zeldasnotes · 2 days
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶𝔰𝔦𝔵
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𓆩♡𓆪 Ive noticed people with a strong Pluto or Neptune to appear out of nowhere. You are watching tv and suddenly they are just sitting there. You didnt even see when they walked in and sat down. If you think about them you will most likely see them within a week even if you havent seen them for years.
𓆩♡𓆪 Asteroid Jung(11518) was named after the famous psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. He founded analytical psychology. People with this asteroid prominent have a unique way of understanding the human Psyche and its functioning.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with planets in your 10th house might have heard about you a lot. Might have been around people who talk about you a lot so you are like a celebrity to them. Ive noticed this a lot irl that the people I heard a lot of rumours about and later got to know I had planets in their 10th house so I knew who they were before we met. Doesnt have to be bad rumours can be just people talking about you in general.
𓆩♡𓆪 How to know an 8th house Sun is near you? Weird changes start to happen. I swear an 8th house Sun walks into the workplace and all of a sudden the boss gets fired, employees fired, the company changes its logo. Its not their fault they just awake certain energies.
𓆩♡𓆪 Plutonians be moving like a spy. They see whos 100 meters infront of them. They will see you from 100 meters away and be able to take a shortcut before you saw them if they are not in a talking mood. Scanning the environment. Sitting in the back of the classroom to see who walks in.
𓆩♡𓆪 You might fit the beauty standard of the countries that have your Ascendant sign as their Venus. For example South Korea have a Cancer Venus and the typical ”Cancer look” is considered beautiful there. The clear glowy skin, round features, hyperfeminine look is considered typical for Cancer Risings.
𓆩♡𓆪 India have a Leo Venus and long thick hair is a beauty standard there(lol its a beauty standard in most countries) BUT romani people come from India originally and are known for their long hair because romani women are not supposed to ever cut their hair during their life.
𓆩♡𓆪 If you have 12th house ruler in the 1st house your mental health is very visible on your appearance. If you do drugs, are depressed, tired or going through something everyone can see it.
𓆩♡𓆪 Moon aspecting Saturn tend to do ”adult stuff” early. Might have kids or move out from their childhood home before they are even 18. All my friends with a Moon/Saturn aspect lost their virginity and started working earlier than the rest of us.
𓆩♡𓆪 People tend to ”deny” their Chiron wound. Its often where people are quick to scream ”im not insecure!!”. For exemple most of my friends with Chiron 1st house would NEVER admit they feel insecure and will instead project this onto others. People dont like to be reminded of their Chiron and might go a lifetime avoiding it.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Sun in the 8th house might dislike to show any signs of an ego. Might also feel uncomfortable around people with ego issues. They dont seem to like bragging, showing off, competing and other signs of ego issues.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with a Moon/Pluto or Venus/Pluto aspect in their natal chart seem to often have other women asking their boyfriends or other girls if the Venus/Pluto person is pretty or not. ”Shes not that pretty right?” ”Would you go out with her if you werent with me??”. Same with Lilith aspects.
𓆩♡𓆪 12th house synastry can make one of yall see the other as the secret friend or the friend you meet up for a cig in the middle of the night. Or the friend you traumadump on or talk to about negative stuff you dont want to bother others with.
𓆩♡𓆪 The mobwife trend just screams Venus/Pluto & Venus 8th house. The shiny wine red bags, the leoprints, the black furcoats.
𓆩♡𓆪 Libra Venus tend to be repulsed by brash people while other Libra placements seems to be drawn to them.
𓆩♡𓆪 If im ever arrested I want someone with Uranus 3rd house with me. They will come up with an excuse and escape plan before we even get in the cop car. Quick minds.
𓆩♡𓆪 Men with Aries Rising or MC tend to have people threathen others with their name. I know several men with these placements and people will mention their name in fights ”If you mess with me I will go get David to beat you up”. People will also literally walk up to them crying like ”That guy over there just beat me” and expect the Aries ASC/MC man to do something about it.😂 Girl I dont know you I aint beating nobody up for you.😭
𓆩♡𓆪 Some of the most famous criminals have Lilith in the 6th house. For example Bugsy Siegel and John Dillinger. Because fuck a 9 to 5. No but seriously these people might feel a strong need to rebel against the typical work and routine thing.
𓆩♡𓆪 If yall have Mars 10th house in the composite chart and you dont like eachother everyone will know it. If you are a couple people will see that yall fight a lot. You know that couple we all know whos broken up and gotten together like 100 times? Yeah they might have this one.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Demeter(1108) or Ceres(1) conjunct Moon NEED to nurture something. If not a child they might be into plants. Just something they can take care of.
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Demeter(1108) or Ceres(1) conjunct personal planets radiate warmth and nurture. People who dont get this warmth at home will be extra drawn to them.
𓆩♡𓆪 Harvey Weinstein having Pluto and Lilith conjunct his MC really makes sense. With these placements its impossible to hide what you are up to. People will find out eventually.
𓆩♡𓆪 You probably have 3rd house synastry with a lot of people in the neighbourhood you grew up in, especially since yall were not only neighbours but also went to the same elementary school.
𓆩♡𓆪 Moon 1st house synastry = Always having a special place in eachothers heart. 🫶
𓆩♡𓆪 People with Mars Square Sun often have a scar somewhere around their right eye.
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msmysticfail · 2 days
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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catchymemes · 2 days
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lilithgreye · 1 day
numerstrology notes.
