#obey me! mc
It isn’t an uncommon sight to find random demons walking through the halls of the House of Lamentation, usually found on the path between the entrance and Asmo’s room, their state of undress and functioning number of braincells entirely dependent on which journey they were taking. Lucifer’s constant and painstaking efforts to reduce the number of visitors was, expectedly, not going in his favour, though he did find some iota of pride in his singular victory of reducing the orgies to a once-a-month sort of affair.
What is uncommon, however, is the thick bandages wrapped around the entire upper half of the leg of the demon currently hobbling his way past the open kitchen door and towards the entrance.
The human watches him curiously, both hands wedged inside the open mouth of a shadow hog’s decapitated head. They tear the jaw from the skull with one great Crack! and ask, “Do you want me to heal that up for you?”
Visiting Kinks (fic Link)
Unnamed, Gender-Neutral MC + Asmo, Belphie & Levi
It's a normal day in the Devildom.
(half of) The Gang have the sex talk. No, not that sex talk. The one about kinks.
Additionally, in which the demons are DEMONS and the human is concernedly unperturbed.
Tags: • Platonic Relationships • Blood and Gore • Crack • Crack Treated Seriously • Humor •No Sex
Rating: E
Comments & kudos & reblogs are always treasured because I am a cave dwelling little creature that hoards that shit and snorts it like crack
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luxthestrange · 10 months
Incorrect quotes#870 Mams Hates snow
Mam: hold on, where did ya freckles go?
Mc: oh, they fade during the winter
*20 minutes later*
Mam*In his demon form, punching the snow* Give. treasure. their. freckles. back. you. stupid. bitch.
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asmo-cosmetics · 11 months
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we're fully just codependent w him now huh
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l3viat8an · 11 months
MC:*Knocking on Asmo's bedroom door* Are you decent?
Asmo: Not morally no, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking.
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bite-sized-devil · 2 years
MC to Diavolo: "Tell Lucifer I'm not talking to him."
Diavolo *nodding*: "Lucifer, MC isn't talking to you."
Lucifer: "I'm right here I can hear."
MC: "Tell Lucifer that I won't speak to him unless he apologises."
Diavolo: "Ok, Lucif-"
Lucifer: "I heard!"
Diavolo: "What did you do?"
Lucifer: "I...-"
MC: "He said.. *sniffles* he said I wasn't allowed to pet Cerberus's belly..."
Lucifer: "He isn't a puppy! He's a three headed monstrosity!"
Diavolo: "..."
Diavolo: "MC, tell Lucifer I'm not speaking to him."
Lucifer: *Shaking his head and crossing his arms* "Honestly why do I even bother talking to you two."
Barbatos: "... Well you're not as they both aren't currently on speaking terms with you."
Lucifer: *Huffs & leaves*
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im-just-sal · 1 year
Mc: Truth or Dare?
Mammon: Dare.
Mc: Order me a pizza.
Beel: I have been blind to the possibilities...
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loweya-blog · 1 month
Cinderella (Obey Me Edition)
(Part 2, )
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Once upon a time....
You were broke. Your job barely paid minimum wage and most of your cash went to paying the rent. Things like buying yourself new clothes that actually looked good on you or any sort of hobby items were out of your reach, unless you wanted to skip breakfast for the next few weeks.
Money had always been a difficulty for you but especially hurt when your friends went out to a fancy restaurant or some event where you couldn't attend due to your minimal paycheck. Perhaps you told yourself it was fine. Perhaps you hated it. But you had to move forwards, looking towards an uncertain future. Making do with what you could get at every turn.
Yet months of such conditions can wear a person down. Most of your time was taken up by work, creating an isolating atmosphere. The loneliness within your heart grew with every passing day as the world around you began looking duller and duller with each passing day. All you wanted was one nice night out with a few friends...
One day, a letter arrived.
It was right at your doorstep despite the fact you had a perfectly functional mailbox. A black envelope with gold trimmings and a dark red seal laid right at your door. When you took it inside and opened it, you found a beautifully handwritten invitation by some guy named Diavolo.
