#obey me! lucifer
Belphie & Satan tried to make the Anti-Lucifer League into an official club at RAD except they named it the Fuck Lucifer Club and Diavolo showed up so they joined the astronomy & literature clubs instead
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mammonswhore · 11 months
MC: *wiggling a test in front of Lucifer's face* fuck you!
Lucifer: I see you passed
MC: Damn right I did! And you said I couldn't do it!
Lucifer: *smirking* I know, congrats...
MC: *confused sheep noises*
MC about to go to sleep: ... OH THAT MOTHERFU-
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Lucifer: "MC, I've invited you here for two reasons. Do you know what they are?"
MC: *Looking sideways* "Haven't the foggiest."
Lucifer: "Fine, No. 1 you cannot just throw a marble on the ground in front of all of us and announce that whoever has it at the end of the night can make love to you."
MC: "I don't think I said the words 'make love'."
Lucifer: "My apologies, 'fuck you'."
MC: *Smirking*
Lucifer: "Levi gave Mammon a broken nose, Asmo is sobbing on the couch because Belphie scratched his face."
MC: "Okay sorry, I won't do it again."
Lucifer: "Thank you."
MC: "Sooo, what was the second thing?"
Lucifer: *Smirking while holding up the marble*
MC: "Oh."
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it ☺️ Likes, comments, and reblogs are so appreciated! 🌻 Please don't repost, that shit won't fly here. I'll annoy the absolute shit out of you 😇 If you would like to join the tag list please fill in my dumb little form.
Tagging: @delphi-dreamin @blackwings-with-angeleyes @ladyofthemorningstar @alexxavicry @not-a-cat-lawyer @aprilwallflower @your-next-daydream @sassykattery
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alexxncl · 7 days
masterlist | brothers' chats | dateables/side characters chats | pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 4
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HELP NOT MC TOO 😭 everybody on his ass as they should be
the little mc plushie i'm gonna cry 🥹
...but how tf did he take that picture ??? his hands are in the air, like is his phone in his mouth ??????
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belphegorey · 8 days
begging pleading for desperate sub!Lucifer
“say it”
he strained against the rope, a frown whimpering along his face. the glory was still as present as always, only the sweet glimmer of need kissed it. his need of you. “please,”
the words were almost a cry. you ran a finger along his chest, revelling in the jump that emerged through him. “hmm,” the false hum of thought seemed to torture lucifer. his legs kicked in resistance and his finger clenched, his dick hard against your backside. you could feel precum drip into your skip, “that just isn’t good enough baby.” you leaned down and hovered your face over his, and though his blindfold remained he still blushed in reaction. “i need you to beg. surely you can do that for me?”
“please,” he cried the words again, his hips rolling and making you bounce. he was so sweet this way, perfect putty in your hands. the ever prideful demon, practically on his knees for your touch. for your love, “i did everything you asked me to today… i just want to make you feel good,”
that was right — he had been so good for you. wearing the toys you asked of him, following your orders when you would message him. you doubted anyone besides lucifer would listen to your commands when sent the same photos he was. “well then,” you lifted off his blindfold and immediately he went to kiss you. you lifted your face away before he could, finding pride in the cute frown on his face, “let’s see if you even can do that.”
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diatiddiess · 1 year
Fan questions for the demon bros answered by Obey Me's official fb page back in 2019
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anintrovertedechoe · 11 months
what nicknames / terms of endearment do you think the brothers would call MC ?
to all the people who sent in prompt requests im so sorry it’s the illness i swear-
Pet Names the Brothers Call MC
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heart’s dearest
okay so i read this in a fic once and it’s a guilty pleasure of mine now i absolutely adore this pet name and fully believe Luce would call you this it’s canon guys there’s no room for objection
you bloom in his presence and he will nourish your growth with everything he has to make sure you never wither away
this one i think would be for either softer moments OR when he’s fed up with you and he’s like ‘darling, please get Cerberus off of you, he’s over 400 pounds it’s not safe for you to let him sit on you like that’ and ur jus like ‘hehe ouppy’
honorable mentions: dear/dearest, precious, dove, angel (teehee)
cmon guys we all know that he would call you this it’s basically canon I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN RAHHH 🗣️🗣️‼️ he’s so sweet my baby mwah mwah. I can’t see him calling you jewel or ruby or anything like that it’s too formal for him. maybe diamond ??
