#plural positivity
✨ Happy Pride Month! ✨
🌈 To the plurals who are collectively queer
💕 To the trans, nonbinary, and xenogender plurals
🌈 To the plurals who are mogai/liom or have coined their own terms to define their queer experiences
💕 To the plurals who are questioning if they may be queer in some way
🌈 To the asexual, aromantic, demisexual, demiromantic, greysexual, greyromantic, and other aspec plurals
💕 To the plurals who don’t define or put labels to their gender, sexuality, or romantic orientation
🌈 To the plurals who have queer relationships inside or outside their system
💕 To the plurals who are aplatonic, in queerplatonic relationships, or whose friendships are inherently queer
🌈 To the plurals who are BIPOC, disabled, neurodivergent, poor, or multiply marginalized
💕 To the plurals who are just beginning to find a home and belonging in the queer community
🌈 To the plurals who are bi, pan, omni, or multi sexual or romantic in some way
💕 To the plurals who reject amatonormativity and heteronormativity
🌈 To all queer plurals everywhere!
This is our month to shine and embrace who we are! We hope that every queer headmate and system out there can have a beautiful pride month filled with all sorts of queer things and activities that bring you peace, comfort, and happiness. You belong here, in both the queer and plural communities, just the way you are! Keep being yourself. Keep living your most authentic life boldly and proudly! We love you, we’re so proud of you, and we hope that this month will be filled with joy and acceptance for yourself and your system!
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Hiding Hate on Systok
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Hiding Hate on Sysblr
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Suggestions on Words and Phrases to Filter Out
arent real / arent valid / faking / fake / roleplay / roleplayer / dont exist / need trauma / ableist / cant be a system
Suggestions on Tags to Filter Out
Endos DNI / Endos fuck off / Endos not for you / anti-Endo / anti Endo / Syscourse
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kintsugicollective · 2 days
Sometimes being a system is convincing uur dad to buy hot wheels for one of the littles.
Sometimes being a system is crying at 3 am BCS U got triggered
Sometimes being a system is smiling so hard Ur cheeks hurt BCS someone called you by your own name
Sometimes being a system is giving your younger sibling everything in the hopes that they grow up better than you did
Sometimes being a system is walking in circles because you don't remember why you stood up
Sometimes being a system is not knowing who you are
Sometimes being a system is hugging your body and knowing that you exist to love it
Sometimes being a system is mourning the person you could have been
Sometimes being a system is loving the people you are
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shattered-sun-sys · 3 days
For Systok accounts that are tired of the fakeclaiming and hate comments!
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Please do reblog and share! Not everyone knows about filtering comments, it seems, and some Systems on TikTok are quitting due to all the hate!
- Orisa
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shoutout to introjects who run fandom blogs about their source. how brave tbh
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loveloveplural · 2 months
plurality is not defined by switching.
plurality is not defined by headcount.
plurality is not defined by an inner world.
plurality is not defined by distinct headmates.
plurality is not defined by communication.
plurality is not defined by getting along internally.
plurality is not defined by an origin.
plurality is defined by multiple consciousnesses/identities in one body. if you say you’re plural, we and many, many others will always believe you. no two plurals are the same, and no one can tell you what you are or aren’t 💞
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thestarpletsystem · 5 months
Technically, if you’re plural, every project is a group project. Give your headmates credit
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tommyssupercoolblog · 5 months
a plural edit of the trans comic by @ vsemily
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(flags used are the DID flag, the OSDD flag, and the general plural flag - edit: I have received multiple comments and am now aware of the history behind this version of the DID flag and won't use it anymore moving forward, however I don't plan to delete the post entirely.)
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wildtulipfield · 28 days
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Another one!
I have lots of fun painting these chibis XD
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Here’s some positivity for introjects who have lost or can no longer access their source!
Lots of introjects may have complex and complicated relationships with their sources. For many introjects, discovering that their source is no longer accessible for any reason can be painful, confusing, or disheartening! This post is for any introject who is no longer able to view, engage, or interact with their source for any reason!
⭐️ Shoutout to introjects whose source is a person their system knew in real life who passed away, moved somewhere else, or lost touch with their system!
🔷 Shoutout to introjects whose source is from abandonware or a video game that has been deplatformed and can no longer be played!
⭐️ Shoutout to introjects who only have vague memories or no memories at all of their source, and they can’t remember what it is in order to view, interact, or access it!
🔷 Shoutout to introjects who are upset about losing access to their source and are mourning or grieving the loss in their own ways!