"Dear Recipient,
Congratulations! You have been selected to attend the Royal Seven Night Masquerade held by Prince Diavolo this year. This event shall be inviting two humans and two angels to help encourage relations.
Please sign the letter below to confirm your attendance to this event.
Yours sincerely,
You blinked and stared at the letter for a few minutes. Was this a prank? You'd never heard of any prince Diavolo before. Still... the idea of a masquerade party sounded nice, even if it was just a prank in the end. Without thinking, you signed your name on the letter.
For the rest of the day you went about your business. The next night, you heard a knocking at your door. It was 7pm and nobody was supposed to be visiting. The idea that it could be your landlord made you internally groan as you went to open the door.
It wasn't the landlord.
A man with short dark green hair and a long fringe on his left that reached his nose. He wore a black tailcoat with gloves and had a prim and proper air about him.
"Are you MC?"
You silently nodded, still confused by this stranger and a bit wary at this un-welcomed visitor.
"Excellent. I'll be escorting you to this evening's masquerade."
Masquerade? What was he-
Then it hit you. The letter. You'd originally thought it was just a prank by some kid. The idea it may have been real hadn't even occurred to you. For a moment, you were stunned. The stranger was rather patient and seemingly amused by your confusion.
"I....I can't go to the masquerade," you explained when you finally found your voice.
"And why is that?"
He hadn't even changed his amused expression, just looking at you with a slight smile.
"I have nothing to wear," a part of you hated admitting it but in this moment you had no other excuse, "And I don't have a way to get there."
"Is that all?" Even after explaining all your reasons, the stranger seemed undeterred, "If that's the case, may I borrow a teapot if you have one?"
Your face must have twisted into a sour expression at the thought of giving up your one teapot, because the stranger was quick to reassure you.
"I promise, it will be returned to you unharmed."
Maybe it was the sincerity in his voice or your own curiosity. Either way, you ended up handing the precious teapot over. The stranger set it on the ground and took a few steps back. Right before your eyes, the teapot began to grow as swirls of colorful light encircled it.
When the light died down, a beautiful lavender blue carriage with a spout, handle, and golden wheels with little encrusted diamonds stood in place of your teapot. Your jaw dropped at the sight. Were you dreaming? What on earth was happening?
"The carriage will bring you to the steps of Diavolo's castle. As for your clothes...."
The same strange lights that had transformed your teapot now surrounded you. In a matter of seconds, your pjs had transformed into a gorgeous outfit of the finest silk and dripping with accessories you could only dream of. Even your hair and makeup were done to perfection in the most flattering of ways. Upon your face was a beautiful mask that would fit in any fantasy ball scene. And on your feet were a pair of glittering glass shoes that were surprisingly comfortable.
"I... how.... what?" you stammered.
"Now, there are a few rules you'll need to be mindful of," The stranger continued on with a smile, "First, don't tell anybody at the masquerade you are human, for your own sake. Second, leave before the witching hour. Once again I recommend that for your own sake. And to encourage you to follow the rules, this spell will only last until midnight. Once the clock strikes midnight, this spell will be undone and you'll be left in your pjs with only a teapot."
The stranger looked at you closely.
"Do you understand?"
Once he got a small nod from you, he simply bowed and left you alone to your own devices. Now it was all up to you. Would you go to the ball or would you stay home? Even if you disliked big events, it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
You carefully stepped into the magical teapot carriage and sat upon the pink cushioned seats within. The wheels of the carriage automatically began to turn and you were whisked off to the masquerade ball.
(Let me know if you guys want a part 2! :D)
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short-black-diamond · 9 months
To give you a quick break from sahed x reader
(シ_ _)シ
An Obey me request! \(≧∀≦)/
Could you do little headcannon/senario thingies of how the brothers react to you asking to kiss them except it is not the right moment at all to kiss them for the first time
eg: lucifer just gave reader and mammon in trouble and then reader asks to kiss mammon
🍓⌒(≧▽​° )
Nah I'd be happy to receive more Sahed x reader requests, also please tell me which gender I should write for, because I think I wrote the Sahed fics with a female reader?
because you didn't include the gender in this one, so I'll just try to do it gender-neutral. Also, please help me if I failed doing that.
