#transmisia cw
estrogenism · 2 months
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very very funny how intersex transfems are by far the most vocal haters of tme/tma as binary terms because of the way that perisex people use them to discredit intersex trans people's complex experiences. but sure it's just those horrible afab trans people again!!
[Plaintext: very very funny how intersex transfems are by far the most vocal haters of tme/tma as binary terms because of the way that perisex people use them to discredit intersex trans people's complex experiences. but sure it's just those horrible afab trans people again!! End Plaintext.]
(also do not fucking try to witch hunt these people. i will block you on sight, i cropped out the urls for a reason)
edit: reminder that this post was made first and foremost about intersexism, and while it's okay to discuss other forms of oppression in the tags and reblogs (especially since i tagged them as such), please stop trying to brush off the original point.
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kiruliom · 1 year
my biggest fear is when xenogender being known to the internet through transid and they think they're the same thing and we pay the price because of bunch of idiots and forced to not label ourselves(publicly) or we'll be bullied to the point being doxxed i mean it's already happening one of hero hei's videos is talking about transautism and his comments blame xenogender.....
Why we can't have nice things?...just because we want to be happy(and harmless) ?
I get that, and yeah people are already comparing it to xenogender, which is where transid stuff was even born (autigender? so you identify as autistic??? and stuff like that, was the root of transid, then known as transX, which is a stolen term from nonbinary people btw, being born as a troll identity)
so yeah that is a very good reason to mention it, however Ive never mentioned it myself as it reminds me of the truscum rhetoric known as "the cis people hate us because youre too different and quirky for them and it makes us look like a joke", doesnt mean that arguement is invalid, (in fact its kinda silly considering people who hate xenogenders will still hate xenogenders if transids just perished suddenly so idk it says a lot abt truscum) I just didnt wanna be compared to truscum, even if I dont wanna be compared to transids either qwq
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I am tired of being nice about people pulling a trans version of “we’re still going to call it women’s issues”
You are not including all trans people (either as a whole or of given agab) when you’re saying transmasc/transfem
You are not even including all trans people (either as a whole or of given agab) when you’re saying stuff like transmasc/transfem and unaligned because someone can be exlusively aligned to their agab and still face the same fucking transphobia! And yes they are trans, if they themself define themself as such, and not a cis person receiving “misdirected” transphobia!
I am tired of seeing stuff and wanting to say hey this affects us too but thinking, I’m doing whataboutism, but I’m not fucking doing whataboutism I am being excluded, purposefully or not
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antiradqueer-karkat · 1 month
"yea rqs are everywhere" ican gaurentee you that is the biggest lie ive ever heard come out of someones mouth. im literally the only xenogender collecting alterhuman opera singer iknow and out of my whole school, there are like 3 alterhumans iknow, with the rest of it hating on queer people and furrys like hello ??
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 15
Tim: Once Damian got into a fist fight with a trans guy and when he got sent to the principals' office the principal kept going like "how DARE you hit a WOMAN," and he got so offended on the trans guys' behalf that he got into a fight with the principal too.
Tim: This will forever be my favorite story about him. Just to clarify, it was only a verbal fight with the principal.
Tim: Update: I was wrong, he did in fact try to punch the principal, they just stopped him.
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being a dysphoric trans man is horrible
like where's my penis, why is my chest so big, why does everyone treat me like a girl
and being not binary is even worse be yeah they'll accept you are a binary trans boy but if you are also agender/abinary/anything really they look away like you are a freak
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loroliyesplaything · 4 months
aspec people excluded from the queer community.
trans people excluded from the queer community.
nonbinary people excluded from the trans community.
people with personality disorders excluded from the mentally ill/neurodivergent community
schizo-spec/psychotic people excluded from the neurodivergent community.
it's the exact same thing every single time. exactly the same. why do people try to single out and exclude specific groups within their groups? I'm sure there is quite a variety of reasons, and a few I can think of, but regardless, it is blatantly the exact same shit every time. it reads the same. and it is so infuriating and appalling to witness.
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somnoflesh · 1 year
“That’s all for today, enjoy the rest of your evening.” Mr. Emmerich calls the class to a close. The students shuffle out one by one.
“Ah-ah, not you. Stay.” He gestures at a female student, Clarice.
“Oh- uh. Yes, sir.” She nods and walks to the desk, apprehension on her features.
“It’s alright, get that look off your face. You're in no trouble with me.” He laughs and walks to close the door as the last student leaves. Clarice watches close as he locks the door, as he always does when they're alone.
“How have you been, Victor?” He leans against his desk, eyes on his student.
