#om diavolo
msrubble · 7 hours
Diavolo: It’s pride month, Barbatos. Do you know what that means?
Barbatos: What?
Barbatos: what do you want me to serve?
Barbatos: Gay Tea??
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the-great-chimera · 1 year
Demon mc gets stressed and subconsciously tugs at their horns and rub at the base where they grow out from similarly to how human will sometimes pull at their hair or pick at their skin.
A self soothing action found in demons with high anxiety.
Diavolo noticed this action over time and made a point to have you sit next to him or one of the other lords for comfort. If he catches mc, reaching to tug at their horns, he will gently take their hands and shake his head authoritatively. " No tugging, it'll hurt you"
Mc puts their hands back down as diavolo gives them scratches and pets on the spot in between their horns. He dgaf who sees, what is anyone gonna do??? He's the prince, and you're his favorite.
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certifiedlucifersimp · 11 months
Lucifer : Why is MC sitting on your shoulders?
Diavolo : They like to feel tall!
MC : *happy sheep noises*
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devildomwriter · 4 months
He’s so stupid I love him
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rae-writes · 4 months
like royalty
om boys x reader
wc : 1.k
warnings : none, just lovesick boys and their lovesick mc (and cute little Luke and his cute little mc)
synopsis : instances in which you treated them so good they felt like pampered royalty
a/n : the 10k special is hereeee! tysm, once again! <33
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Leaning down, resting your knees on the dirty ground, just so you could tie his shoe for him
His steel composure allows Lucifer to remain rather unbothered, but you know better. You hear the way his breath hitches, his eyes widening just a fraction at seeing you so casually drop to your knees. He's at loss for words as he watches your fingers swiftly grab his shoelaces and begin tying them back into a neat bow. Lucifer doesn’t even try to hide the faint blush coating his skin when you stand back up- instead, he takes a moment to just bask in the pride he can feel building inside of you before he chuckles and shakes his head fondly. 
“My, Mc…I do appreciate the bold gesture, but now you’ve got your knees all dirty..how shall I repay you, hm?”
Unlike the firstborn, Diavolo, while he does have steel composure, forgets the definition of it as soon as you’re telling him to wait a second before crouching down beside him. He’s used to being tailored to, of course, but there’s just something about seeing your knees scrubbing the dirt and your tongue poking out as you concentrate on tying his shoe that makes him melt. Once you’re finished, he’ll lift you off the ground himself and brush off your knees, blush as dark as his hair while he laughs loudly. 
“You’re always so full of surprises! That did affect me quite badly, I must say…though allow me to do the same for you next time.” 
The sound (see: squawk) that escapes Mephisto is completely undignified. He’s absolutely embarrassed, especially at the tingling sensation he feels on his hand where you’d lightly smacked it when he went to tie his shoe himself before dropping to your knees to do it instead. The gravel beneath you crunches as you shift to get up, making his hand dart to help and pull you close to him; he’s regained his composure now, but his words are still low and flustered, even as he gives you a smirk. 
“Well, aren't you just sweet. Nobody’s ever gone through such lengths to simply tie my shoe, but you’ll be compensated, don’t worry. Come here, Mc…”
Stone faced as ever, Raphael just stares down at you with an almost confused look. He goes to say something about your clothes getting dirty on the floor everyone’s been walking on, but his words die in his throat when you peer up at him with a lovesick smile. Almost in a trance, he watches you carefully loop his shoelaces and tie them tautly before standing back up; only when his hand subconsciously finds the curve of your waist does he snap back to reality and give you a small smile of his own (he prays you’ll ignore the blush spreading across his cheeks…you do. For now).
“A-ah, Mc-! I…please, allow me to wipe your knees off, they’ve gotten dirty from the flooring…you really didn’t have to, you know, I can tie my own shoe…thank you..” 
Grabbing his hand with a featherlight touch and bringing it up to your face so you could place a soft, slow kiss to his knuckles 
Mammon’s base reaction is to jolt and scold you for teasing him, but his eyes dart to how your pupils are practically in the shape of hearts as you press your lips against his skin, and suddenly the loud mouthed second born is going quiet. The tiniest of gasps escape him as you begin to pull away, hand instinctively curling around yours and bringing it to rest over his thumping heart to keep you that much closer; the lovesick chuckle he gives you makes you melt.
“What’re ya— o-oh…Mc…d’ya even know what you're doin’ to me, actin’ like that? Where are ya goin’? C’mere…come closer..want another kiss- how about on the lips this time, yeah?”
Satan melts right through your fingers, eyes lidding and dumb little smile crossing his face. He is a sucker for this stuff and the murmur of your name is so breathless and adoration-filled. He’ll quietly demand another kiss, carefully watching your lips press against his skin before he’s flipping your hands around and kissing the back of yours instead. He relishes in the blush on your face but quickly turns a bashful shade of pink when you comment on how pretty that lovesick expression of his was. 