BROOOOO omg I'd be so embarrassed if I'd ask for a kith after getting scolded at for what i did, but I'd still ask!
Warnings: Angst I guess, but also fluff in most parts, Asmo's is a lil suggestive, Beel is smooth, And Belphie's just a lil shit
word count: 2.3 k
I didn't proofread- I actually never do -why do I always write that fucking sentence down???
Asking for a kiss at the worst moment
Lucifer had to hold his breath as to not leash out on you. I mean, sure, he loved you very dearly and all that romantic, lovely-dovey shit, but sometimes, just sometimes, you could be an insufferable spouse.
"Do you have any idea what you've just done?!", he instead exclaimed as he looked at the stack of papers which you've spent a good amount on working. "I finished your papers.", you muttered, confused as to why he was so angry.
"I told you to let me handle the papers, ____! You should've gone to the kitchen and-" "and prepare a whole five-course meal for Diavolo and Beel, seperately. Yes, I know, I already did that. And I also made lunch for Levi, Asmo, Mammon -should he come home today early for once- and Satan. Belphie can eat the leftovers."
you did it all in favour of getting your first kiss with him, and you were very eager to get to your goal.
Lucifer looked at you in stunned silence for a moment before he checked the papers. They were all...correctly signed. On top of the stack were a few things you wrote where you had trouble with some papers, and said papers were underneath that propblem sheet so that Lucifer wouldn't have to look through every single sheet.
You actually took tons off work from him today...
"Okay...thank you..", he muttered with a small blush and fond smile, and as you were about to lean in for a kiss (your first kiss with him), Diavolo's loud and cheery voice boomed outside. "Lucifer, may I come in?! There's something amazing I'd like to discuss with you!"
Lucifer looked at your lips in desire for a moment, but before he could give in, he turned around and towards the door to open it.
You were outraged. "Seriously, not even a quick peck??", you asked, angry at the fact that your lover wouldn't even give you a small kiss. You were prepared for everything too.
Your hair was done, you brushed your teeth for an hour and nearly drank half a bottle of mouthwash, and you were all dolled up for him only to face his back?
Lucifer stopped dead in his tracks as he pointed towards the door. "I can't just have Lord Diavolo waiting outside!?", he whisper-yelled.
"So he's more important than your partner, who's only asking for an itty-bitty kiss? Alright.", you muttered before you went to your room.
Yeah..., Lucifer would have to make up for that as soon as possible.
Mammon can't help but hold in his laughter at your serious face. You two got scolded by Lucifer again, in account of Mammon's shenanigans, and Lucifer had tick marks on his temple by your lack of reaction.
"Seriously, I wonder what's going on inside your head at the moment, ____!", the eldest sibling yelled at your emotionless face. You looked at Mammon.
"I was going to ask him to share my first kiss with him after you were done yelling at us."
There were a few moments of silence, where you smiled at Mammon, who blushed furiously in return, and the lecture in scolding you both extending from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
Yeah, it may have been a bad moment to ask, but it was still sweet at the end because you got to kiss your favourite demon.
Mammon passed out after you kissed him.
Leviathan was hyper-focused on his game. It was a group game with other players, and Levi didn't want to lose his online teammates.
However, he lost the round when you came in and asked him for a kiss. He stared at you in shock as his skin reddened. His teammates were yelling his eardrumms, but his brain only registered your sweet smile and blushing face.
The display on his computer showed "Game over!". He slowly looked to the red display, and then he cursed under his breath.
"_-____...that was a very...very important round...!", he tried to say calmly, but he slowly grew angry as well.
"Oh, I'm sorry...it's just, you're always playing, and I really like you, and I just wanted a kiss..."
Levi couldn't help but blush furiously. He felt bad for scolding you, and nearly leashing out on you, but he was still mad.
"Th-then p-prove it!"
"Huh? You want me to kiss you? I thought you were mad at m-"
"M-m-my a-anger might s-subside when...w-when I receive kisses from a special h-human..!"
there was a short moment of silence before you leaned down to his level, lifted his chin and kissed him gently. His eyes widened and you felt his breath hitch.
after a few seconds, you pulled back, touching your lips with a smile and pink cheeks. "your lips are so soft, Leviathan..."
