#diavolo x lucifer
amelia1skyz · 9 hours
How I think lucifers brothers reacted to him and diavolo kissing for the first time infront of them
(after liek announcing their relationship to them and getting more comfy doing couple stuff around em)
- actually did not care at all
- completely unbothered
- it's like they're not even there
- tho he did say "get a room hoes" as a joke just to annoy lucifer
- screeched
- like bro it's just a kiss calm down
- a mess
- He acted like kids whenever their parents kiss infront of them
- "Ewww!!! No!! Don't do that!! Stop kissing him diavolo!!"
- ran out of the room
- squeal.
- "do It again!!!"
- "me next diavolo?" (As a joke lol, I think)
- Just like mammon, he didnt care and is unbothered
- did stare awkwardly for a bit, luci and dia thought he was judging them but he's just happy for his brother and that him and future brother in law diavolo trust him enough to kiss infront of him
- bro was asleep
- he had no idea what's going on (he did)
-if he was awake then he would make gagging noises to annoy lucifer
I haven't slept at all for 21 hours.
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pseudonymphomania · 4 months
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Reverse Bunny: Diavolo
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Diavolo planted apple trees because he wanted to share Devildom apples with (angel) Lucifer
Lucifer's favourite snack is a type of Devildom apple
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hgvhehehe · 1 month
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A simple truth.
Do not underestimate the power of bottom Diavolo.
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blackbeautycola · 1 year
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okay, i wanna kiss his lips 😩
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witheredapple · 1 month
[On the phone]
Lucifer: What do you want, Satan?
Satan: Lucifer, listen, we may have our differences but I care about you and you deserve to know the truth
Satan: I don’t know how to tell you this but… Diavolo is cheating on you
Lucifer: What?
Satan: Yeah. I’m at the grocery store right now and he’s here too. And he’s flirting with a succubus and being all touchy with her
Lucifer: *Staring at Diavolo (who is on top of him)* Is that so?
Satan: Yes! If I were you, I would immediately file for divorce
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luxthestrange · 2 years
Incorrect quotes #642 Dragon Princes
Yuu/Mc: Hi, sorry I’m late*Pants as they enter the classroom, sit down slowly* I was doing a couple of things and got distracted... Mal: I’m “a couple of things”*Enters behind them with dragon tail wagging* Dia: I’m “got distracted”!*Beams coming After Malleus*
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Who wants more scenarios of the Obey me Boys+Thirteen and The Twst Boys?
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tinkerblunder · 6 months
Lucifer: metaphors go right over Diavolo’s head.
Diavolo: nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too quick. 😊
Lucifer: 😓
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obey-me-hoe · 12 days
So I started playing Obey Me! Nightbringer without knowing it was the second game so I wanted to go back and play the original game as well and...
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cooler-ian · 1 year
Diavolo is kind of a shit ruler if actually you think of it from the demon populations perspective, just imagine
This fucking guy (who is essentially a millennial in demon years) comes around and starts spreading pro angel, pro human propaganda and forcing grown ass adults to go to school?
I'd be the first to try and organize a hostile takeover and get my ass ran by Lucifer and Barbatos
Also the devildom is like, so fucking dystopian and fucked up, like RAD is literally used to control the residents of hell in the most direct way possible, forcing them to wake up and attend "classes" and get punished if they take part in typical demon behavior? All in the name of their shitty rulers SON? Like wtf he's not even the king why can he do this
I'd be so mad if I was older than Diavolo and got the news that I was being forced to go to some cheap human school replica
I'd try to kill him honestly
"RAD student body" what a fucking joke those are tax payers, Diavolo
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leviathanswingman · 4 months
dear lucifer; dear diavolo
pairing: DiaLuci
rating: explicit
words: 13886
chapters: 1/1
This letter shall never reach you, as it is nothing more than a way to express these bewildering thoughts that have been plaguing my mind as of late... Diavolo, in spite of everything and even more so, in spite of myself, I seem to have fallen enamoured with you."
“Lucifer…” Diavolo started, his voice uncharacteristically soft and careful. “I don’t think I understand. Won’t you enlighten me as to why you addressed such a letter to me?” Lucifer's heart stopped in his chest. “What was your intention?”
Lucifer gets drunk and writes a love letter to Diavolo to get it all out of his system. Through a series of unfortunate events, the letter ends up getting published by Mephistopheles.
“Lucifer, would you lend me an ear for a moment?”
Simeon sat down on the couch, patting the empty space right next to him. Lucifer let out a breath but still sat down, one leg crossed over the other, keeping a good amount of space between them. The moment Simeon had invited him over to Purgatory Hall for tea he'd known that something was up.
“I suppose so. What is this about?” he asked while reaching for the teapot standing on the coffee table. “Have my brothers been causing you trouble again?” he added nonchalantly, yet the slight furrow to his brow betrayed his otherwise calm exterior.
Simeon quickly waved his hands in front of his face. “Oh no, not even in the slightest! As far as I can tell, they’ve been behaving quite well!” For a moment, he stopped talking. He pushed his hair behind his ear, lost in thought as he let his eyes wander across the teacup. “Actually, I wanted to talk about someone else, if I’m being honest.”
“And who might that be?”
“I wanted to talk to you about Lord Diavolo,” Simeon then said carefully. “There is something I wanted to confirm with you. I do apologize in advance, I know this might be a bit uncomfortable for you to talk about, but I believe it's necessary. I have been keeping an eye on you and I cannot help but worry.”
Simeon held up his teacup and Lucifer poured in tea for him, remaining silent. The fresh scent of green tea began to waft through the room.
“This is about?” he asked after a moment.
“The nature… of your relationship, would be the best way to put it, I think,” Simeon answered and was immediately met with silence, followed by another heavy sigh. Lucifer sat down his teacup and pushed his hair out of his face.
“Have my brothers put you up to this? For the love of everything unholy, how often do I have to tell them-”
“I’m sorry,” Simeon prefaced as he interrupted Lucifer. “Your brothers have no hand in this, I am here out of my own free will. I am not mocking you, nor am I trying to tease you right now. I simply worry about your wellbeing. I’ve made some observations of my own and would like to hear your thoughts on them. Will you indulge me this once?”
Simeon put down his teacup and placed one hand on Lucifer’s shoulder. When he felt the demon freeze at his touch, he quickly pulled back, placing his hand back in his own lap instead. For a second a conflicted expression clouded his handsome features. “Are you sure you don’t favour him?” he then asked without prior warning.
Lucifer looked at him with one eyebrow raised. “You want to know whether I favour Diavolo or not?” he repeated.
For a moment, he remained silent. Lucifer was considering his next words carefully. “Romantically?”
“Of course.”
Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows. “Well I certainly don’t-” he started before stopping in his tracks, apparently taking a moment to gather himself. He took another heavy breath and then gave a much more collected answer. “There is nothing for me to favour, since he is the Devildom’s crown prince. I believe my sentiments are entirely irrelevant, no matter which way you turn it.” Although his words sounded sensible enough, it was clear that they were learned and rehearsed to perfection.
Simeon tilted his head as he watched his friend. “What was that?” he asked. There was no fooling him. The way Lucifer was dodging the question was painfully apparent to him. After all, there was nobody else who knew him quite as well, and there were certain things even a fall from the heavens wouldn’t be able to change.
“What was what? That little moment right there,” he kept insisting. “If I’m not mistaken, you just did that thing you always do. You pushed something back.”
Lucifer straightened his back and stared Simeon down. “Now why would I feel compelled to do something like that?” he asked, his tone icy. There was something in his expression that made Simeon want to dig deeper. “There is nothing for me to ‘push back’.”
“Lucifer, you have never known how to deal with relationships outside of your professional life, let alone how to allow yourself to be happy and at peace.” He put down his cup of tea.
Lucifer inhaled sharply, raised one finger and opened his mouth as if to retaliate. Shortly after he closed his mouth again, taking a sip of his tea before putting down the cup.
“I don’t ever-” he started, voice furious.
“But am I wrong?” Simeon suddenly threw in. “I may not have Lord Diavolo’s gift when it comes to telling a truth from a lie, but I’d like to think I know you well enough to be able to tell regardless. Let me be frank with you. Ever since the day you met him, you have made exception after exception for that man. You bowed down before him, yet remain of equal standing despite it all. He bends over backwards to keep you by his side. It is obvious that he’s quite taken with you. What’s so scary about taking it one step further when you’re already halfway there?”
For a moment, Lucifer simply looked at him. Sure, there had been signs here and there, little behaviours Diavolo tended to show that crossed the lines of their carefully crafted boundaries. Recently, Diavolo had started to use an old voice recording of Lucifer scolding him as his new alarm. Despite himself, Lucifer had flushed at the realization that for some reason, his voice seemed to be the first thing Diavolo wanted to hear when he woke up. It was as baffling as it was infuriating.
His posture relaxed ever so slightly, his head dropped down as he ran his hands across his forehead, massaging his temples. “I shouldn't-,” he started, then quieted down for a moment, reconsidering his words. “I cannot allow myself to even entertain such sentiments, you should know that better than anyone else.” He was back to massaging his temples. Then, he continued and there was no need for Simeon to prompt him anymore. “I am aware of his…advances. One would have to be both blind and a fool to ignore them. Still, even if I wasn’t his right hand man, there would be nothing for me to pursue. He's our crown prince.”
