#nah bcs i actually genuinely put more work into this then I think I have all semester dsfjdskjg
skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
Fernando Alonso & His Relationship With Cards
I'm sure we're all familar with the cards on the back of Fernando's Vegas GP helmet by now, but did you know his relationship with cards goes a lot deeper?
I. Magic Tricks
You've probably seen or heard someone at least mention Fernando's propensity for card tricks. As far as I can tell he was doing them(publically) as far back as 2003 all the way to as recently as 2018. Even once performing a card trick, with a condom and a teddy bear(!??!?!??!!), in front of Valentino Rossi who said "How was that possible?"(x)
But how did this start? According to James Allen, "Fernando admits to having been heavily influenced by his grandfather, a mercurial figure, who taught him magic and card tricks, still one of his passions away from the race track."(x) And I'm not sure the validity of this one, because I couldn't find an actual source, but apparently he once said: "My parents are responsible for the two things I like doing most - driving and magic tricks. They bought me my first go-kart and a magician's kit."
In several interviews he described it as his hobby off track, and that he loved learning new tricks and surprising others in the garage with them! So clearly cards are pretty important to him both as a hobby but also to who he is as a person since they've been with him just as long as racing has.
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II. Card Symbolism in His Helmets
This is the reason I originally made this post, but I thought I should also explain the origins of his card fascination first. As I said, we probably all remember the cards on the back of his helmet in Vegas, but did you know that wasn't the first time he had cards on the back of his helmet?
From 2008-2013, he used to have a pair of cards on the back of his helmets. The symbolisms of the cards themselves as well as the evolution of their design is really fascinating to me! Even more so with the recent development of the card choice in 2023.
Fernando said he wanted to reference his two titles in some way on the back of his helmet and after his friend sent him several ideas, he decided on having two cards(an ace of clubs and an ace of hearts, sometimes pictured with 05 and 06 on them as well), saying: "I picked the cloverleaf [the ace of clubs - Ed] to give me luck, but the only pity is that it doesn't have four leaves!"(X)
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Here's the very first appearance of the cards! They're displayed flat, with the 05 and 06 clearly visible
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Very similar to 2008, but with a slightly different design, and they're maybe a bit more straight with less shadow?
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This is the first major change! I was sad they didn't have the years on them anymore, but then I realized they're sparkly to match with his signature lightning bolts on the top of the helmet!!
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Honestly I'm still somewhat unsure if this is the actual 2011 helmet? It's pretty difficult to find clear photos of the back of helmets from older seasons. It's easiest to find them on replica sites or auction sites so I'm not 100%? But anyways, I like that this has the championship years on the underside of the cards
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This is when I started getting weirdly emotional about the helmets. Do you see how they've progressed from being a centerpoint to being curled up and sad at the bottom of the helmet? Not listing the year anymore??
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Same thoughts as 2012. And after this season, they cease to exist (just like his ferrari chair in the garage, WOAH CALLBACK), until cards make a reeappearance in his Vegas helmet, albeit in a different form
2013 Monaco(Honorable Mention):
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For some reason 2013 helmets were easier to find proper pictures of, so I happened to witness this absolute beauty. The creativity of this helmet genuinely blows me away??? Wanting to keep the card motif, but making sure to incorporate it into the rest of the puzzle piece design?? Mwah! There was another special 2013 helmet but they didn't change the cards at all so I really applaud this one
2023 Las Vegas(The Return of The King):
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The magnificent return! But look! The cards are different cards! Instead of being two aces, it's now an ace of hearts, a four of hearts(his driver number of course!) and, the, now iconic, representation of himself as a Joker. I literally could not believe my eyes when this helmet was released and I saw the Joker card, what a fucking silly old man....I really wonder if he felt nostalgic having cards on his helmet again or if he didn't think about it all and was just like, "ah cards because Vegas!!!"
III. Why Does This Matter?
*The rest of the post was factual, this is moreso my personal thoughts on the symbolism of the cards/designs
This post spawned from me recently watching the 2010 Bahrain gp and noticing "hey wait a minute...are those CARDS ON THE BACK OF HIS HELMET!?" It's a really tiny detail that's unfortunately covered up by the HANS device pretty much whenever he's wearing the helmet, so it's really difficult to spot! But I became fascinated with the fact that he had cards on his helmet before that recent helmet, and now here we are!
There's something to me about how the design of the cards evolves over the course of six seasons from the cards being front and center to being smaller, more folded up and closer to the bottom of the helmet. As I said, the 2012-2013 ones genuinely made me depressed because it feels, symbolically, like his hopes for getting another Ace are becoming more and more unlikely and falling away until they eventually fall falt and fade away entirely after 2013 and disappear for basically a decade.
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But when they return? They're not the same cards! Instead of representing Fernando's championships, they now represent him as a person, displaying his driver number and his persona of being a Joker!! Though I do think it's interesting he happened to keep the Ace of Hearts, even though he talked more about the Ace of Clubs before. I'm not sure it's actually this deep in reality, but I like to think that it's him not letting his championships(and the lack thereof) define him, but rather letting who he is as a person shine and be the centerpoint instead! But on a sadder note, as @suzuki-ecstar said to me, maybe the Aces aren't there anymore because he's lost all hope for a chance at a third Ace entirely :(
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#yes its finals week and im up to my eyes in coursework but instead decided to spend like 5 hours researching and writing this post#nah bcs i actually genuinely put more work into this then I think I have all semester dsfjdskjg#that thing about him using a condom and teddy bear in a magic trick genuinely had me crying with laugher. actual tears rolling down my face#<- HOW!?!? WHAT WAS THE TRICK?? its literally inconceivable to me what he did. oh if only there were pics UGH#anyways!! this post was a lot of fun to make!! i really really love the symbolism and design of helmets so this was a rly fun project#and i also went down a lot of rabbitholes while make this and saw many very weird articles from yore#i feel like i make an equal amnt of deranged posts abt seb and nando but i dont know why nando is gifted w all my well researched projects#<- i.e. chair post. that was the same level of research as this one but at least this one i could find actual sources about....#idk theres smth about the extremely long history of nando's history that evokes research posts like this KLAJSLSKDJ#theres just so much that i dont think I ever really see people discussing! so i must create.#haha what was that joke tag i wanted to make abt my researched posts? I think:#normal posts that catie normally makes in a normal fashion#<- one day ill go back and actually tag posts w that. bcs the amtn of research compared to my actual schoolwork is so unwell#fernando alonso#fa14#f1#formula 1#catie.rambling.txt#we do a little bit of f1
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
i desperately need to write more stories that are safe for third graders
#i can't keep reading them the diner fic with replaced names#i should finish up that script i was writing at work for basically this express purpose actually#we had six kids today and i'm at the location where we usually get *zero* kids#they were all very active kids n i think they were all friends from school#two of them took interest in me early on (as happens with groups of kids who feel comfy) n so they ended up chatting at me a lot lol#anyway they got bored n so i was like 'let's make up a story!' and they ACTUALLY said yes but since i couldn't find/grab paper fast enough#i ended up handing one of them my tiny notebook n a pen so that she could write bc she was the most insistent#surprisingly she didn't look through it which is totally what i would have done always and forever#anyway since i have like two hobbies that are secretly just one (fandom + writing = fanfiction) it's inevitable that kids#learn that i write as a hobby which makes it more inevitable that they ask what about#they're too young to be interested in romance novels (this is an observation not assertion) n a too simple to understand like#the emotional nuance i put in. well it probably depends on the kid but as a group lol nah#anyway i obvs want to indulge the kids in art and encourage them to take genuine interest in other people's lives#but most of my writing is not targeted at kids with some things being just straight up inappropriate for their age group#hence: the diner fic is usually what comes out bc it's recent enough to be good writing; it has no overt romance; and it's just a fun story#OH maybe the ONE chlm fic i wrote would work since it's pretty short and it's comedy#but anyway. i think i might need to write a few stories actually geared towards kids at this rate bc even tho stuff like diner fic#isn't *inappropriate* for their age they're still not its target audience n they deserve to have good n whimsical stories directed at them!#also as usual w/larger groups of kids one of them took notice of my queer features which is always delightful to me#one said i look kind of like a boy from the back to which i said 'good!' n when i did some silly voices another said i sounded like a boy#to which i once again said 'good!' n so they asked if i was a boy or a girl to which i said 'i'm whatever you want me to be'#they also asked if they could call me 'mrs. [hua]' which is probably the only firm no i ever gave them bc i am not married#and even if i was i actually thought abt this the other day bc rn i like 'mys' (short for 'mystery')#n if i got married i'd want it to still be 'mystery' long hand BUT. get this: *'mtr'*. pronounced as 'MISTER' :D#still thinking abt the abbreviation tbh so maybe 'mytr'? lol that looks like martyr#anyway they found me after i was waiting to get picked up n asked if i *really* wrote what i was reading to them earlier#n i was like 'yes?' n they were like 'are you suuuuure?' and i was like 'YES?!???' n i'd have said 'bitch what the fuck'#if i hadn't already mastered the art of not swearing around little kids#花話
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facesblurry · 1 month
nah, with all due respect, ferran’s a bum. i like him as a person and i appreciate his relationship with pedri, but there’s no way he should be playing for barça. he makes for an alright sub, the problem with that is he was bought for €55M and there was never a time before or after that he was ever worth that money. not to mention that according to capology.com he has gross base salary of €10M, which means he earns around €192,308 per week, not including bonuses. to put that into perspective, he has a high gross base salary and earns more per week than both pedri and gavi who are both far more important players to barça than ferran will ever be. he’s such an incredibly mid player to be taking up that much space in barça’s salary cap. and don’t even get me started on that whole “shark” gimmick, he did well in the beginning of the season but he’s totally stagnated since. not to mention he has no ambition, he doesn’t want to leave barça to go to a club where he’d actually be a starter and is more than happy to remain a bench player. i don’t know, i genuinely don’t know how he’s fooled people into thinking he’s a different player than the one he was last season. i don’t hate him despite my long-winded rant saying otherwise, i don’t dislike him as a person but i certainly dislike him as a player.
I totally get some of your opinions, believe me. I too think he is pretty mid as a player, however i disagree to some points, like the opinion that he has no ambition. One never knows how much work a player may or may not put into training to become a better player. So, on that front, neither you or i can argue, although i’d say that, from an outsider perspective, he has been trying to get better, even more physically. That can be proven by his own team ferran updates. To what extent? i don’t know.
The salary discussion is something that everyone and their mommas have talked about many, many times. When he joined, i also thought the money could’ve been spent differently, and would’ve been happy to sign if it was for much less, although we are in a really bad economical stance to flunk on signings and need to actually sign close to elite players.