“Mc…give me another one..yeah. You make my heart race, you know that? And you’re so pretty when you look at me like that..fuck. W-what—? My expression…I..I can’t help it…‘s all your fault.” 
The squeal that escapes Asmo nearly leaves you deaf, but he just looks so charming with his giddy grin and sparkling eyes that you decide to overlook it (like always). He’s absolutely delighted at the action and begs you to do it again so he can take a picture for devilgram, but once the surprise is over, he just looks at you so softly. The pure adoration and love he sees in your eyes makes him feel like he’s floating and Azzy will be sure to shower you with kisses all over until you’re feeling the exact same. 
“OHH MY! How sweet of you, hon! Let me take a picture, do it again, do it again! You’re just so full of surprises, darling, I love it! I love you. I love you so much, you know? You make my heart race~!” 
Barbatos’ brain doesn’t catch up right away. He finishes greeting you and gets halfway through listing off the tea party spread before he actually processes the action— and that your hand is still holding his, rubbing your thumb over where you’d kissed. He stops right in the middle of the corridor and stares at you blankly, hot blush slowly rising onto his cheeks. The smile that crosses his face is completely for your eyes only (lovesick and bashful) and he’ll give you his amused chuckle before kissing your knuckles in return, bowing as he does so. 
“—I have also prepared a selection of-!!…you..you are very sly, Mc…I can’t say I mind it though. I do hope you’ll keep the way you affect me just between us, however…can’t have anyone else seeing, hm? Shall I return the favor?”
You and Solomon teased each other back and forth quite often but this he wasn’t expecting. And he couldn’t just play it off- not with so much infatuation plastered over your face as you keep placing kisses along his hand. He averts his eyes shyly, darting back and forth as he tries to form words, but…you just got him so good with that gesture, he’s absolutely tongue tied as he peers at you with his blushy face, voice actually cracking as he asks what that was for. 
“I—!…I, u-uh…Mc…what- what was that for…? You drive me absolutely crazy…can you do it again..please..?” 
Sliding your jacket off and wrapping it around his shoulders- even though it might not fit correctly- just because they were cold
Levi’s face is a blistering beacon of cherry and he takes a brief moment to malfunction before shakily gripping at the fabric around his shoulders, looking up at you with wide eyes. It’s something he’s seen straight from an anime, something he’s always wanted to experience, but now that he actually has, his soul is leaving his body because your cute little smile is just too…cute! He won’t give the jacket back, though, instead choosing to bury himself deeper in the material with a stuttered ‘thank you’. 
“H-h-huh?! O-oh, Mc…you..T-t-thank y-you!! ‘S really soft…’n s-smells like you..ah-! I-I mean-! Don’t listen to me, I’m j-just rambling! Thank you again!” 
More than likely too big for your jacket, Beel is confused at first and will ask what you’re doing and tilt his head cutely. Though, when you simply say ‘you were cold’, he turns all smiley and blushy and even lets out a little giggle. That sweet little closed eye smile of his is beaming as he thanks you and insists you pile up in his arms to share the warmth, because aren’t you going to get cold too? Being wrapped up in your scent and being able to wrap you up in his sounded like a perfect deal to him. 
“Hm? Oh, Mc…what’re you doing?…oh. Eheh…thank you! Won’t you be cold, though? Here, come closer, we’ll keep each other warm. Yeah…yeah I like having you close. I like you— I love you!” 
Belphie’s half asleep mind doesn’t really register it until he wakes up a few hours later. His lidded eyes land on the sight of your jacket, brain slowly registering before a sleepy- giddy- smile crosses his face. He’ll drag his sluggish body to wherever you are and drop his weight onto you, mumbling his gratitude and how lucky he is to have you without the fully-conscious filter being there. He’ll hold that jacket hostage until it has to be washed— it just made him feel so loved, he didn’t want to let it go. 
“Mmm…mh? Mc…? -yawn- Mc? Mm..thank you..you’re so good to me…love you s’much..come sleep with me now…wanna feel your warmth too. No- wanna keep the jacket..let me keep it..please?” 
Simeon blinks, eyes a bit wide as he stares at you before a bubbly laugh escapes him while he rubs the back of his neck and thanks you. He was quite surprised at the action, but completely delighted, and finds himself grinning stupidly before he can help it. He feels so fuzzy and warm and just wants to giggle and kick his feet— but he won’t…not outwardly, anyway. That giddy smile stays, though, all for everyone to see as he parades around with your jacket over his shoulders. 
“Oh, Mc, thank you! You really didn’t have to…but I appreciate it nonetheless- you’re so loving and kind, you never fail to make my day. I hope you’ll let me do something for you in return to show my appreciation?”