“I think you should give him more credit than that.”
“And yet I won't,” he replied coolly. This was a sensitive topic he would prefer not to think about for longer than necessary, but Simeon just had to storm in and rip open a wound that had been carefully stitched shut. Lucifer was tired of it all. “Diavolo needs me, that is true. Perhaps, he even wishes for me to be by his side. But do not misunderstand. He doesn’t want me.”
“You think he doesn’t want you in the same way you do?”
Lucifer’s face contorted and he picked up the empty cup of tea, staring down into the leftover leaves. “If you insist on continuing this conversation I'm going to need something far stronger than this.”
Simeon threw him a concerned look. “Drowning your sorrows won't solve your problems and you know that.”
Lucifer tutted his teeth in reply and Simeon hummed. “Alright, I think I still have a few bottles of Demonus left in the fridge.”
“My Lord,” Barbatos began. “Excuse my insolence, but do you finally plan on pursuing the one you fancy?”
Diavolo almost choked on his biscuit, coughing violently. “Barbatos?!” He pounded his fist against his chest, trying to breathe again.
“It's been years, Young Master. Don't you think it's time for you to secure your match?”
Diavolo’s eyes were almost comically big, his cheeks dusted red.
“There must be a misunderstanding,” he started, laughing awkwardly. “How did you even assume that I have someone in mind for that kind of endeavour?”
“You are many things, but inconspicuous is not one of them, My Lord. You shan't keep him waiting any longer. Perhaps he will continue waiting for you, but I don't think it will be beneficial to his health.”
“Him? Who has been waiting for me? I fear I do not understand what you’re getting at, Barbatos. Please speak freely.”
Barbatos poured Diavolo a cup of coffee to prepare him for the bomb he was about to drop. He was aware that his Young Lord still hadn't caught on to his own feelings yet, but enough was enough. He had given him ample time to do so by himself. There was only so much Barbatos was willing to observe over the years. Perhaps a push was what was needed.
“Lucifer, of course,” he stated simply, a small smile on his lips. “Who else would I be referencing?”
“Lucifer?!” Diavolo repeated in disbelief. “Now, now, Barbatos. This must be a misunderstanding. You believe I fancy Lucifer?”
“I believe so, yes.”
“To a degree where I would undoubtedly approach him with romantic intent?”
“Exactly so, my liege. You may correct me if I’m wrong, but have you not been doing so already?”
A caught expression ghosted over Diavolo’s face. “How did you arrive at that conclusion, if I may wonder?” he asked quietly. “I have always believed that my intent towards Lucifer has come off as nothing but pure.”
Barbatos, who for once had agreed to sit opposite him, folded his hands and leaned forward. “Young Master, when you first met him you wouldn’t talk about anything or anybody else. Only his fall and pledge of allegiance have calmed that certain habit of yours. You talk about him like one would talk about their spouse.”
Diavolo shifted in his seat, his thumb rising to his lips. “I never intended for my actions to be interpreted in such a way.”
“Sometimes, intentions and wants are closely intertwined, even if one isn’t aware of them.”
Diavolo lifted his head and faced him. “Barbatos, I fear I will have to disagree with you on this for once.”
Barbatos sighed quietly. “Young Master. Shall I put you to a little test then? Lucifer’s personality, how would you describe it?”
“His personality?” For a moment, Diavolo seemed taken aback. He lowered his head and allowed his mind to wander. “Well, he is awe striking and dignified, a demon of true grandeur. He is gifted in both speech and action. Although he appears stoic, he does have a bleeding heart for his family. His -”
Barbatos lifted his hands before he could keep going. “ That should suffice. And his appearance?”
“I hardly see how his appearance should matter right now.”
“Young Master, please humour me.”
“Obviously, he is the most handsome man the Devildom has ever seen. Both his aura and presence are truly beautiful. But that is hardly a secret.”
Barbatos simply hummed. “Do you hear yourself, Young Master?”
Diavolo looked at him with a conflicted expression, his mouth open and eyes wide. Then, he dropped his head into his hands. “I fear I do,” he groaned after a moment. Barbatos patted his back sympathetically. “Say, what am I supposed to do now?”
RAD breaking news! Lord Diavolo’s secret brooding admirer? Anonymous letter writer urged to step forth!
Dearest Readers, the following letter has found its way into your trusty editor’s hands. It seems as if -to no one’s surprise- our very own crown prince has found himself a secret admirer. Truly, I am astonished it has taken this long for something like this to take place. After all there's no one who can hold a candle to him! Although a bit on the dramatic side, I myself cannot help being curious as to who would be this daring.
Who doesn’t love a tragic, one-sided romance?
Share your opinions, thoughts and concerns with yours truly, Mephistopheles. If you have any information about who the anonymous lovebird may be, call the RAD newspaper hotline or leave your suggestion in the bloody suggestion box.
PS: We bear no responsibility for possible injuries or deaths caused by the bloody suggestion box.
This letter shall never reach you, as it is nothing more than a way to express these bewildering thoughts that have been plaguing my mind as of late. In no way or form do I intend for this letter to reach the light of day. This remains between you and I and the horn of Demonus in my hand, for I am solely writing any of this down to clear my conscience and get rid of these daunting feelings which have taken me over. The “You” in question, of course, isn’t the real you. It is more of a concept, a supposed version of you which I will allow myself to share these sentiments with.
Diavolo, in spite of everything and even more so, in spite of myself, I seem to have fallen enamoured with you.
Of course, I am aware of how foolish a thing it is, but no effort of mine has been big enough to smother these flittish feelings at their core. Not once have I planned to burden you, yet somehow here I am.
So I will put it down in writing, just this once: I have fallen in love with you, and as much as I cannot justify it, I seem to have made up my mind already. Thick-headed as I am, there is nothing to change the fact. To think that I would display behaviours of such childish nature, how preposterous.
Falling in love puts you at a disadvantage which I cannot afford. I have always seen it this way, have I not?
All that is left to do is hide these feelings of mine until they become nothing more than a fleeting thought, a minuscule distraction perhaps. A pearl in its clam, sitting at the bottom of the ocean, barely perceived but appreciated for its beauty nonetheless.
This is nothing more than an acknowledgment of my feelings. A way to be finished with all of this, for both our greater goods. A way for me to admit what I shall never live down. A way to admit that even though your actions can be infuriating and quite often, you're a headache to be around, you have caught me in quite the predicament. For my biggest failure lies in the way my breath catches when your brilliance and charm come to show, and I find myself breathless in the face of your regality once more.
I look next to me and there you stand, a familiar shoulder pressed into mine. The warmth you radiate scorches me at my very core yet I shall never dare reach out.”
Lucifer stared at the newspaper in his hands, frozen in place. The ruckus his brothers were causing at the breakfast table had long turned into nothing more than background noise.
For a moment, there was a certain kind of tranquillity in the air, the calm before the storm, until reality sat in again and sheets of paper creased under the grip of his tense fingers. It was about that article, that ever so cursed piece of literary waste that had somehow found its way into Mephisto’s grimy hands and, inevitably, onto the front page of RAD’s newspaper.
Truthfully, Lucifer was all too familiar with the piece Mephistopheles had published. And although his memory was admittedly muddy at best, for he was currently nursing a particularly nasty hangover and was barely able to recall the events of that evening, there was no denying that those words could be anyone else’s but his own. Perhaps drinking with Simeon had been a bad idea after all.
He read the article once, read it twice, skimmed it from beginning to end and gave it a disgruntled look. Perhaps throwing it in the fireplace would do him some good. Certainly it wouldn't help resolve the issue itself, but perhaps the action would offer him some much needed relief.
After all, to put it rather plainly, it was a letter of admiration, written in a moment of weakness at Simeon’s suggestion; a foolish love letter Lucifer had carelessly crafted in a moment of self-pity, fueled by three bottles of Demonus and aggravated by his troublesome week. It was a letter he had certainly intended to write, but that never should’ve seen the light of day.
Yet here it was, black on white, in pristine print. The only blessing was that Mephistopheles had taken the time to copy the letter instead of simply scanning the original. After all, both his brothers and colleagues were more than familiar with Lucifer’s penmanship. There would've been no way of denying that he was the author.
Like this however, there was still plenty of room for damage control.
Suddenly, Lucifer felt a familiar presence leering behind him, calm and collected, yet with an undeniable underlying volatility.
“Well look at that,” the young demon said, letting out a long drawn whistle. “Looks like you're finally getting some serious competition.”
Before Lucifer could turn around, Satan had already snatched the newspaper out of his hands.
“Have I not told you to cease these sort of jokes? I have no idea what you could possibly be getting at,” Lucifer grumbled as he lifted his cup and took a big sip.
“Diavolo. In spite of everything and even more so, in spite of myself, I seem to have fallen enamoured with you,” Satan repeated, putting on an overly dramatic tone of voice. “What do you say, is Lord Diavolo the type to fall for that?”
“Ooooh Satan, what do you have there? Did I just hear Lord Diavolo and love in the same sentence? Show me, show me!” Asmodeus put his chin on Satan’s shoulder and grappled for the newspaper himself. Satan offered it to Asmo, pointing at the article in question.