“I've been doing alright…thank you.” His tensed shoulders drop with relief, he slumps forward from exhaustion. “I think so, at least.” He adds.
“Good, good. That's good to hear.” Mr. Emmerich nods his head and smiles.
“But you know, I don't like when you lie to me.”
Victor snaps his head upward, “Huh? I didn't—” Mr. Emmerich interrupts, “You just did. Is it that boy I keep seeing skulking around you? Is he bothering you, at all?” He pesters.
“No- Eric? Are you talking about Eric? No, no. He’s fine. He hasn’t done anything, we just talk. That's all!” Victor pleads, confusion clear in the changing tones of his voice.
Why is he acting like this? Mr. Emmerich’s never been so pushy. Why’s he so worried about his friend?
“You seem so quick to tell me it’s all small talk. Is that all it is? Is all he does distract you from my class?” Mr. Emmerich grips the edge of the desk and scoffs, “I should know what goes on in my own classroom. I know everything. I know everything about you.”
“I’m not sure what you’re implying here?” He takes a step back and vaguely waves his hands around, trying to conjure up thought with them.
“I lie for you everyday, you know.” He pushes himself from the desk and closes their distance.
“I treat you like a young lady in front of your peers. I tell your parents how you’re a good girl for me in class and I’ve no complaints with you. I do that because you asked that I lie. I lie because you want me to. So why are you lying to me, of all people?” His heated words come all at once, Victor can only produce sparse sounds as he tries to say something, but nothing does. It doesn’t feel real. What did he do? What did he do wrong?
“He doesn’t know, does he? That Eric boy. I’m the only one who knows you. I do what’s best for you and your happiness and I would like some reciprocation for all I’ve done for you.” Mr. Emmerich holds Victor still by his shoulders.
“You’ll be a good boy for me, won’t you? That’s what you want isn’t it?”
Victor grabs his arms and tries to tug them off but he just digs his fingers into his shoulders harder, causing a wince from the student.
“Please stop it, I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry. So please stop it!” He keeps tugging and eventually breaks the grip and backs away again only to be grabbed again and pushed against the desk. It knocks the breath from Victor, he wanted to scream but he couldn’t feel it come from his throat nor gut.
“Nobody knows you but me, Victor. But maybe they will. I’ll tell them. I will tell your lovely mother & father about your little boy fantasies and see what they think. Their little girl Clarice plays as a little boy with her favorite teacher. What would they think?” He seems to smile again, but it scares Victor. It made his skin crawl. He hits his chest and tries to shove him off as he whines, “You can’t do that! You said you wouldn’t— you can’t do that they can’t know about it! Why are you acting like this? Why?”
“You’ve always been my favorite. You were a pretty girl who loved my lectures and you loved the work. You always listened. Do you know what I felt when you confided in me and only me? It was exciting.” He holds down Victor’s hands onto the desk.
“What? …what?” Victor sputters and squirms, he doesn’t know how to process the words flowing through his ears. He can only ask again and again, why?
“Be still.” He lets go of his hands and presses them either side of the student, leaning his forehead onto his. He can feel the slight cold sweat of Victor’s brow.
“Please. Please leave me alone.” He whispers like a prayer to himself and shifts his head to turn to the ground and shuts his eyes tightly.
Mr. Emmerich takes this none too kindly, though. He slides his hand from a brief touch to his leg to his face to tap lightly under his chin, “Look at me.” He asks gently, at first.
Victor doesn’t listen. Mr. Emmerich grabs his chin and forces him to face him. “Look at me.” He seems to growl out, his brow knitted tightly.
Victor opens his eyes and looks. He can’t stand to look at him anymore. It makes him sick in the deepest part of his stomach and it tightens his throat.
“Good…that’s a good boy. That’s what you like to hear, isn’t it?” He caresses his cheek, his other hand holding onto his knee to push so he can allow himself to stand between his legs. His long uniform skirt rustling and sliding up in small portions. Just enough to make Victor feel a chill run across him.
“I’ll take a kiss just for today. That will be my reward for doing what you want. You can do that much, can’t you?” Mr. Emmerich questions with another light tap under Victor’s chin to direct attention.
“If you’ll…if you’ll leave me alone.” He bargains with him, pitifully.
Mr. Emmerich neither takes or rejects the terms. He leans in and kisses him. Hand grazing from his shoulder to his side, other pressing against the desk to hold himself in place. Victor slides his hands back to keep himself upright, refusing to touch him anymore than he touched him.
Mr. Emmerich attempts to get more than a shallow peck before he knows Victor isn’t kissing him in return.
“Kiss me back. Now.”
