#damian wayne al ghul
spicy-apple-pie · 3 days
Listen. I know canonically Damian acts out against his father for very valid reasons, but what if Damian was like… very submissive towards Bruce (for lack of a better term)
Like his mother has been hyping him up for his whole life, he thinks the world of his father. And because he’s only known greatness in terms of the LoA. Strict hierarchies, professionalism, no chit chat etc.
So Damian gets there and obeys Bruce with no questions asked. He won’t talk unless spoken to and stands at attention when addressed. Also the problem of him thinking that Tim and Alfred fall under him and should behave the same way. And they both recognize how tragic it is because he’s just holding them to his standard, if that makes sense? Like Damian is expecting Bruce to treat him the way he treats them kinda thing so they’re like “>:(“ but also “:(“
And then Bruce is like “okay, I’m going to take a whole day off and hang out with Damian to show him that we’re chill.” But Damian takes this as “ah yes, the test to determine whether I’m worthy to stay.”
And they spend the day at the park and Bruce is trying the whole day to pry Damian open like “what kind of ice cream do you want?” Or “what would you like to do?” And Damian replies with “what ever you see fit, Father.”
Until Damian breaks down because he doesn’t know the right answers. And he sees it in Bruce’s face when he answers that he’s getting it wrong somehow, but he doesn’t know. And then Father is going to send him back, and Mother will be disappointed.
And Bruce holds him, tells him to take deep breaths, and kisses his head. And Damian cries harder because it reminds him of Mother and desperately wants his Mother right now.
Idk, I just love hurt/comfort and good dad Bruce.
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askdamijon · 1 day
so…Damian and Jon…
When faced with only one bed, who sleeps where? Are you guys used to just sleeping in the same bed or does one of you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO take the floor or couch?
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sharkedboy · 10 hours
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damian wayne got his love of animals from ra's pass it on
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nightwolf14292 · 1 day
Kon's professional opinion on pride month:
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Tim in the background, holding Bernard's hand like: "Babe you literally have two boyfriends. We are at a pride parade. Affectionately stfu."
Happy pride month everyone! :D
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whalehouse1 · 11 hours
Let’s see if I got this right,
If you want good Batman, read Detective Comics, not Batman
Good Nightwing, read him being Batman
If you want good Jason, read fanfiction or WFA
If you want good Tim, I was told his solo series, but I found he’s better in Batman
If you want good Damian, read Dick’s run as Batman or Supersons if it’s to your tastes
If you want good Babs, don’t read anything modern unless it’s Birds of Prey
If you want good Steph, her solo is fine but gets rid of her nuances, but the stories with her nuances treat her horribly so good luck
Good Cass, her solo, and keep rereading it because no one who works at DC gets her except in very niche books (Outsiders)
If you want good Duke, read literally anything with him in it except WFA
Would you say that’s correct?
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shewolf-sinclair · 3 days
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platitudinalteen · 2 days
A respectful boss...Jon has no idea what those words mean. (From my Wip)
“Oh, well in that case its fine,” Mr. Parker retorted with a shrug, picking up the magazine and scrutinizing the picture for a moment before rolling it up.
“Really?” Jon questioned skeptically, shoulders relaxing slightly, almost believing him for a moment.
It wasn’t a big deal after all. Just a picture and an article.
“No, you imbecile!” He shouted, smacking him on the head with the magazine as if he were a dog. “You are a reporter. You’re supposed to tell the news, not be in it!”
And if he was going to be in it, he should at least have the common decency to take advantage of it the way any self-respecting journalist would.
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arttuff · 25 days
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he is 10 apples tall
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evaningotham · 2 months
i need the batfam fandom to give damian the same energy we give tom hollands peter parker in fics like
i want Field Trip to Wayne Enterprises fics
fics where damian gets phone calls from his famous siblings in class
fics where damian has to deal with the other kids watching thirst traps of his older siblings
fics where he’s getting bullies and one of them shows up in full vigilante attire to scare the middle school bully
damian al ghul wayne fanfic that centers around his school life and protective family
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spicy-apple-pie · 19 hours
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tbf Cassandra doesn't talk a lot so this is a pretty reasonable question to ask.
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mylifeingotham · 4 months
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nightwolf14292 · 3 days
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whalehouse1 · 3 days
Batsiblings going to a Gay Club with Tim and Bernard to show support. Dick and Jason get more phone numbers and pictures with ppl than needed. Babs has taken over the DJ station from her phone because she refuses to listen to Ru Paul songs. Steph was abducted by the drag queens for an after party when she fixed one of their dresses. Cass has amassed an army after destroying the dance floor and knocking out a creep hitting on another guy. Bette is at the bar flirting with guys because why not it’s fun (she’s from the Silver Age, and her flirting with Dick who was not into it at all was great).
Meanwhile as they are babies, Duke and Damian are playing DnD with Bruce, Alfred, Harper and Cullen. The latter two are mad when they find out where the others went.
Tim did not enjoy this evening cause his siblings are nightmares and Bernard is too busy laughing.
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elkscreams · 3 months
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A right of passage at this point
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batfamilycannons · 3 months
Bruce *storming in, burnt and covered in ash*: Where is your brother?
Damian and Tim: tf??
Tim: uh I think Jason’s in the library?
Bruce: no not him the other one
Dick, *scurries past the door*
Bruce: RICHARD JOHN GRAYSON why did you set my bed on fire
Dick: You deserve it!!
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