The first passing thought in Luke’s head is to deny he’s even cold, but when he sees that it’s you draping your jacket over him, he decides that yes, he is in fact freezing. And maybe he could just snuggle up to you as well… (Mc cuddles are the best!). He’ll happily exclaim to anyone that the jacket is yours and beam because he’s just so thrilled to be your friend and he’s just…so precious. 
“Waaahh!! Thank you, Mc! Are you sure you’re not an Angel? Hehe! Look, guys! Mc gave me their jacket! Aren't they the best?!” 
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Solomon: A person becomes more likable when they are clumsy or make mistakes; this is called the pratfall effect.
Diavolo, looking at Mc: You know, that actually makes a lot of sense sense.
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yuls-obscurities · 1 year
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demonvibez · 6 months
mature (mdni) · tags: suggestive, alcohol, possessive/yandere dia
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Diavolo sits across from Lucifer, the Demonus at hand painting both of their cheeks with a certain rosiness, the fireplace crackling away at their side. The Young Prince invited the Avatar of Pride over for a few drinks, knowing they both needed to kick back and let off some steam. Diavolo thought the two would just get lightly buzzed and exchange stories of their favorite memories, as they usually did. However, he couldn't have predicted his mood taking such a dark shift...
He can't even remember how exactly they got onto the subject of you - but neither can deny how much they miss you. They exchange stories of their favorite memories during your time here - but once they reach the bottom of the bottle, Lucifer can feel his inhibitions disappearing, and he's overcome with the urge to tell the Prince his favorite memory of you so far;
The night of your pact...and the intimate activities that followed...
As the Fallen Angel continues to happily go into detail about that night with you, the Demonic Prince can feel jealousy tightening its icy grip on his heart. Descriptions of your bare form have Diavolo's mind racing with a plethora of emotions - envy, greed and wrath all fighting to overpower each other as lust lurks in the shadows. Diavolo does his best not to let his cheerful façade crack, pressing the hell-crystal goblet to his lips as he begins to tune out Lucifer's drunken rambling. He had never seen Lucifer as his adversary before. He always regarded the demon as his best friend - now he is suddenly sizing him up, comparing himself to the Avatar and looking for flaws in his armor. What can he do to show you that he can give you everything you want and more? That he can be everything you need and more? 
The Prince needs a plan.
Though you may be currently in the Human Realm, Diavolo sees that as a non-issue - he can have you in the confines of the Demon Lord's Castle with the slightest of effort. His power, ineffable. His resources, endless. No, the issue stems from your ties to this realm - to the demons whose pacts you've bound. He'll have to be careful when pulling the strings of this very delicate dance - keeping the brothers just far away enough from you to keep you close to him. And if he must remind Lucifer of his place in his Kingdom, of who exactly he and his brothers owe their lives to, he will. All so he can give you the life you deserve - the royalty you deserve. After all, he took Barbatos for himself, so he can just as easily take you too.
Lord Diavolo always gets what he wants - and you will be no different.
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· demonvibez ♡ 2023 · do not copy, repost or modify · · likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! ♡ ·
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earthtocaptainsky · 4 days
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This was a very large project I'm very proud of completing! You can see the improvements I made as I continued the pieces. I added new criteria to each set of 4 eyes to increase the difficulty and work on new aspects of my art. I really enjoyed this project and I hope you enjoyed it too, Crew!
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moonstrumpet · 5 months
I got a request for part 2 of Diavolo headcanons! This is the best I could do, It’s not exactly like the last one but I hope it’s good! It’s more like headcanons with a mix of short stories. Please let me know if you like this, I will continue more if so!
Slightly suggestive
Thank you so much for your interest in my head canons!
DEFINITELY keeps constant tabs on you. He needs to know what you did today! Did you hang out with the brothers? Did you hang out with Lucifer? If you hung out with Lucifer, he might get envious!
You might think you would call or text you at night and ask you what you did during the day. But sometimes he is just too busy and would ask Barbatos to give him every detail of what you did that day. He knows you could feel violated, but you don’t need to know. If you are going to be with him as he ascends to the throne, he needs you to be safe! (And because he is curious about everything you do)
Although he can’t be with you all the time, you offered him a piece of you, specifically, you guys share those magnetic bracelet heart charms when you combine together it forms a heart. The average demon cannot see it during meetings because his sleeves are covering it, but it’s there, and when he’s in his demon form, it is most CERTAINLY still there, and visible for everyone to see. When he’s feeling lonely, he sighs dramatically and lifts his sleeves to see the bracelet glimmering under the light. He doesn’t know it, but Barbatos always sees him smiling to himself sometimes when he looks at it. It seems extreme, but no average person understands the stress of being the future Demon King, especially so young.