“Look at what Mephistopheles just published.”
For a moment there was silence as Asmodeus read the letter carefully, glossed lips mumbling every second to third word as he scanned the letter. A smile was starting to pull at the corners of his mouth.
Lucifer felt his fingers twitching, tempted to rip the newspaper out of their hands. However, yelling at his brothers for being interested in the letter would be far too obvious now, wouldn't it? So he bit his tongue, ground his teeth and waited for Asmodeus to be done.
Shortly after, Asmo looked up from the newspaper, his big eyes shining with glee. “Oh Satan, could you even imagine?” he started, a dreamy tone to his voice as he clasped his hands together. “A partner for Lord Diavolo? They must be so lucky!! Imagine being able to pull the next Demon King! I’m almost jealous!”
At that point, Lucifer felt ever so inclined to intervene. He uncrossed his legs, placed both elbows on the table and leaned forward. “Pray tell, Asmodeus. Why would you think a letter as foolish as this one could coax Diavolo into a relationship? Let’s not pretend that such carefree writing alone would be enough to make a demon as important as Diavolo develop deeper feelings. Based on his status alone, he cannot afford to engage in such childish acts of freedom. There is a time and place for everything, and this is most certainly out of line, don’t you think so?”
“Lucifer, come on! Would it hurt for you to be at least a tiny bit more romantic? You can't tell me you haven't noticed how lonely Lord Diavolo gets. ”
“It would only create more issues for both Barbatos and me in the long run.”
“Boo! You old spoilsport! It's about love! Love!! What could be more important or exciting than that?!”
“Work,” he suggested drily. “Securing the Devildom’s position. Keeping Barbatos sane,” he added on. “Do you need more suggestions? I have plenty.”
Asmo’s mouth pulled into a small pout. “You're no fun.”
“That I have been told before. How else would things get done in this family?”
Lucifer put down his cup of coffee and smoothed down his dress shirt. A quick glance at the clock told him that it was already time to leave. “I have to go. Barbatos and Diavolo are awaiting me on some pressing matter.” He'd received a call requesting his presence shortly after he’d woken up.
Asmo waved at him. “Ask Lord Diavolo about the letter for me!”
“I will not,” Lucifer grumbled back as Satan let out a loud cackle, slapping Asmo’s shoulder in delight.
Unluckily enough, that cursed letter seemed to be intent on haunting Lucifer further throughout his day. He arrived at the Demon Lord’s castle 5 minutes prior to their appointed meeting time, as per usual. Barbatos was already waiting for him at the door, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the halls.
“Good morning Lucifer,” he greeted.
“Barbatos. A good morning to you too. I take it you’re doing well?”
“Of course. The Young Master has already awoken, so let’s not keep him waiting for much longer. Shall we?”
Lucifer followed him to the tea room in comfortable silence. Before they entered, Barbatos stopped in his tracks, throwing him a side-glance.
“Perhaps I should warn you,” he started as he smoothed down his vest. “The Young Master has become quite taken with the idea of-”
Before he could finish his sentence, the door was pushed open with much enthusiasm. There was a big smile on Diavolo’s face as he greeted him with far too much energy considering the early hours.
“Lucifer, there you are! Come in quick! We have important things to discuss!”
Barbatos’ shoulders seemed to stiffen some more and Lucifer followed him inside, immediately suspicious. Diavolo’s little sparks of genius hardly ever promised good things.
As always, the table was already set and there were tea, coffee and amuse-bouches waiting for them. Diavolo plopped down on one of the chairs and waited for Lucifer to follow suit. Barbatos rounded the table to fill both their cups with coffee, preparing a third one for himself before allowing himself to sit down as well.
Just as Lucifer lifted the cup to his mouth, Diavolo began to lean forward, an excited smile on his face.
“So,” he began, the smile on his lips tender. “I am sure you’ve read the newest issue of RAD’s newspaper.”
Lucifer lowered his cup again, his expression wary. “I managed to catch a glimpse over my morning coffee before my brothers started to cause mayhem again. Why?”
Barbatos politely placed his hands in his lap. “Today’s breaking news were quite exciting for the Young Master,” he threw in. His face was directed towards Diavolo, but for a split second, he let his eyes stray back to Lucifer, who suddenly felt a dreadful sense of foreboding.
“Are you trying to tell me that appalling letter has caught your interest?”
Diavolo laughed gently. “That it has.”
The handle of the fine china cracked beneath Lucifer’s fingertips and Barbatos narrowed his eyes, but didn’t say another word.
“Why? It surely can’t be more than a letter filled with wishful thinking and nonsensical fantasies.”
“True as it may be, I still owe them an answer, don't you think so too?”
Lucifer shivered. “No, I do not.” He had to squash these nonsensical ideas before they evolved into something much worse. “It might as well be a ploy to isolate you. Who knows what that person's intentions are.”
Diavolo placed down his teacup. “Whether it's real or not is unimportant. Even if it's a simple ploy to assassinate me, don't you think it should still be looked into? And I believe if it were a threat against my person Barbatos would have spoken up already.”
“That is correct,” Barbatos threw in. “I sense no evil intentions.” Interestingly enough, Lucifer thought his expression looked almost unhappy.
“That’s… a relief.”
Diavolo leaned closer towards Lucifer. “Barbatos, the newspaper please.” The butler handed it to him and Diavolo pointed at the printed letter. “Look at this line here. Don’t you think it implies I must know the author?”
Diavolo scanned the writing, his finger following each and every line until he found the one he'd been looking for. He pointed at it. Lucifer hardly wanted to read the letter a second time, yet he had no other choice.
I look next to me and there you stand, a familiar shoulder pressed into mine.
“I would hardly interpret it as a poet’s way of exercising their artistic freedom.”
“And how do you intend on finding that person?”
“Perhaps Mephistopheles knows more about it. He is the one who published it, after all.”
Lucifer wished he could blame the demon for meddling once again. How had he gotten his grimy hands on it in the first place? Annoyingly enough, Lucifer still didn't remember much aside from getting incredibly drunk at Purgatory Hall, then stumbling home when he noticed Simeon was out cold on the couch. Once he was home, listening to Simeon’s advice and writing a letter to get everything out of his system suddenly sounded like a sensible idea. Perhaps he really should stop drinking.
“I must hear them out before letting them down kindly so they can move on. Isn't this exciting Lucifer? My first confession!”
Lucifer hated that sooner or later, someone would have to burst his bubble.
“Mephistopheles.” Lucifer was standing before his desk with crossed arms, his chin jutted out defiantly. Mephistopheles looked up at him with knit eyebrows, donning a discontent expression that he did not care to hide. With an annoyed huff, he leaned his cheek against his hand and mustered him from head to toe. “Lucifer. What gives me the displeasure?” he asked, his tone blasé.
Their interaction was just about as icy as he’d expected. After all, it was hardly a secret that they could not stand one another. Mephistopheles had hated Lucifer from the first moment he’d set eyes on him. The fact that Lucifer, disgraced as an angel, then distrusted as a demon, had somehow managed to become Diavolo's right hand man, a position Mephistopheles had been trying to secure for years, had put the last nail in the coffin. Lucifer on the other hand did not care for Mephisto’s attitude. His thoughtless devotion and almost aggressive loyalty reminded him of Michael, uncomfortably so. The fact that he had been openly volatile and borderline rude towards his brothers from the start certainly hadn't helped.
Lucifer tapped his foot impatiently. “Diavolo sends me.”
Mephistopheles immediately perked up. “Lord Diavolo? What does he need? Is my presence needed? If it is needed, then I-”
Before Mephisto could jump up from his seat, Lucifer lifted his hand in a rude manner, stopping Mephisto in his tracks.
He realized how tense his jaw was and unclenched it. “There’s no need for that. It’s about the letter you published. Diavolo wants to see the original.”
“The original? I assumed he already had a copy. It was between the documents you gave to me after all.”
So this was how he had gotten his hands on it. Lucifer had practically hand delivered the letter, served to Mephistopheles on a silver platter. Apparently his drunken self must have placed it on his stack of documents, already forgotten by morning since until this day, he did not remember any of it.
He cleared his throat. “He does not. I hardly deemed it important enough, considering how the author chose to remain anonymous.”
Mephistopheles tutted his tongue. “As expected. How arrogant of you to assume Lord Diavolo would see the issue the same way you do. I fail to comprehend how engorged your ego must be to support this sort of behaviour.”
Mephistopheles threw Lucifer a displeased glance, but he still opened the drawer at the bottom of his desk, thumbing through various documents before finally pulling out the letter.
Lucifer recognized the lettering paper almost immediately. His only saving grace was that Mephistopheles tended to avoid him like the plague and was thus unfamiliar with his writing and the stationary he preferred to use. Were it anybody else they would have recognized it straight away.
Lucifer did not thank him for his cooperation.
Mephistopheles pushed the document towards him. Before Lucifer could touch it however, he pulled it back again. “Do make sure Lord Diavolo gets it this time. I would prefer not to have you in my office a second time around,” he quipped.
“I was not the one who published an insignificant fan letter without permission,” Lucifer simply retorted.
“At least I wasn't the one who misappropriated it in the first place,” Mephistopheles bit back.