BUT we also this thing at barca in which people expect every damn forward to score 50 goals in one go, and if a player does not deliver that, they are criticized. Have we forgotten them games we won because of ferran? especially bc lewa was not there. And when lewa returned, he was absolutely ass, and xavi would not sub him FOR SHIT. we forget a lot of things a player may have delivered to us because they cannot deliver on a constant basis (especially when they have almost no minutes) and i believe that that is so ungrateful, and a characteristic barca fans have to the core.
Ferran has definitely done some good to the team but the thing is he has not added a lot as people might expect, again, especially due do our economical status. He has improved though, from the past, and i believe he can improve more but he is not getting any fucking minutes right now, especially since xavi sucks lewan’s cock up and down every damn game. Not even vitor roque is given minutes ffs. How do we expect him to deliver?
Anyways. we can let ferran go, whatever, let’s overly expect from another player who comes in. The thing is, who is coming? huh? who tf is coming to replace ferran for a cheap fee? fucking bernardo silva and his goddamn 50M? in this economy?
sighs. yall can hate on ferran as a player as much as yall would like because he has been put on high as fuck expectations, but don’t speak on his motivation, especially after literally reading he was mad he did not get to (1) play more minutes and (2) kick that free kick. I think that’s enough to know he cares about a spot on the team.
now, if a really good offer comes and we find a way better player that is NOT OVERHYPED or OVERRATED, then so be it! i will gladly take them because the betterment of my team is what i seek right now
love and peace tho!
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elix8r · 3 months
never thought id do this but heres an essay on my thoughts on monkey bars 😭😭🤍🤍🤍
let me preface this by saying you did such an amazing job with this truly, you wrote so so well and i feel like you encapsulated every perfect emotion in the best way possible, and somehow it just gets better and better? i forgot how pt 1 went so i reread it before i read pt 2 and i was blown away again but youve even improved somehow ?!!? youre like the gift that keeps on giving 💋 also, thank you so so much for pushing through and writing this, i know it couldnt have been easy struggling with writers block but i hope u know we all think the world of this fic so please see the worth of your work 💗
ok now MY THOUGHTS!!! oh my lord, where to begin… first of all, same as before: from part one, i was already irked with jake when he pulled the beomgyu shit (albeit i moved on pretty damn fast surprisingly) but the cliffhanger you left us on was a game changer like he crossed the line so bad. i was conviced i would never forgive him. if someone did that to me i would have the exact same reaction as y/n tbh. anger later sad confusion panic first. and seeing the aftermath in part 2??? first of all, so glad she had such a good support system around her and people who actually put their morals first aka 02z bc u already know men irl would defend their “boys” first or whatever 🙄 hearing other girls gossip about her actually broke my heart cos if it was me i wouldve cried n had a panic attack there and then … and knowing my PARENTS know about it 😭😭😭
you wrote so well i was actually about to insert myself in NO JOKE!!!! like ok lets stray for a while but me personally i dont like “dumping” my emotions on anybody bc it makes me feel like im burdening them but when i read the scene when she went back home,, oh lord i wanted to cry in the dads arms there n then, u have a talent with words fr 🫣🫣
SORRY BACK TO OUR SCHEDULED ANNOUNCEMENT, nowhere in this fic was my heart set in stone. ok i lied. for the first 80% i was like FUCK THAT MAN HE DESERVES TO DIE IM NEVER FORGIVING YOU but then i started feeling pity too DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY YOURE AMAZING AT WRITING??? like am i throwing away my morals or am i just understanding that people are multidimensional,, woah lord,, like tbh i wouldnt have forgiven jake bc something of that scale is just not in my books, was way too extreme, but the way you wrote his character, his guilt, the actual situation??? couldnt even blame y/n for feeling sympathetic cos damn me too… i know a lot of people might not agree (especially irl. DEF NOT) but the way you wrote everything… how do you not feel bad for the poor boy 😭 in no way is y/n to blame for ANYTHING but at some point i started to be worried for jake too so i was like u know what. fine. get together with the boy. NO WAIT. idk. dont. IDK?!!!?
i think me personally, i wouldnt have been able to forgive him but i wouldve tried to move past it, despite how hard it would be. whether or not we get together would be a different question because rebuilding trust would take a lot, but,, yeah. overall i am soooo fucking satisfied with this, and the ending was so refreshing tbh!!! at first i was hoping they wouldn’t get together (literally when they kissed again i was like NOOO GIRLLLL WHYYYYY have more self respect!!!!) but after your slayful writing i was like nah u know what give them a happy ending,, n u did not disappoint,,,, i loved how it ended and that fresh start at the end was really like a breath of fresh air i have no idea how to explain it but it just genuinely did feel like a fresh start. i loved it. i will be rereading. thank you
this was insane praise like omfg thank you so much! i always have such a hard time wondering if what i wrote is good enough to put out for you guys and to hear you say that is so meaningful to me 😭 the writer's block def was a bitch but hearing you say that you could see that I've improved makes everything worth it like i'd go through it again if it'll help me get better at writing im crying literally 🥹
so the whole time i was writing this last part i had a hard time deciding if oc should forgive him or not because personally i would never be able to but i just felt that the only way for this story to wrap up well and in a satisfying way would be if it was a happy? ending so i ended up just going with that and yes one of the main things i wanted to show was that everyone was rooting for y/n so i made sure no one excused jake's behavior
the scene where she went back home was kind of tough to write like i totally get you i get really emotionally invested even when im writing and jfc just imagining how my parents would react literally had me going through it like her dad was devastated and i think it really shows to what extent one person's actions/mistakes can effect cause this shit not only broke her down but also most of those around her so those scenes were def tough to write
but i am so so so glad to hear how much you enjoyed the ending and overall this story! you seriously just relieved me of so many of my worries regarding this story and i always feel like the best compliment is when people tell me they'll reread my stuff so thank you so so much for sending me this ginormous message and hope I'll continue to produce stuff you like! love you loads 🫶 🫶 🫶
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capcavan · 9 months
7, 9, and 11 for your tag game 💜
nah love i need you to answer all of them but yeha only fair i do mine to lul
What is your favourite character in the Foxes? I don't really have favourite there i think Neil will be my favourite in future right now it's Renee
And favourite in the series aside form this one? I will let you guess
Drop your beloved head-canons about both! Renee does not in fact believe in god she participated in Christianity for sense of community it gives her, Riko is deathly allergic to peanuts and wishes he was born a girl but not in the trans way. He just know his life would be better if he wasn't a man. I also feel very strongly about him having adhd/bipolar .
Fic(s) you are always happy to recommend or fic tropes you will always read. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12283962/chapters/27922614#workskin Little Boy blue , I generally can be baited into reading any fic where riko is treated with bit more nuance than flat line Disney villain. I adore extreme hurt with happy ending
Which of the books is your favourite The foxhole court i enjoyed this story much more without seeing it's full development also loved Kevin much more before he was pushed aside, my first idea of what this story would be was much different .
Opinions on AFTG audiobook release? Worth a listen juts to laugh at girls voices , but i adore Renees soft tone in it, I think it,s main reason I adore her sm actually.
If you write/draw/create aftg stuff, what is your favourite work of yours?
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i adore this fan art a lot bc it,s funny light hearted has clever joke that references rikos obsession with court numbers and has fox jean and riko on it + riko kind of looks like girl here and i think it's very hot look on him
welp the numbers got fucked
Favourite event/plot point in the books Foxes reaction to seths death and seth death, it set really god tone for rest of the story and was the only event that genuinely surprised me bc i did not expected anyone from hero team to drop dead
Least favourite part of canon (can include Extra content) The fact that both foxes and ravens are groups of abused individuals but one word ,, mafia" is enough to put blame for all bat things on riko only even though he was pawn to his caretaker the way she wrote jeans abuse list it feels excessively edgy for sake of begin edgy i find nothing deep or sad about this i can also write down random list of numbers and attach to it words like rape and broken bones
If you could sent Nora an ask and get answer, what would you ask about? i wouldn't ask about anything bc her giving me answer i'm not looking for would feel bad
If you could make an idea of your choice canon to aftg, what would it be? I'd have a riko make a joke about how foxes should be in prison by now considering they are dressed the part (orange) (and most of them broke the law) id also replace neils car lighter burns with something else bc they are annoying to draw
Feel free to share some random hot takes if you like Andrew "murdering" their abusive mother is creepy as fuck and her being abuser or him only teenager with not fully developed brain is not really making this any less creepy and i enjoy his character because of this I don't mind aaron being homophobic , i'm cool with those character being murderers abusers and bigots , it's fictional characters they had not hurt anyone in real life so i don't really care about their fictional flaws and enjoy interacting with their content all the same I don't like only one of the foxes and i don't think this fox should be part of this team i don't really care about story and whatever, it's my personal bias so discussing it deeper makes no sense unless you want to unpack my past and all people who lead me to feel that way rlly
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sleeplessideology · 11 months
Leech Headcanons
Jade is overtaking my mind so I’m writing about him. And Florine, we can’t forget Florine <3
If it is not explicitly stated that something written below is canon, it is a headcanon
Enjoy <3
It’s canon that they’re Mama’s boys, but when they became close friends with Azul, his Mum would baby the twins just like she would Azul
Floyd Florine was told about the importance of shoes because while his father was on land for business (it’s also canon he is often on land for business) he was working with someone that just happened to be really into shoes and now thinks they are that important to all land dwellers
Child mortality rates are largely higher underwater than on land. Eels have many many more eggs than just two and the twins mention that the two of them and their parents are the only members with a “for now” implication. It’s pretty ominous, but the likeliest explanation is possible younger siblings on the way
Which I think makes sense, there is higher chance of offspring survival if there is more family to protect the young from predators
The twins sometimes switch places (the “twin swap” thing) and depending on their moods it’s either completely obvious or no one ever finds out
Like imagine them trying to contain their laughter while standing infront of Azul saying their the other twin, appearances not switched, only the strand of hair while Azul deadpans at them
Unless you have memorized which eye is which color on at least one of them, the impressions of each other they put effort into you’ll never realize what they did
Azul always knows
Female eels are much larger than males, their mum is probably almost 7 feet tall and I love that
The twins both have one dimple and despite most of their traits being opposite (longer strand of hair, eye color, and most notable, personalities) they have them on the same side
Probably the left but I can’t decide which side I just know it’s there somewhere
NRC school system intentionally placed them in separate classes from each other due to the chaos and disaster they caused in their classes together in their first year
Papa Leech is “head” of the family but if Mama Leech says something it goes. She’s the actual boss
Both Mama and Papa Leech are “composed” people like Jade, but they are also manic danger-noodles so the twins get their mania from small things their parents would say, do, and encourage
Jade wanted to be “composed” like his parents (bc he adores them <3) but Floyd was like “this crazy stuff is fun let’s go” and decided not to give a fuck
Floyd’s favorite thing to do is parkour (in his canon profile) when the twins and Azul first came onto land, he was flailing around bc he wanted to try parkour
Literally flopping like a fish out of sea
Also the potion didn’t give them clothes (an altered potion does that for them once they get a little more accustomed to land) so he was flailing around completely naked
People were scrambling trying to get him in clothes but he was like “nah I’m not done”
Almost broke his leg and Azul’s arm
Jade won’t let it go he thinks it’s one of the funniest things to happen
Jade is extremely ticklish, his and Azul’s families know but he does everything he can to hide it
Floyd pokes his sides all the time
But Jades response to being tickled is involuntary violence
Floyd has gotten many black eyes and bloody noses (broken once, these boys are strong as fuck) but he always thinks it’s worth it (except when he got a broken nose, that started a nasty fight)
They don’t actually fight often, most just banter and arguments they know neither of them are being serious about, but when they are genuinely fight they are fighting
Scratches, bruises, cuts, bites, occasional broken nose (once, when Floyd tried tickling Jade), and sometimes even lost teeth (which grow back easily but painfully)
It takes a couple days for them to make up but the always do
Will still press on each others bruises and pinch sore noses, but ultimately are on good terms again
Are used to sleeping with each other back home in the coral sea (common for merfolk to sleep with family and close friends as a means of bonding and safety) so they still sometimes sleep in each others beds in NRC
Including Azul, he feels safer when he isn’t sleeping alone
Anyway I need to stop before I get carried away lol
Have a lovely day and thank you
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renfairewolverine · 2 years
I’m not gonna say that daemon is an idiot or some shit but I feel like some people wildly overestimate his scheming and underestimate his love of family. They also refuse to comprehend that 2 things can be true. He can be doing something Kinda Shitty for his own gain but also genuinely care about his family as he does it. He explicitly says to viserys he wants to work WITH him, to be by his SIDE. He wants power yeah sure but he’s not willing to knock off the family he loves for that. And he does love viserys and rhaenyra. That doesn’t stop him from being an absolute fucker but it does keep him from kinslaying or some shit.
