msmysticfail · 2 days
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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inajda · 2 days
Misread placements in astrology
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Saturn in the 1st house
I always see this placement represented as someone being serious, mature for their age, and introverted, although some of it is true, it does not limit what Saturn can do in the 1st house. If you combine this position with an extroverted ascendant (Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius), the introversion will not be shown at first sight. These people can be extremely outgoing, extroverted, and fun but also incredibly closed when revealing their own emotions. They can be the kind of people that talk about everything BUT their real selves. Saturn in the 1st can also manifest in a medical condition that can affect how we look, since this house talks about appearance, and Saturn represents sickness. 
Uranus/Aquarius influence and rulership
As a traditional astrologer, I follow the traditional rulership: Mars for Scorpio, Saturn for Aquarius, and Jupiter for Pisces. 
Although I believe in the outer planets influence, Aquarius is not as Uranian people think they are. One of the main characteristics of Uranus is rapid/radical changes, or the drastic changes of events. Aquarius is still a fixed sign air sign, and as much as they like to pretend, they’re not as flexible as they think. To change is to be willing to change, to be thrown out of nowhere, and to give up the sense of control. This is much more characteristic of Pisces than it is of Aquarius. The Saturn influence makes them rigid when it comes to letting go of ideals/ideas, this being their most prized possessions. 
Lilith in the 1st
The most common description of Lilih in the 1st house is that this is a bombshell placement. They’re often described as physically alluring people or some type of seductress. We tend to forget that Lilith is the mirror of projections, she appears as a fear of the unconscious collective because she expresses herself and her desires, and she’s punished by the dominance of others. Lilith is the first female liberation figure who was punished for showing control of her desires. When Lilith enters the 1st house, you don’t become a seductress, you become unapologetic, someone who’s in charge of your own shadow and light, you don’t submit, and the answer for this is people trying to dominate you.
Cancer placements
No matter how much cancer placements are portrayed as big emotional babies, I think people couldn't be more wrong about this take. Cancer, be the sun, rising, moon, etc., are closed-off people. They’re the first water sign with a cardinal quality, their fundamental characteristics are: retentive, dependent, emotionally aware, and moody. They do better in a closed environment with few people of their selection. Feelings are not often shown unless the chart has a more extroverted sign (Aries, Aquarius, or Sag) on emphasis. If you think of a crab, the animal representation of cancer, when threatened they go into their shell, isolating themselves and staying away from danger. For a cancer placement to open up, they have to be sure the person they're opening up to is not going use their vulnerability as a weapon against themselves. They don’t cry often, they ruminate emotions and keep them in a safe place in their minds and hearts, they never forget and they do hold grudges. 
If you have any doubts or requests, inbox me, and thank you for the reading <3
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reyboris · 2 days
astro notes may 30
i have the theory that when moon changes to another sign in night, we feel more quickly the energy of the sign. In the other hand, when moon changes to another sign in day, the new sign feels not inmediatly, even until the last grades (plus to 20). But just a theory.
Fire signs are like shows. Aries is a sport show, Leo is a TED TALK (also AA speechs, lol) , and sag is a live music (or dance).
Earth signs are like jobs. Taurus is agriculture, virgo is a merchant , and capricorn is office job.
Air signs are like books. Gemini is poetry, Libra is a novel, Aquarius is an essay.
Water signs are like drugs. Cancer is alcohol (because people that drink, sometimes cry), Scorpio is cocaine (energy), and Pisces is LSD (confussion and sensibility)
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astrosouldivinity · 2 days
Evolved / Unevolved Air Signs ☁️🌪️
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~The Evolved Gemini embodies traits such as curiosity, adaptability, sociability, intelligence, versatility, duality, and open-mindedness.
~Ex. (Elle Woods from “Legally Blonde” would be evolved Gemini energy)
~The Unevolved Gemini embodies traits such as unreliability, superficiality, duplicity, indecisiveness, and manipulativeness.
~Ex. (Katherine Pierce from “The Vampire Diaries” would be unevolved Gemini energy)
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~The Evolved Libra embodies characteristics of diplomacy, balance, fairness, charm, sociability, intellect, and compassion.
~Ex. (Daphne Bridgerton from “Bridgerton” would be evolved Libra energy)
~The Unevolved Libra embodies characteristics of indecisiveness, lack of boundaries, people-pleasing behavior, vanity, passivity, and dependency.
~Ex. (Cassie from “Euphoria” would be unevolved Libra energy)
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~The Evolved Aquarius exhibits traits of uniqueness, intelligence, humanitarianism, open-mindedness, altruism, and innovation.