Lucifer ignored Mephisto’s last remark and left his office with nothing but a stiff goodbye. No matter how dignified Lucifer liked to present himself, his debates with Mephistopheles were unending in nature and admittedly, a bit embarrassing for either of them at their grown ages.
A few minutes into his walk back, his DDD rang and upon seeing that it was Diavolo calling, he picked up after the third ring.
There was no greeting needed. They had moved past the need for polite platitudes many decades ago. “Diavolo. Yes?”
“Mephistopheles just sent word that he gave you the letter. Do you perhaps have the time to bring it over? I would like to read it straight away.”
Inwardly, Lucifer let out a flurry of courses. Of course, Mephistopheles just had to call Diavolo so he could look good and tattle. As expected of him.
“Your opinion is important to me and you've always given me good advice,” Diavolo said slowly. “So if it won’t inconvenience you, I would like to request your presence as well.”
Originally, Lucifer had planned on getting rid of the letter, or at least doctoring with the writing, but now there was no other way out, was there?
“Haven't I already voiced my opinion on the matter? I don't see what my presence would be necessary for.”
“Lucifer,” Diavolo pleaded. “I simply wish for your presence by my side. Is that too much to ask for?”
“I suppose not, it's just…” That I do not wish to embarrass myself even further than I already have. He took an exhausted breath. “I will be there in half an hour. Do not expect me to sugarcoat my words.”
“Of course. Treat me as harshly as you see fit.” His warm laugh rang through the speaker and Lucifer had to swallow the incoming sense of dread. Wars and conflicts he could handle. Feelings however? It would be much easier if he had never gotten back in touch with them in the first place.
It didn't take him long to return to the Demon Lord’s castle. Barbatos seemed to be out on an errand, so he was greeted by a Little D that led him to one of Diavolo's chambers instead.
The door opened after a few knocks. Diavolo was lounging on his chaise longue and his expression lit up the moment he took note of Lucifer walking in. He greeted him warmly and beckoned him to step closer with a curl of his finger.
The letter, now placed in an unassuming envelope, felt like hot coal under Lucifer’s fingertips. For a moment, he considered his options. There was still time to accidentally drop it in the fireplace or fling it out of the window. For a moment, he humoured the thought. Still, that wouldn't change the fact that he had to face that there was no way out of this mess of his own doing. With gritted teeth, he had to admit his defeat.
“The letter,” he said calmly.
Diavolo sat up so he could reach out and Lucifer handed over the letter without much ado. Their hands brushed shortly.
“Are you certain about this?” he asked one last time, hoping Diavolo would return to his senses before it was too late, but the demon prince simply tilted his head and smiled. “As certain as I can be. Whoever wrote the letter did it at the perfect time.”
Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “Now why would that be?”
Diavolo scratched the back of his head in a sheepish manner. “Oh, it was simply something I previously discussed with Barbatos. Pay it no mind.”
“If you say so.” For now, he chose to drop the issue. There were much more important things to worry about.
Lucifer watched Diavolo's every move as he pulled the letter out of the envelope and unfolded it carefully, smoothing over the creases before beginning to read.
Lucifer saw the way his eyebrows pulled together almost immediately.
He desperately wished for the ground to swallow him whole. Still, he stayed where he was, his feet planted firmly on the ground, his back leaning against a shelf in a false show of relaxedness.
Diavolo shifted in his seat, then tilted his head to the side. “Uhm, say Lucifer. Did you by any chance… copy the letter by hand? Did it get damaged or were there any other issues I should be aware of?”
Lucifer refused to move. He kept his eyes fixed on the top of Diavolo’s head as he crossed his arms behind his back. “I did not alter the letter in any shape or form,” he answered calmly. For a moment, he allowed his gaze to slip. His eyes met Diavolo’s. “The letter is unchanged. Mephisto will surely be willing to attest to that,” he admitted.
The demon prince was looking at him with parted lips, his eyes blown wide open. The expression on his face was a mix of shock, disbelief and a third thing Lucifer found himself unable to interpret.
There was nothing else to say. After all, lying to Diavolo would be completely and utterly useless.
He hesitated, then straightened his stance further. “If my presence isn’t needed anymore I would like to take my leave now,” he stated, his tone of voice a carefully crafted thing. Perhaps leaving him no room to discuss would be the most sensible way to go.
Diavolo did not excuse him, but Lucifer still turned around to head towards the door. Less than three steps in, he felt a presence behind him, right before a hand wrapped around his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. Lucifer stared at the door in front of him and held back a sigh.
“Lucifer…” Diavolo started, his voice uncharacteristically soft and careful. “I don’t think I understand. Won’t you enlighten me as to why you addressed such a letter to me?” His heart stopped in his chest. “What was your intention?”
Lucifer turned back around, making sure to push off Diavolo’s hand that was still holding him back. “That letter…” Before he could continue, their eyes accidentally met. Diavolo looked conflicted enough for Lucifer to know that there were no options aside from damage control. Attempting to explain himself would be pointless.
That specific look was all he needed to be put back in his place. Perhaps being treated like an equal had spoiled him rotten.
“I never intended for you to read it,” he eventually settled on. The words left his lips slowly, carefully. “I would appreciate it if you could be generous enough to pay it no mind.” There was nothing left to do but respect their duties and play it down. The hopelessness of the situation was nothing new to him, so why should the confirmation he'd finally received change anything?
Diavolo pulled himself closer, his eyes an honest shade of gold as he watched him with questions in his eyes. “But doesn’t this sound like a-”
“Like a letter I wrote in a moment of inebriation? It is quite alright,” Lucifer cut in. Defensively, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and averted his gaze. “Allow me to apologize for overstepping. It was uncalled for and inappropriate.” His cheeks were burning with shame.
He nodded towards the letter. “Just throw it in the fireplace. If you don’t plan on doing it yourself you can just hand it over and I will do so in your stead.” It was an easy way out and Lucifer would have to allow Diavolo to take it. What other choice was there to make?
“Oh,” Diavolo said, biting his lip. “Of course.” With a quick flick of his wrist, he threw the letter into the fireplace and Lucifer watched the flames hungrily eating away at the page, turning its remains from white to black to ashes. Oh, he thought. So it had been that simple all along. Although he should feel relief, Lucifer found his eyes stuck to the fireplace; stuck to the graveyard where his feelings would have to remain buried.
Quietly, Diavolo began to speak and Lucifer listened to the sound of his voice without turning his head. “I trust you, Lucifer,” he said. “I appreciate your words of gratitude, but seeing as they cause discomfort, nothing will have to change.”
Strangely enough, Lucifer felt taken aback. A damp sort of pain was running through his body, and he was surprised to feel it as vividly as he did.
Nothing would have to change. It was for the better.
“Thank you,” he said through gritted teeth, the words bitter on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to chew them up and spit them out, but forced himself to swallow them down instead.
“There’s no need to thank me,” Diavolo replied blankly, his eyes set on the fireplace as well. It was an entirely absurd exchange.
They did not talk about the letter any further. Lucifer did not feel like making eye contact with Diavolo just to see that disappointed expression again.
Simeon was standing in front of the Demon Lord’s castle, the warm Devildom air caressing his cheeks and tousling his hair. He raised one hand and knocked against the heavy wood, his knuckles grazing the door hard enough he feared it would leave behind gashes.
It didn’t take long for him to be welcomed in. Barbatos seemed to still be up and about with Asmodeus and Solomon since one of the Little D’s allowed him to enter and led him through the halls until they reached another heavy door.
For a moment, he had to wait until a voice called him in and he was allowed to enter. The clacking of his heels against the marbled ground were filling the silence as he approached the Devildom’s future ruler.
“Lord Diavolo. Good evening,” he greeted harmoniously.
The demon prince was sitting at a table and there were several documents and maps spread out all over its surface. He looked up at his visitor, his eyebrows rising in surprise. It seemed like the unannounced visit had caught him by surprise. “Simeon, how have you been faring? To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Simeon rubbed his hands together. “I am doing well, thank you. Solomon, Luke and Raphael have been keeping me on my toes. But I did not come here to talk about them.”
“Sit down, Simeon, sit down. What might be troubling you then?”
Simeon gingerly sat down as Diavolo attempted to move the mess on the table aside. “Well it’s a rather delicate issue. I hope you'll lend me an ear regardless. It’s about Lucifer.”
Diavolo stopped in his tracks and lifted his head. “Lucifer? What may be the issue?”
There was a knowing look on Simeon’s face. He leaned in and lowered his voice. “Truthfully, I worry about his health. He’s always been one to overdo it with work and his duties, but the past week, it’s been much worse than usual. He is moody and unpredictable and I am not the only one who has noticed. Do you know if anything happened that could’ve sent him astray? I know his brothers have been behaving quite well, so I don’t think it is related to them this time around.” He allowed a beat to pass before he threw Diavolo a knowing look. “Perhaps…Excuse my bluntness, but is it possible that something happened between the two of you?”
For a moment, Diavolo remained quiet. “It saddens me to hear that he hasn't been doing well,” he said shakily, before making eye contact with Simeon again. “It truly does.”
“So something did happen. Was it about-”
“It's nothing,” Diavolo cut in, his voice suddenly quite unwelcoming. ”Even more so do I find your little act of innocence quite daring. If there’s something you want to say, then say it without restraint.”