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₊˚⊹ some astrologers believe astrology and numerology cannot collide but personally i have found the degrees in astrology to accurately align with numerology — tw: killing/murder
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the most common beauty degrees are 1º, 2º, 5º, 9º, 14º, 18º, 23º, 25°, and 27º placed in the sun, moon, ascendant, venus, and neptune. people with these degrees in these placements will get told they’re beautiful a lot by people and will be seen as very beautiful to society
having the sun, venus, or jupiter at 8°/13°/24°/28° can indicate gaining wealth at some point in your lifetime as these are numbers associated with wealth and money
you’ll often find that successful actors have prominent 5°/9°/14°/18°/23°/27° in their chart. usually the ascendant, moon, mars, midheaven, or neptune
your midheaven at 7°/9° is an indication of being known by the public for your intelligence since 7 is the number of intelligence and 9 is the number of the mind. albert einstein has this placement
mercury at 4°/13°/22° can indicate that you had a very challenging childhood and were often misunderstood by a lot of people. you may have been very insecure as a child as well
people with saturn at 6°/15°/24° often have a toxic family or a toxic family member that they end up having to cut out of their life when they’re older so they can be happier
having both the degrees 1° and 11° in your big 3 can be challenging especially placed in the sun and ascendant. it can mean you struggle a lot finding out who you are and what path you want to take in life more so than other people
people with mars at 7°/16°/25° are often a part of the lgbtq+ community because these numbers are most prone to being a part of the community and mars is associated with our sexuality
people with pluto at 9°/18°/27° have the ability to do really well with crypto and make a lot of money from it. pluto and 9 in numerology are both associated with extremes
having your mars at 1° can mean you attract a lot of enemies and jealous people. these people tend to get hated on for absolutely no good reason. mars represents enemies and 1 is a number that can be associated with jealousy in numerology
don’t become enemies with someone that has their pluto at 1°/10°. you will regret it. they’re quite vengeful and hold grudges when someone hurts them. pluto represents things like revenge and 1 is the number of aggression/grudges
people with venus at 7°/16°/25° do not like dating dumb dumbs. if you want to keep them you need to have brains. ditziness drives them crazy. they are most attracted to smart people and people that can teach them a lot. the only reason they would stay with someone long term who was dumb is for good sex
people with multiple 11°/29° placements usually hang out with people older than them. they’re old souls and often mature very quickly from a younger age than most. they’re the type to say their first word at 3 months old and be potty trained by 1 years old
it’s rare to find someone with jupiter at 5°/14°/23° that’s not entertaining. jupiter is associated with abundance and 5 in numerology represents entertainment
22 degrees can actually be associated with killing. i know this is controversial and astrologers try not to discuss things like this but in numerology 22 is associated with destruction so often it represents things like violent tendencies. 4 in general can be a more violent number. i have found a lot of people who have either been murdered or murdered someone else have this degree but don’t worry because obviously majority of people with this degree have been fine. it just means the people who DO/HAVE will often have this degree. 24 is another one that’s common
on a more positive note 22° can be great for becoming an author. especially when placed in the midheaven, mercury, or in jupiter
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lilithgreye; do not copy my work
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lilacstro · 2 days
Astro observations pt 1
Hey y'all this is my very first post :) Please take it with a grain of salt. These are just my interpretations and observations and a placement could mean million different things on how its being viewed and understood and nothing is sure on how it manifests for you in your chart.
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Jupiter in 8th house can mean many things, one of them being your spouse would bring transformative experiences into your life.
2. Scorpio mercuries may have a tendency to over analyze what is being said or always wanting to read between the lines
3. I have seen Pluto in 5th house of all the people who's mothers were dominated. Though this can mean the other way around too, and could be that the mother was dominating.
4. I think other than most people saying Pluto 1st housers go a massive change in appearance, I think it could actually mean that their personality and persona goes a massive change at some point in their life, or its constantly being evolved through learning experiences
5. Venus in 1st house people, are extremely beautiful.
6. Check Asteroid fama (408) and industria(389) if any of these positively aspect your venus, you could get fame for your beauty or work within the beauty industry.
7. Most women with major scorpio/capricorn placements appear intimidating even though it might not be so...but they indeed hold themselves to high regards mostly
8. Having an earth rising in your SR can indicate having a calmer and a predictable year. Nothing chaotic or major. I had Taurus Rising in my SR and I had lost a lot of toxic/chaotic people in my life and things were stable and peaceful throughout. I was on a gap year so I did not make friends either hahaha
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9. Having sun/moon in 10th house synastry or 10th house stellium could mean you both together are quite talked about or people are aware towards your feelings towards one another visibly. Sometimes it could also mean, you two's business isnt as private as you think lmao and people are aware on whats happening.
10. Having moon in 10th house in SR can indicate your emotions being extremely visible to everyone, even if you tend to hide them.
11. Libra mars people, might not come off as too masculine but rather a little more in tune with their feminine side (thats cool imo)
12. I think Moon in Gemini people often tend to say "I never said that" when they absolutely said that or "What do you mean" even when its clear what is being talked about lmao.
13. Leo women are usually very outgoing, charismatic and fun imo. Leo anywhere in the big 3 can mean that this side exists to the native though it might be overshadowed by other aspects in the chart. The types to dance at the empty dance floor and then suddenly everyone wants to dance lol
14. I was watching Nat Geo a long time ago and saw how lioness protect their children from the Lions and often go hunting. I think all mothers are protective of their children but for Leo women, its on another level lol. Also, they might like taking pride in their children and providing for their children. Not as in boasting, but just genuinely taking pride.
