#endos not for you
jakubmeow · 2 days
"You can't just ignore, or be neutral about syscourse!"
Yes you can, just because somebody has a disability and wants to be involved in the community, doesn't mean they have to constantly fight with fakeclaimers, or endos, etc etc.
People are allowed to just chill out, have a nice time.
A lot of people cannot take threats and such, if they fight, they will be getting threats and such. I can handle threats, I can handle people being ignorant, but many people cannot handle that, and that is why they should not involve themselves in discourse.
I'm not claiming anybody is weak, systems are very strong people, and you won't ever be able to truly understand the horrors they went through that caused them to be one. They are the opposite of weak.
Don't feel invalid because you can't involve yourself in this constant war. Take a breather for yourself.
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sirius-romsys · 2 days
"Having friends in your head must be so fun!!"
Okay, say it's fun when someone that isn't you takes over your body and decides to do something horrid? Not necessarily a crime, but say, broke up with your lover(s), or cut you off from your entire family.
We're all mentally unstable, at any moment one of us can just decide to commit and it's the end.
It's not fun. It's scary.
Especially because not all of us are "friends", many of us simply get along because we are stuck together.
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anti-endo-haven · 2 days
I’m making a post about this.
Someone that has fully fused or is functionally multiple is STILL DISORDERED. This disorder impairs people in different ways. To say that it doesn’t is invalidating and harsh because you cannot tell how someone is impaired by being on social media.
You do not lose the disorder once you’ve gotten help to process trauma. That trauma is still there. You still fit the criteria for OSDDID even with healing. You don’t lose the disorder magically.
Someone who has reached final fusion still has the trauma responses to split because of that trauma and stressors. OSDDID is a LIFELONG disorder.
For those that believe that someone who heals doesn’t stay disordered, please do more research as you are wrong.
If someone has, for say, a personality disorder that personality disorder will stay for their ENTIRE life. The same is with a DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER.
It is a disorder for a reason. A child’s brain has fragmented to cause alters. To tell someone who has been impaired and unable to function that no matter what path they go down for healing, they will not be disordered is wrong and I suggest looking through medical documentation again.
You will always be disordered. There is no way to magically heal past a disorder that is life long, it will always be there. It can be helped but it will not go away.
You will never stop being disordered.
For the person in my comments trying to tell me that someone will go from being disordered to not fitting the OSDDID criteria to, potentially, no longer having PTSD which is COMMON TO HAVE with OSDDID, please get your facts straight. You will harm a community and survivors with your thoughts and misinformation. Please, do the research.
Once you have a disorder, there is no going back. It stays like a leech. You cannot get rid of that leech. To think you can is wrong.
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disrealities · 2 days
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Creepy-cute system
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A system who feels represented by, feels connected to, or just likes the creepycute aesthetic!
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wxrmeaterz · 2 months
u didnt deserve it.
u didnt deserve ANY of it.
none of the abuse, neglect, or anything else that made u a system
u didnt deserve that pain
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autopsycollective · 2 months
systems don’t owe you anything.
not our headcount,
not our trauma,
not our medical records.
we can choose how much we share with others and we are entitled to our privacy.
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group-call · 23 days
if the future is plural we have failed every future generation of children
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 4 months
By the way, I've seen a lot of discourse on "endogenic" alters, so repeat after me
Your brain splits alters as you need them. That means you can have a completely trauma based alter, and you can also have an alter created to deal with homework, aka an "endogenic" alter. If your system formed from trauma, you are not "traumaendo". You are traumagenic. Full stop.
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pastel-kingdom · 28 days
These pro endo post are starting to piss me off having dealt with an endogenic system literally using all of us bodily and mentally.
Its not fun. Its not a fucking trend. If you don’t have trauma you don’t have DID. If you hear voices and you see them then you have some sort of other illness. You do not have DID, stop fucking insisting you do.
DID is caused my consistent mental and physical trauma, REAL trauma, not “omg this really stressed me out” “omg my mom yelled at me.”
