#om solomon
1st-star · 2 days
Solomon every night during season 1-2 of Nightbringer, waiting for MC to return to Cocytus Hall after being the brothers' attendant all day:
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they made a soloBarb fanchild and named him Jr.Solomon
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msrubble · 2 days
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It was my birthday yesterday and I love this man so much, he is like the light of my dark world, the sun to my sunflower. He’s so perfect. I mean look at him and tell me he isn’t perfect. Awhmagod I love him. I have so much more to say but writing it out would fry my brain cause I’d need more words. Do I even need words to say how I feel?
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Mc: Congratulations, you three have won gold, silver, and bronze in the morons’ Olympics.
Mammon: who won gold?
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hopeluna-archived · 10 months
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Thinking about......Solomon who randomly gives your cheek a small lick just to see that disgusted expression of yours as you look at him while frantically wiping your cheek with your hand, and then wiping your hand on his sleeve with mumbles of "ew ew ew ew ew".
All while he has a shit-eating grin on his face, watching you question your entire relationship with him.
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beels-burger-babe · 11 months
Heatwave Drabble
MC: God, how is it so fucking hot down here? Solomon: It's the Devildom. What did you expect? MC: I dunno! Maybe an ice tundra or some normal boring weather not a melt your skin off heatwave! Solomon: There's not much I can do to help you there, MC. What would you want- *Spots Simeon and Luke grooming their wings in the other room. Glances at each other* *10 minutes later* Simeon: You know, this isn't at all the appropriate use for our wings. MC: *Sighs, happily getting fanned by massive angel wings and being given an ice coffee from Luke* Does that mean you're going to stop? *Pouts* It's fine if you do. It's just- I've felt like I was dying all day and your wings is the only way I've been able to cool down. Luke: *Immediately falls for it* Don't worry MC! We're not going any where! Faster Simeon! Simeon: *Sighs and picks up speed* Solomon: *Cackles and cheers his glass against MC's* You, my friend are a diabolical genius. MC: I try.
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the-great-chimera · 1 year
Nightbringer mc
You can not convince me that Solomon doesn't have videos of mc chasing their own tail or scaring themselves when their wings touch something.
Ever since gaining this new form, it's been a struggle. Learning how to use their new extremities and limbs. New parts of their brain have been activated thanks to the new physical form. So when mc's wings subconsciously move or instinctively flap, they get spooked and flinch, and Solomon tries so hard to hold his tongue and not laugh.
Or when mc's tail kept moving all on its own, and it was pissing themselves off. Solomon holds up his phone and records his student going in circles like a dog trying to catch their own tail and getting so frustrated " BECAUSE IT WONT FUCKING STAY STILL!!!"
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Who will he make a pact with next?
Also, as I always do, I was playing with overlays so have some extra versions:
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rae-writes · 4 months
An Angel?
om demons x reader (+Simeon, Solomon, Mephi, Raph)
wc : 2.k
warnings : more simping bois, more humor, a lot more sprinkles of suggestive comments
synopsis : a deviltok trend has the boys on their knees for you, part two: electric boogaloo
a/n : for the record, Luke was in the room while Mc was making it, cheering them on, doing his cute little “Waahhh!” // idea brought to me by the lovely [your-next-daydream]​ // AND, as usual, let’s not talk about how ridiculously long this took me to finish ahaha rip me-
demon ver. 
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<Simeon> Mc looks rather...heavenly, don’t you agree? 
[attachment sent] 
Intrigued, he wasted no time in clicking on the file, grinning when he realized it was one of your deviltoks. Decked out in your RAD uniform, you sat in a chair with your hands clasped together. 
“Who are you?” 
Smoothly, almost as if you were floating, you stood and took a few steps towards the camera with a rather shy smile. 
“An angel.” 
You bowed ever so slightly, flitting your gaze to the floor. 
“What’s your name?”
You spun suddenly, sending your red accessory swooshing in front of the camera, covering everything from view. 