Levi.exe has stopped working. Seriously.
I mean, today might've become one of his best days in his life, because even though he lost a round, he got to kiss you, got a compliment about his soft lips, and you also said his full name.
He felt like he lived through hundreds of romance mangas.
Yeah, he...he stopped working.
Satan was reading a book, where there was a very interesting scene, and he was very in it. He tried to ignore the rain outside as he was in the world the author of the book described, and his breathj hitched when he read the next few sentences.
"Oh, no, Jessica...don't do it...!", he exclaimed, turning the page quickly to read what would be happening next.
You knocked on the door and stepped inside. "Hey, just wanted to check in on you. I made lunch. Would you like to drink tea with me?", you asked, and Satan noticed a hidden undertone to your request.
But, he shook his head. "No, but thank you. I just need to read that scene quickly, before-"
"C'mon, I haven't seen you all day. I missed you, Satan. Please, just twenty minutes-", you tried to reason, but you were suddenly pressed against the wall as Satan put one of his hands against the wall next to your head, his other one tilting your chin up to look at him.
And Satan didn't have a happy expression on. "Why do you have to be so stubborn, ____...?! There was an interesting scene and...", he stopped talking when he took notice that your eyes weren't directed towards his, but a little more down.
Towards his...
"A kiss is what you wanted, right? naughty ____...", he whispered, and he relished in the fact that you were blushing in embarrassment as you averted your eyes and tried to give him a reason.
"n-no, I wasn't! I-I just wanted to bring you some croissants and t-tea!"
Satan chuckled before he leaned down to your face, his lips mere milimeters away from yours. "You wanted to share your first kiss with me, weren't you?", he asked softly, and you sighed.
"Yes...sorry for b-bothering you, if you want to, I can-mmh!?"
Satan's lips crashed against yours as he pecked your lips with ultimate passion. He kissed you again and again, praising you and thanking you for bringing him food and being so pretty that he can't stay mad at you for long.
You were left breathless as you slid down on a chair as you tried to catch your breath. "Next time, please tell me right away when you want a kiss, ____. I'm always happy to deliver you your wishes, alright?"
You nodded as you tried to calm down your fast heartbeat.
You were happy that your first kiss happened like that.
Asmodeus would have normally kissed you after you'd had asked, but he was applying some expensive make-up. He was doing his eye liner when you softly knocked on the door and stepped inside.
"Hey Asmo, what'cha doing?", you spoke quietly as to not disrupt him. "Applying some eyeliner...", he muttered as he slowly traced the line from the inside of his eyelid to the end of his eye.
You watched him for a while, looking at his beautiful face before your gaze stopped on his lips. "Hey...uh, Asmo?"
Asmo stopped shortly before turning to you. "What is it?"
"Uh...well...", you trailed off, and Asmo waited for you as he went back on applying the eyeliner. "I would like you to be my first kiss..."
Asmo's eyeliner went into his hair. he yelled with his mouth closed as he quickly stood up and went to the bathroom. You took a look at the makeup set. It was the one Asmo gushed about for months, and it was also quite expensive.
You felt bad.
You quickly went to the bathroom and knocked. "Asmo? I'm sorry...I didn't really look at the make-up set and-"
the door opened. Asmo's usual cheery smile was gone, instead laced with annoyance and boredom. "And?", he repeated sassily, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded against each other in front od his chest.
"I ...just wanted a little kiss...I mean, I wanted to have my first kiss-"
"Your first?", the pretty boy asked, this time in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that your lips haven't gotten in contact with someone else's before, and you wanting him to be your first kiss?
He felt ecstatic, love for you, and shy, but he also felt very guilty. You just wanted to have a kiss form him -your very first- and he gave you an attitude over some make-up which didn't even fit well with his skin tone.
"Yeah...sorry again for the make-up -?!", you couldn't speak any further when you felt Asmo's, with sweet lipstick applied, lips on yours, in a sweet and tender kiss.