Diavolo is very grateful to have someone like you, after all, you see him more than the King of the Devildom. You see his bright goofy smile and his love and curiosity for life. But, don’t let that distract you that he’s still the future king of all demon folk. He’s 100% royal blood, he grew up getting practically everything he wanted. He would practically dance his way through conversations effortlessly using his persuasion skills and manipulation. He knows how to play the game. He sees it in your eyes, you forget, and he takes advantage of that. You won’t notice the way he looks at you from behind when you two are walking together. The way his glowing eyes glue onto your outfit of choice today and the way it hugs all the right places. You might feel someone watching you only for you to turn around. It’s just Diavolo, friendly and kind with his usual, innocent(?) smile.
He’s very good at masking his true emotions, you see. Do you see? Do you see how much he needs you, your voice, your touch, your smell? He can’t live without it. He’s gotten everything and anything he ever wanted, everything except somebody to love, but now he has you, and he will not let go.
There are times he does think too hard about you leaving him. When he does though, he will call you with his usual tone of voice asking you to visit him at the castle. Thinking none of it, you gladly go to see your lover. Just know the moment you walk through his office door you're not going out till he sees fit.
Know that he would hold you down tightly against his locked office door and directly tell you the sweetest, tempting words while his hands slowly cage you deeper and deeper. His expensive cologne is overpowering and his body is unusually hot as he pressed his chest onto your back while you feel his hand slowly trail to your face, and lift your jaw up to the side to expose your neck. You yelp in surprise as he bites into your neck line while slowly leaving love bites down to your collarbone. He knows it hurts, he really does, but he just can’t help himself, after all you did tell him not to hold back anymore. He needs to know that you are here, right next to him. He needs to taste you. To feel you and to hold you. The intensity of his presence is practically overwhelming and swallows you whole.
He’s lured you in and you’ve eaten the forbidden fruit, now you're his. Don’t dance with the devil, they all said.
No matter how many times he loves to touch you, he loves it more when you touch him. He practically melts under your touch. I bet it surprises him every time too. He’s not used to someone touching him so casually. He doesn’t know how he got into this position, his head on your knees, as you are humming with your hands in his hair. It felt like heaven, ironically.
Or when you both were sitting and enjoying tea on the tallest balcony of the castle, enjoying the moonlight. No candles were needed as the full moon lit up the table full of pastries and two tea cups. His beauty was radiating to you and the way his golden eyes contrasted with the moonlight put you in a trance. One thing led to another and you mentioned your curiosity about his demon form. His eyes lit in surprise and laughed so loud you thought the whole Devildom heard him.
“Of course MC!” He exclaimed as he grabbed his chair to move away from the table so both of you are sitting in right front of each other. The feeling of his knee in between your legs made you weak.
He quickly stopped laughing when your hands softly glided across his chest as you admired his demon form in awe. His glowing gold eyes constantly follow your touch.
Your fingers glide against the smoothe black markings on his chest. He melts over your compliments and the touch of your warm hands against his chest. Slowly you lift your hand away from his chest and look up at him pointing to his horns.
He understands exactly what you want, and he will give it to you. He lowers his head for you to touch. The moment your hands reach his horns his hands grasp onto your shoulders. “Be gentle, MC” He breathes out. Taking his word, you slowly feel the smooth and ridged texture of his horns. The golden accents on his horns reflect the silver moonlight. The way you grabbed onto both of his horns sparked dark fantasies in his mind. Although prefers to keep that to himself for now. Diavolo snapped out of it when your hands left his horns. Leaving the ghost of your touch to linger. But, all the sudden, he felt you caress his wings. “MC!” he exclaimed in shock. He shot his eyes back up to meet yours.
Quickly, you removed your hand from his wings but he shot his hand onto your wrist tightly. Both of you staring wide eyed in surprise. He’s never felt like this with anyone before. He breathed, “MC.. your touch is intoxicating, I fear if you continue I would be able to hold back any longer.” He hesitantly lets go of your wrist. He stares at you with half lidded eyes brightening with a lovestruck gaze. His wings expand to his full length and completely block out the light of the moon leaving the only light coming from his gold eyes. “Do you know how much I lust after you, MC?”
Are you going to continue?
Although Diavolo has a reputation to uphold, every single demon in the Devildom and all the angels of the Celestial Realm know you two are dating. Everyone knows not to touch you or fuck with you. Unless they want to die. No one would dare to disrespect the future demon king like that. His mere presence in a room is intimidating, even his personality doesn’t stop people from fumbling over there words as they try to talk to the 7,0 (?) tall demon king with bright gold eyes looking down at the expectantly. He’s probably the biggest person in the room and JACKED. I mean this man is literally taller than Beel. Just imagine you're in a ballroom, looking for your lover in the sea of nobles, well, you don’t look for long because he’s the tallest one there with the largest wings and horns and covered in literal GOLD. Plus, practically everyone keeps at least 7 feet apart from him out of respect.