15. Cancer men and the love for their mothers. NEVER met a single cancer guy who did not have a lot of love for their mother.
16. Sag placements usually Sun and risings usually have a very comforting presence. Even it maybe like you met them for the first time, they can make you feel grounded and comfortable. Very non judgmental too.
17.If you have Saturn in 6th house, please try having a routine even if you might dread it lol
18. Capricorn moon men usually have very traditional or maybe orthodox beliefs about how women should be. I have seen that a lot.
20. Taurus Mars may like slow recreational activities like cooking.
21. Wanna know how you would react during a break up? See your moon+8th house sign. Example, a Leo moon with 8th house in cancer would be extremely emotional and everybody would know.
22. Girls with Libra Sun, Rising or MC may really like makeup and have good fashion sense.
23. Having your moon sign same like your mothers sun sign may indicate some kind of special connection between two of you. It could be that you understand her much better or could be that you don't get along at all too? idk there is something much special about it.
24. Sun in 10th house could mean your dad had a status in society. Could also mean, your birth could bring him luck in his career.
25. Jupiter in second house people usually come from wealth or hold potential to create generational wealth.
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That's it :) I hope it resonated with you all :)
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pisces degrees in the natal chart (12°, 24°)
12° = starseed. the planet tells you about your spiritual gifts. natual connection to your spiritual DNA. feel disconnected from earth family. potential for telepathy to be your strong suit. don't be so hard on yourself. flakey. not a lot of friends. very empathetic. strong intuition. mystical. escapist tendencies. peter pan syndrome. sensitive immune system. toxic positivity. inherent wisdom. needs to unlock certain codes in order for life to make sense. aware of spiritual purpose. came from a line of healers. very compassionate. dreamy outlook on life. creative. inspiring.
24° = spiritual practitioner. strong manifestor. a very painful experience of loss + death. innerstands metaphysics. needs to learn the importance of staying devoted to faith/spiritual practice. must make painful sacrifices. deep shedding taking place in this lifetime. past life wounds wanting to be healed. past life trauma coming up. intense shifts + activations to embody your innerG(od). tests of integrity. divorce self-sabotage. don't run away from your purpose. imposter syndrome. fighting addiction. commitment issues. many soul mate encounters from past life. break up with self-neglect. very protected by divine council. mediumship skills.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 days
If you're a reader or even a creator in general looking at this right now, please don't delete your work. It breaks my heart to see yall deactivate. I don't care if feel like you don't get enough notes or if it feels too much to keep posting right now and you need a break, your work does means something to someone more than you know. And don't underestimate the quality of your content, people are watching, and I've seen cases of scammers posting the content of deactivated accounts up here as their own on Instagram. There are even people who shamelessly steal your work when you're active, your form of expression is valuable, it's beautiful and impactful because it's your own! Be proud of it, don't ever delete it!
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neptuneslure · 2 days
women with misogyny magnet placements need to hear this more often than anyone. i want every 1H lilith, moon square mars or pluto, sun-lilith, neptunian/plutonian/pisces/scorpio/12h/8h dominant woman to see this
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astrocafecoffee · 3 days
Your wedding day~💌
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💖 For entertainment purposes only and don't forget to check my other observations too. Enjoy💖
💐 What to check??
-- check your Boda asteroid (1487) in your natal chart ,which sign it falls in. Boda means wedding in Spanish.So, let's dive in 🤭✨
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👰 Boda in Aries♈:
your wedding would likely be energetic, magnetic and filled with enthusiasm.
Your day will begin with burst of energy, you will be very excited 😆, day will start with music.
You will look so confident and bold💅🏻.
Your wedding ceremony itself is likely to be dynamic and filled with passion.
Spontaneous moments of laughter, tears, and heartfelt expression of love. Energetic dancing, upbeat music will be included.
Couple might choose bold colours and decorations that reflect their passionate personalities.
Couples might even incorporate some adventurous elements into the ceremony, like a fun photo booth or exciting games for the guests.
Friends and families might share stories of the couple's adventurous journey together, highlighting their love for each other. 💝
Party will continue late into the night and dance floor will be always packed. Best of luck 👀😗
Literally you will shine 😌 guests will celebrate the union of the couple and yeah don't forget to invite me 🤣.
👰 Boda in Taurus♉ :
Wedding day would likely have a tranquil, luxurious, and sensual atmosphere.
Unhurried wedding, day might start with leisurely breakfast, mainly focused on creating a beautiful and harmonious atmosphere.
You will take your time to get ready, paying attention to every detail to ensure you look your best 🤭.
Luxury wedding, touches of elegance throughout the preparation.
Couples will exchange vows that reflect their deep commitment and enduring Love for each other.
The venue might be adorned with luxurious decorations, soft lightning and beautiful flowers, creating a romantic atmosphere.
Food and drinks are sure to be delicious and plentiful...hmm high quality 💅🏻 ( pls I want to be there too 🙂, make sure you invite me ).
There might be live music or a DJ playing soothing tunes that will encourage guets to relax.
Speeches and toasts at the ceremony are likely to be heartfelt and cincere.
The overall atmosphere is one of relaxation and enjoyment.
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👰 Boda in Gemini♊ :
The wedding day would likely be lively, intellectually stimulating and filled with communication and social interaction.