When daemon took rhaenyra out sure there’s likely some level of Scheme there, which kind and how much is up for debate, but he also has talked to her and in general about his opinion that as targaryens they should be held to a different standard. Other women can’t be wild and fuck whoever sure, but rhaenyra should be allowed to. Just like he can, because she’s a targaryen.
Things like the targ incest and the valyrian tradition of polygamy are things that are deeply contentious in westeros all the way into the time period of the main show over a century later. Westeros is not cool actually with incest or polygamy. But when the dragon men have like 20 flying fantasy nuke monsters and you have like serfs with pikes you kinda make some concessions.
It’s why Jaime/Cersei is a HUGE DEAL on like every level and considered super fucked up meanwhile viserys and dany talk about marrying each other/the history of incest in their family like it’s normal. For them it is. The polygamy thing has fallen out of favor because even when you’re a royal chad with magic nukes you still gotta pick your battles sometimes and this was one of them. Also over time they just adopt more westerosi/faith of the seven ideals/culture as they move further from the age of the valyrian freehold and become Just Some Weird Westerosi Guys. But daemon is of the opinion that the westerosi can eat shit bc he’s got a Fucking Dragon so he can have 2 wives and fuck his niece. Which is what pisses viserys off so bad. Like DUDE THIS IS SO NOT HOW THE POLITICS WORK NOW. YOU CAN’T HAVE A SECOND WIFE DON’T FUCK UP MY DAUGHTER’S SHIT.
And he DOES want her, for personal and political reasons. Both things can be true. How sexually into her he is currently debatable given how ep4 went but he’s 100% the kinda dude to be possessive over the 2.5 people he actually likes and she doesn’t wanna be married off to Some Random Asshole??? Great! How about This Asshole You Already Know! And bam now he makes one of the only 2 real meaningful connections in his life like 100x more secure and close. Locking down a partner into a strained relationship with a baby scare energy from this shit. But ALSO it gets him a LOT of power. Marrying her wouldn’t make him king. she’s the heir, she’s still inheriting the political power no matter what. He’d be king-consort at best, which is a very toothless position for the most part tbh.
BUT it would put him as one of the CLOSEST PEOPLE TO THE MONARCH and he’s already like, her Favorite Person from day 1 which we see in ep 1 so he would absolutely have a lot of capacity to advise and sway her which is just as good as sitting the throne. People like otto and tywin show us the power of being the monarch’s personal assistant and daemon has already said he wants that. Like yes this is all VERY schemey. He’s Scheming. Daemon is Preforming A Scheme.
He can hold 2 motivations at once he has 2 hands. It can be Weird Interpersonal Targaryen Bullshit and Political Machinations Schemey Schemey.
But I see some people implying he’s like, tywin or tyrion or little finger levels or some shit and HOOOO BOY NAH. Things like the necklace he gives rhaenyra? It’s not a 5d chess manipulation. He likes rhaenyra. She’s His Person. So she gets Gifts. Because he just thinks she’s Neat. At that point he’s literally working under the assumption that HE’S THE HEIR. EVERYTHING POINTS TO THAT. It’s why there’s the whole small council shitshow after aemma’s death— NO ONE WANTS HIM TO BE THE HEIR. Giving his fave relative a gift is not him being a godtier schemer and Knowing Psychically with his huge gigachad brain that buttering her up now will be critical later to his Devious Master Plan™️.
He’s not stupid and he does plan and scheme a good bit. Turning the gold cloaks effectively into his own private army stationed in the fucking capitol is genius and a super sexy power move. But he’s also shown to be impulsive, reckless and heavily ruled by his emotions. His whole suicide mission in ep 3 is FUELED by spite and the NEED to do this all by himself for the clout. They literally SAY this dude would rather DIE than ask for help. He also thinks he can do pretty much whatever he wants because of who he is.
You cannot be a varys/tyrion/tywin/little finger level schemer and be impulsive or reckless or overly emotional. I’d say also say you can’t be arrogant to the point of hubris as well but that’s like 50% of how two of them died after VERY long careers as schemers so uh you kinda can. Daemon’s request for rhaenyra’s hand might seem like a Master Scheme— like “oooo that’s why he did this!!! He’s so clever!!!”. But like— polygamy hasn’t been done since maegor the cruel. Even ignoring Lore Stuff that’s not actively talked about yet in the show like maegor the cruel viserys makes the “we don’t do polygamy anymore” vibes clear— “you already have a wife”. Boom. Shut down in 1 line. You already got one dude knock it off.
Alicent’s reaction to these claims is a LOT of things and it’s coming from a LOT of places but there’s absolutely a lowkey Disgust vibe because incest is, despite what it might sometimes seem in The Dragon Show Extended Universe™️, not actually cool in westeros— or essos for that matter!!! The targs have the “freaky magic dragon blood preservation” exemption clause but it doesn’t mean people are cool with it!!! Alicent even has to say “I know it’s different for you” to like qualify her statements. Daemon saying “I wanna do two of the MOST CONTENTIOUS AND DISLIKED TARGARYEN TRADITIONS AT THE SAME TIME WHEN PEOPLE ALREADY DO NOT LIKE ME” is uhhhhhhh NOT A GREAT LONG TERM POLITICAL MOVE AT THAT MONENT IN TIME.
He could gain the same amount of power he’d likely get from marrying her or frankly MORE from being being rhaenyra’s hand. If he was truly a gigachad big brain 5d chess schemer then he’d actually be working super hard to make her feel like he was her biggest ally and supporter. Viserys is saying she’s his heir but not really properly training for it that we see on screen. He literally has her ushered out of the small council for having an opinion on the kinda issue she’d have to deal with as queen. Literally a PERFECT educational moment for her and she gets ushered out in the most aggressively patronizing way possible. Daemon would gain SO MUCH from swooping in to “help prepare his favorite niece for the crown” and making himself integral to her decision process, sense of confidence, etc. it’s pm what little finger does to sansa (tho they do a shit job showing that in the show even tho they INSIST it happened in s7/8 jsjxjdslls).
Daemon would literally be doing more to put himself in a super sexy powerful position by helping to hype up rhaenyra, solidify her power and popularity and make himself invaluable to her on a pragmatic and emotional level. But uh….. he doesn’t…… bc he’s Not That Good At Scheming. Daemon is not a schemer or politician. He’s closer to a targaryen jaime in terms of like, his political skills and shit. Not an incompetent and not unwilling to play like ned or jon was but uh, kind of a reckless jock with bloodlust for days and some Emotional Issues that make him kind of attention seeking and a thoughtless arrogant dickhead. He can navigate the world of schemers and politics reasonably well but if he could just take otto out back and beat his ass instead he would.
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lunarblazes · 2 years
You don't have a respond but since you said you were okay w/ people sending asks...
I think the problem with the dteam comes down to them being immature and a bit egotistical... And it makes sense! When you blow up and have everyone telling you how great you are, it makes sense. I still think Dream makes great videos, and he seems like a good guy, but this is just one of those things. Seeing some of the clips where he says he thinks noxcrew is biased just makes him seem like egotistical, like it really is all about him and not that 10 people dc. Whatever... I think he def needs to work on that.
They absolutely also have to have SOME responsibility with their fans. The fact that they don't discourage this at all, and even fan the flames is kinda what gets me. You can complain and be upset, whatever, but when you do you're aware that people are going to get attacked to 'defend' you, right???? Idk, if I heard ANYONE was getting called slurs even somewhat on my behalf I'd say something immediately. I DOUBT they don't know, and I get that it's scary, but it just... It just seems supremely shitty to me. And it does look bad when they're proper adults especially.
It's so easy to keep your opinions to yourself until you're in private.... You can complain and vent to your friends when people won't get harassed as a result.
Plus the only thing that made this hilarious for me was the fact that Wilbur was absolutely miserable and in distress for this happening and it was amazing. Dream? Scott? Noxcrew??? Nah, I just saw Wilbur stuck in his own personal hell. GG tho good luck with that
The fact that Minecraft Monday had ACTUAL money on the line and people take this more seriously..... It's sad but just so so funny. People are so out of touch.