yk how crows are his familiars? yeah. plus whenever he looks at you he feels his heart soar and he thinks not even the sky is the limit when it comes to the two of you. you just make him so happy bro :(
once again i think this could be used for softer or sadder moments BUT also when he’s like being silly or cheeky w you hes so babygirl coded he so meow
honorable mentions: darlin’, babe/baby, angel (he would also call you this but it’s less intense and more casual), human
cmon u thought I would forget? ur always gna be his human :)
let’s be so fr he would be so HESITANT to call you anything he’s so cringefail (affectionate) but let’s see hmm
player two
he wouldn’t be like ‘my player two :)’ but he would call you that affectionately while talking to you he’s a gamer he can’t help it !! ur always by his side, the best teammate he cld ask for :(
he calls you star whenever he’s like super excited like if you defeat a really hard level for him or together WITH him it’s really cute but he gets all embarrassed afterwards dbsjskjebe
okay so ik what y’all are thinking, no way mans has the guts to call you this BUT HEAR ME OUT. he’s feeling vulnerable and sad and youre like the sun for him! he (lizard style) feels like he can bask in your warmth and you brighten his days. you’re comforting him while he’s resting his head on your shoulder and after a while he feels better, offering a shy smile and a, “thanks, sunshine.”
honorable mentions: henry, mana (u recharge him !!), oyster (he tried calling you pearl once but blurted out oyster instead. he doesn’t call you this but you refuse to let it go and he hates it #loserboy(affectionate))
my heart
cmon have you never heard his song ‘read my heart’ ??? you taught him how to love; you have such a tight grip on his heart that it might as well be yours by now
beautiful / gorgeous
this man is so smooth sometimes WITHOUT EVEN TRYING he genuinely finds you breathtaking he’s not even trying to be slick this is a genuine nickname for you,,,making kissy faces at him rn.
love / lovely / my love
he loves you send tweet. but he’s honestly so sweet and genuine about it. he has this precious small little smile on whenever he calls you it in public and he looks so boyish and sweet how can you not fall for him??? he left you with no choice
honorable mentions: my light, my fire, ladybird (regardless of gender)
you’re genuinely precious to him. this man adores you with every fiber of his being. you jus mean ??? everything to him???
cutie / cutiepie
ur just so adorable to him like LOOK AT THIS LITTLE HUMAN ??? adorable. when he’s feeling especially overwhelmed by you he pulls out the cutiepie and pinches your cheeks and sometimes it kinda hurts :(( dw tho he’ll treat you to an exclusive all inclusive asmo night just for the two of you if you let him know, so…no complaints here!
he may have been the jewel of the heavens but you’re by far the most precious jewel he has come across. he treats you like you’re priceless—only makes sense that the name fits the action.