He stroked your cheek gently, and then his lips parted. "How was that?", he asked softly as he looked into your face, which looked absolutely perfect and etheral to him.
you blinked a few times before smiling giddily. "Perfect. Thanks.", and you giggled while hiding your face.
Asmo's face darkened, as he panted slightly, and his cheeks got red all of a sudden. "I could also be your first in se-" "No."
Beelzebub had bought a food from the human world he's never tasted before. It was a döner/ kebap, and he was nearly dying at the delicious smell.
The turkish burger was still hot, and Beel took his time to actually take a pic before eating slowly, bite after bite to relish in the otherworldy taste.
However, you showed up and sat yourself next to him. Today would be the day you'd ask Beel for a kiss. Your first kiss with anyone, and you wanted it to be Beel. I mean, you loved him, after all.
Beel's food was starting to go from hot to warm and he wanted to quickly bite down- "Say, Beel...could you be my first kiss?", you asked after he was about to swallow the first bite.
He choked on his food, and you grew panicked. You slapped him hard on his back and he coughed out the first bite, staring at it sadly and in dissappointment as it landed on the alumium-foil.
"My first bite...", he murmured, and he sighed. His appetite emptied rapidly. you then came to realization that this was Beel's first kebap, and he wanted it to be special. you just blew it.
"Wait, is this your first time eating kebap?! God, I am so sorry, Beel! Wait, I-I'll get you a new one-"
"No need...say, were you honest about the kiss part?", he then asked.
You blushed in embarrassment. "y-yes, but-" "Then kiss me. As a form of payment for ruining my moment with the first bite."
You blushed even more. "A-are you sure? I...I don't wanna pressure you-"
"____, if there's anyone in Devildom or the human world I'd like to kiss, it would be you. Now pelase hurry up or my kebap will grow cold."
you hesitated for a moment before you went towards Beel, whose cheeks darkened when you stepped closer. "Tell me when to stop...", you murmured before you pecked his lips softly.
You parted, and Beel kissed you back before you could say something. He placed the kebap on the table, forgetting about it the moment it left his fingers as Beel kissed you more and more feverishly, and in the end, you two made out, with Beel invading your mouth with his tongue.
You couldn't have asked for a better moment for a kiss from Beel.
(he ate it even after it got cold and invited you to a date afterwards.)
Belphegor was always asleep, so it never was a good moment to wake him up and ask him for a kiss. Still, you wanted to kiss that lazy bitch and woke him up by force.
"What the hell...?!", he groaned before he caught sight of you. "What do you want?"
"A kiss. My first kiss for you to take, actually.", you stated, crossing your arms in front of your chest. If it were for the other brothers were you'd ask for a kiss, you'd be shy and bashful, but you somehow fell for Belphie and here you were now.
Belphie looked at your thighs for a moment, remembering how he'd have the best naps on them, but he snapped out when you made an "ahem" sound. "So, you wanted a kiss and had to wake me for it? Couldn't you just wait until I was done sleeping?"
"And when would that be?"
"Nevermind, let me ask Lucifer-"
"I'm up! I'm up!", he exclaimed tiredly as he sat up as quick as possible. He sat up like a grandpa and even held his back.
"Come here.", he demanded, and you scooched over to him with a smile. 'Yes, finally, my first kiss!', you thought when you closed your eyes in anticipation.
Belphie looked at your face for a moment with a fond smile before dropping the smile, putting his lips against yours and then falling back down the bed and passing out on the spot again.
You were outraged.
heyyyy, sorry if I didn't make it how you liked, I had to rethink what I was writing, because in Levi's part I wrote it so that they were doing a bet at first and the loser would have to do what the other one said, and that ending in a sweet kiss before I remembered your request and deleted the paragraphs💀
Anyways, it was actually fun, and I hope I wrote it how you'd expect it from me. If not, please tell me, I'll try to write it again, but better.
Read you in the next post!
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Shut shut up shut up mc still carries food around for beel like there isnt even an option against it im crying
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luxthestrange · 7 months
Incorrect quotes#920 HAVE MY CHILDREN-
Mc: Nothing feels better than winning Monopoly, Not love, not sex, not free pizza, nothing!
Mam: I’m sorry, have you tried pizza?