~Ex. (Fox Mulder from “The X-Files” would be evolved Aquarius energy)
~The Unevolved Aquarius exhibits traits of coldness, aloofness, stubbornness, aimless rebellion, detachment, and a god-complex
~Ex. (Chanel Oberlin from “Scream Queens” would be unevolved Aquarius energy)
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Unevolved / Evolved Earth
Unevolved / Evolved Fire
Unevolved / Evolved Water
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meeting-do-among · 12 hours
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the signs as places sims can woohoo
ARIES: Dumpster TAURUS: Resort building GEMINI: Time machine CANCER: Hot air balloon LEO: Photo booth VIRGO: Shower LIBRA: Vibromatic Heart Bed SCORPIO: Sarcophagus SAGITTARIUS: Party bush CAPRICORN: Money vault AQUARIUS: Anywhere, as bats PISCES: Underwater cave
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lovertm · 13 hours
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cake stickers for the zodiac signs by ArtByElowyn
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saturn women and their baby girl (lunar or venusian man)
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moonlit-starlit · 2 days
"You have one wish, what do you want?"
Aries: More wishes.
Taurus: Money!
Gemini: Happiness.
Cancer: A new house.
Leo: Love.
Virgo: A promotion.
Libra: To find someone that understands them.
Scorpio: To be able to forget that one person.
Sagittarius: To travel the world.
Capricorn: Popularity.
Aquarius: Friends.
Pisces: Peace.
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cannibalgh0st · 1 day
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My look for work today🥹❤️❣️
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How the Signs Are in Conflict
Virgos are constantly gathering dated, detailed reinforcement for the opinion they formed when they were 10. They're like a Buzzfeed article of "15 reasons why you should give up before you even start with me."
Right or wrong, Cancers are just really upset you're giving them a hard time right now and could you please just drop it.
The conflict Just started and Sagittarius is trying to form a nuanced opinion like it's a race.
Geminis will switch sides mid-argument and somehow end up wrong both times.
Leo won one argument two years ago and will bring it up any time they face scrutiny.
Capricorns formed most of their opinions at the age of three and you might as well just give up.
Aries is going to try to convince you that they're right with tone alone. Fuck your sources.
Scorpios crowned themselves the victor in the argument you had five years ago and are still waiting on you to admit defeat.
Taurus could be right or wrong but they certainly didn't ask you.
Libras will have the blandest opinion in the room and somehow still be the loudest.
Aquarius either wants to be 100 metres away from conflict at all times, or they start shit when things get too peaceful. Those are the only two types.
Pisces were arguing hard five minutes ago but since has said "Whatever" and decided the argument was stupid.
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sensualnoiree · 16 hours
astro notes: daily transits 6/1 WELCOME TO JUNE LOVES!
The Moon in Aries This Saturday, the Moon travels through the dynamic and pioneering sign of Aries. Aries, ruled by Mars, is a fire sign known for its assertiveness, courage, and initiative. The Moon in Aries brings a burst of energy and enthusiasm, encouraging us to take charge and lead with confidence.
Leadership and Initiative: The Aries Moon encourages us to step into leadership roles, take bold actions, and initiate new projects. It's a time to embrace our inner warrior and approach challenges with a sense of bravery and determination.
Independence and Self-Assertion: Aries energy is highly individualistic, emphasizing the importance of asserting our needs and desires. We may feel more inclined to prioritize our personal goals and pursue our ambitions with vigor.
Moon Sextile Venus and the Sun In the afternoon, the Moon forms two subtle yet harmonious sextiles with Venus and the Sun, both in Gemini. These aspects encourage spirited intellectual exchanges and enhance our ability to connect with others.
Moon Sextile Venus (3:15 p.m.): This aspect brings a touch of harmony and pleasure to our interactions. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enhances our ability to connect on an emotional and aesthetic level. This is a good time for socializing, engaging in creative activities, or simply enjoying the company of others.
Moon Sextile Sun (4:34 p.m.): The sextile between the Moon and the Sun promotes a sense of balance and harmony between our inner and outer selves. This aspect supports self-expression and clarity in communication, making it easier to share our thoughts and feelings with confidence.
Mars-Eris Conjunction and Jupiter-Pluto Trine While the Moon's sextiles to Venus and the Sun provide a backdrop of harmonious interactions, two major aspects peaking the next day are already influencing us significantly: the Mars-Eris conjunction and the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
Mars-Eris Conjunction Mars, the planet of action and drive, forms a conjunction with Eris, a dwarf planet associated with discord and disruption. This conjunction is exact tomorrow but its effects are already being felt.
Energizing and Provocative: The Mars-Eris conjunction can be a highly energizing and provocative influence, stirring up a desire to challenge the status quo and assert our independence. This aspect can bring about sudden actions or confrontations, pushing us to stand up for our beliefs and fight for our rights.
Disruptive and Revolutionary: Eris is known for her disruptive and revolutionary energy, which, combined with Mars, can lead to significant breakthroughs or upheavals. This is a time to embrace change and be willing to disrupt old patterns that no longer serve us.
Jupiter-Pluto Trine Simultaneously, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, forms a harmonious trine with Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. This trine is also exact tomorrow but its positive and inspiring effects are already influencing us.