Your day will begin with excited and anticipation. You will wake up feeling mentally energized and ready for the festivities ahead.
You will exchange your thoughtful messages or engaging in lively conversation over breakfast. You will share your excitement too 🤭😊.
You might be multitasking, handling last minute details while also engaging with family and friends who have come to help.
There will be a sense of excitement and chatter in the air as everyone prepares for the celebration. ( Invite me too 🙂, I will help you , nvm 🤣).
Couple will exchange vows and there might also be readings or performances that reflect the couple's intellectual interests and love for communication.
Guests are encouraged to mingle and engage in conversation, with plenty of opportunities for networking and connecting with new people.
There might be a mix of activities from live music and dancing to interactive games and photo booths.
The couple might also incorporate elements of technology such as wedding hashtag to encourage guests to share their experience online.
There's a sense of love and warmth as everyone will come together to celebrate the union of the couple.
👰 Boda in Cancer♋ :
The wedding day would likely be intimate , emotional and deeply nurturing.
Your day will begins with a sense of emotional connection and tenderness.
The preparation process will be focused on creating a warm atmosphere.
The couple will exchange vows that will reflect their deep emotional connection and commitment to each other.
A lot of people will cry in Joy , they will see the couple's declaring their love infront of everyone. ( Now I am crying too 😭 pls invite me there, I will gift you a box of tissue paper 🤣 🤭) .
The venue may be decorated with soft lightning, delicate flowers and other touches that evoke a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Friends and family members may share stories and memories of the couple. there's a sense of gratitude and appreciation as everyone comes together to celebrate the love that couple shares.
There might be music that evokes a sense of nostalgia such as oldies or sentimental ballads.
There also be traditional dances or other cultural customs that Honor the couple's heritage and family traditions.
Overall deep and emotional wedding.
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👰 Boda in Leo♌ :
Your wedding day would likely be grand, extravagant, and filled with a sense of royalty and drama.
You will wake up feeling confident and ready to shine on your special day. You will start your day with a luxurious breakfast in bed or a pampering session to ensure you look good 💅🏻.
There's a buzz of excitement in the air as hair and makeup artists work thier magic, transforming you into the epitome of elegance and sophistication.
Venue : historic mansion or a lavish ballroom , simply screams luxury! luxury! luxury!., The venue will be adorned with luxurious decorations, sparkling chandeliers, and lush floral arrangements fit for royalty.
There might be live music, theatrical performances or other forms of entertainment that dazzle and delight the guests.
The couple might even surprise their guests with a choreographed dance or a fireworks display to cap off the evening in style.( I want to see that too, make sure you invite me 🤣🤣)
There's a sense of admiration and respect as everyone comes together to celebrate the union of the couple.
The couples will exchange vows that are heartfelt and passionate declaring their love for each other in front of their adoring guests.
The ceremony itself is a grand and majestic affair.
There's a sense of admiration and respect as everyone comes together to celebrate the union of the couple.
👰 Boda in Virgo♍:
Your wedding day would likely be meticulously planned, organized and focused on detail.
You will wake up feeling calm and collected, ready to tackle the day ahead with precision and focus. You might start the day by going over the final details of the wedding, ensuring that everything is in place and running smoothly.
The whole preparation process will be methodical and thorough. Your family will plan every aspect of the wedding down to the last detail, from seating arrangement to the colour scheme.
There's a sense of simplicity and purity in the ceremony, reflecting the couple's desire for authenticity and genuineness. ( Don't forget to invite me 🤭)
The wedding will be sophisticated and refined.
The venue will be tastefully decorated with subtle accents and elegant touches that reflect the couple's understated style.
The atmosphere will be relaxed and intimate with guests enjoying gourmet cuisine and fine drinks as they celebrate the union of the couple.
There may be classical music or jazz playing in the background, creating sophisticated ambiance for the guests to enjoy.
The couple might also incorporate subtle touches of entertainment such as photo booth or a live band to keep guests engaged and entertained throughout the night.
There's a sense of warmth and sincerity as everyone comes together to celebrate the love that couple shares.
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👰 Boda in Libra♎ :
Your wedding day would likely be elegant, harmonious and focused on creating a sense of balance and Beauty.
You will start your day by enjoying the quite sweet moments with your family before the excitement of the day begins.
You will get ready surrounded by your close friends and family members, the whole process will be focused on creating a beautiful and harmonious atmosphere.
The ceremony itself will be elegant and refined.
The venue will decorated by delicate flowers, soft lights and other touches that will create a romantic ambiance.
Couple wants to follow romantic theme which indicates sense of love and partnership.
Friends and families will cry , highlighting couples love for each other. ( Don't forget to invite me, I will cry with them , lol 😆)
The atmosphere will be relaxing and inviting, guests will enjoy tasty cuisine.
You guys will dressed in stunning attire which will enhance your natural beauty.
Couple will share romantic dance together.
👰 Boda in Scorpio♏ :
Your wedding day would likely be intense, passionate and deeply transformative.
Can be private wedding, the ceremony will be intimate and deeply personal with only the closest friends and family members in attendance. ( So will you invite me? 😆)
The venue will be adorned with rich and sensual decor, such as deep Reds, velvety fabrics and flickering candlelight.
The entertainment will be seductive and captivating , with performances that draws guests which will leave them feeling mesmerized.
The first kiss of the couple will be passionate and electric.
Emotional and heartfelt vows.
There will be live music and dancing that will captivate and mesmerize the guests.
Speeches will be so powerful that will transform the core of the theme.