Simeon felt a wave of exasperation rushing through his chest. “It certainly doesn't look like nothing happened,” he countered. “I think you are well aware of that.”
Diavolo raised his voice. “What did or did not happen between him and me should hardly concern you.” They hadn’t talked like this ever since Simeon first came down to the Devildom. The hostility was strange, but not unfamiliar to them. It was a quiet thing, almost imperceptible to an outsider's eye.
There was a firm look in Simeon’s eyes. “It is when I see an old friend in unnecessary pain.”
They found themselves locked in a stalemate. Diavolo was the first to give in. He dropped his palms down on the tabletop. A few sheets of paper were sent flying from the impact. “He said I should forget about the letter, so I did. Everything should be alright.”
Simeon didn't ask about the letter. There was no need. He had already known in his heart that Lucifer was the one who had written it. “And you didn't insist on talking about it further?” he asked.
“It wasn't my place to do so. Why should I have acted differently when it was what he wished for?”
“Because he is your friend who has sworn utmost loyalty to you and refuses to put either of you in a situation that could jeopardise your relationship. Tell me Lucifer would not act this way and I won't say another word.”
Diavolo didn't answer for a beat or two, then mellowed down considerably. “How could I let myself think in such ways when it took us decades to rid ourselves of the shackles of my status? My feelings, grand as they are, should be insignificant.”
“Yet they aren't. Not to you and most certainly not to him. Are you that keen to let it ruin your relationship? Do you truly want to go back to how things were?” Simeon asked bluntly, receiving him a disbelieving stare. “We both know how Lucifer gets when he sees the need to distance himself. He gets cold and impersonal and that is incredibly painful to experience.” Simeon fixed him with a sharp glare. “Excuse my bluntness, but you already know he loves you. Things have already changed. Not dealing with it will get you nowhere. Stop stringing him along for your own sake. Giving him a straight answer is the least-” Before he could finish his sentence, there was another knock on the door. Both Simeon and Diavolo turned towards the noise.
“Yes?” Diavolo asked unnecessarily. After all, there were only two people the Little D’s would invite in without a previously scheduled appointment. Barbatos was still out on a mission with Asmodeus and Solomon, so that left only one other person.
The door swung open. Lucifer was waiting in the hallway with a stack of papers in hand. His hair looked just as perfect as it always did, making Diavolo wish he could run his hand through it just once more, allowing his fingers to wander through the silky strands, his palm brushing over Lucifer’s forehead with the utmost care. The RAD uniform he wore was ironed to perfection, without so much as a speck of dust to be seen. In spite of his flawless appearance, there were heavy bags under his eyes. His gaze was a cold, detached thing that he hadn't worn out in decades.
Diavolo swallowed once, his eyes rushing over to Simeon, who fixed him with a solemn expression.
When Lucifer caught sight of the angel, he stopped in his tracks.
“Am I interrupting something?” he asked warily, his hand still on the door handle.
Simeon stood up and shook his head. “Not at all. Thank you for the talk, Lord Diavolo. I hope you will consider my words of advice.” He threw Lucifer a quick glance and nodded shortly before he left.
As soon as he was gone, the atmosphere turned awkward.
“Lucifer,” Diavolo started carefully. He cleared his throat. “What may I help you with?”
For a moment, Lucifer mustered him. “I was planning to deliver a few documents.” A beat passed. He prepared to put them on the table, but when his eyes wandered downwards, he frowned. “Now what happened here? Barbatos leaves you to your own devices and you decide to throw the castle into disarray?”
He surveyed the mess and began to shuffle a few stray papers around in an attempt at creating at least some semblance of order. “What did Simeon want from you?” he asked while he kept sorting, his eyes fixed on the documents.
Diavolo motioned for him to come closer. When Lucifer remained in place, still busying himself with sorting the documents, Diavolo sighed. He felt a twinge of regret pulling at his conscience. He knew that somehow, he had to fix what he had damaged. Simeon had been right after all. They wouldn't get out of talking about what passed between them if he wished to save their relationship.
Slowly, he stood up and walked over to Lucifer. When he tried to put his hand on his shoulder, Lucifer pulled himself back just enough to avoid the touch. Rejection was a cold sword twisting in Diavolo’s gut.
“Forget it, it’s not like it’s any of my business. There is no reason for you to tell me anything.”
Diavolo felt desperate to keep the conversation going. “He was simply giving me a piece of advice. There is no need to worry.”
Lucifer threw him a cold look. “Why would I be worried?” Finally, he handed over the stack of documents he'd been carrying with him. “Do Barbatos a favour and file them away appropriately. That would be all. Have a good night, Diavolo.”
And just like that, Diavolo watched Lucifer’s backside as he exited the room, one last hand raised to wave goodbye. The words he had left him with stung like fresh pearls of water dripping over fresh wounds. Lucifer hadn't truly looked him in the eyes even once.
He had to fix this.
Lucifer was sitting at his desk with closed eyes, his heavy head cradled in his hands. It was difficult to tell whether what he was doing was an act of self-punishment or his newest attempt at repentance.
All he knew was that every single cell of his body was screaming for the comfort of sleep. But he couldn’t. His mind wouldn’t allow him to.
Today’s trip to the Demon Lord’s castle had been enough to unravel his carefully constructed restraints all over again.
Something had been in Diavolo’s eyes tonight. Lucifer wasn't enough of a fool to call it sadness, but it couldn't be too far off from it. All things considered, he couldn’t allow himself the luxury to be openly cross with him and let it tarnish their relationship even further. For once, he found himself unable to turn off his feelings or push them to the side for later consideration. He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes for the shortest of moments.
When he opened them again, something felt off. It was as if the world was blurring around the edges, the details losing clarity when he tried to look at them for too long. All colours seemed brighter, but the noise of the House sounded much duller than usual.
This must be a dream, Lucifer found himself thinking. He must’ve fallen asleep after all. Ever since Solomon had tinkered around with the dream world, jumping from dream to dream without much consideration of what it may cause, more vivid and sometimes even shared dreams had become somewhat usual. Leave it to that pesky sorcerer to send the Devildom's ley lines into disarray.
Suddenly, there was a voice next to his ear, deep and smooth. “Did I hurt you with my actions?” Diavolo was suddenly standing behind him, his eyes big and guilt-ridden, his hand held high enough to take hold of Lucifer’s shoulder if he so wished to. Still, his hand remained halfway lifted, reluctant to connect.
Lucifer let out a sigh. So not even his dreams were kind enough to spare him. At least the dream world seemed to dull his feelings enough to soothe his bleeding heart. “Why would you concern yourself with that?” he asked, slowly standing up to face the demon prince.
Finally, Diavolo placed his hand on Lucifer’s shoulder. “Because it was never my intention to cause you grief,” he admitted quietly.
“And yet you continue to do so,” Lucifer replied without hesitation. It was easier to be truthful when their entire relationship wasn't at stake. “However, it would be ridiculous of me to hold you accountable for my own unrequited desires.” He lifted his head and, knowing it was a dream, smiled reluctantly. “It was I who acted like a fool.” For once, he allowed himself to be soft, allowed his heart to beat quickly despite the emergency band-aid he had forced himself to plaster across it. “There was no need for change, yet my letter caused all sorts of unrest.”
Diavolo took his hands and held them gently in his own. Lucifer couldn’t help but find it cruel. Still, he didn’t ask to be released. The sensation was nice enough and more so, not real. The closeness they were maintaining was unattainable in real life. Perhaps it was time to wake up again before the dream could progress further. Dreaming would only get him so far.
He closed his eyes and breathed out. Diavolo’s hands felt warm against his skin. Slowly, the world started to blur at the edges again. He was ready to go.
“Wait.” Diavolo suddenly whispered as he squeezed Lucifer’s right hand. “Please stay,” he added. “Just for a moment longer. I have missed you dearly.”
Lucifer mustered his face. Diavolo’s symmetrical bone structure, his regal nose, his golden eyes, the dimples that only showed whenever he laughed; his mind seemed to have replicated them all perfectly. He allowed it, lifted his hand and even let his thumb swipe across his soft cheek.
“What is it?” he asked as he mustered Diavolo’s face. Even in his dreams, it was hard to face him when rejection was still a leaking wound.
Diavolo closed his eyes and sighed. “Your touch, it melts me at my core.”
Lucifer felt his heart rate accelerate.
The world seemed to blur at the edges once more. Now, they were standing opposite one another. Quietly, Diavolo placed Lucifer’s letter on the table between them and slid it over towards him. “I did read it from beginning to finish this time around. Will you be so kind and hear me out?” He tipped his head to the side, an apologetic smile on his face.
Lucifer fixed him with a composed gaze, keeping quiet for a moment. In the end, he still couldn’t say no. He ran his finger over the unharmed paper.
“I already told you, there’s no need to discuss this any further and you agreed. Your answer was quite clear. Why can’t we let bygones be bygones?”
“Because I do not wish to lose you.” Diavolo lifted one hand to Lucifer’s face, brushing it across his cheekbone, then up to his forehead and into his hair until he was carefully pushing it out of his eyes. “No matter what you say, I think you need me to acknowledge this. Please hear me out one more time.”