Realistically, if I saw him in the middle of my room in the dark at night just staring at me with bright gold eyes you would probably just DIE on the spot. GET AWAY YOU PARALYSIS DEMON‼️
I have a feeling that Diavolo will just watch you sometimes. Like when he’s supposed to meet you at a certain time he would come a bit early just to watch you sitting on a bench, waiting for him. It makes him even happier to see you all giddy and excited, smiling ear to ear because of him. It lights a fire in him that he cannot extinguish even if he tried. He loves to watch you get ready for him. He loves to see you try to impress him with your newest shirt or the way you specially color coded your outfit. Love it even more if you dress in red and gold. You're practically showing off to him.
One time, You were walking around with Asmo and practically tripped over your own feet when you saw the most beautiful jacket in the front section of Akuzon. You were babbling to Asmo about it only for you to see the price was WAY out of your budget. The next day, Sitting on your bed was the jacket you loved so dearly, with a note thanking you for all your hard work in the Devildom. Signed, Lord Diavolo.
When you're wearing clothes that he got you he will point at you and exclaim with the brightest smile on his face that he got that for you and say look how good you look. The brothers find it extremely annoying, your whole wardrobe is practically from Diavolo. This does not exclude shoes. The brothers stop asking where you get your clothes because all you say is “It’s a gift from Diavolo!” as you spin around for a fit check. It seems adorable on the outside, but the brothers are seething with jealousy that you're wearing clothes that he got you. You practically smell just like him now. (That was intentional on Diavolos' part)
Speaking of dressing up for him, Diavolo would definitely buy you a bunch of clothes, anything from designer to casual clothes. He would love to see you wear clothes specifically gifted by him. He purposely picks clothes that reveal your legs more or your collarbone, but he tries not to make you too uncomfortable, he just loves to examine every inch of your body. He just wants you to reach up and grab something or bend down a bit more. He just wants to see a little more, just a little more. He hopes you won’t notice, but sometimes he hopes you do.
When you go visit him at the castle wearing the clothes he bought you, His touch would constantly linger on your clothes and his fingers would fiddle with the bottom of your shirt, never fully lifting it but never stopping. He would talk to you over tea like usual but his hand would be on your thigh and slowly tracing along the fabric. You guys definitely have to be scooted together when having tea because he HAS to be touching you. Especially with those clothes, it feels like you're teasing him! (He did it to himself, he won’t admit that)
Diavolo would deliberately put you in the most compromising positions possible. Completely bending you down over the desk and somehow making it seem completely innocent, though that’s not what his mind looks like. If you're visiting him in his office he would accidentally drop his pen and ask you to pick it up in his casual friendly tone.
He loves it when you are on your knees looking up at him with those eyes, your eyes, your beautiful eyes. He almost feels bad for putting you in this position, almost.
Please look into his eyes when you hug him as he stares down at you. He would MELT. Your head is practically squishing in his chest, the warmth if your body reaches heart, causing him to squeeze you tighter as smiles deeply. He loves to hear you gasp in surprise as he hugs you tighter, it’s like he wants to absorb every part of you! 100% a way of cuteness aggression. He just stares at you and will SQUEEZE YOU. (Barbatos stops him)
Im still a new writer, I hope you like this! And thank you for requesting! 🥰
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dialoovies · 1 year
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Till my hole remembers the shape of it
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lancermylove · 4 months
Proposal (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Lucifer, Mammon, Diavolo, Barbatos with gn!Reader
Warning: None
Prompt: He proposes to you.
A/N: Sorry for only doing four! 🙏
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Lucifer spent weeks meticulously planning the perfect proposal for you, taking into account your personality, preferences, and the significance of the moment.
Ultimately, he arranged a private dinner in the garden of Diavolo's castle under the starlit sky.
Before the main event, Lucifer took you on a stroll through the lavish garden, walking hand in hand with you. He reminisced about your journey together and expressed his deep affection and gratitude for your presence in his life. If you hadn't been there, his relationship with his brothers would still be broken. And even if Lucifer didn't tell you, he was genuinely thankful for everything you did for him.
As the two of you reached a secluded spot near the banks of the lake, Lucifer stopped and firmly held onto your hand. His gaze softened as he spoke from the bottom of his heart. "I cannot fathom a life without your presence, nor do I wish to imagine it. You have changed me in a way I would not have thought. You have brought light and warmth into my barren heart. Hence..." 
He brought out a beautifully crafted jewelry box containing a ring with your favorite gemstone before getting down on one knee. "Would you do me the honors of protecting and loving you?"
The moment you said yes, he delicately slid the ring onto your finger and stood up to give you a long, passionate kiss. 
It was the happiest moment in his life thus far, and he hoped to create more happy memories and moments with you.
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Despite his usual bravado, Mammon was secretly nervous about proposing to you, and while he wasn't the type to care for perfection, he wanted that moment to be perfect.
Mammon invited you to a casual outing as he wanted only the two of you to be present. The last thing the demon wanted was for his brothers to cause trouble or interfere in any way.