Throughout the day there are emotional moments that tug at the heart strings of the guests reminding everyone the power of love.
Overall wedding filled with emotion, vulnerability and powerful beauty of human connection.
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👰 Boda in Sagittarius♐:
Your wedding promises to be an adventurous, spirited celebration full of laughter and joy and cultural diversity.
The wedding may have global theme incorporating elements from different cultures and traditions.
You will wake up with excitement , ready to tackle your day ahead with full focus
The ceremony might take place in a outdoor setting such as vineyard, garden, can take place in foreign too . ( Don't forget to invite me lovely 🙂🌹).
Guests may enjoy a diverse range of cuisines and entertainment representing different cultures and traditions.
The couple vows are likely to be optimistic, inspiring and filled with promises of adventure, growth and freedom.
The ceremony will be lively affair with live music, energetic dancing and spontaneous moments of joy and laughter.
The venue will be decorated with travel themed decor ., Which will resonate with couple love story.
Lots of laughter, dancing, people with different countries will join too or maybe foreign in a general manner.
The ceremony will include a spectacular fireworks display.
👰 Boda in Capricorn♑ :
Your wedding would likely be characterized by a strong sense of tradition, structure and practicality.
Your wedding would likely be meticulously planned and organized with every detail throughout well in advance.
The venue might be grand, and elegant setting such as historical mansion/ classy hotel/ traditional church.
The decor Would be classic, timeless, reflecting couples refined taste. Earthy tones, deep greens or Brown's with the touch of gold or silver for a touch of luxury. ( Hmm , impressive, now invite me in advance 🙂🤭)
Traditional vows might be exchanged, emphasizing loyalty and mutual support.
Guests would be treated with gourmet cuisine and to elegant entertainment such as live band or classical musicians, rather than a DJ .
The ceremony would be solemn and dignified with a focus on the commitment and responsibilities of marriage.
You would likely opt for timeless and elegant attire rather than trendy styles ( traditional white gown / classic red sari / traditional marriage outfit).
Speeches would likely be heartfelt.
Celebration of tradition, commitment and enduring Love.
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👰 Boda in Aquarius♒ :
Wedding would likely be unique, unconventional and full of innovation.
Wedding holds personal significance rather than following tradition or astrological conventions.
Your wedding might take place In a non traditional settings that reflects your avant garde tastes such in art gallery, or an outdoor place like botanical garden ☠️ or a beach at sunset( that would be fun 🙂, make sure you invite me) .
Expect the unexpected when it comes to decor. Bold colours, and unconstitutional materials into the design.
You and your fs might write traditional vows to better align with your beliefs or incorporate rituals from different cultures and religions.
The couple might opt for food trucks, a buffet style meal, and with a plenty of opportunities for guests to mingle and interact.
You would likely be in a non white gown in a unique silhouette, while your fs might choose a stylish suit in an unexpected colour.
The goal would be to keep guests engaged and entertained throughout the celebration.
Live music by indie bands or DJ's spinning electronic beats.
Everyone will expect to hear stories of couples adventures, shared Passion and unconventional love story.
👰 Boda in Pisces♓ :
Spiritual, romantic, dreamy wedding infused with a sense of magic.
You and your fs might choose a date with personal significance such as the aniversary of when you guys first met or a date that holds special meaning to both of you.
Wedding venue would likely take place in setting that evokes a sense of enchantment and romance, such as garden , or a serene beach at sunset.( Invite me in advance, lmao 😂)
The decor will be soft , ethereal, with plenty of flowing fabrics, candles and floral arrangements in pastel hues.
Twinkling lights, and delicate touches like seashells or crystals to add a mystic touch.
You might opt for a flowing gown with delicate lace or floral prints , your fs might opt for a light coloured suit., Relaxed yet elegant look.
The ceremony would be deeply emotional and spiritual with rituals and traditions.
Soft music such as classical or acoustic melodies might play in the background as guests enjoy the speeches and toasts., Including live music such as a harpist or acoustic guitarist.
Family style/ buffet style food.
Expect tears, laughter and plenty of heartfelt moments as loved ones share their blessings and well wishes.
Huh, finally it ends here 😂.. I am tired now 😆💖
Thank you guys, that's it, take love my lovelies 💕
- Piko 💖
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 days
🖇☁️Astro observations #4☁️🖇
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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★Air Signs form friendships for life, they are family to them. They tend to have a closer relationship with their "tribe" or friends than with their blood family.
★Pluto 1st house gives the natives an enigmatic aura to them and a curious nature. They are great detectives.
★Venus-Mars conjunt tends to intensify their relationships; they love passionate connections and doesn't like monotony.
★Sagittarius Risings are good mentors, they are really understanding and pasionate about their interests.
★Taurus moons are really observants of their environments, they don't talk much but when they do, they always know exactly what to say.
★Water Moons and Taurus moons have a lot of artistic potential, they connect with what they do in a really profund way.
★Virgo in the 2nd house tends to have an obssesion surronding some material things, for example collecting books or figurines.
★Fire Moons are really good public speakers, they have a talent for social connections.
★Scorpio Rising likes their privacy, they could go through a full 180° transformation without you even notice at the start.
