#artemis of bana mighdall
pinkiemachine · 8 hours
DC Group Photo!
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Who should I add next? :)
From left to right, all set at specific ages in the timeline, it’s:
Mera, Aquaman, Lorena Marquez (Aquagirl 2), Garth (Aqualad), Tula (Aquagirl 1), Kaldur’ahm (Aqualad 2) Yara Flor, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Olympia (in the comics, Wonder Girl 2), Nubia, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Connor Kent (Superboy 1), Jonathan Kent (Superboy 2), Krypto the dog, Superman, Lois Lane, Supergirl, Wildfire, Red Robin, Starfire, Spoiler, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, Oracle, Catwoman, Batman, Robin, Beacon (in the comics, The Signal), Impulse (yeah yeah, I know, he’s grown up some), The Flash, Iris West, Dawn and Donnie Allen (The Tornado Twins), Wally West, and Artemis.
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why-i-love-comics · 20 hours
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Batman: The Brave & The Bold #13 - "The Poison Within IV" (2024)
written by Delilah S. Dawson art by Serg Acuna & Matt Herms
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teelda · 2 months
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just a sketch i guess...
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
Jason: *looking for someone to hang out with*
Jason, scrolling through his contacts: Roy, Artemis, Bizarro, Kyle.
Jason, confused: Roy, Artemis, Bizarro, Kyle?
Jason, terrified: Roy, Artemis, Bizarro, Kyle?!
Jason: How can I only have four friends?! And one of them is Kyle!
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soranatus · 3 months
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Wonder Woman (2023) #10 Pride Month variant cover by Phil Jimenez and Arif Prianto
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strange-0 · 3 months
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Me too Jason, me too.
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wightning · 2 years
would love to be having half as much fun as Jason is with the taser in the front of his suit. He’s gotten so many people with it. Every time. Literally nobody ever sees it coming. He was probably adding it into his suit and all the while thinking “oh this is going to be fucking hilarious.” and you know what. he’s right it is
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dailydccomics · 4 months
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Wonder Woman and family by Paulina Ganucheau
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pinkiemachine · 2 months
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one-bat-day · 7 months
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This man reads Jane Austen ‼️‼️‼️
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ambrosethedarling · 9 months
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Redid the Jaytemis kiss with the new [an MUCH better] tattoo design
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Aug 16 is Jason’s birthday! What are the bats getting him?
Dick: a Discohood costume
Tim: a photo album of free blackmail
Damian: Pride and Prejudice in his calligraphy
Duke: a drive-in showing of his favorite movie
Cullen: a podcast episode about him
Stephanie: a coupon for homemade waffles
Cassandra: all the batarangs he lost
Barbara: a tour of the library's restricted section
Harper: hair dye to make his white streak whiter
Carrie: homemade funfetti brownies
Kate: a bottle of aged whiskey
Alfred: matching ties with himself
Selina: a leather jacket with more pockets
Bruce: leaving the Batmobile unattended
Roy: a bow that fires bullets
Lian: a shirt he left at the Harpers'
Artemis: dinner at an underground restaurant
Kory: a fireworks show at midnight
Bizarro: a Sad Deathday card
Kyle: adult-sized Robin shorts
His street kids: an alleyway surprise party
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soranatus · 3 months
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DC’s Amazons Week - Day 1: Sisterhood
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strange-birb · 3 months
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Favorite Amazon fs 🫡❤️
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fantastic-nonsense · 5 months
I wouldn't mind the heavy focus on warrior Amazons so much if they were allowed to be competent instead of just being used as red shirt cannon fodder. But it seems DC only hypes up the Amazons as deadly fighters so other characters can look more impressive when they take them down.
Oh and Happy New Year.
Happy New Year! Forgive me if I use your ask to talk about a piece of the Wonder Woman mythos I've wanted to discuss for some time, because your complaints offered me the perfect segue to write a nice, in-depth meta on it and I couldn't pass up the opportunity.
Honestly, I think a lot of people (both creatives and readers) either don't know, forget, or fundamentally misunderstand the nature of the Amazons' warrior status. So they often get reduced to "deadly warriors who strike first," "supposedly deadly but generally incompetent warriors when outside of their own books," or "militant man-haters" by a lot of people. None of which are true.
The Amazons are incredibly competent warriors and have been since Marston's first portrayal of them in the 1940s, so I don't inherently mind them being shown as such. However, where people get bogged down is insisting that they be shown as deadly and trigger-happy offensive fighters who are happy to strike first and hard, which fundamentally goes against the philosophy and thematic messaging built into Amazonian lore.
DC's Amazonia, lore-wise, is traditionally framed as an Aphrodite vs. Ares "peace and love vs. violence and war" story. In Marston's original rendition of the Amazon's backstory Aphrodite is not only their patron goddess but also their sole creator; it was only after Crisis on Infinite Earths and George Perez's long-overdue lore expansions that the rest of the goddesses became co-creators and co-patrons of the Amazons. Regardless, Ares and his domain are consistently invoked as what the Amazons don't want to be like or engage in. That behavior is the antithesis of what Amazons are supposed to be. This lore informs literally everything about how the Amazons view both their combat abilities and their duty to the goddesses.
