dadbodbuck · 2 days
immediately tired of people being all "i'm allowed to hate tommy for the slightest reasons" like. sure. but fucking consider WHY you hate tommy for self-ascribed slight reasons when other characters have done worse, more malicious things. why are you singling out a gay man? why isn't he allowed to express sexual desire? why is his reciprocation of buck's daddy issues joke HIS fault? jesus christ just say you want to sexualize queer men without listening to us talk about our experiences, traumas, and desires
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poughkeepsies · 2 days
I need yall to just say you don't like bucktommy and go cause I was there when we were all giggling at eddie "bzzt bzzt" diaz dawg like your problem is not with inappropriately timed jokes here
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djungleskogs · 2 days
‘i don’t have a problem with the daddy kink comment because im homophobic, it’s because i don’t want to see kink in this wholesome show’ oh so you also made the same comment when buck was confirmed to use cock rings or when may walked in on athena playing sexy firefighter or when athena handcuffed that guy to the bed or when bobby and athena used handcuffs or when-
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reachartwork · 1 day
crossposting from twitter;
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are you guys really telling me in the entire two years that this has been a Federal Fucking Issue for a certain type of extremely online artist you still have refused to learn even for a second how it actually works?
the information has been widely available for you to consume and teach yourself for the past two years (even longer if you've been paying attention). at this point if you say and believe shit like this you are deliberately keeping yourself stupid uninformed, i'll be diplomatic. and it's sad to me because if you knew how it worked you would be substantially less afraid of it!
it genuinely makes me upset that instead of just accepting a new medium into the artistic world these people are just doubling down and will continue doubling down on MAKING THEMSELVES UPSET FOR NO REASON via anti-intellectualism.
if you're going to reject out of hand an entire art movement and its purveyors, you can at the very least teach yourself how it works to have a more informed criticism. this person even SAYS that they like it!
it's like... i don't know, if i went to critique a bunch of brutalist sculptures and expressed my displeasure at not knowing where the rocks they quarried and carved into these statues came from. like does that make sense? there's a total mismatch here of what they know vs what the actual problem is here (in this case, this person does NFTs, which is what you should've started the fucking thread with!)
i don't know. i know it's a fools game to worry about this but it makes me really upset that there are people in this world who are just... incurious. like to me that feels like humans trying to understand cthulhu. what do you mean you don't research the things that make you afraid so that you can understand them and be less afraid?
i don't really have a point here i'm just sad and annoyed. anyway.
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cardentist · 1 day
by the way, if you think chilchuck dungeon meshi is "minor coded" and think people are Suspect (or outright call them shotacons/lolicons) for being attracted to a grown man who has adult children and runs a union, and you Don't have that same issue with hobbits then that's just racism
the difference between these two is that one is from japanese media and one isn't, and there's a very clear disparity with how these two are being treated despite pulling from the Same tropes. if you find it inherently More suspicious and dangerous for an adult man to Be Short because it's japanese and Not because of anything actually in the show or the fanbase then that's Just Racism
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the-muppet-joker · 3 days
Please do not post about wanting to fuck puppets if you do not mean it. It is fucking disrespectful to our community. It is 2024 and we are still kinkshaming and mocking others? At this rate all puppetfucking posts from blogs that do not prove to me that they mean it will be called out. I am done being silent.
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ingravinoveritas · 2 days
I've been seeing posts about some replies from AL on Twitter tonight, and wanted to share some of my thoughts. For those who might've missed it, Anna replied to the below thread--not once, but twice--despite not being tagged or mentioned anywhere in it:
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The fanart above is based on an Ineffable Husbands AU fic that is currently published on AO3 and has nothing to do with Michael other than using his face for the character, which makes AL randomly leaving those inane comments an obvious bid for attention, as she would've had to be stalking fan accounts to find that tweet. To make matters worse, however, someone in the comments on one of the replies sent her a link to the fanfic in question. Particularly egregious is the fact that the person who sent the link was not the author, and the author is now (quite understandably) pissed off and upset about this.
I know there have been multiple discussions about this in the past, but apparently it needs to be repeated: It is absolutely NOT acceptable to send fanfic to creators/creator-barely-adjacent people, especially without the author's knowledge or permission.
Yes, we know Michael enjoys GO fanfic. Yes, we know he has read and likely written GO fanfic and probably RPF. That still does not make it okay to send him fics--at all, for any reason, but most significantly because if anyone knows where/how to find fics if he wants to read them, it's Michael. Also worth noting is that Anna is not Michael. Anna could dislike or be entirely disgusted by GO fanfic or AUs...in which case she could have commented on the photo edit as a way of making fun of it, thereby potentially setting the creator up for ridicule and/or harassment.
It's also distressing to see people in the comments on Twitter encouraging this behavior/cheering AL on while seemingly not caring one jot about the actual creator's feelings (especially when I know that several of the comments are fan artists themselves). I had honestly thought fans knew better than that by now, but it seems not, and to say that all of this is infuriating is an understatement...
EDIT: It's been brought to my attention that it was the person who created the Professor Fell AU/made the photo edits who was upset at Anna's comments, not the fic author (who linked their own fic, rather than someone else's). My apologies for any confusion...
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profictionoverhaul · 3 days
The UT Needle Cookie...
Some remember it, some don't, but I saw a TikTok about it so I thought I'd share the awful comments I saw underneath it for you all, to prove that antis are still wishing literal harm and death over fictional ships to this very day. Which ironically, they were also doing when this news first dropped too.