He took you on a long drive, eventually stopping at a secluded meadow under the pretense of a picnic. You thought it was a bit odd for him to have a picnic basket because you never considered him to be a picnic-going demon. But between your favorite snacks and the beauty of meadows, you weren't complaining.
Throughout the picnic, Mammon's nervous energy was palpable as he fidgeted with the ring box hidden in his pocket, stealing glances at you. He knew you picked up on his nervousness but was thankful you didn't point it out blatantly. 
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the meadow, Mammon took a deep breath and mustered up enough courage to speak from his heart. "Hey, (y/n). I've been thinkin'...a lot. Y'know I love ya, yeah? Look, I ain't good with my words, but since ya came into my life, things have been different, y'know? What I'm tryin' to say is I don't wanna live with ya by my side. I wanna see your face every morning, first thing when I wake up. I wanna hold ya close to me and not let go. You've made me a happy demon. I know I ain't perfect, but...I promise to be the best partner I can be for ya..." 
With trembling hands, Mammon took out the ring box and got down on one knee. His eyes were filled with nervousness, but his love for you overpowered his gaze. "So...what do ya say? Wanna marry me?"
As soon as you say yes, Mammon hopped up and gave you his tightest embrace. Then, he started to shower your face with kisses and completely forgot to put the ring on your finger.
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Diavolo planned an extravagant proposal fit for royalty, wanting to sweep you off your feet with a grand gesture and let the beings in Devildom know you were taken.
He arranged for a formal ball at the Devildom palace, inviting everyone he could think of under the guise of a general celebration.
Throughout the evening, Diavolo made sure you were treated like royalty, from your attire to showering you with attention and complimenting you left and right.
As the night progressed, Diavolo discreetly signaled for the music to change and took your hand, leading you to the center of the ballroom, where a spotlight illuminated you and him.
If you showed the slightest hint of discomfort in the spotlight, he planned to apologize later. However, Diavolo sank to one knee, producing a velvet-lined box containing a stunning ring fit for his significant other.
With unwavering confidence and charm, Diavolo began to speak. "My dearest, you have brought much joy to us. You have shown perseverance in the face of challenges, compassion in times of need, and confidence in your feats. I cannot think of a better fit for myself and Devildom than you. Would you do the honors of marrying me and ruling Devildom by my side?" 
Diavolo presented the ring to you, his eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation as he awaited your answer. When you said yes, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. The prince slid the ring on your finger before picking you up by your waist and spinning you around. 
While Diavolo was a cheerful man, the smile he had on his lips was far brighter than one anyone had seen.
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Barbatos invited you to dinner at the castle. Initially, you thought Diavolo was the one who asked you through Barbatos, but when you reached the kitchen, you noticed him making your favorite dishes from scratch.
You watched him gracefully move around around the kitchen, effortlessly preparing the ingredients and cooking with precision.
As he cooked, Barbatos engaged in light conversation, asking about your day, if the brothers did anything unusual today, and if you had anything planned for the upcoming days. He didn't give hints about his plan until he was almost done cooking. 
Barbatos' questions changed from casual inquiries to questions about your future plans, your goals, aspirations, and what you hoped to achieve. You were confused about why he was curious about your future but decided to shrug it off. However, the conversation left you very curious.
"I love you, (y/n)." He casually said as he passed by you, and just as casually, you responded to him. "I love you too." Not that you realized it then, but Barbatos had a victorious smile on his lips, which he hid from you. 
With the meal ready, Barbatos led you to a table with candles and flowers for a candlelight dinner. Through dinner, he continued the casual conversation until the end. When you began to eat dessert, Barbatos watched you with a smile warmer than his usual one. 
His question had no frills, no long speech, and got straight to the point. "(Y/n), since you love me as well, would you do me the honor of becoming my significant other?" 
With a warm smile, Barbatos presented you with a small, beautifully wrapped box containing the ring. You stared at him blankly with the dessert fork still in your mouth. Then, it dawned on Barbatos that he had confessed his feelings for you, and you confessed in return. He watched you with an amused smirk, enjoying the reel of expressions sweeping across your face.
"I shall take that as an affirmation." Without waiting for you to say yes, he slid the ring on your finger. But to add a cherry on top, he rubbed his thumb across the corner of your lip, wiping some icing. Bringing his thumb to his lips, he licked it off and smirked at you. "Scrumptuous." 
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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Diavolo planted apple trees because he wanted to share Devildom apples with (angel) Lucifer
Lucifer's favourite snack is a type of Devildom apple
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obm-avenquire · 1 year
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been making bad diavolo gifs the past few days for people in a server
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devildomwriter · 2 months
Diavolo & Animals
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He looooves animals and canonically says he loves cute animals in a devilgram so it’s no surprise he has so many different interactions!