The contemporary Amazons are, for the most part, women who died in terrible and traumatic ways at the hands of men (usually through domestic violence, murder, or as conquests of war). When the goddesses created the Amazons by reincarnating these women via the Well of Souls, they specifically charged them to become their champions. And what did these goddesses want? They explicitly wanted justice and protection for women in a violently patriarchial world. The Amazons being warriors is thus specifically tied to an understanding of necessary self-defense and protection (both of themselves and other women), not offense.
Which of course is what lands the Amazons on Themyscira in the first place: invoking the goddesses' ire by not obeying these commands after their rebellion against their enslavement by Heracles and his men crosses the line from the necessary battle to achieve their liberation into wanton violence and revenge:
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"The battered Hippolyta prayed to her goddesses and found the courage and inspiration to free herself. Athena had reminded Hippolyta of the Amazons' purpose and mission—but not all of the Amazons remembered. Or cared. They yearned for vengeance. For retribution against those who violated them...and under Antiope, many found it." -Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War (2001)
And as Hippolyta and Menalippe tell Antiope:
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"No, Antiope. Never vengeance; never again!" /// "That is Ares' way, Antiope. We achieve no glory by embracing the Dark God's power!" -Wonder Woman (1987) #1
The Amazon way is promoting a society based on love, equality, truth, and peaceful conflict resolution, not vengeance and violent combat. It's a philosophy that defines Diana's mission in Man's World as an ambassador, teacher, and living example of her peoples' way of life:
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Enraptured, they listen to her dissertation on equality between the sexes, tolerance, peaceful coexistence. Social Philosophy 101, Amazon Style. -Wonder Woman (1987) #170
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Diana's gods-given mission was to spread the Amazonian ideals of conciliation—to give those living in the World of Man the proper tools to peacefully coexist with each other. It was her life's purpose to teach the possibilities of respect and love by being a living example of an upbringing founded in those ideals.
Truth-seeking, diplomacy, and peace are the Amazonian way of dealing with conflict, not violence. And when you are forced to engage in combat (and you should be prepared for that eventuality because sometimes it will happen), your goal should be self-defense and de-escalation, not offense and prolonging the conflict longer than necessary.
This is also, as an aside, why Diana (and specifically Diana in her capacity as Wonder Woman) does not usually carry offensive weapons like a sword and why her primary "weapons" are the Lasso of Truth and protective bracelets. She's the official representative of her peoples' culture and personally deeply believes in that cultural philosophy. Other Amazons have different views on the matter, including her mother, but Diana grew up completely separated from the World of Man and fully immersed in that belief system, which deeply informs how she views her mission as Wonder Woman.
Personally, I think many (but not all) of the problems re: depicting the Amazons in the modern era come from various writers attempting to solve contradictions that don't exist. They see "kickass trained warriors living peacefully on an island" and see that as a contradiction they have to solve: why do they train if they're pacifists? Why do they fight if they're peaceful? In reality, it's not a contradiction: their status as warriors and champions is specifically tied to self-defense and protection (both of themselves and others), but given the choice they don't want to have to take up arms to protect people because that goes against their fundamental cultural philosophy. Outsiders and meddlesome gods are the ones who force them to do that! What they want is for everyone to be treated with love, respect, and understanding so they don't have to!
And there's a lot of problematic elements built into the concept's execution, but this is the core thesis behind the split between Hippolyta's Themyscirans and Antiope's Bana-Mighdall. The Themysciran Amazons have had their fill of violence and war; they just want to live in peace. But a) they were specifically tasked with guarding Doom's Doorway when they were taken to the island, a duty which necessitates perfect combat readiness, and b) their history is littered with examples of people refusing to leave them alone. So they train, in case someone decides to take shots at them, but otherwise live in peaceful isolation. Meanwhile, the Banas looked at that same shared history and went "we need to take the fight to the outside world. Offense is the best defense, and the only way to protect ourselves and the other women of the world is to actively seek vengeance for the violence women face." So they chose to actively intervene in Man's World, fighting constant battles and exacting revenge for any women mistreated at the hands of men.
...which is also why Artemis was such a necessary and interesting addition to the Wonder Woman mythos (even if she's often handled...poorly), because she and Diana represent two diametrically opposed views of how to protect and represent both their cultures and the women of Man's World, but that's a rant for a different time.
Anyway, the Themysciran Amazons' martial pacifism as a cultural value isn't a contradiction; it's one way of looking at a history filled with violence and victimization and saying "no more." And it's a pretty subversive way of doing so, which (well-written) comics tend to note!
So yes, the "Amazons are warriors" mentality has always been there and has been solidly emphasized at various points throughout Wonder Woman's history, and it should be acknowledged and shown that they're all incredibly competent in battle when they're forced to engage in it. But the way in which it gets emphasized is what defines whether a writer has a solid understanding of the history and baggage that comes with depicting the Amazonian struggle and the socio-political issues embedded in their lore. And unfortunately...many writers just don't seem to get it.
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melodivita · 1 month
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i miss them <3
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