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cupidlovesastro · 1 day
earth in big 6 or dominant people on a random tuesday:
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asteroids related to love 💝
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ao haru ride
ik this is too cheesy for my style but hope it may help :) these asteroids are just a few compared to the existing.
self love
hygeia (10): how to maintain a healthy relationship between body and soul.
medea (212): represents our healing ability. archetype of Pluto/scorpio. where we make mistakes again and again, vengeful, practically process of healing.
fated connections
devine (3561): if it has aspects with other’s person planets/asteroids could indicate a trascendental connection.
libby (5672): represents fated connections.
aura (1488): represents an intuitive connection.
karma (3811): indicates you’re destined to meet with these person due to past-life unfinished business.
destinn (6583): strong connection, destiny like.
pholus (5145): if it’s in synastry/composite chart, indicates unexpected events that would change the trajectory of your life -that has to do with this connection-.
sposetti (22354): means “married couple” in Italian. marriage potential, past life marriages or special connections.
oenone (215): indicates people where you have been cheated on/ left by lovers or simply felt betrayal.
love synonyms
paeonia (1061): represents a flower that symbolizes love, honor and wealth.
olathe(18984): lovely, beautiful.
loving (432971): loving emotions.
ask (4894): represents the way you love someone, “love” in turkish.
liebe (7696): “love” in german. romantic expectations and needs.
pure/unconditional love
ceres (1): unconditional love, depth we’re willing to go for the ones we love.
alma (390): represents the desire of expanding our heart while time passes, optimism for love and romance.
agapenor (5023): simple appreciation. unconditional love that can last through ages, not only romantic. altruistic love.
valentine (447): sacrificial type of love, deep bonds between two people. indicates the urge to give our all without asking anything in return.
child (4580): represents our inner child. pure, unfiltered, innocent love.
isis (42): desire to nurture/protect the ones we love and care about. also may represent leadership qualities. loyalty, devotion, between others.
romantic love
amor (1221): means love in spanish. represents what we need to show/break patterns to commit with the person we want to love.
cupido (763): represents how you fall in love. I’ll think on this asteroid more like a “crush” type of “love”, innocent at first.
juno (3): can represent our romantic boundaries, what we will do for romantic -not necessarily- relationships and I have a post of juno series if you’d like an interpretation of your juno sign.
union (1585): inner need of deep and meaningful connections -any type-. indicates qualities of the relationship in composite charts.
adonis (2101): ideal type, plus if you like masculine.
groom (5129): indicates how do we approach role of marriage -long term commitment- in their life. who you may end up having this relationship, depending on your preferences.
briede (19029): like asteroid groom, associated with commitment, etc. like the name, dependa in preferences.
companion (8490): shows wanting to be all the time with that person. what are you looking for in a long term connection (romantic or not).
anteros (1943): manner which you reciprocate love, requited love.
luda (1158): where do people adore/love you.
link (3505): indicates the type of connection -close- between partners.
lovelock (51663): obsessive love, like the name.
galatea (74): imo idealization of our type of a person.
akashi (5881): requires introspection/exploration. hidden knowledge and potential. has to do with how our past relationships affects our present and future.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ∗ ࣪ ˖༺ ♡ ༻˖ ࣪ ∗ */ᐠ - ˕ -マ✩ (˶˃ᆺ˂˶)∗ ࣪ ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ )و ✩
♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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lunaapudleonem · 2 days
Hello there, What are some placements (including asteroid placements) that can indicate being well-liked by others?
Hii thank you for your this interesting question!! I love when my followers come up with creative ideas like this 🥰🥰
Placements that can indicate being well-liked by others
Venus in the 1st/7th/11th house
Libra ASC
Libra Stellium
Libra Venus/Mercury
Leo placements - especially Sun & Mercury
11th house stellium - especially Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 11th house
Sun conjunct/sextile/trine Jupiter
Venus sextile/trine Jupiter
Jupiter in the first house/conjunct ASC
Vesta in the 1st/7th/11th house
Ceres in the 1st/7th/11th house
Jupiter in the 7th/11th house
Mercury positively aspected
Amica in the 1st house/conjunct ASC
Gemini placements can also attract a lot of people and be liked a lot by others, but more often they're oscillating between being popular/liked by others and being hated by others
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msmysticfail · 2 days
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Because they are governed by the Water element, they feel deeply the energies around them, they absorb the environment. Their gaze is intense, sharp,  they pay attention to things that no one else notices. Their presence is strong, as they are ruled by Pluto, their magnetism is accentuated. They are generally quieter, they are not very receptive, they like to analyze people first and then start introducing themselves. Distrust is a strong characteristic of this Ascendant, who does not feel safe until they have completely read the environment and the people around them. They usually intrigue people because they are mysterious in a certain way. While people are trying to find out more about them, the Scorpio ascendant has already read people to their soul, analyzing their gestures, their posture and, above all, listening to their intuition. They like to change their appearance. They live life with intensity, giving themselves fully to experiences.
Ruled by Pluto, these people are deep, with the Sun in Scorpio nothing just is what it is, everything is intense, bigger, deep. They are reserved people, who generally have some drama in their history, some tra1ma, some pa1n. They understand well that life is not beautiful, they can see the “ugly” that permeates it, which is why they are dense people, with depth, they understand life like no one else. They undergo transformations in their personality, generally caused by some personal crisis. Like it or not, they are attracted to power, they like the feeling of security it can bring, they tend to have a strong personality, they rarely give in in order to please or obey someone. Because they are ruled by Pluto, they do things driven by passion, they either love what they do or they don't care at all about it. They are extreme people, with complete surrender on one side and total indifference on the other.