Chicks, bees, bunnies, fish, cats, dogs, birds, and a fawn, weasel, a rat, and tanuki! <3
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rae-writes · 8 months
our bonds
om demons x reader
+ two bonus characters || 2.k wc
synopsis :  [Rae’s] pact hcs ranging anywhere from size, placement, qualities, and additional little quips— in order of obtainment
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Mammon’s pact mark is the biggest one you have; plastered over your upper back- right in the center- it circles around to the very end of your trapezius muscle, hitting parts of your shoulder, though it doesn’t reach past your neck. It glows a shimmering gold when in use. When activated, the feeling is the equivalent to a steady pulse of adrenaline 
Mammon can splay his entire hand over the mark and not cover it all 
Likes to hug you from behind so he can be pressed against it, and if you’re still enough, you can feel the quick thump thump of his heart against you
Loves when you wear tops that show it off
Has a Polaroid you took where your bare back is exposed to a mirror and you’re looking over your shoulder with a grin; it never leaves the clear pocket in his wallet
Traces it for comfort- whether he was feeling down or just to reassure himself that you’re his and you aren’t going anywhere 
With the owner being so shy, it was a bit surprising to see Levi’s mark show up on the back of your right hand; the rather small size makes up for the bold placement. The very top of the sigil’s circle hits the bottom of your middle knuckle, going down until it hits your wrist line. When in use, it pulses a toxic shade of orange and has a faint iridescent tinge to it. The feeling is like a cold wave of pinpricks, as if you’d just jumped into the ocean headfirst.
Traces over it constantly- absentmindedly- as a form of both comfort and a way to relieve his anxiety
Can sit for hours and watch the iridescent shimmer (only if you’re fine with having it active for so long) 
Preens subtly whenever you brandish it proudly when someone asks about it
Melts if you caress his face using that hand— especially if he’s been down in his sin and it’s glowing his orange 
Bites the mark when he’s feeling particularly possessive, making sure the indents of his teeth (see: fangs) show 
Unlike his brother, it was not a surprise to see Beel’s pact show up on your stomach. Evenly placed in the middle, it was your second biggest pact that reached a little below your belly button (much before your pelvis) and up to two inches below the tip of your sternum. Lights up a neon red when activated— almost like a warning sign.  The feeling is practically numbing, like there’s suddenly a black hole there instead. 
Always gives a big, dopey grin whenever he catches sight of it and offers you a bite of whatever he’s eating 
He likes to nuzzle his head against the mark, occasionally sleeping there when he’s not holding you 
Instead of having just an arm around your waist in town, he’ll also splay his hand over part of your stomach to feel even closer 
Loves blowing raspberries right in the center of the sigil 
Beel’s lock screen is a picture of you and him where you’re smiling with your arms raised in a cheer while he’s holding you up in his arms- in his fangol uniform and extremely sweaty- but with an even bigger grin as he rests his head against your stomach
Asmo’s pact shows up along your sternum, rather than being in a risqué location like you were expecting, and fits in the center of your chest thanks to its smaller size. When activated, the color varies from baby pink to hot pink, depending on exactly how much strength is flowing through the pact. It feels like a pleasant tingle blooming throughout your entire chest, slowly moving down to the rest of your body the longer it’s in use. 
Rests his forehead over the area as a silent way of saying ‘I’m here, I love you, thank you for loving me as me’ especially when he’s feeling insecure 
Uses it as the perfect excuse to include cleavage windows amongst the clothing he picks out for you 
Likes to watch it turn from the lightest innocent shade to the darkest lust shade
Whenever you’re both doing a spa day, he makes sure to trace his sigil because it ‘will keep our relationship healthy!’ 
Cried the first time you showed it to him because you brought him closer so he could rest his head over it and the sound of your heartbeat made him feel so loved 
You’ll find Satan’s pact marking your left wrist. It’s one of your smaller ones; it doesn’t pass the sides of your forearm and stays right below the wrist line— has a diameter of 3 inches from top to bottom. Is a neutral forest green when in use and gets either duller or brighter depending on how angry you get. Activating it brings a sensation bordering between a nice, cozy warmth and a scalding, burning warmth. 
Kisses over the mark all. the. time. 
also nuzzles his head against it like a cat
Like Levi, he has a habit of biting his mark whenever his sin starts to take hold of either of you
Can’t help but feel fuzzy whenever he sees it, no matter how many times he’s seen it 
His favorite bookmark is a pocket sized photo of you throwing up a peace sign with his sigil showing
Located on your lower back, Belphie’s pact is very much the equivalent of a tramp stamp. A nice medium sized sigil that sits right in the middle, over your spine. When activated, the color is a faint amethyst with blue speckles floating about, no brighter than a nightlight. It sends a deep haze through you, like the feeling of finally settling into a comfy bed after a long day. 