⭐️ Shoutout to introjects of abusers and people who have harmed their system, who must stay distanced from their source in order to keep their system safe!
🔷 Shoutout to introjects whose source is triggering for themselves or someone else in their system, causing them to have to avoid it as a result!
⭐️ Shoutout to introjects whose source is obscure and has been all but lost to time!
🔷 Shoutout to introjects who worry that their source will only live on in their memories!
⭐️ Shoutout to introjects who feel lost, confused, numb, or don’t know how to feel about losing access to their source!
🔷 Shoutout to introjects whose source is a interactive collaborative work like an SMP or TTRPG which has since finished, closed, or shut down!
⭐️ Shoutout to introjects whose source was never released, revealed, or made available for public use, making it difficult for them to access!
There are no wrong feelings and, if you’re an introject who cannot access or engage with your source for any reason, the feelings you have about it are valid and worth expressing! It’s okay to feel grief, depression, anxiety, or ambivalence about not being able to access your source. It’s also okay if you don’t know how you feel! We hope that you can take the time and steps necessary to properly process your emotions in healthy ways in order to continue living your best life.
Please do your best to show yourself some kindness and compassion today. If thinking about your source is painful, maybe try taking some time away to relax, unwind, and prioritize some of your physical, mental, and emotional needs. Or perhaps try talking through your feelings with a loved one or a trusted headmate who can listen to you and provide some reassurance. Remember we’re rooting for you, and wishing you the very best in all that you do!
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paracosmic-gt · 2 months
Please remember:
Endogenic includes a whole bunch of shitty stuff that people don't identify as trauma for themselves. Stress, fakeclaiming, struggles with neurodiversity, anxiety, anything.
Endogenic doesn't mean not traumatised, just that a system didn't form from that.
Endogenic systems can have traumagenic members.
Traumagenic systems can have endogenic members.
Endogenic systems can be horribly depressed and traumagenic systems can be joyful and enjoy their systemhood.
No system owes you their trauma history.
- River
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lefluoritesys · 9 months
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No, you're not.
(Made by me)
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littlemelonberry · 5 months
there's no "wrong way" to be plural.
you don't need to be a "system".
you don't need to be a "collective".
you don't need to hear voices.
you don't need to have concrete ideas or knowledge about the "others" inside you.
you don't need a consistent headmate count.
you don't need a checklist for what's a "real" headmate.
you just need to feel at home in a plural community. you just need to see experiences and say "yeah, that feels right. i feel like that fits."
that's all it takes.
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kittyblogfr · 27 days
kitty sharing , that endogenic systems are important members of the plural community. traumagenic systems are important members of the plural community. every system, of any origin, are important to the plural community.
be kind to all systems! 🐠🐳🐟
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thestarpletsystem · 5 months
Everybody gangster and anti-fakeclaiming until it’s them fakeclaiming themselves. Yeah. That’s what I thought. Be nicer to yourselves.
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encodedkismet · 4 months
hey shout out to plurals with "frustrating" or "socially bad" traits.
plurals who seem indecisive, "hot and cold", disloyal, dishonest, etc. to others due to subtle switches, passive influence, being median, amnesia barriers, etc. between headmates with very different opinions, wants, and moods
plurals who have headmates with "scary" attributes/symptoms, like hallucinations, delusions, anger issues, hypersexuality, low/no empathy, selfishness, need for attention, etc. especially those afraid they're perpetuating the "evil alter" stereotype
plurals who never know who's fronting. especially those with memory barriers, those who struggle with feeling any sense(s) of personhood, and/or those who struggle to keep close bonds with people due to this
plurals who struggle with meltdowns, tantrums, outbursts, pathological demand avoidance, poor sense of social norms, and other tendencies/issues that make being social or just existing in public difficult
plurals with fluctuating sexualities and/or triggers that make it difficult to remain with a partner/partners (or to date in the first place)
plurals who infight in-system and have trouble making decisions without intense internal backlash
plurals who have trouble keeping self care (and may go out of the house dirty/disheveled) due to other mental illness or due to frequent fronters being unmotivated, forgetful, or having sensory issues or triggers that interfere with self care tasks
plurals whose "self defense" relies on people pleasing, avoiding stressors, getting overly defensive, or getting angrier than "reasonable"
i write a lot of this cause i need to hear it, and i figure others do too. you are loved, you are appreciated, you deserve to be a part of society, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be understood and given patience... you deserve to be able to create, love, heal, be respected, be treated like your own age, to lead, to have a voice, to feel safe.
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