID (obviously), autism, ADHD, SPD, and GAD. We are intersex, transpan, nonbinary, and sapphichillean panaspec vari-oriented.
Our main blog is @seraphim-system-official but our most active is probably @seraphim-coinz (shameless plug)
We may or may not sign off!
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What can we do here?
Glad you asked! You can:
Look for a roleplay
Talk about your characters
Talk in general
Ask questions
Submit polls regarding your characters
Et cetera!
Feel free to ask if you're not sure if something's allowed!
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
Please trigger warning things. I'll do my best to add all of the warnings, but it really, really helps if you go ahead and provide the list.
NO proship/assault/dark content/etc roleplays. What this means:
No sexual assault
No looking for illegal ships
No description of gore/violence (you may say, "I want my roleplay to involve gore and violence," but you can't describe what exactly you want. Keep that in your roleplay partner's DMS, after they consent.)
Oh, but Francis, I don't wanna see the words at all!
Again, everything will be heavily warned about in the tags, as well as at the top of my addition to the ask.
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The question rules (towards us!)
You can ask just about anything! Keep in mind that we're a minor, and a traumatized one at that.
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Other rules!
As long as it follows what I’ve already requested, there are no more! I won’t tie you down with boring constraints here!
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Can I have an anonymous sign-off?
Current list: None
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I'd like to something important to be added to the pinned post!
Go ahead and let me know either through message or an ask! I don’t mind making sure things stay up to date!!!
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
Bye for now!
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wxrmeaterz · 2 months
Welcome - We're the Forest Collective
This post contains our Do Not Follow , Before You Follow and some extra info about us bellow the cut
Collective Terms + Identities:
Forest , Xi/They/Wolf/Howl , Transmasculine
Therian + Otherkin (Primarily Wolfkin + Wolf theriotype , but we also identify with ragdoll cats, bunnies, and several others)
Punk , Cripplepunk / Cpunk
Collectively we are situational mute (do NOT call us selective mute) and predominantly semiverbal
(we have several masked verbal alters who communicate for us verbally when necessary, but we are considered semiverbal)
We interchangeably use parts , headmates and alter language and mainly use We/Us when talking about us.
Get blocked (DNI):
Antisemitic, homophobic / transphobic, TERFs/SWERFs, racist, ableist, fatphobic, zionists etc
Non-traumagen "systems" + supporters/neutrals (endo, willo, etc) OR culturally appropriate closed practices
Pro/neu contact paras, radqueers and transIDs fuck off
If you reduce introjects to their source / blacklist certain sourced introjects (wtf is wrong with you)
If you don't know how to actually tag and TW things you're getting blocked
If you don't follow your own DNI
Anti contradictory labels - you are literally so intersexist and transphobic.
If you cannot tell the difference between real values and FICTION
Before You Follow:
Do not use complexity labels on us
We are physically disabled and use mobility aids
We often lose the ability to speak or communicate coherently as well as the ability to advocate for ourselves
We will block you if you actively post / reblog about our triggers
Posts / reblogs tagged with: "dir post 🧂" or "dir reblog 🧂" are directed at our syspartner
Anons and asks will be tagged with "🌳 forest.chats"
We have survived RAMCOA , Programming and TBMC and post about it (tagged with appropriate warnings)
Our Disorders:
AuDHD , Dyslexia , Speech disorders (stutter, situational mute, semiverbal), Tourettes
Agoraphobia, C-PTSD, Polyfrag DID
Cluster B PDs: BPD, HPD, NPD
Cluster C PD: DPD
OCD, DPDR, Pica, ARFID, Anxiety + Depression
We are visually impaired with VSS (currently looking for more Dx that may explain our vision)
POTS, FND, Hypermobile EDS, Fibro
Our Collective Pronouns page:
(this also contains links to other headmates pronouns pages)
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crystaledhearts · 2 months
This blog is intentionally made for RAMCOA/OEA systems who want a community! All posts will feature RAMCOA/Programming warnings unless stated otherwise.
We will talk about our own experiences with programs and RAMCOA as well as on how it affects our daily life!
Others are free to send asks talking about their own experiences, ask questions, talk, or do anything of the sort!
About the Blog Owner!
We are an anti-endo and anti non-traumagenic TBMC-DID system that has NPD, HPD, BPD, and is autistic (still to our denial).
Our main blog is @shining-star-system! We have another side blog which is @anti-endo-haven!
Posts will not be signed off here as it will be referring to us as a whole!
What Can We Do Here?
Info dump
Ask questions (I can decline to answer!)
Talk about hyperfixations
Tell us about your experiences
Submit posts
Talk to us
Venting Rules!