As fast as the transition happened, it ended; the view was cleared to reveal you— angelic down to a T and beautiful wasn’t even enough to describe you. 
You were adorned with sheer, white clothing that was loose and flowy, probably swaying due to a fan that was off camera. Light blue accents were scattered here and there- including an extension piece in your hair of the same color. Sparkling gold accessories glinted under the light, but not as much as the halo that hovered above your head. It was a gorgeous molten gold tint, partly transparent with glitter floating around inside (with a few cracks decorating the outside of it). It only brought attention to the snowy wings spanning out behind you, flecks of iridescent scattered amongst the feathers. 
[9 people saved a video attachment]
Ah. Yes. He’s not combusting on the inside, not at all. 
*insert internal screaming*
Ahem. Now that his jaw has been picked up off the floor, he is immediately wondering how the fuck Simeon of all people got access to the video before him
Don’t get him wrong though, he is on the way right now- leave the door open, Mc
He has to put his marks all over your body to get rid of the fact that you looked that pretty while using Michael’s name
Possessive urges aside, please keep the outfit on
Does not care if you’re dressed up like an Angel, he will gladly corrupt you
In fact, he wants to corrupt you- let him see that pact mark of his while you look so angelic, yeah?
might be into role playing it if you’d like
Blinks a couple times before looking around slowly; poor boy really thought he’d been yeeted back to the celestial realm for a minute there
It’s all quiet before suddenly everyone in the house (and probably outside) hears “HOLY FUCK WHAT”
You never cease to amaze him, by the devils, is he in love 
The blush on his face- if he was anything other than a demon- would look severely concerning. Like no, it’s not a red beacon of light, it’s just him coming through the halls
Is creepin outside ya door practically on his knees. Please let him in. His greed is flared and you’re the only cure even if you’re also the reason
He is dying to have a diy photo shoot of the two of you in your angel fit
Step on him. Do it- it’s the perfect angle, the shot comes out beautifully and he is putting it right in his wallet once it’s developed 
Will step on you in return if you ask
You’ll let him kiss all over your body, wontcha, Mc? (he’ll even be gentle with his fangs when he nibbles around that golden necklace you’ve got on)
*cue his very nervous yet giddy laughter*
This is just like that anime he saw last week called ‘Help! My human s/o just turned into an Angel but I’m a demon and actually kind of into this?!” 
Seriously though, you look so beautiful, Levi was immediately down in the floor with his face covered and tail wagging 
Please allow 3-4 business months before he can recover 
Jk lol he’s hovering in your doorway before you you can even click on his contact
Shyly asks if he can touch your halo and wings (and ends up with his tail wrapped around you, knocking you side to side because it’s still attempting to wag) 
Unlike the eldest brother, Levi practically begs you to roleplay this with him and have a cosplay photoshoot 
Will shamelessly keep you to himself for the rest of the day and hiss at everyone who gets too close 
Please sit on him and call him mean names while also holding him sweetly 
Sign him tf up- he’s got a pen at the ready 
Irony aside, Satan thinks you look absolutely stunning— straight out of a fairy tale 
Irony not aside, Satan is actually so into this and craves to play it out with you
He was never an Angel to begin with, he was born a demon; just thinking about making your ivory wings turn black makes him excited 
Satan understands it’s just a simple spell you’ve casted so he won’t get too out of sorts (but if you like it, then what’s the harm?) 
Wants to read a forbidden love trope book and maybe act out some of the scenes while you’re still dressed like that 
The hopeless romantic in him is front and center the entire time
If you think he’s gonna let you go now, you’re sorely mistaken— let his brothers try and take you away 
He’s got tons of scenarios to act out if you can handle him 
That weird high pitched sound you hear from across the house that should be something only dogs can hear? Yeah that’s Asmo squealing
Posting your video EVERYWHERE bc everyone needs to see how fucking gorgeous you look 
You can hear his footsteps from a mile away as he hurries to your room 
He MUST see your outfit in person ASAP
Azzy. Is. So. Fucking. Down. For. This. Shit. He thinks he’s dreamed about this once actually  
Please let him just examine every inch of you, he’s begging
Once again his camera is out and ready for a photoshoot and his demon form is out right alongside it 
He will be keeping you for the next 24-48 hours thanks
Choked. Again. 