Expansive Transformation: The Jupiter-Pluto trine supports deep and expansive transformation. Jupiter's influence encourages us to seek growth and expansion, while Pluto's transformative energy helps us to tap into our inner power and resources.
Inspiring and Empowering: This aspect can be highly inspiring and empowering, offering opportunities for significant personal and collective growth. It's a time to pursue our goals with determination and optimism, knowing that profound changes are possible.
Integrating the Energies To navigate the diverse energies of this day, consider the following approaches:
Morning: Embrace the leadership and initiative of the Aries Moon. Take bold steps towards your goals and be proactive in addressing challenges.
Afternoon: Use the harmonious sextiles between the Moon, Venus, and the Sun to engage in positive social interactions and intellectual exchanges. This is a good time for networking, creative activities, and enjoying pleasant conversations.
Throughout the Day: Be mindful of the building energies of the Mars-Eris conjunction and the Jupiter-Pluto trine. Channel the provocative energy of Mars and Eris into constructive actions and be open to transformative opportunities presented by the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
Practical Applications and Reflections
Leadership and Initiative: Take on leadership roles and be proactive in initiating new projects or addressing challenges.
Social and Intellectual Engagement: Engage in social activities and intellectual discussions, leveraging the harmonious influences of the Moon's sextiles to Venus and the Sun.
Embrace Change and Transformation: Be open to change and transformation, utilizing the energizing influence of the Mars-Eris conjunction and the expansive potential of the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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imaginal-ai · 1 day
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"Water Bearer"
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astrologyshitpost · 2 years
Signs and their months on an alignment chart
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cupidlovesastro · 7 months
𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓾𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾
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venus in 1st- the way you look , your aura, your energy, your presence, the impressions you give on others, the attitude you have about things, how put together you come off, your beauty, your charismatic spirit, your aesthetic, your clothes, your make up, your forehead, your hair or hairstyles, your masculine features/energy
venus in 2nd- your financial situation, your ranking in your work place, if you come off/dress rich, the things you own, house decorations, your room’s aesthetic, your work ethic, your career, if you own expensive things, your neck area, collar bone, your voice, your lips, jaw, your beauty
venus in 3rd- your way with words, how flirting/ talking is easy for you, the way you speak, the way your brain works, your social group, your siblings, your creative writing, your journal/ notes, the elementary school you went to, your neighborhood, your thought process, your shoulders, collarbone, hands, how youthful you look/act
venus in 4th- how you regulate or cope with your emotions, your family or the family you’ve created, your household, your furniture, your decorations, your family roots, your background, the way you mother people or your children, your motherly energy, your femininity, the way you express your femininity, your self care routine, your self care products, how you grew up, how your family treats you, your chest, your boobs, your rib cage, your round face shape, the softness in your features
venus in 5th- your relationship, your lover, your youth, your inner child or the fact you can express it, your children, your features that your children have/will inherit, your aesthetic, the way you express yourself, your art style, the art you make, your spirit, how easy it is for you to get along with people,how easy it is for you to attract people, how many kids you have, the people you’ve hooked up with, the way you express your happiness, your stomach, bellybutton, your confidence, thick hair
venus in 6th- your work out routine, your work out equipment, work out clothes, your health, your pets, work ethic, your organization or organized nature, your resourcefulness, the way that people need you, the service(s) you offer, the way you analyze things, your waist, hips, your youthful appearance,
venus in 7th- your relationship(s), your marriage, how fair you are or act, the way you go about justice, how giving you are, the contracts you have with businesses, your skin, your lower back, your symmetrical features, hair, your feminine features/ energy, your beauty, your aesthetic, the effort you put into your look, your music taste
venus in 8th- your sensual side, your sex appeal, your financial situation, the money or things you’ve inherited from your family, things that you own, your properties/house(s), your mysterious energy or aesthetic, the way your partner spoils you or the way you spoil your partner, sexual organs, your groin, the way people seem to lust over you
venus in 9th - your community, your religion, your culture, your traditions, the places you’ve traveled to, how often you traveled, your intelligence, the degrees you’ve earned, the college you attend to or used to attend, the philosophies you have, the beliefs you share or follow, the way you learn, how learning is fast or easy, your thighs, your waist, your height
venus in 10th- your career, the goals you’ve achieved, your popularity, your influence, your fame, your reputation, your status, your father or father figures in your life, the way you father your children, your masculinity, your masculine features/vibes, your bone structure, teeth
venus in 11th- your social group/ friends, the way you care about the world or a certain community, the amount of social awareness you have, the technology you own like iphone/ ipad/ laptops, etc, the way you dream big, your individuality, your uniqueness the people you surround yourself with, your calves, your ankles, your unique features
venus in 12th- your healing journey, the way you heal from things, your spiritual journey, your spiritual knowledge, spiritual experiences, you connection with spirituality, your connection with your after life, your connection with your subconscious mind, your manifestations, your feet, toes, feminine features, your empathy, your compassion, your emotional intelligence, your intuition
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