#batman family
incorrectbatfam · 1 day
"They trick the other siblings into thinking there's a Robin test that only Dick and Jason have passed"
Okay, but what does each member of the family believe the test is?
Duke: *walks in wearing full winter gear covered in snow*
Bruce: Where have you been?! I've been searching for a week!
Duke: Climbing Mount Everest.
Bruce: But why?!?
Damian: I have returned with a wild Icelandic puffin!
Bruce: Damian, I said no more pets until next year.
Damian: But I thought you wanted it?
Bruce: Why would I want—
Steph, disheveled: It took a few tries but I finally wrestled Killer Croc with my bare hands.
Bruce: That is highly against protocol—
Tim: Here's that jar of kidneys you asked for.
Duke: The Robin test.
Bruce: What test?
Damian: The final test to become Robin, of course.
Tim: Please tell me I passed. I can't do this again.
Steph: Hang on, why are they all different?
Dick and Jason: *whistle*
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bibibusinessman · 2 days
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ratsvoid · 2 days
hey you!
yeah you!! :D
is the DC universe a hyperfixation or special interest of yours? do you wish you had someone who would sit and listen to you talk about it?
well look no further, I have audhd and ive recently gotten into the DCU (especially the bat fam) but I have no idea where to start!! I would love to learn more, listen to someone ramble, and possibly make some friends :3
so if you've been dying to talk to someone about this type of stuff, I'm all ears!!!!! /gen
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omg do not search batman in gifs....
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sttmxxn · 2 days
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Tim skater Drake‼️✨
Finally I could make a proper Tim fanart, I never felt satisfied with the others but finally I could do something that I feel pretty good in my artist standards.
Probably in a month I'll see this and say "what a shit", probably not, who knows.
Anyways, my phone is dying so I'll probably wait until I could fix it, until that, see ya!
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nightwolf14292 · 2 days
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thesparkwhowalks · 18 hours
Batman of the Wasteland
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Real Name: Cohen (no first name given) All Appearances: Hex #11-12
As the world teetered on the brink of nuclear annihilation, a young gymnast and criminology PHD candidate named Cohen was making a startling discovery: the Batcave! Writing his dissertation on the long-dead Dark Knight, Cohen had found the ultimate firsthand source for his research.
And then the bombs dropped.
He was safe inside the deep cave, but millions of others weren't so lucky. He made his way back to New York City, hoping to find his parents. His mother, a Rabbi who advocated for gun control, and his father, a diplomat who lobbied for nuclear disarmament, had miraculously survived the conflagration. Unfortunately, so had fascists in desperate need of scapegoats. Two prominent Jewish Americans who'd advocated for arms control (on every level) fit the bill, and they were shot dead in the street by Nazis.
Their son, inspired by his idol, designed his own Batsuit and gadgets to become the post-nuclear age's very own Dark Knight. His rule was simple: no guns in NYC. Based out of the Statue of Liberty, he patrolled New York in his futuristic jet until Jonah Hex - in full Mad Max knockoff mode at the time - mistook him for a murderer. The two fought, set aside their differences to go after the real baddies, and Batman appears to have died ditching his Batplane into the bay....but they never did find a body.
So, uh, do you think DC could find some interesting stories about a sort of Mad Max meets Escape From New York version of Batman? Because I sure as hell do. And fun fact, Bruce Wayne is also Jewish in current continuity, making Cohen here the first but least famous Jewish Batman.
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fastestmanalive333 · 2 days
This is technically my first edit.. I hope it came out ok..
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 month
Part 17 masterpost
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amorkuku · 4 months
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Short 🥺
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sharksandjays · 2 months
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incorrectbatfam · 2 days
Damian: *carrying Alfred the cat out of the room*
Alfred the cat: *purrs*
Damian: You are being punished. Please do not purr. I love you.
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bibibusinessman · 2 days
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Dick, at the police station: hi, i'm here for jason.
officer: last name?
Dick : .....ah. you must be new.
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crybabylulu · 1 year
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NOT THEM AGAIN! 😭🤣 oof it really sucks to be Tim
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spiritleigh · 1 month
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Father and dumbass son
(Batman Urban Legends #3)
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thesparkwhowalks · 3 days
Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
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Real Name: Tlano All Appearances: Batman #113 (1958)
I hadn't planned to write this guy now but he debuted in the same issue as Fatman, it's my day off, and I've got 20 minutes until my therapy appointment.
Tlano is a resident of the distant planet Zurr-En-Arrh who has observed Batman through a powerful alien telescope. Inspired by the Earthly crimefighter, he has become his own world's Batman using their advanced alien technology.
He meets his idol when, well, he abducts him. Just teleports Bruce (Batman) Wayne to Zurr-En-Arrh to seek his aid in beating back an alien invasion. His reason for this choice? Human beings gain powers akin to those of Superman and Zurr-En-Arrh. This World's Finest duo repel the invaders and Bruce is returned to Earth seemingly at the exact moment he left, leaving him to wonder if he'd simply nodded off (...while flying the batplane solo) and dreamed the whole thing.
Tlano never really appeared again (save for a GREAT episode of Batman: The Brave and The Bold), but the overall concept of the Batman of Zurr-En-Arrh - most notably his gaudy purple/red/yellow costume - has made him a cult favorite. Zurr-En-Arrh is Batman's backup personality these days, recently gone rogue in a robot body and teamed up with Amanda Waller.
Goddamn it, I love comics.
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