Someone has to say it and idc, i will. Shut the fuck up.
Just shut up. Please. You are, at this point, making fun of a real trauma disorder that people have to deal with every day. Going back to what my host said, he made a post saying that people who find this disorder quirky and fun will never understand the pros and cons of it, its hard. Its fucking… hard.
So before you sit there, the one who had a perfect happy fucking childhood, sit there and think about the people who actually have this disorder who went through the worst kind of shit in their early life, do I really have DID? Or do i have something else? Possibly serious enough to get help? Maybe I have trauma thats actually forgotten about and suppressed? And if you do then you might have DID or OCDD, but if you have NO trauma.. then please just get help. Idfk anymore.. just stop.
You people hurt people whether you do it intentionally or not. Then you people wonder “oh why is no one accepting us??? Thats so rude why are you harassing me???” Why the fuck are you ROLEPLAYING saying its an alter???
This was pure anger.. im tired of it. Im tired of seeing pro endo shit after being used by one of you guys. Fuck. Off.
- Don’t worry about who i am.
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here's a virtual hug for our fellow anti-endos. yall deserve one after all the trauma and mental pain you have to go through, and endos spreading misinformation and being toxic when you're trying to find a safe space. i love yall, don't give up. have a virtual hug 🫂
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jakubmeow · 3 days
we made another userbox have it
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anyways YIPEEE🔥🔥🔥
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TY @lupincollective 😇😇😇
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anti-endo-haven · 1 day
I’m a human being. I feel like some of you that come through here don’t realize that. I’m a human being. I have my own struggles.
I know I say things that end up being hot takes, such as my most recent thing saying that someone will always be disordered even once they heal (remission does not make the disorder go away).
But if your first thing is to tell me things that are rage and anger filled, take a step back. I’m not mad, but your words do hurt people.
I do not see how me saying my views of saying the disorders I deal with remind me of leeches because of how much they take of me is so easily thrown into me being called the leech and a pessimistic asshole. But where does your rage come from? Why throw it to someone else?
It’s good to not throw it to you, but there’s always people hurting on the other side of a screen.
I only ask that everyone here understand that, as much as I hate to actually confirm it, you’re still talking to a suicidal person. Sure, I make fun of things in my ask box, but if your friend was dealing with the same thing and got all of that and they couldn’t handle it, would you be upset, too? That someone you care about is struggling so much and yet, someone wants to harm them further?
With this, I’m cleaning my entire inbox out. I know there’s vents and questions, I will not be answering them, asks will be off until I am not drained from taking care of children all day.
And until I feel like everyone can understand that I’m still a human being.
But also because I don’t want to continuously lie and say I’m fine when I’m not.
Sympathy isn’t a bad thing, and I’m not asking for it. But understand where your rage is going, where it comes from, and why you think it is a good thing to harm others. I see your pain, and I understand, but what good does it do to fling your words towards others you don’t even know?
Please, understand.
I say this with no malice but as a very, very tired individual.
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disrealities · 15 hours
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Comfyr. "Kom-feer". COMFy + alteR.
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A type of comforter that is always warm, and comfortable. Their feelings and warmth may often bleed into front, making the rest of the system equally as comfortable. They may be an overall warm person, and are always sweet.
For day one of @puriette's event!
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wxrmeaterz · 13 days
If something happens in your system, it's valid.
Lets say your inner world changes or shifts frequently (or just every now and then)
Or your host is fluid - maybe you don't even have a host ... Or a lot of hosts
Whatever is going on for you, I promise you you're valid. Being a system is abnormal, of course you will feel weird and confused about your own existence.
Everyone's different and these experiences are valid.
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autopsycollective · 1 month
rlly wish the body would change to match whoever fronts :(( ❦
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delphientropy · 1 month
this term was created by an anti endo, and would prefer that NON-traumagenic systems and their supporters do not interact or use this term.
[pt. sibtector / sibshield. end pt]
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an alter whose role is to protect or take care of the body's younger family, such as siblings or cousins!
term and flag both coined by me
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