The worst part about big fandoms, or stans, like Dream's is that even if they and his friends need to hear this criticism they won't bc everything negative is taken as an anti who is awful.... I think Scott and Noxcrew definitely should have some sort of intervention. They have the right to when they're literally being called slurs.... It's ridiculous that it's gotten to the point where Scott acknowledged it would happen no matter what he did. Just really sad.
But yeah. Bottom line, the dteam make good content, but they NEED to grow up and mature before it completely ruins everything... This is one of those cases where all of the attention has made them worse, I think. In comparison, it's so easy to be mature about these things. Ccs are upset with the decisions, but they shut the hell up and move on bc it's just a game and they're meant to be having fun. Wilbur was genuinely distressed when they said they'd be doing ace race again, but he didn't say anything after complaining in the game chat once.
And if dteam doesn't see how complaining about all this is fanning the flames.... Yikes. Yeah, they should be able to talk about whatever and for it to be fine, but it's not. So they shouldn't. Their fans, or at least some of them, will take it too far so it's their responsibility to negate that. I often think of streaming as babysitting or teaching, bc that's really what it feels like sometimes. Chats gets put in time out, literally, it's pretty funny when you think about it. But dteam have rarely, to my knowledge, ever even really 'disciplined' any part of their fanbase seriously. Which sounds ridiculous, but it's true. I've been watching Ranboo for awhile and I remember him having to work on making his chat respectful and everything, and even then it's not perfect! But at least he did something!
Just the very clear difference between literally all of the other ccs involved and dteam says enough, I think. Either everyone needs an MCC timeout (which they'd probably blame on Scott and Noxcrew 'having it out' for dream as well) or they need a dteam MCC timeout if they don't shape up. I've watched mcyt for awhile, actually watched mccs not as long, but I never saw this much drama about mcc before dream and sapnap starting shit talking the event. They literally command an army and don't even realize. When you have that much influence.... Everything you say matters.
Anyway someone should bring back Minecraft Mondays I'd probably cry laughing, and it would remind me of the old days :')
If you read all of this.... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I usually don't do this lol
anon ur based and ur totally okay! safe space, safe nice discourse area with the little bumper teacups set up for u all. handing u a nice gumball if u would like one. i saw someone tweet “we need them” with a picture of the silver shittalkers team and i was like. oh cool so we’re being completely devoid of self awareness now i see how it is
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
“I would absolutely love to see Ranboo be knocked down a peg and realize that making content for contents sake doesn’t really get you far and being a genuine person does a whole lot more in the long run”
This is one thing that I think people fail to see abt Ranboo and his content. I think his reasoning for making content was to get big and make a bunch of money but didn’t know what to do after that. It’s really obvious that he’s just making stuff with no passion behind it bc he got to his goal of getting big. He might have other things in the works but he obviously doesn’t care abt them all that much, you mean to tell me that the guy that streamed every single day for over a year has 10 seconds of content for his “huge horror” project? Or that he hasn’t uploaded a yt video in over a year??? Nah fam if he cared he would be cranking that shit out.
This approach is what made him so hard for me to like in the beginning, he’s not genuine or passionate for what he does. Even Tommy who is making content for fame and to make content for contents sake at least has a passion behind it. You can tell he truly enjoys making videos and releasing content that he’s worked hard on and is proud of. Ranboo clearly doesn’t care much beyond the paycheck and attention or he wouldn’t be catering to his fanbase w every duo he’s involved with and giving them half baked ideas that he has no plans of following up with.
i think he started it with some good ideas and maybe a passion for actually making content (cause obviously he got popular so his earlier stuff had to be good), but once he actually got into the thick of it he realized he was way out of his depth, but he couldn't just quit. however i think it's disingenuous to say that ranboo doesn't care about streaming beyond getting paid because i don't think his monetary concerns are from a shallow place. this money has meant huge things for him as far as getting to move away from his family and be his own person, which makes me very happy for him and so i don't mind as much if he's a little focused on the financial aspect of things. i also think he does truly enjoy the company of the friends he's made and i think he also enjoys being a little famous and making a difference in people's lives. ranboo's problem when it comes to content creation is that he knows a formula that works and doesn't have the mental energy/creativity to stray from that formula either from fear of failure or lack of motivation. he's fine just streaming regularly, hanging out with friends, and playing games people want him to play without putting in much effort beyond that. and that's perfectly fine if that's the kind of cc he wants to be, but i just wish he would stop making false promises about stuff cause it's obvious he's never gonna follow through on any of these projects. also when it comes to tommy, i don't think he's doing this stuff for the "fame" at all. i watched his anthony padilla interview and he said that this is all still surreal to him and he just does what he wants to do because he loves it, which i respect a lot
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
I only come off lurk mode for serious business. The queen ask-eth and she shall receive...eth.
Not on anon, BUT the obvious answer is clearly anything and everything you write because being able to take part and read the way your passion for writing increases, your skill expands with every fic, and the love, effort, and care you put into every series/fics is frankly astounding. You're an automatic weapon with the sheer amount of content you provide and so deadly accurate with the quality too. I think my favorite thing about your work is honestly being able to see the joy it brings to you. Plus you're always so available to requests and open for discussion, it's just such a lovely thing to see when someone as skilled as you is still so willing to interact and create with your readers!
But gushing about you personally aside, you asked for fav fics!
So OBVS choice is TBABTO bc uhhh I'm contractually obligated as the president of ghost face fan club, but also I just LOVE the series and it being the first fic that brought us together has a real special place in my heart!
Then there's your magnum opus tmomd, like the filth, the skill, and the eloquently plotted descent into Freddy is grotesque in ALLLLL the right ways. You're converting people left and right with this baby.
And of course I love anything house of wax. You know my preferences. Your Vinny and Bo hit so well, no surprise there.
But I think, you might be surprised that my fav fic of yours is actually a Buddy Swanson one. "Dear jealousy" in particular. Partially, bc it's the first fic of him I read, so it being my catalyst of hungry eyes 👀. And here's the thing, I've still to this day never even seen his movies. I plan to at some point, and eventually will, but you know me, epitome of distraction. But does that stop me from read everything you put out about him? Nope. I feel like I have such a clear picture of his character just from your fics alone that I'm not missing out by not seeing the films. Would they add more context? Sure. Would they increase my love for the character and make me start another WIP. Probably. But understand his character? Nah, you covered that inside and out. You have such a way of capturing a character and their essence that it's an art form. Which makes your fics so genuinely within the universe of possibility. Overwhelming talent.
TLDR; Bexxx is the best at writing and everyone else concedes. Love you, xoxo 💋😘💅🏼
This is amazing, TBABTO is so important to me for a million reasons I have talked about before but for how it brought us together is a MASSIVE ONE!
Also hearing how much you love my Bo and Vin stuff when you write like the best of the best is like whaaaaaaaaaaat-
THAT IS YOUR FAVE?! I love that fic! I love Buddy too and you love him just from my writing?! Fuck me uppp Harley! If you ever wanna watch Stage Fright with Tina and I, since she introduced me to that movie and thus Buddy, please lemme know! We are overdue for another movie night!
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gayeddieagenda · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @iinryer <3
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
published? it and 911
Top five fics by kudos:
if what i want is better than this
get used to the gap
i am breaking open
i wear your socks and slippers
turn out the lights
Do you respond to comments?
no........i would love to and i hope one day i will start!! but i find it very overwhelming, plus i often don't know what to say 😭
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
all my fics end happy or at worst a little unresolved. sorry i'm boring!! by default it's turn out the lights, just by virtue of them not (yet) being together at the end
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think it's i am breaking open (it fic; sorry to the 911heads in the room), bc i make them go thru about a chapter and a half of Talking Thru Their Feelings after they get together instead of just being together. in 911, i'll say it's i wear your socks and slippers for a similar reason - i like when they get just a little beyond love confession / first kiss / whatever initial get together and actually have to get into the meat of what it means to be together.
Do you get hate on fics?
omg no..... no one cares about my little fics like that
Do you write smut?
shoutouts to the (very mild) sex in i wear your socks and slippers 🫡
Craziest crossover:
i've never written a crossover! they don't generally interest me
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not... i write out of order and skip half the scenes i want to include and am generally really insufferable as a writer so i think i would probably drive a cowriter up a wall
All time favorite ship?
what a fun and impossible question. i think on some level it's kirk/spock, bc they are the blueprint for every ship that's ever happened since, but i don't write them. in 911 it's buddie, in terms of ones i actually write, or nancymarjan (see: nancymarjan is my buddie)
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a lot that i dream of finishing but one that i love but genuinely doubt i will ever get done is my 911 bachelorette au. i love reality tv au's SOOO much and i wish people wrote more of them
What are your writing strengths?
I Don't Know. i think i'm pretty good at dialogue and i really enjoy writing slow-moving scenes
What are your writing weaknesses?
finishing things! writing fics in order! getting bogged down in irrelevant details and losing all momentum! sometimes, especially lately, i sit down to write and i feel miles and miles away from what i'm trying to put into words. i've felt very disconnected from myself as a writer lately, but i've been slowly feeling that less and less. practice helps!!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
a funny question... obviously it rules when it's written by someone with any grasp on the language! word salad use of languages u don't know ends up being odd. i don't have the confidence in any language but english to be writing in it
First fandom you wrote in?
i wrote harry potter fanfiction when i was 9 and did not know what fanfiction was. i thought it was illegal <3
Favorite fic you’ve written?
in 911 it's get used to the gap <3 the first of hopefully many, many entries into my personal Eddie Diaz Theses
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koqabear · 5 months
Hello, I am here to excitedly rave about Only You Darling and shower you in well-deserved compliments. Anybody else reading this, stop if you haven't read Only You Darling as there will be SPOILERS.
First of all, your writing is brilliant, I wish I could come up with plots like you do. I have so many fics that I start writing and then I don't know how to get from A to B or what should happen next and just give up.
I have read Only You Darling (and also What The Body Wants, the whole concept of that fic >>>) twice now, and I'm sure I'll read it again in the future. My first read was a wild ride, I was so invested, I thought what if it's Yeonjun and Beomgyu but nah, then I when Soobin came into the picture I was sure it was Soobin and then it was Beomjun! Every time I thought i had it figured out, you had me doubting myself. I loved all the twists and turns and the way I was so stressed after everything went down and the reader was living in that house, the imagery that you created was amazing. I have to say that it's the best fic I've read on this site. Hands down. I don't think I've read such a well planned and fleshed out fic in maybe a decade (not to show my age haha), after I was done reading I felt as if I'd just watched a movie. I don't even get through thriller novels, I always get bored with the pacing or the writing, but you had me in the palm of your hand.