Falls asleep with his head resting against his pact— it’s one of his favorite spots
Has a hand resting there whenever you go out; it makes him feel assured and keeps him from losing you (he did that once…he nearly threw a tantrum in the middle of town) 
His eyes always dart to your lower back when your shirt starts riding up 
Can sit for hours and watch the blue speckles shift around
Another biter! Anytime he gets jealous or even just wants your attention, he’s biting over his mark sharply
Lucifer’s pact ends up on the back of your neck, big enough to see all the details, but small enough to fit right under your hairline and down to the base of your neck without stretching to the sides. It glimmers a deep, sapphire blue when in use and has a quick electric feel when first activated that smooths out into the equivalent of a light, steady buzz.
Has a habit of gently grabbing the back of your neck to get your attention (only when you’re alone)
Places a kiss in the center of the sigil every night before bed and every morning before leaving the bed
He doesn’t show it, but whenever his pact is visible in public, it sends a shock of pride right through him every time
While he would like to claim he’s more composed than his brothers, he also has the habit of biting his mark whenever he gets jealous or possessive 
Tends to cup the back of your neck whenever you two kiss (and sometimes digs his fingers into the flesh gently when it gets a bit heated)
Finally receiving one on your legs, Barbatos’ pact shows up on the outer side of your right ankle. Roughly the same size as Satan’s, it stops above your ankle bone and doesn’t breach the sides of your calf. The color comes in slow waves of jade green when in use and has a feel equal to being lost alone in an eerie forest— the coldness of the air and the distinct feeling of not actually being the only one there. 
Subconsciously rubs his thumb over the mark whenever you’re casually lounging together
Anytime he’s helping you put your shoes on, he insists, because he is a gentlemen, he places a slow kiss in the center of the mark (if you’re wearing pants or long socks, he’ll pull up/down the material just to do so and then fix it right back) 
There’s a picture hidden in your, Asmo, and Solomon’s D.D.D of a back shot of Barbatos, overcoat off, with your leg thrown over his shoulder, pact mark glowing on the skin of your ankle— magic works wonders when secretly snapping good shots
When you first formed a pact with him, everyone could see the silent smugness he radiated, but no one knew why for weeks because they couldn’t see the mark (everyone flipped once they did find out, though) 
The rare times you’re both seated at a table together when he isn’t running around catering to everybody, he keens every time to rub your ankle against his under the table
Much to his surprise [and slight embarrassment], Mephisto’s mark appears on your left upper thigh, right under the hip bone. It’s also a good medium size, circling right in the center. It glows a pretty, royal shade of magenta when activated; gives you the feeling of simultaneously being both annoyed and accomplished. 
Discreetly grabs your hips anytime he’s passing by behind you and runs his fingers over his mark before letting go 
Anytime you throw your legs over him when lounging around, he always- absentmindedly- goes to rub over his mark
And another biter! He does try to maintain some ‘class’, but when it gets down to it and he’s just so frustrated and jealous, sinking his teeth into his pact makes him feel so much better
Sometimes gets insecure because his can’t be shown off as easily as the others
After seeing his pact activate for the first time, he became obsessed with the color magenta on you
Diavolo’s pact is the smallest one you have, formed to be discreet and to be able to fit behind your left ear; it's unnoticeable unless someone is actively looking for it. When in use, it’s a dull maroon shade- no brighter than one of those glow in the dark star decals. The feeling is that of having a powerful sugar rush. 
Adores cupping your face for a kiss and being able to press his fingers against his mark discreetly 
Was actually a bit pouty when he discovered it was far more hidden that the other pacts you have, but got over it pretty quickly
Got into the habit of brushing your hair behind your ear, just so he could touch his pact
Kisses the center of it every time you leave the castle 
His home screen is a picture of you holding your hair up, revealing his mark, as you stick your tongue out playfully 
++extra bonus 
You get Simeon’s on the inner part of your right thigh, another one medium in size— about 3.5 inches in diameter, top to bottom. Activating it makes the pact shine with a gentle turquoise color. It’s a feeling of tranquility, of being secure and relaxed. 
Enjoys resting his head over the mark whenever you’re both laying around 
Caresses that area every time you’re seated in his lap
Even he didn’t expect it, but he’s also a biter; he’s gentle with it, though, knowing his mark is at a rather tender spot until those possessive urges hit
Involuntarily scowls when he sees one of the others touching the area his mark is at
+++extra extra reverse!bonus 
Your pact mark goes right over Solomon’s pelvic bone— a nice medium size to where it doesn’t show above his pants (if someone were to catch him with his shirt off). It swirls a pearlescent white when activated. 
You send him a sly look anytime he talks to one of the other demons he has a pact with (except for Barbatos) and it makes him weak every. single. time.
He practically keens every time you glide your nails across your pact
Embarrassed when he finds a picture on your D.D.D of him laying on his back, your thighs locked on either side of him, with your fingers curled in the fabric of his pants, pulling the material down just far enough to see your pact (but he doesn’t make you delete it)
Has to refrain from jolting whenever you sneak up behind him and press your hand down over your mark
Don’t even get him started on the times you and Barbatos team up to tease him
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