Slowly, he was leaning closer and his nose brushed over Lucifer’s cheek, his lips a breath away from leaving a feather-light peck on Lucifer's lips. Diavolo’s voice whispered a string of words he was unable to make out against his skin.
Lucifer awoke with a startle, his mind uncertain and his body bothered.
Solomon and those cursed ley lines.
“Big bro. There’s a letter for you.”
Lucifer raised his head and put down his cup of coffee, his mind split between his last talk with Diavolo and the dream that had continued to haunt him throughout the night. “Hand it over then.” It was the middle of the month. There were neither bills nor other documents to be expected, so it had to be something personal.
“Tell me where you put Baby and I’ll think about forkin’ it over,” Mammon tried to bargain.
Not even a beat passed. “No. Did you believe I would simply agree? What a foolish suggestion.” Lucifer let his eyes travel through the room. If he were Mammon, where would he put the letter?
There. With a quick movement, he lunged forward, trying to grab Mammon by his lapels. When he dodged, Lucifer saw the opening he’d known his action would create and successfully managed to pull the letter out of the back of Mammon’s waistband. “You’ll have to wake up earlier if you plan to outdo me.”
Mammon spun back around, his hands on his back. “Hey! Unfair! Give it back!”
“Why would I do that now? It’s addressed to me, is it not? Legally, you have no claim to it.”
“What’s all this ruckus about?” Asmodeus asked as he walked into the living room. He was wearing a lavish pink robe and the fabric rustled expensively as he approached. He let out a big yawn and stretched his back with a satisfied sigh. “You really had to ruin my beauty sleep with all of that pesky noise. Will no one apologize to little old me?” Despite his words, Asmodeus seemed rather chipper.
He was leaning his arms, one was folded over the other, against the backside of the couch and tilted his head curiously. “Oh! Lucifer, is that a hand-written letter? Who is it from, a secret admirer maybe?” His voice brightened with excitement. “Oh, oh! First Diavolo, and now this! Maybe it’s your turn! Do you think Barbatos might be next? Now wouldn’t that be darling!”
Mammon swung his legs over the back of the couch, landing safely as the sofa’s spring core let out a pitiful creak. “Are you coo-coo? Who would go after Barbatos?”
Asmodeus tapped his chin and angled his head. “I would,” he said without hesitation.
Mammon pulled a face and threw his brother an annoyed look. “Well, you’re weird, so… doesn't count.”
Asmo returned the look with a shocked expression. “Are you trying to tell me you wouldn’t?! It’s Barbatos we’re talking about here!”
“Exactly! The guy freaks me out!”
“What and?!”
“And if you two won't shut up I will throw you out of this room before you even have the chance to take a single breath. Understood?” All it took was an unimpressed look from Lucifer to get them to quiet down again.
Asmo walked around the couch, lifting his skirts as he sat down next to Lucifer. Carefully, he folded his hands in his lap. “It wouldn’t hurt to indulge us from time to time, you know?” he complained light-heartedly.
“I do believe that would in fact hurt my health and sanity,” Lucifer countered as he retrieved his letter opener and cut the letter open with a quick flick of the wrist. There were several pages of paper inside, made of the finest material and sprinkled with a familiar eau de cologne.
Lucifer shuffled through them, then brushed his thumb over the first page. The words were hard to miss as they were written in crimson ink.
“Do you know who it’s from?” Asmo whispered curiously, his eyes big and cheeks pink.
Lucifer knew exactly who wrote the letter. He was intimately acquainted with the penmanship and lettering, yet it made no sense regardless. There were no words left to say between them, so why would he now decide to write a letter? To reject him in writing as well?
“I have an inkling,” he muttered as he began to read the letter, his eyebrows creased.
For a moment, it was quiet. Mammon was playing around with a coin, flipping it in the air from time to time to fight his boredom. Asmodeus was leaning closer towards Lucifer, his expression curious. He was close enough to read the letter with him, so he did. To put it more correctly, he skimmed through the letter, desperate to read the juicy parts before Lucifer could get there.
All of a sudden, Asmodeus squealed. Lucifer looked up at him in alarm and flipped the letter over to hide the writing. His little brother had both hands slapped over his mouth.
“Oh my god,” he whispered before throwing both hands on top of Lucifer’s shoulders, shaking his older brother ever so slightly. “Oh my god!!”
Lucifer quickly pushed his hands off his shoulders. “What made you think you could infringe on my privacy and get away unscathed,” he growled. “Reading my letters, really Asmo?”
The threat went straight over Asmo’s head. “Of course I did, it was right there in front of my nose! I'm curious by nature, you know that! But nevermind that! The letter, it’s a-”
Lucifer lifted his pointer in warning. “One more word, Asmodeus.”
Mammon watched them from the side and pocketed his coin. “Uh oh, he pulled out the government name, dude… better skedaddle…”
When Asmo seemed to remain blissfully unaware of the danger he was putting himself in, Mammon threw his head back with a groan and grabbed him by the collar. Asmo let out an undignified squawk when he was pulled away with little care for his sensibilities. Lucifer could hear the beginning of a fight from further away. For now, he did not consider it his problem. Both Asmo and Mammon could stand their ground perfectly fine by themselves.
Lucifer returned his attention to the problem at hand: The letter Diavolo had addressed to him for unknown reasons.
Quietly, he began to read it.
Dear Lucifer,
In spite of all difficulties, your letter has reached me. I have to thank you for taking the time to put your feelings down on paper, and even more so, for your patience. I apologize for the time it took me to formulate my response, for I have been foolishly conflicted.
Truthfully, it took the intervention of a friend to make me return to my senses. Now, I am more certain than I have ever been. Hopefully, you will accept my sincerity.
First of all, I would like to apologize: for inconveniencing you, but more than that, for hurting your pride. It was never my intention. I would bend at the waist and grovel in front of your feet if only that could bring me your forgiveness.
In the meantime, I shall offer my honesty as atonement and hope that my words will suffice to reach your soul.
Lucifer, the first time I saw you, your beauty and grace were so mesmerising that for a moment, I found myself entirely out of breath. When I stood up from my seat, robbed of my senses, you only looked down on me from the tip of your finely shaped nose. The words you directed towards me did not even register for I could not fathom the existence of a man who was able to redefine my understanding of perfection in the span of mere moments. You were righteous and proper, your existence so blinding I had to avert my eyes in exhilarating shame.
Throughout the years, we have built and nurtured a sort of companionship and trust I have never been able to experience before. I never thought it strange how close we had become and how difficult it was for me to say no to your every request. And when finally, you started to let down your guard around me, I assumed my feelings were quite natural. I made it a habit to make memories with you; I started to keep recordings of your voice and pictures no one aside from me would ever know about. The thought of being special was invigorating, I thrived knowing I was the only one allowed to pull you so close.
My life without you is something I do not dare imagine even in my darkest hours.
When I find myself in need, your unshakeable hand is always by my side, firmly planted onto my shoulder, giving me safety and reassurance.
Despite the want that filled my chest whenever I was near you, I always assumed this would have to be enough for us.
Lately, I have found myself forced to face reality. My feelings for you have long passed the boundaries of friendship. That is a fact I cannot afford to ignore anymore. The repercussions of my foolish actions, led by a fear of change, have started to hurt you. Sometimes, I catch myself thinking that I have already ruined everything with my refusal to act upon what we have been dancing around for years.
Your touch, it melts me at my core. I believe I have told you so in a dream. Oftentimes, I find myself staring at the fine bone of your overworked wrist and wonder, would my hand break it? Or would you break mine in return? I do not believe I would mind if you did.
Lucifer, if you will allow me to do so, I will cherish you more than anyone would ever dare to.
Please tell me, have I waited too long? Is all hope lost? Or can I allow myself to dream of a future together?
Yours truly and entirely,
It made no sense. For once, Lucifer found himself at a loss for words. Although the proof was right there in his hands, he refused to believe what he was reading. These were words he’d heard from Diavolo before, but seeing them put together in red ink, so intricate and careful, painted an entirely new picture.
Thoughtlessly, Lucifer stormed towards the entrance, letter still in hand, ready to make his way to the Demon Lord’s Castle once again. When he ripped the door open, he had to take a stumbling step back. There was a familiar face waiting for him, right on his doorstep.
Diavolo was looking at him, then looking down at the letter in his hand. Lucifer pulled him in by the collar and the front door fell shut behind them with a loud bang. In the distance, he could hear his brothers scurrying away like rats afraid to be caught by the house cat.
“What is the meaning of this?” Lucifer hissed through gritted teeth as soon as they were in the privacy of his home. Perhaps he’d finally lost it after all.
“Ah, so you’ve received it,” Diavolo chuckled quietly. ”I see you are upset.”
Lucifer took one step closer as he released his collar. The anger behind his eyes was fiery and wet. “I am upset, as you have put it, because I do not know what to do with you. May I repeat that it was your choice to keep things as they were? I was preparing to be okay with that.”
It was rare for Lucifer to lose his temper around him, so Diavolo knew to be cautious.
He lowered his gaze. “It was a mistake on my part. I was unaware how much my feelings had already bled into our every interaction. I was so used to you being by my side that the nature of my feelings blindsided me. I thought it would be better to have you by my side as a friend than lose you entirely.”