I'm sure I have more thoughts, but right now they're just a blurred mess of excitement and awe. Thank you for sharing your work and making me excited about reading fics again. I am slowly making my way through the rest of your stuff, I'm sure I will be back to word-vomit on you about other stories in the future!
HAIIIIII HIHIHI OMG IM SOOOO SORRY I TOOK LITERAL MONTHS TO ANSWER THIS 😭😭😭🙁 i saw it and wanted to make sure that i had time to answer all your points but then i KEPT FORGETTING ABOUT IT 😭😭 but please know that i really appreciate feedback like 🫶🫶🫶 getting a review on oyd always makes me so happy and you really delivered with this 
full response under the cut :]
AHHHHSJDBSKDB BUT THANK U OMG 💔💔 when i first started writing on here i’d neverrrr thought i’d be writing long fics so consistently… even 10k was a huge rare accomplishment to me akzbwkdjs,,, it takes time to really figure out what works and what doesn’t with writing methods but… i wish you the best of luck with all your wips and i’m sure you’ll be able to have a breakthrough someday with any you might be struggling on !!! i believe in you !!!
YOU’VE READ OYD TWICE. Oh… my heart T_T idk but like,, i’ve never really been able to grasp the concept that people actually.. reread my stories. That’s genuinely one of the most flattering things to hear in my opinion bc 😭😭 to hear that i’ve managed to write a fic that’s worth being read again is mind blowing to me algskldgh (also thank you !!! WTBW is forever near and dear to my heart <3)
It’s always so satisfying to hear that my attempts on tricking the readers were successful hehe :3 it was one of the major things i was worried about tbh,,, it took a lot of thinking on how i would introduce soobin’s character and how he would be involved, so im happy to hear that my work paid off ! and imagery was something that i learned was very important while writing oyd; it really makes or breaks a scene, imo. Especially in those final cabin scenes,,, AGH idk im so giddy to have it pointed out tho bc i do put a little extra love and effort into my imagery :3
AWWWWSLDKGHH UGH YOU’RE JUST. im gonna sob. The best fic.. dont say that to me im crazy 😭😭 but aggggh it makes me feel so appreciated and seen to read that you think it’s well planned like :(( i remember how much effort i put into that fic omg… that story is my baby im afraid 
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet review, and im sorry i couldn’t respond to it sooner 😭 comments like these are sooo motivating and validating, i seriously can’t explain how happy it makes me <333
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
I suspect tumblr may have eaten my last ask due to the link, so I just rewrote it rq with Additional points, hope ya don't mind if I accidentally sent it in twice :,)
Pfff- glad ya enjoyed me jokes ^^ yeah it's def annoying as hell when Ren'py immediately tells you that "nah fam that won't do" and refuses to tell you what's the exact thing you did wrong and how to fix it -_- like, my man,, just lemme program my game in peace pls stop throwing tantrums just because I did the line break wrong or forgot to place a ()/:/; (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
Also about that mosquito OC, uhhhh,,,
https://imgur.com/a/ 6Fz9hff
^^yeah the art was done by another one of my friends (I think you can sense a pattern here lmao) he was basically part of a whole batch of OCs centred around unusual animal hybrids in a hypothetical game. As for his character info– yk what, im just gonna drop my discord essay on "why this character can't be a yandere" here, which I wrote last year, that should give you a good enough feel on the character lmao
Haha, look at this lil chuunibyou motherfucker, also has a case of weak twink syndrome who doesn't and refuses to work out, he claims that gaining muscles would make look less like an evil seductive vampire, but everyone knows that it's actually because the dude can't even lift the lightest of weights at the gym and was too embarrassed to return to gym for a second time because of said incident. Would also be to intimidated by you after your first encounter because he genuinely just doesn't rlly talk to anyone for more than 30secs, and that's with the old ladies in his neighbourhood if anything he just gets excited that ur not put off by his behaviour and already treasures the fact that u still put up with him and don't just straight up leave after the first encounter like most other ppl he's met.
Mind you my full essay was quite a bit longer since it included most of the characters 0_0 also here's some bullet points my friend wrote about him:
vampire mosquito boy
- edgy
- shops at hot topic
- tried smokin once, since hyena offered
- chuunibyou
bad end: u get a fucking disease
Hope ya enjoyed the read!
-Ren'py anon
Just got to it Renpy anon!
yay more vampire hybrid boy!
Ofc he’s gotta be edgy bc he’s a socially awkward vampire :3 hehe he also shops at Hot Topic? He’s sooooo babygirl it’s not funny 😊
I wonder who Hyena is? He must be another LI or just a friend of his. I’m hoping he’s also hot >W< I don’t mind people who smoke or offer smokes, so this guy must be pretty chill.
Since he’s so quiet, it’s natural that he has such a wild imagination! It might be a little weird at first, but I know I’ll come around and love that chuunibyou side of him. Just like how me and Fischl from Genshin were. I hated her guts because I couldn’t understand half of what she was saying, but I’ve come to really love her.
I’m so excited to see more of this funky little dude! 
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astrobydalia · 3 years
💫New Year Observations🌟
Hope you’re having a great new year guys! Currently working on a post about physical appearance!
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
🌟 Anything that touches Uranus in your chart in a harmonious aspect are the things you’re willing to be experimental about. Hard aspects (conjunction to a lesser extent) can make you a bit reluctant
💫 Scorpio placements are not taken aback by sexual topics AT ALL but they can really dislike it when people talk about sex in a very vulgar and nonchalant way or they simply won’t partake in that type of talk
🌟 The worst thing you can do when it comes to scorpio placements is trying to cross their boundaries (lying to them is a close second). When it comes to boundaries, Scorpios just won’t budge so if they don’t wanna say something or they don’t wanna do something don’t insist, don’t try to convince them (much less manipulate them) bc they WON’T. For Scorpios “no” it’s not just a full sentence, it’s a STATEMENT
💫 Juno in the 4th or conjunct the IC in the solar return chart can point to getting married in a privet ceremony, while Juno in the 10th house it’s quite the opposite (this is only if the overall solar return indicates marriage taking place of course)
🌟 Sagittarius personal placements really do be lucky AF but they don’t see it or just take it for granted. People often ask them how are they so lucky but they don’t see it as a big deal🤷🏽‍♀️
💫 You’d think this is Sagittarius but pisces personal placements giggle very often, it’s so easy to make them laugh
🌟 Nodal conjunctions in synastry (personal planets in TIGHT conjunction to the nodes) is an incredibly binding aspect and makes for a very significant relationship in your life. However the reason it is this way is because this relationship serves an important purpose, once said purpose is done so is the relationship (specially with the North node) and usually the lesson is mainly aimed at the node person tho the planet person can also be significantly changed by this relationship. Therefore, the relationship will last however long it takes for the purpose to be completed; could be a couple of years, a life time, who knows.
💫 I’ve noticed Sagittarius placements can be very irritable and have anger issues (you’d think Aries would be like this but nah) specially when combined with fire or air moon/mars
🌟 People with Juno in Libra or in the 7th will look to marry the love of their life and their soulmate. This of course doesn’t mean you won’t marry your soulmate if you don’t have this bc Juno IS your soulmate. The sign Juno is placed in signifies the type of soulmate you want. People with Juno in Libra want that Disney movie type of soulmate 
💫 Following the last point, people with Juno in Aquarius will marry their best friend. They’ll be friends with their spouse first rather than have a movie romance with them like Juno in Libra people
🌟 I’ve noticed that people with Jupiter, Mars or Venus in the 8th can come off as very slutty to people bc they are sexually open and self-indulgent
💫 People with moon, Vertex or Juno in the 7th house are the type of people who are always in a relationship
🌟 Vigo placements can come off as competitive bc they just LOOOVVEE proving people WRONG!
💫 I’ve noticed that the most repeated placements for people who are vegan/vegetarian are water risings, taurus placements, 6th house, 8th house, 11th house and 12th house placements
🌟 It’s no secret that Scorpio mercuries can cut with their words but I really think that Virgo placements can easily rival Scorpio mercuries when it comes to this like SERIOUSLY. Virgo placements can be extremely judgmental, they will throw facts and criticism regardless of how it sounds and could have a “well that was offensive but it was the truth so🤷🏽‍♀️” type of mentality. And I think no body talks about this but VIRGO PLACEMENTS CAN BE VERY DETACHED specially when they trying to prove a POINT. I have legit witnessed and experienced virgo placements making people cry with how cut-throat and judgmental they can be seriously don’t underestimate virgos
💫 Common rulerships in the charts of celebrities (hope this isn’t confusing lol): 
Ruler of the 10th in the 10th or the 11th house 
Ruler of the 11th in the 10th or 11th house 
Ruler of the 11th or 10th in the 8th, 9th and 1st house 
Also less frequent ruler of the 11th or 10th in the 2nd house 
Ruler of the ASC in the 1st, 2nd, 8th and 12th houses
🌟 Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo mars people really dislike being interrupted once they set their attention into something
💫 I have a theory that the house where you have Neptune indicates the type of movies and shows you like
��� Fire moons are honestly hit and miss. They are all incredibly likable people but they can be very self-centered/selfish once you get to know them. I wouldn’t call Aries moons selfish per se I’d call them reckless, check my aries moon post for more. Surprisingly, I’ve seen Sagittarius moons being more narcissistic and entitled than Leo moons. Leo moons can have a lot of ego but can have lots of insecurities deep down and be put down way too easily and they are the most generous out of all the fire moons. Leo moons are extremely giving and genuine but many times they are way too preoccupied with being liked, prised and recognized (which can make them selfish). Sagittarius moons tho are the type to actually believe they are the SHIT or low-key believe they are better or above anything else, when underdeveloped they can be obnoxious, arrogant and overbearing. When developed they are the most generous and the best friends ever but they are definitely the most entitled too
💫 12th house synastry is way more karmic and can be more intense and uncomfortable than 8th house synastry, even if it’s just subconsciously. Basically 12th house synastry is what people think 8th house synastry is, except there’s no sexual factor here (unless planets say otherwise) and there’s 0 sense of control in either party (you’re not sure what’s going on) which might drive y’all crazy
🌟 People with Mars-Neptune aspects can actually be into pain bc it gives them a sense of escape. I’ve seen this aspect in people who get sexually turned on by pain or in people who cut themselves or self-harm
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
Observations pt. I 
Observations pt. II  
Observations pt. III Relationship edition (most popular) 
Observations pt. IV Spooky edition
Observations pt. V
Observations pt. VI LGBT edition
Observations pt. VII Chiron edition 
Observations pt.VIII
Observations pt. IX Aries moons 
Observations pt. X
Observations pt. XI
Observations pt. XII Scorpio Risings
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the mondstadt crew
characters included: diluc, kaeya, and jean
gn! reader as always <3
tw: fluff??? domesticity??? crack??? ideal relationships w people who will never be real??? also mentions of alcohol!