honorable mentions: darling, sweetheart/sweetie, honey, lovely
okay so he loves food but he doesn’t wanna call you something that’s OBVIOUSLY food related because he loves you in a different way he loves food yk??? and he wants you to know he sees you as more than that. so he calls you sweets because just thinking about you makes him feel like sugar’s melting softly on his tongue
spoilers! yk the life candle incident thing? yeah. you basically are his life force with what you did. he’ll never forget that. you are his driving force, his life, his flame <3
IT SOUNDS SO WEIRD AT FIRST but just listen okay 😭 it started off as teddy bear when he first started to try and come up with pet names for you but he didn’t like how that made you sound because yeah you may be human but you are the strongest being he has ever had the honor of meeting ?? you make him feel so capable and strong but the fact that you also have his back makes him feel…strange (he has butterflies guys)
honorable mentions: buzz (bees make honey plus based off a hc of what MC calls the boys), baby, fire
(i had such a hard time with him guys 😭)
bug / lovebug
LISTEN. THIS BITCH IS SO ANNOYING. (affectionate) he started calling you bug and you didn’t know where it came from and so you asked and he said ‘like a bedbug. bc ur annoying.’ he’s so mean i hate him :((( but he’s always been a bit of a brat what can u expect…definitely not him adding love to it. he called you lovebug when your guard was down and when you looked at him in shock the absolute cutest most sweet smile took over his face??? this is not fair cmon
bip / bips / bippy
it started as ‘personal body pillow’ bc belph is an entitled little mf and eventually got shortened to ‘bp’ pronounced ‘bip’ and then it evolved. complain all you want but you enable him by letting him use you as a personal pillow man. hes so cute when he shuts his mouth tho you can’t help it :((
he thinks its a cute nickname send tweet. but in all honestly belphie is sweet when he wants to be and he thinks ur super cute ! he usually calls you bunny when he’s teasing you but the name will slip out in an occasional moment of vulnerability <3
honorable mentions: babe, mommy (gn), buttercup, the first initial of your name
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hopefully ygs like this i started struggling after a while 😭
parts of these come from bits of canon from my own inner world but honestly the boys all love you and are really sweet so ☹️🫶
beel and belphie were especially hard because i really think they would mostly just use variations of your name but I TRIED MY BEST HOPEFULLY IT WAS TO UR SATISFACTION
send an ask over if you want me to do the dateables or alternatively, what MC/you call the brothers!
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natstablook29 · 2 months
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mishantics · 1 year
I would love love love to see how youd draw demon form lucifer if the event requests are still open!!!! Congrats again on hitting that milestone :D
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"What can a star do when it inevitably burns up?"
@chichikoi, @tiredsleep , @karmawonders , @color-puff-ball , @laireste , @haliyamori , @venusflwers , @aimynx , @mocha-bunbun , @cynoifyy , @kkomaism
(Feel free to send an ask to be added/removed!)
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can't believe the peak character design for THE Lucifer Morningstar is an out-of-touch overprotective dad, who would do anything for his kid(s), and is trying to connect with them but instead he accidentally makes them think he doesn't give a shit and ends up giving them serious daddy issues
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mammonswhore · 9 months
Lucifer: What the fuck is the problem with you?
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bite-sized-devil · 2 years
MC to Diavolo: "Tell Lucifer I'm not talking to him."
Diavolo *nodding*: "Lucifer, MC isn't talking to you."
Lucifer: "I'm right here I can hear."
MC: "Tell Lucifer that I won't speak to him unless he apologises."
Diavolo: "Ok, Lucif-"
Lucifer: "I heard!"
Diavolo: "What did you do?"
Lucifer: "I...-"
MC: "He said.. *sniffles* he said I wasn't allowed to pet Cerberus's belly..."
Lucifer: "He isn't a puppy! He's a three headed monstrosity!"
Diavolo: "..."
Diavolo: "MC, tell Lucifer I'm not speaking to him."
Lucifer: *Shaking his head and crossing his arms* "Honestly why do I even bother talking to you two."
Barbatos: "... Well you're not as they both aren't currently on speaking terms with you."
Lucifer: *Huffs & leaves*
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writing-by-mimi · 2 years
Breeding/knocked up
Fandom: Obey Me!
      My opinion on who would have a breeding kink and to what degree. I'll write one on how they would be with children later. XD
Adult content, read at your own risk. Not beta read.
     Would absolutely love cumming inside of you...not so keen on any offspring. Look at his and Satan's relationship... He loves you, he does...but if you want a kid, go baby Satan. Seriously. He'll let you pinch Satan's cheeks and the whole nine yards, just please don't get pregnant. He couldn't stand another offspring hating him, Mc.
     "Please don't make me fail you. I couldn't stand it if our child hated me too."