Mc: Yes, and it doesn’t compare to owning half the board and watching the light die from your friend’s eyes as you take their money and feel your friendship slowly deteriorate~
Mam*Who felt a cartoon cupid pierce his heart*...Please have my spawns
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mammonswhore · 2 years
MC: Barbatos,who's most likely to kill me?
Lucifer: MC that's a sensitive topic for us to discuss in the middle of dinner.
Barbatos: *not missing a beat* yourself.
-deep silence-
Mammon: Well at least it ain't one of us...
Belphie: Again
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rainiishowers · 6 months
Scenario: The brothers and MC are at a ball at the castle, and this is how I imagine each of the brothers would ask MC to a dance
A/N: Sooo… Had this idea super late at night, and wrote it while sleep deprived (although edited it). The tone may be wayyy different from my usual headcanon sets. I was finding bullet points… a bit boring, so I thought I’d spice it up a little bit, hope you enjoy!!
@mammoneythegreat @crazyyanderefangirlfan
Of course will be all gentlemanly and proper, whether he catches MC in the corner of the room or talking to someone else, he will get their attention with a little clear of his throat or a tap on their shoulder before holding out his hand with a small bow, asking if they would have the pleasure of having this dance with him. If they agree/go along with it, he’ll be extremely happy, which would be crystal clear on his face. He’s a very good dancer and will make up for the mistakes MC makes if any. He ends up being on cloud nine for the rest of the night, even after the dance ends.
This man will probably do it in one of the shyest ways possible, and get flustered just at the idea of asking them to dance. He will stick close by and subtly hint at the idea and if MC were to ever propose dancing with him, he’ll try to play it cool and be all like “Of course the Great Mammon will dance with ya!” But when they actually get to dancing, he will look at MC with the most lovestruck eyes. Surprisingly, good at dancing, a few missteps here and there, and they will hear him humming the rhythm to himself. Not very graceful at the beginning, but it’ll become a pattern Mammon learns quick.
He will probably do everything asides from asking MC if they wanna dance. Levi will sulk in the corner, eyes following MC around the room, will almost get the confidence but chicken out at the last minute. If MC were to ever walk by him or check on him (why would they do that, Levi has no idea), he’d be a flustered tomato. It may be the alcohol served at the party or just his little confidence, but whatever may be the reason, he stutters out a question about if they want to dance with him, awkwardly holding out his hand. When MC agrees, he is ecstatic, and glad he had the confidence to ask them. As he is less familiar with ballroom dancing and more familiar with dancing along to anime openings/songs, he isn’t the most graceful. Levi apologizes every time he steps on their toes or makes them stumble. However, he has enough familiarity with footwork to be able to scrape by.
Much like Lucifer, will be a gentleman about it. However, will be a lot quicker to offer MC his hand and ask them for a dance. He is determined to be the first person MC dances with. He isn’t boasty about it, but definitely enjoys seeing either his own brothers or other partygoers look at them as they dance. He is graceful about it, and definitely throws in a few dips and spins in there for the dramatics. He’s gonna whisper some praise for MC being able to pull off certain moves well, or if they are less familiar with dancing, he’ll walk them through it and warn them of possibly harder moves to pull off. His graceful dancing makes up for the mistakes MC may make. Graceful but a tad dramatic, will obviously give their hand a kiss afterwards.
Ah the king himself. Of course he is fully expecting all eyes to be on him and MC when they start dancing. While that nice image plays in his head, he walks over to MC with a pep in his step and not so subtly asks them for a dance, or if MC asks him first, he will swoon and happily accept the offer. Either way, it’s different with these two dancing. Both of them are doing graceful spins and dips, and if you thought Satan was up for dramatics, you should see Asmo. He shares the spotlight with MC, and looks amazing doing it. Graceful and more much more dramatic than Satan.