an: so i’m back w a sequel to my “fluff/relationships w the liyue crew” since you guys seemed to really like it <3 thank you my heart is literally melting 😩 this post was getting too long so i excluded some of the characters but expect a part. 2 (more like part 3 but part 2 to the mondstadt version)! 
man. this MAN.
that’s it, that’s the headcanon. 
he would literally be the most doting lover in the softest ways
SUCH a soft romantic like you thought you knew love??? nah this man will show you what love is
will constantly leave you things around the winery to convey his silent thank you’s and appreciation for you putting up with him being busy for most of the day
it’s always the most thoughtful things ever too like-
you mentioned how nice it would be to have some fresh lemonade with the hotter weather outside but it was too late in the day to actually go to the market in search of fresh lemons 
the next day you walked downstairs only to be greeted with a pitcher of cool lemonade with a side of lemon bars
there was a note attached to the handle of the pitcher <3 
“i recall you mentioning how lemonade would be perfect for the warmer weather so i decided to make some for you this morning. i hope it’s still cool by the time you drink it. love, d” 
pls sir your hand in marriage
he secretly loves it when you usher him to bed after waking up in the dead of night to see him working by candlelight on reports 
soft hands on his cheeks gently whispering about how, it’s been far too long and come to bed, darling and there will be time for this in the morning
his protests are light given the dark purple hues under his crimson eyes but he’ll still make a little fuss 
don’t let this man fool you tho he’s so so touched that you care enough to check up on him and drag him to bed!!
sometimes on the days he has a bit more free time, the two of you will quickly grab your dinners and race to the highest spot in the winery to watch the setting sun
these moments are always filled with laughter, something you’ve found you’re easily able to pull out of diluc, simply because it’s you 
uncontrollable sobbing
he would let you paint his nails black like the angsty man he is 
frankly he would let you do anything to him if it makes you happy <3 
ok but wait diluc w bLACK NAILS?? AND RINGS??? i would die on the spot ⚰️
on the topic of makeup, this man is surprisingly really good w it 
i like to think he learned after practicing on kaeya when they were younger bc kaeya was really into makeup
you found out after babysitting klee one day and trying failing to draw eyeliner on the sweet girl after her “big brother ‘bedo!”
you hastily grabbed some wipes, gently wiping off the messed up design before attempting to dive back in 
diluc however, had some down time so he decided to check up on his favorite chaotic duo 
only to be met with a pile of dirtied makeup wipes, your frustrated expression, and klee’s growing jitteriness 
swiftly moving to your side, he quietly asked if you needed help 
you glanced up quizzically before handing him the eyeliner, already looking around to find more makeup wipes when this inevitably goes wrong 
to your utter surprise tho the eyeliner is perfect??? two perfect winged lines??? in less than a minute??? WHAT
you just stood there like 😦 before diluc got back up and handed you the eyeliner 
you were short-circuiting, klee was ecstatic, diluc was worried about you 
ok last thing abt diluc 
crack! warning but the both of you like lowkey pranking kaeya 
for diluc it’s revenge on his annoying brother; for you it’s good - natured sibling rivalry fun 
every time the two of you see kaeya, one of you always swipes something of his 
small things really, it could be a pen or a handkerchief
one time, diluc swiped kaeya’s spare eyepatch and from the looks of it, kaeya’s only spare black eyepatch bc he was frantically looking for it yk he’s desperate when he even asked diluc if he saw it
the two of you spent an hour nearly laughing your asses off 
all in all, life w him is so sweet 
pretty boy? pretty boy. 
while i can’t guarantee stability, life would never be boring w this man that’s for sure
piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 
he LOVES it, the feel of you on his back while he’s walking around mondstadt most likely carrying you to your commission 
he finds it comforting especially since he can hear the rumble of your voice against him while you recount stories, or just babble on about everything under the sun 
he is SO dramatic so obviously when y’all reach the site of the commission he has to kill all the monsters even tho the both of you agreed to split it up evenly 
he makes quick work of his set before stealing some of yours much to your chagrin 
you scold him but can you really be mad at him when he looks drop dead gorgeous freezing the hilichurls the answer is no, no you cannot be
oh my god ok wait-
he does this thing where he tries to spook you in public 
so say you’re getting groceries at the mondstadt general store
you round the corner just minding your own business, looking around, taking in the sunshine 
and suddenly you just hear someone drop in behind you but before you can register anything you hear a soft “boo” and hands circle your waist 
you jump SIKE let’s be honest you shrieked 
meanwhile kaeya’s just laughing his ass off 
you can hear his rich peals of laughter while you attempt to regain your bearings 
he does this so often you SHOULD be used to it but you really aren’t bc mans is SNEAKY-
he cards his fingers in your hair whenever you’re speaking 
he doesn’t know why, it’s just a cute habit and he finds the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing
oH on the topic of comfort, kaeya really likes resting two fingers on the back of your neck???
ik he seems like the type to throw his arm around your shoulder which yes he totally is but during more serious conversations his hand automatically seeks out the warmth of your neck 
your neck feels amazing especially during the warmer months due to his chilly fingers contrasting with your warm skin  
he likes that he’s able to access such a vulnerable part of you and you would willingly let him 
no i will NOT take criticism on this i just kNOW he’s that type of guy
it would be those stupid “i’m his” and “they’re mine” sweatshirts like BYE 
it’s so cringy but for some reason it’s oddly adorable and you truly despise it but you can’t seem to say no whenever he asks 
you pretend to ignore the look of pity diluc throws your way whenever he sees you like this
kaeya really loves accessories so i think he would be the type to give you a promise ring or something similar to show that he truly does care for you 
he would brush it off, flirting a little like usual before handing you the ring 
with the way his cheeks softly darken though, you know he’s being genuine 
TICKLE FIGHTS ik i mentioned this for childe but shhhh
he has tickle fingers??? his hands just loOK like they’re itching to tickle someone so you’ll most likely be the unfortunate victim 
he will not show you mercy. at all. he’ll tickle you until there are tears streaming from your eyes, your face is hot, and your voice is hoarse from laughing so damn hard 
it gives him such a rush of serotonin its SO CUTE 
i feel like this goes without saying but he’s super into pda,,, anything and everything is on the table 
hand holding? duh. ass grabs? ofc. carrying you bridal style around mondstadt? why not 
ik he’s typically very playful but once the relationship reaches a certain stage, he’ll slowly start to let down the walls that surround his facade 
very very slowly show you the more realistic parts of him 
the real, damaged pieces of his soul 
he’ll be carefully monitoring your reaction though, any sign of fear or disgust will have him recoiling within himself again and you most likely will never see his true nature ever again 
once you’ve seen the parts of him he’s offered to you, the hushed whispers of his past, and the uncertain lines of his future, he will take off his eyepatch 
pretends like he’s not super nervous but he’s SWEATING- 
the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen though hands down 
you can understand why he covers it up but you would like it if he felt comfortable enough to take off the eyepatch occasionally when he’s with you 
also!!! sleeps with his eyepatch side facing you (in the event he wears it to bed) 
if this happens you KNOW he trusts you bc it’s his blindside <3 
anyways life w kaeya will never be boring but he is a very complicated man 
stay with him though, i promise it’ll be worth it 
the key to jean’s heart is coffee and food 
i am begging you she deserves it 😭
the poor woman works so hard bc the knights are so mf understaffed, this is literally the best way you can ever show her your love and appreciation when she has work
she will MELT if you have a hot shower and dinner waiting for her when she inevitably returns later than she promised
will completely refuse at first with, “you did not have to do this, it’s too much” but shush her as you shOULD bc she deserves the entire world 
she’s the definition of “you do something for me, i’ll return the favor ten times grander”
you leave a flower on her desk bc it reminded you of her??? you’ll wake up to find a whole bouquet of the prettiest windwheel asters you’ve ever seen the next morning along with a thank you note
she’s so sweet BYE
she gets flustered extremely easily so you obviously use this as an opportunity to tease her 
when you’re in public rest your hand on her waist and inch it higher until your hand is underneath her shirt and in contact with her warm skin 
she’ll actually short-circuit its quite adorable 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and you’ll hear whispers of her insecurities 
“am i a good grand master? will i ever be as valiant as vanessa?”
reassure her!!! tell her that she doesn’t need to be like vanessa, she’s already amazing as jean 
if you haven’t seen her in awhile, track her down and schedule a lunch date 
she never misses appointments and if it’s for you, she’ll gladly make time to see you even if she has to stay up even later than usual 
she has so much tension and the sorest muscles from hunching over papers and running around on errands 
if you sneak into her office and quietly stand behind her before gently pushing down on the sore tendons of her neck, she’ll genuinely fall over on her desk 
so make sure you steady her 😀
after you feel how tight her muscles are though, you drag her to barbara bc she needs a healer asap 😭
while most of your time is spent in her office - you helping out in the ways you can while jean is overseeing knight duties - you still have your fair share of life outside of the favonius headquarters
jean never likes to sit still so whenever you have free time, the both of you head off looking for monsters to clear
bouken da bouken???
adventuring w jean is seriously the funnest thing you could ever do 
it’s just non-stop you accidentally getting into trouble and her having to come help you 
even tho the both of you are dead tired after fighting, what? 20 hilichurl camps now??? the laughter and joy in your eyes shows how you both truly loved every minute of it
it’s both a stress reliever, good fun, and a work-out <3
you’re definitely prone to getting dragged to angel’s share w kaeya 
kaeya and jean sometimes hang out after work at the tavern so inevitably you’re dragged along too 
all three of you are drunk out of your minds which just makes everything a MILLION times funnier 
kaeya slurring over his words makes the two of you start cackling endlessly while diluc just shakes his head making sure to not give you more wine despite your pleas 
angel’s share ft. kaeya and bartender diluc are always the best times fr fr 
life with her literally feels like y’all are married 
so much domesticity it’s so NICE ALJDKSFH
your house is always so clean and the color scheme is impeccable bc jean has such a good eye 
you have a chore schedule 😎 but it almost never works out bc jean ends up doing everything without you knowing- 
you always confront her abt it and she’s like 😁 “i had some time so i did them! no worries tho” like i- time??? where bitc-
oH- she has amazing style so you can bet shopping w her is literally the best experience 
she takes you to all of the hidden gems some places lisa recommended and helps you pick out things 
will 100% get really blushy if you come out in something and ask her for her opinion tho she’s literally the cutest
basically jean is a sweet girl who deserves the entirety of teyvat that is all. 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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akumaalert · 3 years
not a request just sharing bc i couldn't stop thinking of just "what if lucky called heis good boy" like how he calls her good girl sometimes but like.. i'm pretty sure he would break
This was supposed to be a mini-fic....but...uh....it'll likely be the first chapter of "Divergence" instead LMAO But hope you enjoy!