     Babies take Grimm...so he isn't looking to get you knocked up on purpose. Would 100% be for cumming inside of you, but Mc, the Grimm a baby takes! The thought of breeding you though...it's all most worth it. You'd make a cute baby Mc...okay, okay...Maybe, Mc. Still cumming in you on accident, and if it does happen, he'd be shocked, but after the initial freak out, would 100% start actually saving Grimm. (He is still gonna gamble though...just a bit more responsibility involved.) After your knocked up though and every time after the baby is born, he's gonna breed you. He's Greed incarnate and he's had a taste...he isn't stopping now Mc.
      "Our baby is cute as fuck, Mc...and making 'em is the fun part. Let's give our baby a sibling."
     His favorite hentai is all creampies and cosplay. If you consider letting him have sex with you, he'd probably pass out. It would take a while for Levi to get it together and not pass out seeing you naked. Absolutely wants to get you pregnant! (Though it's a messed up reason and you'll hate him if you truly knew why Mc... Envy is a hell of a sin... if he gets you pregnant, you'll be with him and a part of him and a part of you will be joined forever...something no one else could ever have and to have absolutely all of you....his envy knows no bounds. He's so sorry Mc!) After he is used to your naked bodies touching, he is a man determined. Doing every pose he's ever seen in a hentai and filling you to the brim. Seeing you leaking his cum brings a peace to him. It won't be long Mc! Be ready to be breed, even mid raid. He can multitask.
     "Y-you want to what? I...I can do that!" *takes pants off and immediately passes out.*
     Adores cumming inside of you, but like Lucifer, is in no way aiming to get you pregnant. The unresolved issues he has with the man who spawned him...just get a kitten. It's cute, you can cuddle it. He's good with cats. He'll even by it cute little outfits you can dress it up in. Just please don't get pregnant. He doesn't want his child to feel even an inclination of what he's dealing with.
     "Mc, you said you wanted a baby, so this is Sugarloaf. I found her at the park and the mother hasn't been around for days." *hands you the ideal kitten you've always wanted.* "I even picked out outfits and toys for our fur baby." *proud cat Daddy smile.* (off topic, him and Jumin Han would be Cat Daddy Bros...)
      Uh, of course he is going to breed you? Did you really think the Avatar of Lust didn't have that kink too? Oh Mc, your so cute! Literally jumping you at random. You'll never know when he's ready. Walking to R.A.D.? Not anymore, your going to be late, but don't worry, he can charm the teachers. Yes, he's fucking you behind this bush and filling you to the brim. Public sex is hot, Mc. In the kitchen making dinner? Boom, the turkey isn't the only thing being stuffed. Your baby is going to be the cutest in the three realms! He can have Levi help him make baby clothes, and you'll look so adorable pregnant! He can buy maternity clothes for you! There is nothing that would make him consider not breeding you 24/7.
     "You look so cute cumming, Mc, but I bet you'll look cuter carrying my child."
      This fucking man...he's breeding you. He wants a huge family and the fact you'd be extra hungry all the time, and he'll have a cute child with you?! It's go time. Literally fucking you in the locker room after the game. You look hot in his jersey and he absolutely adores the sounds you make as he has you pinned against his locker, legs against his chest as he fills you up. Celestial realm help whoever walks in... your knocked up within two weeks, and he's gonna breed you again first chance he can.
     "A family? With me?" *unzipping pants, shirt is already gone.*
     Loves having slow, sleepy sex you with you. Not really into breeding. Loves cumming in you...but a half human child...after what he did to you... 100% not sure and would be the most upset that you got accidentally knocked up, and he wasn't even trying.
     "Mc...I'm not really into that..." *cuddles you harder and does almost anything else you want as an apology.*
     It's been pounded into his head since he was of age that having an hier was necessary. He's royalty, so he knows what a breeding kink is. It's not even so much the kink and the creampie that excites him as it is who it's with. Having sex with you, he understands the kink and is 100% on board. He'll have you under him, hands holding your thighs to your chest with your pleasure in mind, but the moment he cums inside of you and thinks of you being full of his cum and granting him offspring... he's breeding you every available moment, like Asmo. Has the main goal of conceiving his child on the throne and the view of you getting fucked full of his seed while his crown bounces on your head... it won't take long, Mc.