He grabbed Lucifer's hand and pulled it close to his chest. “Please, listen to the way my heart beats for you. Would it lie?”
Although he had half the mind to pull his hand away in anger, he allowed Diavolo to keep holding it for the moment. “The letter,” he said slowly. “What were your intentions?” His hand formed a fist beneath Diavolo’s warm hands and his expression remained cautious.
Slowly, Diavolo lifted Lucifer's hand to his lips and placed a chaste kiss against his knuckles. “Normally, I may not be prone to nerves, but the prospect of losing you made me act quite uncouth. As soon as I regained my senses I knew I had to make my feelings known. If you will have me, I will repeat them to you each and every day, as often as you need so you can believe my words.”
“There is no need for you to do that,” Lucifer said quietly. The tips of his ears were tinted red. “Stop it.”
Diavolo reluctantly let go of his hand. “Then what is it you want?”
Lucifer felt conflicted. When he furrowed his brows, Diavolo pressed his thumb against the crease between his brows, smoothing it over. “What do you wish for?” he repeated.
“My opinion shouldn't matter.”
“Yet it does to me.”
Lucifer let out a sigh. “Yesterday's dream,” he started. “I had an inkling you were there too. Your letter… confirms that suspicion.”
Diavolo nodded slowly. “It was not my intention to intrude. Truthfully, I only realized we were sharing it halfway through,” he admitted sheepishly. “Still, everything I said remains true. Your letter, it showed up for you as well, didn't it? Did you know I revived it from the ashes after you left?”
A surprised expression ran over Lucifer's face. “Why would you-?”
“Because despite my actions, your words shook me at my very core. I did not wish to let them disappear. Barbatos thought me a fool for it all.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, he scolded me throughly. I cannot blame him for it.”
Lucifer let out a deep sigh and pushed his hair out of his face. For a moment, he considered his options. “This is no topic to discuss in the hallway. We should take this to my chambers,” he finally settled on.
Diavolo flushed a darker colour. “Your chambers?! Well, of course, I suppose-”
By now, the anger had disappeared from Lucifer's features. He held up one hand. “Don't misunderstand. I don't wish for my brothers to eavesdrop,” he explained quickly.
“Oh, yes. Naturally!”
Lucifer took a hold of Diavolo's wrist, hidden between the frames of their bodies. If anyone were to watch them, it would simply look as if they were walking a bit too closely next to one another. Although he still seemed undecided, the stiffness had disappeared from the line of his shoulders.
They made their way upstairs and Lucifer threw a quick glance in the direction of one of his brothers’ rooms. A door was quietly pulled shut and he let out an annoyed huff.
“They are quite curious about your private life, aren't they?” Diavolo mused.
Lucifer shook his head. “They are too nosy for their own good.”
He led Diavolo to his room and pulled the door shut behind them. His back was turned towards the door when Diavolo stepped into his space. He placed one hand against the door and leaned closer. “Where were we?” he asked, his voice low against Lucifer's neck.
“We were negotiating, were we not?” Lucifer replied.
“Of course,” Diavolo mumbled. “I have half the mind to offer to grovel at your feet, if that will earn me your forgiveness.”
“There is no need for that,” Lucifer answered, knowing that Diavolo might not shy away from actually doing so.
“Then what will it take for you to accept me?” he asked. Diavolo let one hand come to rest against Lucifer's waist as he buried his face in the crook of his neck. His breath tickled against the sensitive skin. “Please.”
“We shouldn't lose ourselves,” Lucifer mumbled.
“But are we not on the same page? Just say the word and I will be yours.”
He wrapped his arm tighter around his core, pulling himself flush against his body.
“This is impossible. You have duties you cannot walk away from. I should know my place.” Despite his words, Lucifer did not pull back. He knew putting distance between them was detrimental, yet the touch felt too good to deny.
“Is it so wrong to want you by my side? I have had my eyes on you ever since our first chess match.”
Lucifer tilted his neck further back.“Your father wouldn't be pleased to know you have set your mind on courting a former angel. You will have to marry someday.”
Diavolo lifted his hand and pushed Lucifer's hair out of his face, letting his palm brush over his forehead. “My father should be pleased that I chose to court one of the most feared demons of the entire realm. There is no one aside from you that I desire. If it is marriage you worry about, then I will vow to bear responsibility.”
Lucifer flushed red, astonished by this answer he hadn't expected. “That is not what I was- Have you lost your mind?!”
Diavolo ran his hand through the soft tresses of his hair, catching a whitening strand between his fingertips. “You would make a fine husband. There would be no soul who wouldn't be jealous of me,” he murmured.
“Diavolo! That's quite enough!” He lifted his hand and placed it against Diavolo's cheek. “How can you be so certain about this?” he asked as he looked him in the eye, his eyebrows pulled together in question. “You will grow to dislike it.”
“Shall we put it to the test then?” Diavolo asked, his eyes set on Lucifer's. The air was heavy around them. “Shall we?” he repeated more quietly. “I promise you won’t get rid of me that easily.” A dejected smile appeared on his face. “Unless you ask me to step away, of course. Then, I will have to oblige.”
Lucifer slid his free hand around the back of Diavolo's neck, his palm curled over his nape, and slowly pulled closer. He did not break eye contact, simply tilted his head and considered the demon in front of him. Carefully, he closed his eyes as he crossed the distance between them. Diavolo followed suit, his chest flush against Lucifer's as their lips met. It was a soft and quiet thing. Diavolo made a small noise as Lucifer moved his lips against his own, angling his head ever so slightly. “I won’t ask for such a thing,” he admitted between breaths.
Lucifer found himself pinned against the door by Diavolo's sturdy body. His hand was travelling down, brushing past reliable shoulders, discovering the taut muscle hidden beneath his uniform. Diavolo let out a forlorn sigh as his mouth strayed off course, leaving Lucifer open mouthed as his lips pressed soft kisses against the corner of his mouth, exploring the sharpness of his jaw, the small hint of skin that his dress shirt allowed to be exposed.
“You are so beautiful,” Diavolo mumbled against his skin and Lucifer shivered at the sensation. “How could I grow to dislike you even in the slightest.”
The demon prince sucked at the skin experimentally, his purpose quite clear.
“Don't think I don't know what you’re trying to achieve,” Lucifer breathed out. “Have you always been this possessive?”
“When it comes to you I try not to be. Do you want me to stop?”
A slight pause for consideration. “No, you can go ahead.”
He could feel Diavolo's smile against his skin, moments before he pulled the skin through his teeth, gently sucking a dark mark against his neck.
Lucifer allowed a shuddery breath to break free.
“Are you absolutely certain about this?”
“As certain as you will allow me to be. If you so choose to accept my sincerity.” His hands were wandering, discovering tight muscles and tender skin until coming to rest against the sides of Lucifer's neck. Slowly, he cupped his cheeks. “Lucifer, do you like me?” All things considered it was a surprisingly innocent question.
“Has my letter not been enough?”
“I want to hear it from your mouth. Please, I implore you.”
It was strangely frightening to have his soul laid bare, exposed to the privacy of his own four walls. “Diavolo.” He leaned closer, allowing his lips to ghost along his ear. Lucifer shut his eyes and let out a deep breath. “Although I shouldn't, I long for you,” he admitted, his voice quiet enough to be not much more than a whisper.
Diavolo pulled back, his eyes warm like honey as he studied Lucifer's face. “As do I,” he breathed out, astonished. “Now where does this leave us?” He played the ball right back into Lucifer's hands.
“What can we afford to be?”
“Boyfriends?” Diavolo asked hopefully, but felt his heart drop when Lucifer pulled a face. “Have I misunderstood?”
Lucifer shook his head. “It's not that, just… that term. How old do you believe us to be?”
“Partners, then? Or lovers, perhaps? Youthful Fun 101 certainly will have more suggestions if those displease you as well.”
“That I can live with,” he replied quickly, his heartbeat a thrumming constant in his ears. “There's no need to consult that wretched book.”
“Marvellous!” Diavolo wrapped his arms around Lucifer and embraced him tight enough to push all air out of his lungs. “I vow I shall make you the happiest demon the Devildom has ever seen!”
Slowly, Lucifer patted his back. “I'll take that with a grain of salt.”
Laughing, Diavolo buried his head in the crook of his neck. “Now don't be like that, Lucifer. I am being nothing but truthful.”
Lucifer locked his arms around Diavolo's neck and shut him up with a kiss. For now, he couldn’t answer whether or not he could believe Diavolo’s words. Both love and established relationships were still uncharted territory to him, but in spite of it, it still felt surprisingly comfortable to share such closeness with Diavolo. He shouldn't enjoy it as much as he did, but for once, Lucifer allowed himself to indulge.
Diavolo swiped his tongue over his bottom lip and Lucifer parted his lips in reply, exploring the way Diavolo’s mouth tasted under his warm tongue. It was invigorating.
Diavolo started to move, unwilling to part as he was pulling him away from the door and closer towards his bed.
“You own such a large bed, doesn't it just beg to be shared?” He wriggled his eyebrows and Lucifer let out a huff in response. “You are inviting yourself in? Now isn't this quite the shameless behaviour?”