Ah Beel, bless his soul. MC might have to be the one to initiate it. He is at the snack table, no surprise there, and sees MC. In the case that he initiates it, he’ll finish his snacks and walk over, seeing their gaze follow the people already dancing. Beel will put two and two together and ask if they want to dance together. In the case they initiate it, they will have to walk over to Beel and ask in a straightforward manner, MC probably shouldn’t be cryptic here because he will not pick up on it. Either way, they end up dancing. He isn’t… the most graceful, he’s still decent, don’t get me wrong, but since he hasn’t done this a lot and probably hasn’t had a lot of practice, he isn’t on the supreme level of grace. He might apologize and say that he wasn’t really used to it and he wasn’t really the greatest dance partner. Maybe someone should sign him up to dance classes…
This lazy mf will not dance unless MC somehow coerces him to. Granted, it surprisingly doesn’t take a lot to get him to agree to something when it’s MC. They will have to give him something in return if they want him to dance with them, though. Let’s say for this, they do manage to coerce him, he will probably do the asking to dance in a more joking/mocking way, with a smirk on his face. While he isn’t too passionate about dancing, he’ll go along with it so MC is happy, because if they are happy, he is happy, or at least content. He barely remembers the lessons in dance that he took with Lilith and Beel, but at least that is something. Surprise surprise, not all that graceful, and will probably quit a quarter of the way through, or a half if he’s especially tired (which is very likely). Why am I not surprised that the twins aren’t the best dancing partners?
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l3viat8an · 1 year
MC: Did you steal one of the neighbour’s garden gnomes again? They’ve been standing out there glaring at them suspiciously for the past 30 minutes.
Satan: Nah, I got bored of that months ago. I’ve actually been adding new ones to their collection every few days for a couple of weeks now. I was wondering how long it would take them to figure it out.
MC:….You’re a menace to society.
Satan:*grinning* Thank you. I try.
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bite-sized-devil · 2 years
MC arriving in devildom and being introduced to everyone: "Ok let me get this straight. First; You take me from my home and all my responsibilities. Second; You make me live in this big fancy house.... For free with food and expenses paid for. Third; My 7 roommates are all beautiful men. And fourth; My only tasks are... And let me get this right... Watching and coordinating dance battles between you all?"
Diavolo: "Yes. That's correct"
Lucifer: "Any objections?"
MC: "Oh no, none at all thanks."
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natstablook29 · 8 months
Solomon texting MC: *sends a picture of a terrarium* Hey, I bought this because it reminded me of you. Should I shrink you so you can fit inside it?
MC replying seconds later: Are you finding excuses to trap me?
Solomon: Haha, noooo, I'm just kidding. I'd never do such a thing.
Solomon: ...unless?
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loweya-blog · 29 days
Cinderella (Obey Me Edition) Part 2
Part 1: Link
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Just as the stranger promised, the teapot carriage brought you to the steps of a gorgeous palace you'd never seen in your life.
Each tentative step led to a brand new world. You could feel your hesitations. This was not your world. The castle and the magic and brilliance of it all. Yet your heart demanded for more.
Within the castle was a glittering golden ballroom with crystal chandeliers and vibrant red curtains along the windows. Hundreds of ladies, gentlemen, and those in between gathered in their silk and satin to dance the night away.
Gorgeous roses with every color decorated the pillars while a massive banquet table stood around the corners of the room. Just as you stepped through the massive crowd of people, a massive man with dark red hair and golden eyes stood with a familiar face by his side. It was that stranger from before!
"I have an announcement!" The handsome man with dark red hair shouted.
The room fell silent.
"Thank you. Now, everyone here knows that there will be two humans and two angels attending this seven day masquerade." The man said. "But only my faithful butler Barbatos knows who they are. So please, treat every guest here like a friend."
The crowd murmured and gossiped the moment the man was gone. The words struck you as odd, since everyone in the ballroom looked somewhat human, even if they had unique costumes. Deciding to pay it no mind, you went off to enjoy yourself.
But before you could get far.
"Yo! Gimmi a dance!" A smiling face interrupted your thoughts.
Without giving you a chance to respond, you were whisked off to the dance floor. Your dancenapper was a young man with white hair, dark skin, blue and golden eyes. His eyes were scattered about, like he was trying to avoid someone.
"Who are you running from?" You ask.
"Nobody! It's none of your business," Your dance partner insisted.
"Can I at least know your name?"