Don’t be alarmed by the loud rumbling sound— it’s not Beel’s stomach for once, but instead a growl
He didn’t mean to make that sound but you just look so— and he just— and you— and and— A a a A A 
Has that cute little blush plastered over his face all. day. 
Might be tempted- or actually try- to take a bite out of your halo or something else ifykyk
Rewatches the video at least ten times because you're just. Wow. Wow. W O W. 
Is now in the mood to eat some celestial realm food with you 
though his appetite is half for food and half for you 
Pls don’t mind his staring or the way he’s probably drooling a bit, he can’t help it :(
“...wait, what?”
Lays there staring at the ceiling for a moment bc PHEW you got him sweating and he hasn’t even moved yet-
Manages a straight face all the way until he enters your room and sees the outfits in person
To which he is, once again, dropping right at your feet with a look of ‘PLEASE’
He needs a whole ass minute or two to catch his breath from how fucking gorgeous you look and then he needs another whole ass minute or two to scan you over again
Please sit on him
Is uncharacteristically stuttering through every sentence— how can he possibly concentrate on stupid words in these [amazing] conditions?!
Gatekeeping you AGAIN
Underneath you the entire. time. 
*windows shutdown* 
*windows restart*
…aaand we’re back ladies and gentlemen and every cool dude in between but Barbatos is still fucking astonished— absolutely flabbergasted at how badly he’s got it for you
He dropped everything he was carrying in that moment and swiftly picked it back up, hoping no one saw
Diavolo saw. He recorded the entire thing and sent it to you, zooming in on Barbatos’ blush
There’s just something primal in him that makes him want to sink his teeth into you and coil his tail around your body so that you won’t be able to go anywhere else until he lets you
Everyone be damned, Barb will be having you to himself for the entire night
Will also run his fingers along the faux wings and halo before he absolutely ruins you until the magic dissipates
He is…totally normal about the entire thing..
His father help him— Diavolo is so incredibly thankful for the exchange program
Is OUT of the castle at mach speed before Barbatos can even say otherwise
And then he’s speeding right back and summoning you to him instead so he can have you to himself
Mans is kneeling at your fucking feet the second he lays eyes on you
And while it isn’t ‘proper’ for someone who wants unity between all three realms to want to corrupt you— 
—he does. So badly. He thinks he might even beg you for it 
Also wants to take a picture of the two of you with him in his demon form (it’s the it picture for weeks after he posts it)
Cannot stop looking at your halo; please let him touch it
(If you slowly begin altering your wings to bleed black, he’s practically foaming at the mouth—) 
*sharp inhale* . . . *yeets halo*
He deadass forgets he’s an Angel himself for a few minutes bc he’s too busy simping fawning over you 
God who?? Like get tf outta the way, beep beep, archangel on a mission comin through 
Is begging as soon as he steps foot through your door. Please, please let him touch you and explore— he should be ashamed with how unabashed he is but fuck look at you 
Will let his own wings out just so you can compare your angels forms (melted on the spot when you brushed your wings against his)
Honestly can’t decide if he wants you to corrupt him or if he wants to corrupt you…or both at the same time
He’s not sharing you. Not now. Not like this. 
You may look like an angel, and he may be an angel, but he won’t treat you like one tonight 
If you do the fancy trick of letting your wings turn black, he’s completely bowing down to whatever you wish right then and there 
Kinda forgot he was immortal for a split second and wondered if he’d either died or accidentally traveled to the celestial realm
Gains his bearings rather quickly, but the hold you have on him is still very much there
And he’d like you to have a hold around his throat— what? Who said that??