Good Boy
Karl Heisenberg x Reader, Explicit
CW: Masturbation, Accidental Voyeurism, Voyeurism, Happy Ending, Virgin!Karl Heisenberg
An AU happening during chapter 19 of "Heavy Metal Lover" but can be read without reading the main story.
That had been the first noise from Lucky besides the scratch of a pencil against paper that he had heard in about an hour.
Stuck in his office with her as he searched for a misplaced - not lost, just misplaced! - core schematic, Heisenberg tried to ignore the nagging thought of how domestic the space had become. Lucky never moved his things - something he was infinitely grateful for. He could recall too well his ever boiling frustration at having his room "cleaned" when living in the castle. The maids were well-meaning, but always adjusting. The room he had held would have felt more his own had he been able to move his own furniture around without the chambermaids fawning over him.
"No, no, young Lord Heisenberg! This is all wrong...off you go...go play...we will fix this mess."
Now on his own and in his element of chaos, he felt comforted, even if secretly so, that Lucky never seemed to complain.
Comforted...but cautious.
The day at the stronghold seemed stamped into his memory...right in the front for all to see. It remained a wonder Lucky didn't see it on his face.
The knowledge.
The horrible, horrible knowledge.
Staring at an old newspaper clip-out that he had saved with a picture of a modern car on its faded pages, he absently pushed the glasses back up his nose.
It tired him - the constant need to flip back and forth between acknowledging his feelings and thrusting them as far down as he could manage. Drowning them out with that beautiful sound of cinching machinery. Allowing them to seep into him with every laugh from her lips.
Heisenberg was starting to fall in love with the woman. The woman he had failed to kill - the lucky one to survive his maze. The woman his mother expected him to impregnate in order for Miranda's mad vessel to be born and to be killed all in the name of misery.
Misery otherwise known as Eva.
Slowly but certainly, Lucky was driving him insane. Reminding him of things he could never, ever have. Teasing him over and over for days on end.
Heisenberg remembered all too well his reason for entering the office. He had nearly sliced his own arm clean off his shoulder when he lost himself to his situation. To the possibility that, despite his body being so ill-suited for the task, Lucky could have his child. Would want his child. His thoughts, as they so often did, snapped back to the need for freedom - for the need for the arms to come loose from his latest corpse to transform them into one of his many soldiers.
But the more he thought of freedom, the more she sat in the background of his mind.
The more she sat there, the more his tired musings began to stitch together.
The more freedom and Lucky - the two dreams of his world - became intertwined.
He had been thinking of her - of Lucky - beside him the day that he won freedom from the village.
Won freedom...and her.
"You did it, Heis! You did it!"
Lucky would never know how dear it was to him...the fact that her emotions ran so freely with her very being. Beaming. She would do nothing less than beam at him. Her eyes would glow and crinkle at their tails as they did when she gave him her most genuine smiles.
"You did it. You're free. Our...our family is free."
She would grab his hand. Just one. He needed the other steady on her cheek.
Lucky would bring that hand clasped in her own to her belly.
"Our family..."
"Our...another...another Heisenberg?"
In his dreams, she shyly escaped his gaze to nod.
"You...you haven't been alone. Not with me. Not with the start of our family. But now...now, Heis..." Her eyes popped back up all soft and sincere. "Now you'll never be alone again. Not with our baby Heisenberg on the way..."
The only break from his reverie was the slice to one of his favorite stained t-shirts. Only the fact that it was Heisenberg's powers directing the saw had it falling to the floor instead of through his tensed skin.
Heisenberg could only stand in shocked silence. The arm that had been spared from the violence came to grab his shoulder. Though no injury had occurred, he felt stabbed all the same.
Family...and joy?
Lucky...with him?
Another Heisenberg...alive?
A thought washed over him like ice entering his veins.
A boy or a girl...would we have a boy or a girl first?
As if Lucky wished to be objected to more of his perverted and preposterous daydreams.
When he left the room, the metal was still shaking.
"Gotta get that fucking schematic...keep forgetting it...keep going to the office and...fuck...keep talking to her. Gotta stop fucking talking to her. Schematic. Get the fucking schematic."
Lucky had been asleep in bed when he first entered. A rushing relief to his soul. But as the search for the schematic went from flipping through one file to frantically reshuffling the wayward stack the paper should have been in, he knew it was only a matter of time before she would appear.
"Oh...ah!" Lucky yawned all cute and squeaky. "Good morning, Heis."
"Morning," he said flatly. "You...you move any of these lately?"
"No," she said sleepily. "I don't touch those...way above my pay grade. What are you looking for?"
"Core schematic," he grumbled. "Not fucking here...where the hell did I put it?"
Though Lucky made a very pointless questioning noise, she said nothing as she sat down and began her daily transcriptions. Hell, he had been grateful. She showed concern because she was simply a good person beneath all of the trauma and the terror she had reigned on his self-image. But she didn't pry or attempt to enter his space afterward where she would clearly only be in the way.
But that was before her second moan filled the office.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked, never looking up from his stack of papers.
A frustrated sigh and a grumble came from the desk chair.
"Think I slept on my neck funny last night," she said. "Doesn't help that my posture is shit. Just making it impossible to find a good angle to work in."
Growing agitated at his fruitless search, Heisenberg whipped around to look at her. "Want some help?"
"Want a massage or something?" he offered. "A...ha! You'll find this funny. Supersized one up in the castle? Used to love to make me massage her neck when I was a kid. Fucking manual labor when I was barely old enough to write. Had maids to do it - an assload at that - and forced me to instead."
Raising an eyebrow at him, Lucky frowned. "Was it...did she...did she hurt you? Like...if you didn't do it?"
"Ah nah," he said, taking careful steps over to Lucky. "Told you...when I was a kid, I was off limits. I whine about it now...but...well...I was a kid. Bitch loves kids. So I had to massage her back...but only part of this stupid salon thing we used to do together. It was nothing. Stupid. Just like her."
He did not know what to make of Lucky's face. Tilting her head, she steadied a look on him that could only be called curious.
"It's...it's a good memory? Of Alcina when you were small?"
Heisenberg scoffed.
"It's a memory," he said, standing behind Lucky with a wide stance and an even wider stare at her neck. "Not good or bad...just...there. Now...where's it hurt, kid?"
Raising a hand, Lucky placed her fingers on a section of her neck before swirling her touch.
"Ah...there...like just this one spot, but fanning out..."
"Okay...looks like your C7."
"My what now?"
Chuckling, Heisenberg moved her hand out of the way. "Your C7 vertebrae. Duck your chin down so I can get in here properly."
Doing as she was told, Lucky's head moved forward and Heisenberg placed his gloved hands against her neck. His thumbs encased the pained area and began to move in slow yet sturdy circles.
Lucky immediately began squirming.
"Can you maybe try without the gloves?" she asked. "Those are like...rough or something."
Casting off his gloves quickly, Heisenberg rolled his shoulders before trying again. "Wah, wah, wah...doing you a favor and you're out here complaining. That better, your highness?"
"Yes, actually," she said, relaxing. "And thank you. Asshole."
Puffing air out of his mouth, Heisenberg merely shook his head as he kneaded her skin.
Heisenberg tried to hide his stillness by immediately starting to massage her skin again.
But the noise could not be ignored.
"What was that?"
"Your hands...they're so warm. Fuck...feels good."
"Oh..." he said dumbly. Blinking down at her, he turned his head away as he kept his fingers in motion.
The fact that his cock had begun to waken in his pants was not lost on him.
"Are you using your electric powers? Is that why it feels so good?"
"Nah...really shouldn't do that on the living above the waist."
Above the waist...but below the waist...
"Ah," he continued, running his teeth over the scar on his lower lip. "Cause of the heart or whatever. Probably your brain too from this angle. Could fry both without meaning to. And I was working...earlier. Probably why they feel hot."
Lucky sighed as he continued to work her neck. His fingers were sweeping but slow. He had started off so intently and so rough. What had happened?
I felt her skin. Felt her beneath me. Felt her neck...for all she knows I could snap it right now and instead of being afraid she's welcoming me...she trusts me...trusts me enough to let me do this...
The next round of his fingers on her neck dipped into skin purposeful in their worship.
Her response was immediate.
"Oh...oh...good boy," she whispered.
To say he was lost for words was like calling water wet.
Though he kept his massage in a rhythmic round, his eyes were wide as they could possibly be behind his glasses. So wide that they hurt.
What the hell did she just do to me?
If he had to go off of physical injury, he would say she punched him in the stomach with all the force of a train running at full speed.
If he had to go off of an attack to his psyche, he would say she wormed her way into some long buried and forgotten wire that sent his entire brain into overdrive.
If he had to go off the erection now straining against his paints, he would say that he was royally fucked.
"You really are so good at this," she said, her voice still breathless. "Good boy...my good boy, Heis."
Heisenberg snatched his hands away as if Lucky were lava.
"Wait! No...what's wrong?" she asked, turning slightly to look at him.
If she looks down...if she sees...
"GOTTA TAKE A SHIT!" he exclaimed suddenly.
Lucky's mouth dropped open as she gaped at him.
Then she nodded with a laugh playing at her lips.
"Yeah. Go. Just come back and finish your massage."
Before he could finish blinking, he found himself storming down the hallway.
Well...intending to storm. His gait was impacted a bit by his dick standing at full mast and his hands hurriedly attempting to unbuckle the straps around his pants.
So FUCKING dumb. A shit? Really? he thought, visibly grimacing. It would have probably been less embarrassing to admit I was about to jack it to her calling me hers.
Hers...her good boy...good...I'm her good boy...hahaha...
What am I? A fucking dog?
...don't answer that.
Rushing into the break room, he considered the couch before catching sight of the bathroom. With a flick of one wrist as his other hand pulled his cock from his underwear and pants, Heisenberg slammed open the bathroom door.
He managed to slide his pants down his legs as he sat on the toilet and closed the door with the weakest of hand movements.
Finally free from judgment, Heisenberg hissed as he fumbled his glasses to the nearby counter and took himself into his hand.