Please trigger warn things properly! If you don’t know what the trigger warning is, give me a brief about what you’re going into!
You can vent about anything! This is also going to be a safe place but is more related to RAMCOA systems/survivors!
For those that don’t want to see the vents, tags are below on what to avoid!
crystaled heart vent
crystaled heart vents
Rules for Questions
Like on our other side blog, you can ask anything within reason.
We are allowed to decline to answer something, especially if it feels like it can be a danger to us to comment on!
Other Rules
If you try and fake claim someone because of their experiences, get the fuck off my blog. It is a safe space here. I won’t tolerate it. Everyone is different.
As long as the rules above are followed, I do not mind what happens! I CAN add more rules as needed!
Common DNI
Pro endos
Non-traumagenic systems
Trans-IDs (transRAMCOA, transOEA, transProgrammed, transProgrammer)
Sign Offs!
You can have sign offs! Just let me know if you want one added to the list!
Claimed Sign Offs!
🐾mind / #🐾mind
🩷 / #🩷
🗂️ / #🗂️
The Backrooms Catalogue System / #The Backrooms Catalogue System
🥀🦷 / #🥀🦷
🪐🫀 / #🪐🫀
I’d Like Something Added to the Pinned Post!
Feel free to send us a message or an ask about what you’d like added! We don’t mind!
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systemblr · 2 months
i hate being a system bc whoever was in front when we were at the store said they wanted to “eat healthy” like fuck you i wanted my chocolate cookies
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anti-endo-haven · 1 day
I’m a human being. I feel like some of you that come through here don’t realize that. I’m a human being. I have my own struggles.
I know I say things that end up being hot takes, such as my most recent thing saying that someone will always be disordered even once they heal (remission does not make the disorder go away).
But if your first thing is to tell me things that are rage and anger filled, take a step back. I’m not mad, but your words do hurt people.
I do not see how me saying my views of saying the disorders I deal with remind me of leeches because of how much they take of me is so easily thrown into me being called the leech and a pessimistic asshole. But where does your rage come from? Why throw it to someone else?
It’s good to not throw it to you, but there’s always people hurting on the other side of a screen.
I only ask that everyone here understand that, as much as I hate to actually confirm it, you’re still talking to a suicidal person. Sure, I make fun of things in my ask box, but if your friend was dealing with the same thing and got all of that and they couldn’t handle it, would you be upset, too? That someone you care about is struggling so much and yet, someone wants to harm them further?
With this, I’m cleaning my entire inbox out. I know there’s vents and questions, I will not be answering them, asks will be off until I am not drained from taking care of children all day.
And until I feel like everyone can understand that I’m still a human being.
But also because I don’t want to continuously lie and say I’m fine when I’m not.
Sympathy isn’t a bad thing, and I’m not asking for it. But understand where your rage is going, where it comes from, and why you think it is a good thing to harm others. I see your pain, and I understand, but what good does it do to fling your words towards others you don’t even know?
Please, understand.
I say this with no malice but as a very, very tired individual.
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bat-coven · 1 month
Being a system really isn't that bad when you find that silver lining. I know that a lot of systems aren't able to with how their condition works but for us I think we view each other as a little family. Or at the very least a group of friends. Yes, being a system sucks. Yes, it's hard to enjoy it and we don't a lot of the time. Yes, it makes life harder. But I'm not alone. I have people to comfort me when others outside of the system can't. I have people to talk to. We listen to each other and we communicate (not super well all the time but still.) Final fusion really isn't an option for us because of the bonds we've built with each other whether it's romantic or platonic. I like being a system even though it sucks
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lovesomesys · 10 days
Why do people call strangers in the internet names like “sweetheart” or “honey”
Like it would make me uncomfortable to be called a nickname by a stranger and I know a lot of my friends feel the same! Dont call strangers nicknames! It’s weird!
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deceasedchoir · 2 months
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[in order from left to right :] queer platonic love holder, asd sym holder, platonic love holder, romantic love holder, guilt holder, avpd sym holder, npd sym holder, bpd sym holder, dpd sym holder, happiness holder, anger holder
these flags are for traumagenic systems only, the npd sym, bpd sym, dpd sym, and avpd sym are for systems that have the matching pd. do not use these flags if you are not a system. free to use, no credit needed, but greatly appreciated.
꒰⠀do not interact : ace exclusive, nontraumagenic systems, radfem, radqueer, basic dni⠀꒱
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ngl the pure CONCEPT of endogenic systems is actively offensive
Agreed anon, highly highly agree
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thing i drew in a roblox game :3
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