His pretty little blush where he averts his eyes all nervously? YEAH THAT
He’s taken aback for a couple moments before his usual shit eating grin comes back but that blush? Still there. 
Backs you against a wall, in a corner, and let’s his hands roam with a small laugh, quietly asking how you manage to make him lose composure so easily 
Is so soft and sweet for a minute before his eyes darken and that SEXY smirk crawls onto his face
Plucks that halo right from above your head and tosses it behind his shoulder because how could he possibly do what he has planned if you’re an angel?
Makes your wings bloom black himself (and challenges how long you can handle him)
extra little bonus: 
Simply raises a brow and wonders why the hell his body got so hot all the sudden 
Ignores the video for a couple hours until he realizes he can’t stop fucking thinking about it 
Promptly decides he’s going to go straight to you and demand how dare you invade his thoughts like this 
And then promptly decides he’d rather just revert to using his hands instead when the sight of you makes his mouth dry and water at the same time
Will take it upon himself, right then, to corrupt you
Because there’s no way in the seven rings of hell he’s letting you switch sides and he’ll break the magic you’re using as proof
After though *cough cough* he will bashfully tell you how gorgeous you looked…
Let me tell you, mans was not ready 
Like if you’ve seen the video of the person with a stacked ass on the stretcher being carried by and the news reporter’s face afterwards, that’s Raphael. 
Luke takes a picture of his expression and makes a meme
Won’t address it until the very next day, stiffly telling you that your outfit was very pleasing to the eye (he thinks you’re drop dead gorgeous, okay, he’s just struggling)
If you offer to show him in person, he is ascending right back home. Won’t deny, though. Like please do. 
In awe for the whole experience 
And blushes an alluring deep shade if you show him some ‘corruption’ tricks you have up your sleeve
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earthtocaptainsky · 4 days
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This was a very large project I'm very proud of completing! You can see the improvements I made as I continued the pieces. I added new criteria to each set of 4 eyes to increase the difficulty and work on new aspects of my art. I really enjoyed this project and I hope you enjoyed it too, Crew!
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warper-in-training · 7 days
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cw sui bait
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msrubble · 19 days
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I love him
Original template by Mhuyo on Twitter!
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Solomon: A person becomes more likable when they are clumsy or make mistakes; this is called the pratfall effect.
Diavolo, looking at Mc: You know, that actually makes a lot of sense sense.
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levia-chan · 2 months
Solomon: So, MC and I are a couple now!
Thirteen: Tsk. Couldn't you find someone better?
Solomon: Hey! That's rude, Thirteen!
Thirteen: Shut up! I'm not talking to you!
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So Solomon nearly kills himself when he summons Barbatos to make a pact with him. Which is dark and serious and shows how desperate he was. And how if Barbatos hadn't indulged him at the moment, he would have been dead. How he was willing to give his own life to have an audience with one of the oldest creatures in existence on the slim chance said creature will want to ally itself with him
we then find out Barbatos & Solomon had known each other long before this and Barbatos actually had a hand in teaching Solomon magic and basically helping him grow. They'd known each other well enough and long enough that Barbatos gets upset that he's not one of the first demons Solomon wanted to make a pact with
Accurate representation of what it's like to call your dad to ask for a favour
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
MC finds a large sword in Solomon's room and picks it up.
MC: What’s this?
Solomon: That would be Excalibur.
MC: How did you get Excalibur?
Solomon: People are kind of impressionable. I just did a little magic and convinced them I was Merlin.
MC: Uh huh. Lemme guess, you’ve also got the holy grail stashed away somewhere.
Solomon: Er…
MC: Is this what you’ve been doing with your long life? Pilfering significant artifacts throughout human history?
Solomon: Of course not. I’m safekeeping magical objects so they don’t fall into the wrong hands.
MC: I think it’s too late for that.
Solomon: Ouch...
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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