"Good boy...her good boy...fuck...fuck yeah I am, baby..."
A groan and a grunt fell from his lips as he jerked his hand along his shaft.
All too often this act had been nothing but release from tension. An exploration so technical and so tedious as to be boring. But now with Lucky at his side and in his bed - however platonically she slept there - the images that plagued him seemed vibrantly real and tempting in their joyful teasing.
Imaginings - hopes and dreams and fantasies - that he could only cling onto in the moment.
The desk.
He would take her right on that same desk she was taking notes on.
"Oh, Karl," she would say, despite not knowing his first name. "Gonna be my good boy?"
"Yes," he said aloud, eyes closing and mind prickling with sights of her and waves of pleasure.
Lucky would be splayed on his desk - lying on her back and presenting herself to him as if she were a meal to be consumed instead of a darling treasure to worship.
"That's good...only good boys are allowed to fuck me. Isn't that what you want?"
"Yes...yes...god fucking damnit. YES." Huffing and hating the tremble in his thighs, Heisenberg bucked into his hand. "Yes...only me...wanna be your good boy. I'll be so good for you. Only you, Mein Schatz..."
A dirty laugh from her lips. The Lucky of his dreams becoming more and more defined as she palmed one breast and teased her clit with the fingers of her other hand.
"Mmm...know what you're saying you know...my treasure...that's so cute...been feeling the same way about you lately...thinking of you...dreaming of you...my good boy want to tell me what else he's been feeling? Mmn? Big boy wanna tell me before you put your cock inside of me?"
Lips loose along with his pleasure, Heisenberg found he could not build his voice to say the words aloud.
So he mouthed them instead. Mouthed them and stuttered in his quest for pleasure as his hand curled about his shaft at the "lah" tipping silently from his tongue.
"Oh, darling..." A smile. She'd smile. Genuine and sweet and sincere and all for him. "I love you too, Karl."
"Mmnnn....ah...fu-UCK!" With a panicked inhale, Heisenberg quickly pinched the head of his cock to prevent his end from coming too soon. "No, no, no...not yet...not yet...please..."
Though the pleasure was unlike anything he had previously experienced and his calves clenched in protest of a release delayed, his oncoming orgasm stalled and began to fade.
"Such a good boy," said Lucky, eyeing him in his fantasy like she would look at a drink of water on a hot day. "That's right. You don't come until I tell you to. Understand?"
A nod of his head.
"Good, good boy. My good boy. Good Karl. Come on...think it's time you got your treat...here...I'll help you..."
With her fingers moving to fully expose the inside of that wet and preciously pink pussy of hers, Lucky looked up at him with a lidded look.
Heisenberg had no experience with another person when it came to handling his physical pleasure. Hell, with any pleasure or positive feeling at all. Except maybe the triumph of victory over others, he had never had the chance to experience happiness - true happiness and trust and faith in another soul.
Until her.
And for her...for her he would indulge and give himself freely...if only locked away inside of his mind.
Inexperience taking a back seat to passion, he pictured himself guiding his cock into her waiting and welcoming body. Maybe he would steady himself with a hand on her hip or simply with a heated stare into her eyes.
He all but strangled his cock to try to mimic a feeling he had never known and had never thought to miss before her.
"Uh-huh," whined Lucky in his dreams. "Oh...you're so big...fill me up just right. So fucking thick..."
"Hah...ah...your good boy big enough for you?"
"Yes...oh yes...yes...so big...such a perfect dick...please...please Karl...Heis...please, baby, please...Heis?"
When he began to rut into his own hand with a purpose, he felt flames like that of standing directly beside the blaring crucible dancing across his cheeks. Though some of his daydream seemed vague and hard to read, he had enough to know that he could not delay the inevitable for much longer. Lucky - the real and actual Lucky - was still waiting for him back in the office. Waiting and none the wiser to his desperate need for her affection. It sickened him - the want for anything and everything to do with her.
Sickened him...and sent electric shocks of white pleasure down his spine.
"So fucking perfect...you're so fucking perfect for me, Lucky...oh..."
"Huh...ah...already so close...so damn worked up...can't stand it...can't stand you looking like that..."
"Like what?"
Heaving and heatedly squirming where he sat, Heisenberg noticed for the first time that one of his boots jutted up and down on the floor beneath him. As if his entire body refused to be still.
"Most beautiful fucking thing I've ever seen," he bit out. "Please...please, Luck...I know it's soon...but please..."
A tilted head and a gentle grin. A pointer finger that danced around her clit and drew his eyes away only long enough for her to breathe out shallow and short. His eyes snapped back to hers immediately.
"Please what?"
"Please let me come...let me come inside you...wanna...wanna take you...claim you...don't want you with anyone else ever again."
Glinting eyes and lush eyelashes.
"You're gonna be all that to me, Heis? Well...in that case..."
Her lips finding his own. His very first kiss - albeit imaginary. Her lips soft but without taste. His own lips puckering even as they trembled from the need for more.
"In that case," she continued, taunting him in his ear. "Come, Heis. Be a good boy and come for me."
Hindsight would have him chastising himself for not thinking to grab some tissue. In the moment, however, he was too busy panting and watching his cum dot the floor in thick strips. Heisenberg growled...tried to hold on to the image of her with one eye still closed.
Reality settled in on him. Settled in even as his stomach quivered underneath his shirt and his orgasm began to relax into his bones. It was pleasant and his every nerve seemed to stand on edge. Tingles of pleasure radiated from his chest to his feet flat against the floor. Gulping in air, he knew he had never come so hard before in his life. It was good...great even.
But it was not her. It was not enough.
Clean up was a quick and tedious affair. Lucky could not know what he had done in her quarters. The tissues he found too late to wipe his seed from the floor were tossed and flushed away. He checked the room once and then again once his shades were back on his face.
Finishing the belt at the top of his pants, he cleared his throat before exiting.
The television in the break room still hummed though it sat completely dead in the meager light from the ceiling.
Shit...glad she wasn't in here. Never had anyone here to care about when I got down to business...no telling what my powers do with electronics...
The schematic. He had to find that damn schematic.
Trying to level his breathing as he stalked the hallway, Heisenberg considered the day before him. Lucky had not wished to attend a revitalization attempt with him yet. While he didn't intend to push her into seeing something that might scar her again, it might be worthwhile to have her eyes in the room at some point. She hadn't complained about the notes yet. Maybe he should offer? Make it sound like a small deal and let her in when it was near completion? Give her a taste before exposing her to more?
Fucking stupid...it's all so fucking stupid...what happened to me? If she were any assistant, I would just drag her ass there and have her record the whole thing. Fuck me with all this concerned shit.
But she's not just any assistant...
Entering the office, he stilled at the doorway when he saw Lucky facing him from her chair.
"Uh...hey," he said, licking his lips. "Sorry about that. Took...ah...let's just forget it."
"Actually," she began. "I need to be honest with you. Because of what happened before..."
Eyebrows shooting up, he stood in silence before she continued.
"Um...so...I was sitting here...sitting here and trying to rub my neck or whatever..."
"Well...the radio came on and it freaked me out a little bit..." She paused, her fidgety look dropping to the floor. "But...the more I listened...the more I...recognized your voice."
"My...my voice?"
Heisenberg could not move. He shouldn't be looking at her, but he was afraid if he blinked that the tension would break and she would begin laughing or cursing or, worst of all, apologizing.
"Umm...it...I heard you. And I guess you were...I guess it was real time." A tent of her fingers and a swallow in her throat. "I heard your comment and responded and...I think...I think you could hear me too. Possibly? You seemed to...seemed to be replying to what I said directly."
Shame. Shame for a million years fell on his shoulders that had felt so light before.
"Where?" he managed to say. "Where did you come in? What comment did you respond to?"
How she looked at him, he had no idea. She was far braver than he could ever be. Heisenberg planned to face down Miranda without a single hesitation one day on that glorious battlefield where his freedom could be won.
But now? Faced with Lucky standing and walking toward him with the full weight of her eyes upon him?
He looked away.
"You said...you asked me if my good boy was big enough for me."
The purr in her voice. The sound of her steps growing closer. The burn in his throat.
"After that," she said. "I called your name...I...responded to you and you to me."
"That didn't...I..." He shook his head. "I...umm..."
"Can I hold your hand?"
Head shooting up, Heisenberg caught her heated look. The same heated look she had worn in his dreams.
He nodded. Nodded even though he barely registered it until she took his hand and steps to press herself flush against him.
When she spoke, it was hushed and low.
For him and him only.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom...freshen up. Since we know you can communicate from the radio to the television...I want you to tell me when it's okay to come back here. I'm giving you two options."
Heisenberg hung on her every word and looked at her as if she controlled his every movement.
"The first...you can leave. Can give me enough time to go there...find what you were looking for...then tell me you're off to do whatever. I won't mention this again. We won't mention it."
Silence fell between the two of you. A crackle of the radio to the side of the room.
"And the other option?" he asked, voice nearly breaking.
A shy look. A happy tilt of her lips.
"The other option...you can rest for a bit before I come back here and make whatever fantasy you were having come true."
A mouth drier than dry left his tongue feeling too large. Too large and too needed to swipe across his lips.
"You don't have to answer now-"
"The second one," he said. "Second one. Want that one. Screw the first one."
A bright and happy smile. A smile that crinkled the tail of her eyes and lit up her face.
She was beaming at him. Squeezing his hand before parting from him.
Not for long...not for damn long if he could help it.
"You give me the word then, good boy," she teased, walking out of the room.
Legs nearly buckling and sending him to the ground, Heisenberg took uneasy steps to his office chair before throwing himself on it. His entire body buzzed, though it seemed far less like electricity and far more like promise and hope. Not love on her end...not yet. But a maybe. Potential.
Grinning stupidly and looking at the desk, he made quick work of clearing the area for the fun he planned on having from his daydream to come true.
As soon as he picked up the recorder Lucky used to transcribe his notes, Heisenberg saw it.
That damned schematic.
His last visit to this same room. A note on said schematic stating "DON'T FORGET" in large words. A note he carelessly put there before guiding Lucky to sit down to look at her transcriptions and laugh with her over the sixth stable boy in one week to die of drunken stupidity.
Quietly and contentedly, he opened the desk drawer to stuff the schematic inside.
"Mmn...don't think I'll need you for a while yet actually..." Eyeing the radio on the wall, Heisenberg tossed his glasses to the table and tried to slick and perfect the wiry hair about his head. "Oh, Lucky, honey...room is ready whenever you are...and so is your good boy."
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