Things are felt with all their intensity and, generally, people with this Moon cannot control the intensity of their feelings. Emotions bubble to the surface, sometimes stirring the native of this placement. There is nowhere to run, the emotions are everywhere, and they are very intense. Because they know their emotional world well, these people are capable of having great magnetic power, since Pluto, the ruler of this Moon, teaches the depth of understanding their own pains and loves, giving power to the conscious mind. When they feel something, it stays with them for a long time, whether the feeling is good or bad. They do things with all their soul, because only then they can feel satisfaction/fulfillment. Either loving or hating, emotions keep flowing under the deep waters of their feelings.
They are more of the quiet type, but their mind is running deep. Generally people only discover what is happening in their lives when things have already happened or are ending. This is the Mercury that is obsessed, when they like something, be it a song, an artist, a person, they will want to find out everything about it, they love to know more and more, there is no limit to how much they can absorb when the the subject is the things they like/love. They are intelligent people, they generally know extremely well about a topic, as they have studied it deeply. They are great at giving advice, however their advice is the very truth that people are not always willing to listen to. They love music, they usually have a favorite genre, music moves them a lot, it makes them feel more intensely about themselves, messing with their mind and interior.
This is one of the most powerful Venus in the zodiac. Here Pluto, its ruler, gives physical and psychic magnetism and a powerful aura. The search for power, whether physical or psychological, is great. This Venus slowly permeates the objects of their affection, they may seem indifferent, but it's only because they are working on their magnetism to attract what they want and they usually get it, their vibration is slow and deep, their charm is irresistible. Their love life is intense and rich, they like to have control over their loved ones, to know their secrets, their emotional intimacies. Love is felt intensely, when something or someone becomes theirs it will be theirs forever, even if no longer physically.
Powerful people. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, these people analyze, intuit, observe very well before acting on what they want. This is the most powerful and silent Mars in the zodiac, their actions are done in silence, in the “shadows”, and that is why most of their plans work out, this Mars doesn't go around saying what they plan on doing. They put together an extremely well planned plan and put it into action, the results speak for themselves. Controlling. This Mars likes to have things and people under their control, as they love the security and predictability that power brings, they rarely let other people take their power over, especially if they fought to conquer it. Very quiet and cunning, this Mars is the high octave of Mars in Aries, and here it acts at its full power, they can concentrate all their strength and resources to get what they want, and, no matter how difficult it is, they will persist concentratedly until they obtain the object of their affection, be it a goal, a person or a dream. Because they are people with a strong personality and even stronger actions, they generally have many enemies, but this Mars knows, however, who they all are.
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harmoonix · 3 days
Gemini/Scorpio/Pisces/Cancer and Aquarius Placements
"I know what I am doing"
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astrolovecosmos · 14 hours
*Jupiter Natal Aspect Snippets*
Sun Trine Jupiter: Charismatic, lucky, a natural leader, generous, goodhearted, highly values education and/or may be loyal and passionate about their beliefs but can be overly trusting and feel torn between growth and excessive behavior.
Sun Opposite Jupiter: Overconfident, can be unrealistic with their goals, conflicting desires, risky, reckless, overindulgent, but may be determined to not let life get them down or to give into "bad luck" or "bad vibes." Can gain a lot of wisdom and success from failures.
Sun Square Jupiter: May be easily overstimulated or overwhelmed, struggles to know their limits, may struggle with authority or have a desire to challenge traditional norms, but can be very independent, brave, and resilient.
Moon Trine Jupiter: Has a strong spirit and tends to be optimistic. Likely generous and supportive. Has an inner world that is always searching for more, is warm, but can expect a lot from others. Disappointment in others may be a frequent battle in life.
Moon Opposite Jupiter: Can struggle to find balance in their life, tending to overindulge or swing to extremes. Feels torn between optimism and pessimism. May encounter a lot of inner tension in their close relationships. But having an open mind and bouncing back from rejection helps them grow in wisdom.
Moon Square Jupiter: Can manifest as overoptimism, exaggerated emotions, or conflicts between emotional needs and excessive desires for growth. Balancing emotional depth with realistic optimism is key for growth and fulfillment.
Mercury Trine Jupiter: Has a sharp mind and can't resist a deep conversation or study. Can balance paying attention to the details with seeing the big picture. Can sometimes get lost in a new academic or intellectual obsession. May become impatient with those who are not on their same mental wavelength.
Mercury Opposite Jupiter: Could be overly skeptical in their life OR the opposite and not have good judgment. May overestimate their knowledge and can be overconfident in communication. But a great desire to learn can guide them in life.
Mercury Square Jupiter: Can give into overthinking, overpromising, and exaggeration. Can get stuck in a closed mindset. May confuse wisdom with intellect and vice versa. Feels a lot of inner conflict with their beliefs and how they are taught things growing up. Growth comes from varied experiences for these individuals. Being more adventurous and curious may be good.
Venus Trine Jupiter: May have a very positive outlook on love and relationships. Known for being a "lucky" placement for love and romance. Can be a giving and appreciative lover. Having a happy romantic relationship is a high priority in their life. May need to be careful of having rose-colored glasses towards partners sometimes or jumping into relationships too quickly.
Venus Opposite Jupiter: Can struggle to be realistic in their relationships. Gets carried away, easily flustered, and maybe easily discouraged in love. May desire stability and safety but pleasure is a big temptation for them. On the flipside, can be an extravagant and passionate lover.