Finally he looked at you. He paused for a moment, like he was the one suddenly caught off guard. After staring at you for a few moments, he recollected himself.
"I'm the Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed and most powerful demon around. I want all your money!" He declared with an impish grin.
"Do you want my money during the dance or after?" You couldn't help but shoot back with a smile.
This Mammon fellow clearly didn't expect for you to have such a sharp tongue. The two of you finally began dancing properly instead of that awkward swaying from the beginning. You couldn't help but notice during the dance he kept looking around, as though searching for an exit. Whether it was out of curiosity or genuine trying to help, you began guiding the dance to what looked to be exits to the garden.
"Hey what gives?!" Mammon exclaimed.
"There's two glass doors leading to the garden," You say in a quiet voice to him, "You can leave through those."
The shock on his face lingered as he realized you were genuinely trying to help him. In a matter of carefully placed steps, you managed to slip him right out of the door without anybody noticing. With a backwards glance, Mammon mouthed a small thanks to you before running off into the garden. You smiled and were about to return to the dance floor when.... you realized one of your golden bracelets was missing. That jerk!
That snickering jerk jumped through the gardens, making his getaway from Lucifer and the poor dumbass he danced with. After he was sure the coast was clear, he reached out to have a look at all the jewelry he pickpocketed during the ball. Crystal earrings, sapphire rings and even a diamond or two! Goldie would never be dry again!
He paused at the sight of the golden bracelet. It was just a stupid bracelet....
Despite himself he pocketed it.
"HEY! That's my bracelet!"
Shit. Just as Mammon was about to escape you, he turned the corner and saw Lucifer searching the garden for him. Anybody was better than Lucifer! So he dashed to you and picked you up, tossing you over his shoulder as he flew into the air, trying to escape Lucifer's sights.
The wind blew through your ears and the sound of flapping bat-like wings were all you could focus on. Below you the ground was so far away while the endless sky called to you silently. If only you had wings instead of this thief! He finally put you down on the balcony of the castle, checking to see if his pursuer had caught him.
"Where are we? What's going on? Why-"
His hand cupped over your mouth as he quickly tried to figure out where Lucifer was. After a while, he finally let go, letting out a sigh of relief. Which was when you hit him with whatever accessories the fairy butler deigned to give you.
"Woah! Hey! Wait a minute!"
You didn't even let him have a moment's piece until he held the bracelet back out to you.
"Here! This is what you wanted right?"
Seeing the golden offering, you took it but gave him a suspicious stare.
"Hey... tell you what. How bout instead of going to Lucifer on me, we go treasure hunting?" Mammon insisted, a bit desperately.
Though you had no idea who this Lucifer was, you knew when to play along.
"I'm listening." You say.
Greed lit up Mammon's eyes as he pulled out a map of the castle. The two of you were off on your little treasure hunting adventure. At times Mammon even called you his assistant. He seemed to genuinely like this hunting for treasure stuff. It wasn't bad for you either, since you got to see the darkest and craziest parts of the strange magical castle.
Most of it at the end was in a strange dungeon labyrinth with a terrifying snake.... but you still survived and managed to have fun. The two of you were laughing as you escaped the dungeon. The treasure turned out to be an old book but Mammon said he'd be able to pawn it off somewhere. The two of you made it back to the main hall that would lead to the ballroom.
"Hey so um.... are you coming tomorrow?" Mammon asked, looking away from you with a sheepish expression.
"Yes. Why?" You ask.
"N-no reason," He insisted, "But you better not change your mind. Got it? You're my treasure hunting partner. Kay?!"
You nodded with a smile. Your eyes glanced up to the clock and you realized you had exactly fifteen minutes to get out of there. It was almost midnight.
"See you tomorrow!" You say quickly as you dash out of the hall.
"Hey! Wait a minute!"
Mammon held out his hand for you but you had already slipped in between the other dancers at the ball. Even when he looked for you, there wasn't a trace left. Who were they? That was the only question on his mind as he looked around. At least... until he heard that familiar sound.
(All the boys will get their spotlights, don't worry ;) Also @our-raven-strife-universe, @spffldlbrnf, @rxpher, @mangle2222, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf )
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