(I censored the spit out cookie for y'all)
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Now for some of the comments...
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I remember first seeing about the incident on Tumblr back in the day, and there were antis under that post even then supporting the artist being hurt with the needle cookie, saying that they deserved it over their ships...
So while yes, we don't 100% know if the person who gave the needle cookie did it over ships (because the culprit wasn't caught), we can CLEARLY see that antis support the unknown person who tried to fucking kill someone over fictional ships. That alone is enough to be against anti-shippers.
Literal attempted murder is a "W move" according to antis. They respect it, they think the artist deserves it, all over artwork of Frans (and mind you, I followed the artist, all the romance stuff was Frisk as an adult with Sans, two consenting adults.)
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And this is the type of person Antis inadvertently support with their logic too... A literal homophobe is siding with the antis, not a good look for the pro-censorship peeps.
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conarcoin · 2 days
i'm so tired of sdmp viewers saying the server is dead any time there's a couple days without a stream or like 2-3 people are online it's very draining
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firemedicdiaz · 2 days
none of the pearl-clutchers have ever had a nuanced conversation in their lives, huh?
there's a time and a place for vulnerability and opening up about trauma and a time for something more fun and lighthearted, and a dinner date over glasses of wine is not the former
these are two grown men exploring their dynamic - if Buck was uncomfortable, he would've said so. he's not the poor, helpless damsel in distress some of y'all seem to think he is, being led astray by the mean and nasty gay man
rack up a little life experience and touch some grass before you sink too deeply into the purity culture
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starryoak · 1 day
I know it’s because it makes for good fanart, but I think people are lying to themselves about how attractive Marcille finds chimera!Falin. Like. I wish it were true too, y’know, but she’s canonically too conservative to find Falin with a buzz-cut attractive. She dislikes seeing Falin in clothing that isn’t as gender conforming as possible! She’s probably not a monsterfucker, guys.
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dadbodbuck · 2 days
anyway i love my gay brothers. i love men. i love being a man. i love having sex with other men. i love being kinky with other men. i love when we joke about our traumas together. i love being friends with you. i will continue to uplift my community forever because i have learned through hell and fucking brimstone that we only have each other. seeing men in a loving relationship joke about kinky sex together on network tv and having it be framed as levity and care and tenderness should be celebrated. that kind of thing would have caused a riot in my hometown when i was a kid. please have some perspective if you find yourself agreeing with the people who keep my therapist paid. sorry i didn't mean to make this post sad at the end of the day the moral is this: i love you gay men i love you bisexual men i love you trans men i love you queer men. send post
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triviallytrue · 3 days
Inane discourse, even by my standards
The whole "is kink inherently sexual" thing is hard for me because I'm not a prescriptivist but I do think the people saying no are communicating poorly
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reachartwork · 1 day
(again crossposting from twitter)
at this point i consider the genie so thoroughly uncorked that anyone wanting ai art to go away is just fucked. there are totally open source models that can be stored and run on consumer hardware that make capital G Good quality output.
sorry if this isnt what you want to hear. apologies for being the bearer of bad news.
it's not going away. i'm not going to hold it over your head and go neener neener neener because i'm not a child or a cryptobro or a silicon valley fash loser but the sooner we can come to terms with the fact that generative art ai is here to say the sooner you can begin planning productively for the actual future that will exist for real.
like i've said to other smarter people, the best point to strangle this baby in the crib was before it even started, and the second best point was probably around a year ago, but now it's proliferated and there's just no way it's going away no matter what copyright courts say.
sure, theoretically if everything goes the way various pro-copyright people wanted it to (big ask! not likely to happen!) you could make having and running a model *illegal* but look at how far making digital stuff illegal got every other industry in terms of piracy (not very). a *lot* and i do mean a *lot* of things would need to go "right" and the stars and the moon would need to align to get it made "illegal" and that wouldn't actually stop anything at all. and that's if we're accepting the framework of the anti-ai people's argument to begin with!
fundamentally this is an issue of art piracy. when you strip away all the word games and playing w/ language what you get is people arguing about art piracy and IP rights. and you tell me how well the International Struggle Against IP Piracy fight has been going for the past 20 years.
there's no legal OR technological solution that will get local copies of stable diffusion off people's hard drives. sorry! if you were hoping for one, well, better start thinking up a new plan.
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megabuild · 3 days
full disclosure i am not a ranboo watcher nor have i ever really been into dsmp but i do think the relationship they have with their fanbase is sort of terribly fascinating and i think 99% of it comes down to the fact he originally was a fan himself. like they were just a dude making tiktoks who was a fan of dsmp before they got invited right. so really it makes sense when i see his fans freak out about stupid shit and harass and complain and unlike other ccs who maybe would be older and more mature and not have grown up in that terrible time of being a teenager online in 2020-21 where your every move could be traced and tracked back to some pattern of terrible behaviour that made your irredeemable horrid, unlike those ccs who can just brush it off and have it blow over, ranboo. can't. because he's in the same boat as his fans. where by the very virtue of being a human teenager who makes mistakes as human teenagers do you are a terrible person.
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negativepeanuthoarder · 14 hours
This is your obligatory “do not fucking out people�� post for this year.
Yes, even if they’re a CC.
ESPECIALLY if it’s your own parasocial speculations on their sexuality/gender identity.
Jokes are FINE just don’t take it too far and start fights because of your assumptions.
No one is “straight until proven gay” no one is “gay until proven straight”.
If a CC hasn’t come out, leave them alone and let them decide that on their own terms.
That is all. Happy pride month!
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