#bernard dowd
cosmicpoutine · 2 days
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that's what galas are for
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A rose by any other name (dp x dc)
Bernard Dowd was freaking out. In large part because he had just discovered his name might not in fact be Bernard Dowd. Or at least, it hadn’t always been? This whole thing was very confusing, not too mention highly distressing.
It started like any day, really. He didn’t know how it had gone so wrong.
Oh and what was he going to do about Tim?
Tim, his boyfriend, who very much was Robin even if Bernard had been pretending he didn’t know about that.  Though really, there were only so many times you could walk in your boyfriends appartement to find a domino mask hanging to dry before you put two and two together.
Oh my god, what was he going to tell him? He wasn’t Bernard anymore, was he? Or at least, not just Bernard. Not when half his mind was insisting his name was Danny and he had two sisters and no brothers and he had died and then lived long enough to die again and again and-
Without quite realizing it he had dialled Tim’s number. As the tone sounded, he came back to himself but by then, Tim had already answered.
“Bernard?” His boyfriend voice was hoarse like he’d just woke up and in the back of his mind, somewhere that wasn’t going in full panic mode, there was a bit of guilt over disrupting his boyfriends already terrible sleep schedule.
Bernard opened his mouth, ready to just explain everything to his boyfriend and then he took a quick breath and-
“Would you still love me if I wasn’t blond?” Bernard blurted out.
“What?” Tim mumbled. Then there was a slide of fabric as Bernard cursed himself in every language he knew how to curse. “Is this like the worm thing?”
“Uh,” Bernard faltered. “Um, sure?”
Tim sighed. “Yes, Bern, I would still love you if you weren’t blond.” He yawned, and then there was a bit of silence. “Was there anything else?” Tim’s voice finally said.
“No,” Bernard answered, wishing he could punch himself. “Nope, that- that was it.”
“Great,” his boyfriend mumbled. “I’m going back to bed." Then, "love you.”
“I love you too,” Bernard answered and the line cut.
Bernard slid down the wall until he was rolling himself into a ball, his hands in his hair as his internal screaming reached decibels never recorded before. What the fuck.
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nightwolf14292 · 23 hours
Kon's professional opinion on pride month:
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Tim in the background, holding Bernard's hand like: "Babe you literally have two boyfriends. We are at a pride parade. Affectionately stfu."
Happy pride month everyone! :D
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winged-bat · 1 day
Bernard: Dude you’re killing me here
Tim: You just had your tongue down my throat, don’t call me dude
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Quick doodle while I work on some of my WIPS!
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kennimu · 14 hours
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I can't believe I've never drawn my favourite ship together 😭
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colbycheeseslice · 22 hours
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Happy Pride Month Timber fans! (And everyone else too!)
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headcanonthings · 1 day
*During their first date* Bernard: So… what do you like to do in your free time? Tim, sleep deprived with no filter: I like to stalk. Bernard: Oh! Well I like to make Youtube videos Tim: I know.
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nicomoon69 · 1 day
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when the blond twink that you happen to be in the newspaper club with won’t leave you alone and keeps yapping abt magical girl sightings
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crowned-aeris · 18 hours
"I don't know why you keep insisting on these flowers," Tim sighs, rolling his eyes as Kon gently yet reverently braided vines while Bernard stuck flowers into his wings.
"You look pretty like this," the fox sparrow says, a soft smile across his face as Kon nods vigorously, "Don't you agree, Kon?"
"He's right, y'know. You should just let us do this for you, Tim."
The falcon sighs, but allows himself to relax into his partners' hold.
"Where is Timothy?" he hears Damian's voice ask distantly.
"Frankly, that's none of your business," he hears Bernard snark, "He doesn't want to see you right now."
An annoyed growl rumbled through the air, but his dear yet dense boyfriend reciprocated with his own flimsy, sing-song-y growl characteristic of songbirds.
"Bear?" Tim mumbled sleepily, lifting his head as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
"He's handling it, Tim," Kon tried to assure him, stroking his hand over just the right spot to render Tim into a thoughtless puddle, "Roa knows you need the sleep, Jesus."
He grumbled, swatting at the purple martin's face before slumping into Kon's hold.
"Does this happen every year?"
"Yeah, just about. Tim usually lets everyone in except Damian and Bruce."
A soft hum, and Tim was out like a light.
When he wakes up, the apartment was dark.
Tim pushes himself upright to peer blearily into Kon's ever-shifting, slightly glowing too-blue eyes, "...Where did Bear go?"
"The kitchen," Kon smiled in amusement before hoisting Tim to his feet, accidentally knocking off the matching flower crown he was wearing. Nevertheless, the kryptonian picks it up, places it back on Tim's head, and they continue onwards.
Tim yawns, but when they resch the kitchen, he blinks in surprise at the two-layer rainbow cake.
"Happy gay month!" Bernard grinned with a smear of blue icing across his cheek and a proud expression upon his face.
Tim smiled, reaching forward to kiss his boyfriend's cheek while Kon shook his head and grabbed a rag to help clean the sparrow's face.
As Kon helped cut into the colorful cake, the sound of him and Bernard bickering good naturedly filling the air between them, Tim couldn't help but feel like this was an amazing start to the rest of summer.
Happy pride month!!!
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cosmicpoutine · 11 hours
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some sort of red bird or whatever
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batfamhyperfixation · 8 hours
For their anniversary, Tim makes dinner for Bernard, and after dinner, as a joke, Tim gives Bernard a Tshirt that says 'I survived my boyfriends cooking' so he can wear it to culinary school
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I just had a break-through thought:
It’s the Gap-Moe!
That's why Tim is so stuck on Bernard, head-over-heals, can't take his eyes off him. Boy's been in a half dozen relationships and around enough superheroes that could have triggered his bi-awakening but he fell for his high school best friend he hasn't seen in a while. And that's because…
He's so different now! The teen Bernard was a cocky, semi-obnoxious dufus Tim could love and hate within the same breath. A canon confirmed "true, great friend" who Tim sometimes wanted to strangle but honestly cared for and would put his own ass on the line to protect from potential bullies.
…But a few years apart and Tim's faced with the same guy who's suddenly turned into a handsome, smooth, ACTUALLY self-confident man who can also kick major ass! He's a guy who can now say what he's really thinking, smooth on his pick-up lines, talks about the importance of boundaries and can take down violent cultists despite months of trauma at their hands.
Bernard Dowd has changed from the kid Tim wanted to protect into a person Robin can trust to watch his back, from a noisy fool to a cool hottie. From a gangly string-bean who ran around in blazers to a well-muscled punk-style boy-next-door that knows how to rock a hoodie AND short-shorts.
Bernard Dowd snapped a full Before-After transformation straight out of Princess Diaries and Tim is SO here for that!
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gotham-crimes · 3 days
- Poll by John, a reporter in Gotham-crimes.
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winged-bat · 1 day
Tim: I think I might have a stalking(1) problem
Bernard: Omg don’t worry babe I stalk(2) people all the time, there’s nothing wrong with it
(1) - an intensive background check going all the way back to your ancestors
(2) - going to the depths of their social media platforms and at worst getting their address and ##
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littlegreekhero · 1 day
Do you guys think Bernard knows about the CBAT reddit post and for how many months did he laugh about it?
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