     "Fuck, you look so beautiful filled with my seed."
     Not gonna lie, I'm torn on Barb... I feel like he would only approach it with Mc if he knew for an absolute fact that you and any offspring that could result would be okay and safe. Like, if he did manage to get that timeline to work, he would indulge you in the kink whenever you asked. If he couldn't get it right...I think it would be such a feeling of failure on himself and Mc...he wouldn't want that for you. Would definitely creampie you and be rough, but the main purpose is pleasure and he won't do it unless he is 100% sure you will not get knocked up.
     "I am sorry, Mc...the timing is not right yet."
     This man has lead a long life, and will continue too. Loving you, while it's wonderful now, it's nothing but pain and suffering later. If you remain. Mortal, I think he would pass on breeding you. He'll fuck you all kinds of ways, even loves filling you...but he can't takr the chance. A father shouldn't have to bury their children, he's buried lots of people mc...please don't make him privy to that. Although if Mc found a way to be like him and last through the ages, I think he would cave and give in...plus he'd love it, so you won't have to ask very hard. After all, once the kid reaches adulthood, if they wanna be immortal as well, he find a way. It's a family that will last and he won't lose. It's nice to finally have people that won't fade away...
     *Has already magiced his clothes off* "Mc, I need you to drink this..."
     Since being demoted...hes woken up with erections regularly... ERECTIONS! He never touched himself as an angel. It wasn't pure and he had more will than that! But now...he's human...so indulging can happen...right? Dude is exploring his own boners and thoughts when the thought of filling you up and having a family hits. Cums, and almost dies. Like Simeon isn't completely innocent, but he's never taken the time to do something so...sinful. Knows of breeding kinks, and is so flustered when he realizes it's his kink. He would love to indulge and breed you, but with being an angel originally...but being with you would be worth it. Yet after the brothers fall because Lilith fell in love with a human...I don't think he'd be able to bring himself to do it. Would cum while having sex with you, but be so overly careful. Like you have a condom, he has a condom, spermicide, the pill, even pulling out all in one session. Though if Simeon fell...I think he'd go full bore and breed the living shit out of you. All day, everyday. You chose him and he's going to leave proof in anyway he can. Plus thinking of how cute the children would be... it would rival Diavolo and Asmodeus as far as being jumped to be breed 24/7.
     "Safety is important." *pulls out a whole pharmacy worthy of condoms and items to prevent pregnancy.*
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ahcrie4help · 6 months
My Personal HeadCannon(s) on the Demon Bros’ (+ Dia) Height(s) ~!!
Now, I know their heights have been “confirmed”-ish, but I just don’t accept that they would have just “normal” height measurements 🤥. Even in their human forms, I think they would be way above average heights cause they are still DEMON AVATARS OF HELL- or whatever so.. I also believe some of them vary when in their human and/or demon forms 😌
From Shortest to Tallest:
Asmodeus - 5 ‘10 (Stays the same in both forms)
Belphegor - 5 ‘11 (6 ‘0 in demon form)
Mammon - 6 ‘0 (Stays the same in both forms (not including horns tho))
Leviathan - 6 ‘2 (stays the same in both forms (not including horns))
Satan - 6 ‘2.5 (6 ‘3 in demon form)
Lucifer - 6 ‘4 (Stays the same MAYBE 6 ‘4.5 🙄 (not including horns))
Beelzebub - 6 ‘6 (6 ‘8 in demon form)
Diavolo - 6 ‘8 ( A whopping 7 ‘0 in his demon form 🤭🤤)
I like always felt that Belphie was the shortest but apparently that is not the case, so I tried to at least stay a little cannon 🤷
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diatiddiess · 9 months
The rabbit is a member of the Anti-Lucifer League, for sure lol
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anintrovertedechoe · 4 months
i just know some of yall would get in killed in the devildom for making dialuci edits
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