Venus Square Jupiter: Excess and running before walking can hinder their close relationships. They always find themselves being impulsive in love or being overly selfish. When they do give to others it can feel out of control, unpredictable, or even disingenuous somehow. Independence and separation help them gain better perspective on things. Moderation and self-awareness help them to become a better partner or to select better lovers.
Mars Trine Jupiter: Ambitious and bold! Two lively planets are in harmony in one's chart. This person can be very hungry for success. They build up their self-confidence at a young age or understands the need to grow their confidence when younger. May be a lively, energetic, or competitive individual. Can easily lose sight of softer or slower parts of life and the simple things that matter.
Mars Opposite Jupiter: May be rash, overly assertive or competitive, and get obsessed with ambition. Could be a combative person or have a love of conflict that becomes destructive or irksome. May not see value in patience, humility, and service. But this individual does have a good grasp on holding their own in conflicts and competition. With ego work and by slowing down they can gain a lot of insight into managing their own drive and purpose in life.
Mars Square Jupiter: Can deal with struggles where everything Mars does become excessive - competition, ambition, anger, conflict, desire, and passion. Anger problems and selfishness tend to be common manifestations for this aspect. However this placement can be looked at as a place of strength for willpower and libido. Even a calmer person with this placement may struggle with recklessness and/or lots of burn out. A tip is to learn to save up your energy for when it is needed.
Jupiter Trine Saturn: This individual learns their lessons quickly. They may have a good balance of optimism and skepticism. Can have a strong work ethic or healthy amount of ambition. Known as a favorable position for finances or going after your goals. May have good relationships with authority figures or becomes an authority figure themselves quickly or early in life. May struggle with impatience at times or favoring discipline over impulsiveness or vice versa to an unpredictable extreme.
Jupiter Opposite Saturn: Stuck on a rollercoaster of high optimism and low pessimism. Can run into a lot of frustrations or delays in their plans for life. Can easily overexert themselves and face burn out. Associated with both financial struggles and success, is commonly cited as a position that goes through booms and busts throughout their career. Learning strategic long-term planning can help them cope with these struggles. Relying on practicality and discipline can be very useful for these individuals. Battling self-doubt is common, they can have big dreams but must KEEP GOING to achieve them.
Jupiter Square Saturn: May struggle with a lack of responsibility or discipline. Can experience push-pull dynamics where they feel caught between their aspirations and the practical realities. Can be conflicted between their desires and a need for freedom. However when they win in life, they tend to win big.
Jupiter Trine Uranus: An innovative, charismatic, independent, enthusiastic, and inspiring individual. This aspect is known for being favorable for unexpected opportunities. Can be very open to growth and self-improvement. Their desire for freedom can be large and even domineering, causing some frustrations in life.
Jupiter Opposite Uranus: This person may feel like they live a chaotic life and/or have a chaotic self. A deep feeling of restlessness may exist. When these two planets meet sudden growth or opportunities may happen, but with the opposition this can also mean a lot of sudden upheavals and disruptions. These individuals may have grand visions but find themselves questioning or challenging ways of achieving them. This can result in a pattern of starting ambitious projects but having difficulty following through to completion. They may frequently challenge or be challenged by authority and conformity. But they can also be highly adaptable people who grow in confidence and cleverness over time.
Jupiter Square Uranus: Runs into excitement and intense growth as well as instability and unpredictable challenges. Can be a restless, impatient, rebellious, risky, and erratic individual. Can really struggle with authority figures. Can be overly independent to where it hinders their ability to get close to others. However they can be bold and willing to break boundaries. Can also be a role model to living your own life, being your own authority, and nurturing independence.
Jupiter Trine Neptune: A highly intuitive and potentially spiritual individual. Idealistic, compassionate, imaginative, giving, and highly values their integrity. They might have a strong faith in the "goodness" of life or of others. Can be prone to escapism, toxic positivity, or being overly trusting.
Jupiter Opposite Neptune: This aspect can lead to unrealistic expectations and over-optimism. There is a heightened risk of deception or being misled, as the influence of Neptune can blur boundaries and obscure reality while Jupiter expands, jumps, and indulges. Might struggle with unhealthy escapism or avoiding responsibilities, preferring fantasy over dealing with practical matters. This aspect can also lead to heightened creativity and imagination, fueling artistic and spiritual pursuits. It encourages compassion and a desire to help others, promoting altruism and empathy.
Jupiter Square Neptune: Can struggle with confusion, poor judgment, being used, impracticality, and falling for illusions throughout life. Disappointment and disillusionment may be a familiar friend unfortunately. But this aspect can stimulate profound thinking, depth. They can also have a large heart. They may master living in a world where sharks and con artist are around every corner, learning to spot a liar or a fake.
Jupiter Trine Pluto: A whole lot of inner strength. This aspect fosters a deep sense of purpose and the ability to influence and inspire others, making it easier to effect positive change on a larger scale. However their intense drive for success and transformation can sometimes lead to an obsession with power or control, potentially causing strain in personal or professional relationships.
Jupiter Opposite Pluto: Can indicate someone who deals with a lot of explosive power struggles in life. May be manipulative or power hungry themselves. Can give into obsession and extreme behavior of all types. Has a great ability to empower themselves by facing their inner demons head on.
Jupiter Square Pluto: May be a dogmatic, closed-minded, judgmental, and overly harsh person, especially in their beliefs. A desire for control may manifest through philosophies or religion somehow. But this person can have a lot of determination and depending on their ethics may be a great force to change the world around them for the better.
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