Diavolo laughed against his lips, his voice deep and smooth. “I am trying to proposition you, is it not working?”
“That remains up to debate.”
“Allow me to convince you then.”
Diavolo pressed Lucifer down by the shoulders, getting him to sit down on the edge of the bed. Slowly, he lifted his hand to his lips and pressed a kiss upon his palm. Lucifer pulled him closer by his collar, lifting his head defiantly. “What, pray tell, do you plan to do?”
Diavolo dropped down onto his knees and looked up at him, his hands coming to rest against his thighs. Lucifer buried one hand in the sheets, gripping them tightly for support.
“Kneel until I have your forgiveness,” Diavolo said with a playful twinkle in his eyes.
Lucifer flushed red. “I told you there's no-”
Slowly, he rubbed his hands up and down his thighs, gently massaging the taut flesh. “Tell me you do not enjoy this and I will step away.”
Lucifer pushed his hair out of his face as he stared down at the Devildom prince, flushed and excited between his knees. It was undeniable that it fuelled his pride to have the man he longed for beneath him, one cheek pressed against the fabric of his trousers, looking up at him with devotion in his eyes and a smile on his lips.
When Lucifer noticed his pants growing tighter at the thought, Diavolo’s eyes strayed as well.
“You desire me,” he murmured. He was running his hand over the inside of Lucifer’s thigh, going up dangerously high just to travel further down towards his knee again. “Look at you, my morning star.”
“Does that excite you?” he asked. For once, he did not feel the familiar pull of shame he had grown accustomed to. “How could it not? The most brilliant demon the Devildom has ever laid eyes upon is right above me, looking positively roused.”
Lucifer averted his gaze. “Enough with the praise.”
Diavolo's eyes wandered downwards and he ran one hand up towards Lucifer’s waist. “Will you let me serve you this once?”
“Serve me? What do you-”
Their eyes met and Lucifer could see his own desire reflected back to him in Diavolo’s eyes. His hand had stilled, as he was waiting to hear Lucifer's explicit consent, and his finger was tapping against his trousers in anticipation.
Lucifer slipped his hand over Diavolo's. “I shall allow it this once,” he finally agreed.
Diavolo did not wait much longer, his impatience having grown with each and every second wasted. He parted Lucifer's knees to create more space in-between his legs. One hand returned to its former occupation, fondling his thigh, while the other inched closer towards his zipper.
It was invigorating to watch the way Lucifer shifted under his touch, his eyes dark with want, his hand buried in the sheets.
“Lucifer,” Diavolo mumbled. “Do you even know what sort of expression you are making right now?”
For a moment he pulled himself up again to kiss Lucifer slowly, his hand coming to reach his nape. While he did so, he let his fingertips ghost across his pants, finding the zipper and pulling it down slowly. Lucifer panted against his lips when he experimentally began to run his hand along his considerable arousal. Slowly, he palmed him through his briefs, enjoying the way it clearly excited Lucifer. Some part of him wanted to stay like this forever. It was a side of Lucifer he had never seen before, and an irresistible and sensitive one at that.
“Let us take these off,” Diavolo mumbled as he ran his fingers over the impressive bulge. He watched Lucifer as he shuffled out of his pants, left to sit on the edge of the bed in nothing but his dress shirt, his expensive black briefs and sock garters. The demon unbuttoned the top of his shirt and leaned back, his eyes heavy in ways Diavolo had never seen before. It was intoxicating.
He pulled himself up, crawling onto the bed as well until he was close enough to push Lucifer onto his back. And so he did. Lucifer raised an eyebrow at him, and the corner of his mouth pulled upwards ever so slightly.
“Eager, are we?” he asked.
“Verily,” Diavolo breathed out, his excitement barely hidden as he shrugged off his coat. He laid himself on the side and pulled Lucifer’s body against his own, his lips soon discovering the exposed expanse of his neck again while his hands ran across his sturdy chest. While he nibbled at the skin, Lucifer’s hand explored the taut muscles of his back, one coming to rest against his hip, the other travelling further down as he pulled closer, reaching Diavolo’s ass. A satisfied chuckle escaped Lucifer’s lips and before he could feel embarrassed about it, Diavolo pulled him in and kissed him hard. His hand slipped past the waistband of Lucifer’s briefs, exposing his proud member. His fingertips trailed upwards, giving it an experimental pump as it was already half-hard. Lucifer exhaled sharply. For a moment, Diavolo opened his eyes. Lucifer’s eyes were squeezed shut, his cheeks flushed with the slightest bit of colour. Diavolo swore he had never seen something quite as beautiful before.
He swiped his thumb over the slit of Lucifer’s cock, collecting a droplet of precum and spreading it across, his fingers gentle and painstakingly careful. With one hand, he travelled further down, massaging his balls. Lucifer buried his face in the mattress. His arm was slung around Diavolo’s neck. He reached between them and undid Diavolo’s zipper, freeing his boner. Although his eyes were shut, Lucifer could tell it was a thing of majestic length and girth. Not that he hadn’t noticed before, but tracing his cold fingers over the feverish skin gave him an entirely new perspective. He opened his eyes and gazed down. It was huge.
Lucifer kissed Diavolo’s jawline, then his neck.
“I very well can’t be the only one getting satisfied,”he muttered. Diavolo laughed and planted a kiss against his cheek.
“Your pleasure alone would be satisfying enough for me.”
“That certainly won’t do,” Lucifer countered as he nipped at the warm skin of Diavolo’s throat. He let one finger trail over the vein lining his dick, then wrapped his hand around his member, stroking it lazily. Diavolo’s breath was heavy in his ear. The sounds he made were deep and needy.
“Shall we come together then?” Diavolo wrapped his hand around both their members, guiding Lucifer to join him. His hand came to cover Diavolo’s. It was a warm and slippery thing, uncoordinated with the way they were rutting together to reach their final high.
Diavolo could tell they were both close. Lucifer wrapped his arm around Diavolo’s neck, pulling them even closer together. Diavolo’s body was heavy on his own, but he liked to feel the weight against his chest. Somehow, it was grounding.
They picked up their pace and when he felt he was close, he grunted, burying his hand in the back of Diavolo’s hair, pulling him in to meet in a messy kiss. Lucifer was the first to come, his eyes shut and his breath out of order. It did not take Diavolo much longer, the sight of his partner, lost at the edge of lust, was enough to tip him over. He spilled over their hands, the liquid hot and thick. Diavolo let his full weight drop on Lucifer.
Lucifer pushed his hair out of his eyes with a shuddery breath. “When did we get so off topic? Rutting against one another like unrestrained teenagers.”
Diavolo buried his head in the crook of his neck, leaving a small kiss behind. “We have talked around the issue for a while now. Perhaps it was long overdue.”
Lucifer shot him an irritated side-glance. “Perhaps it would have been faster if you hadn’t rejected me straight away.”
Ah, still a sore point. A demon’s hurt pride was not easy to repair, especially not when it came to Lucifer. Diavolo lifted himself up and cupped Lucifer’s face. “I shall continue to apologize to you with both actions and words.” He kissed him slowly. “Until you believe me.”
Lucifer grabbed his face. “Then show me your best,” he replied stoically.
The expression made Diavolo laugh boisterously. “Anything for you, my dear.”
Lucifer squirmed under the newfound affection, the nickname still foreign to his ears.
Perhaps he would have to get used to this after all.
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pseudonymphomania · 4 months
Sometimes all we need is a hug…
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… so Diavolo decrees today to be Hug Day. I hope everyone has a great day, and if not, someone will always be there to hug you.
Thank you @cslfallen @hgvvvh @turtleybeachin @flappingdragon @revoleotion @ruewrites; you all know what you did.
A special thanks to @gurgurlac for being my first fan here and a special special thanks to @possum-with-anxiety for going down my entire catalogue of work and liking everything, even the most unhinged of nonsense lol. Don’t think I don’t notice the shenanigans going on in my notes.
And, though I won’t tag everyone, I hope you know that I appreciate you in particular, the person looking at this message, because even though I don’t know you, the fact that you can see me means that you and I exist in this infinite cosmos together, drawn together by the randomest of forces. Closing the gap only takes a hello.
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Imagine if your chronically single ass gets kidnapped and the first thing the ringleader of it all does is start talking about how incredibly beautiful his boyfriend is
him introducing his scowly-ass mean boyfriend: isn't he beautiful
me: S H O O T. M E.
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hgvhehehe · 1 month
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It is a gift again, but for my another dear friend! Context is simple: Diavolo and Lucifer are dancing together in Diavolo's bedroom! Based on my friend's story, but the story hasn't been released yet. Though I was allowed to post this art. :>
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devildom-doll · 2 years
lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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witheredapple · 13 days
[Prequel to previous post: Questions that were asked]
Asmo: Who would you go to for help?
Diavolo: Lucifer, of course
Asmo: If you were kidnapped, who would you call?
Diavolo: Lucifer
Asmo: To drink with?
Diavolo: Lucifer
Asmo: To go to the human world with?
Diavolo: Lucifer
Barbatos: 🧍‍♂️
Asmo: Ok… Kill, Kiss, Marry: Solomon, Mephisto, and Simeon.
Diavolo: Is Lucifer an option?
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