He complies.
No matter how ill it made him feel. He couldn’t do anything, though, could he? That’s what drained the fight from him all the more. He’s just a simple girl always meeting with her favorite teacher after every other class. Eric told Victor some classmates thought Clarice was giving favors to Mr. Emmerich for good grades. He assured Clarice he didn’t think they were true, but she could see the look in his eye. Victor could see the look in his eye.
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elenyafinwe · 9 months
Honestly, by now it shocks me, how I get backlash Every. Single. Time I see transmisic bullshit on my TL and name it as such. Had to block a mutual over it yesterday, because they rather agree with transmisic rethoric then listening to trans people. (And honestly, if you're a baby trans + minor and still fall for radfem speech, that's on you, go fucking edjucate yourself.) Has stealthy radfem speech rotten all your brains so much, that you've become incapable to recognize it as such even when it gets explainted to you?
See, that's the reason it's so important to name transmisia for what it is. That's the way radfems recruit their minions. On the surface it may sound plausible what they say, but if you look closer it all falls appart. But some rather cuddle with fascists then listening to the people actually harmed by their bullshit.
Everyone shits on Twitter and yes, it's terrible over there. But at this point Tumblr is as bad as Twitter. Transmisia is rotting everywhere here and it's fucking unsafe. The abuse I suffered here from transmisics is far worse than everything I got on Twitter. It's Tumblr where I got several explicit death threats for being trans, not Twitter, and it's Tumblr doing absolutely nothing. That's where your cuddling with radfems get you. I consider leaving at this point.
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estrogenism · 3 months
yes you love and cherish trans people but are you normal about intersex people, who are significantly more likely to be trans than a perisex person (at least in terms of intersex youth)?
do you acknowledge that they are directly targeted by many bills that also target trans people or do you say that they're just another group being indirectly targeted by anti-trans bills?
do you say that no kids are being forced on hrt or do you acknowledge that intersex babies are often forced on hrt?
do you acknowledge that intersex people can often have a complex experience with gender or do you just scream "intersex people can be cis too!!" whenever an intersex trans person tells you to stop disregarding their unique relationship with gender?
do you see a post asking for people to listen to intersex people and respond without sexualizing us or do you conflate your allyship with sexuality by saying "yeah i'd totally fuck an intersex person!"?
do you call animals with intersex conditions "trans icons" or do you actually acknowledge their intersex conditions?
do you treat us like human beings or do you ask us invasive questions about our genitals like we're some kind of lab rats?
do you listen when we tell you not to call us hermaphrodites or do you just make the excuse that animals are called hermaphrodites so you should be allowed to call us that too?
do you acknowledge intersex transfems and transmascs regardless of their casab or do you screech about how intersex people are co-opting your terms?
do you try and group intersex people under terms like amab/afab and tme/tma without acknowledging their actual experiences or do you just yell about how intersex people are trying to take your language away? (edit: this also includes very conveniently not mentioning intersex people's concerns and experiences when yelling about this)
do you acknowledge that not all intersex people are white? do you care about intersex poc?
do you care about us outside of the times that you can use us against transmisic people as a gotcha?
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kiruliom · 2 years
Boyfriend's is like problematic REALLY PROBLEMATIC
every main arguements Ive seen about this has either been
1: it fetishizes gay/trans/poly people
2: the creator said something racist once for one, the creator is a gay trans man who's open for polyamory, a lot of people misgender him and are generally transmisic towards him. also very racist sadly (hes indonesian)
for the second, he admitted it was way back when he was still learning english, and didnt know the weight of the words he said yet, he has since apologized for it. as someone who's also from a country not native to english I understand, people throw racist and even ableist slurs around everywhere here (which doesnt make it okay, but it helps visualize how people who arent educated on it can think its normal/alright).
what this "problematic" view is based on is either straight up transmisic or ignorance towards personal growth, which are both very harmful towards any community. you (and all of us tbf) grew up on cancel culture which makes you believe anyone the majority dislikes must immedietly be evil. this all started because some reddit nerds thought that the ads were cringe, and then it spread and people made excuses to hate it, which guess what! you dont need an excuse to not like something! I dont like dsmp, it's just not my tea, and thats okay!! boyfriends has been a media that helped me cope at bad times, it makes me feel happy as a queer ambiamorous man. we dont get a lot of man loving man content that is just,, fluff, happy stuff, no bad things happen its just 4 silly little guys loving eachother
also idk where to fit this in the above statement but like creator =/= creation, Im not supporting the creator financially in any way. also I am very critical of the media I consume so I dont "blindly defend it", I just look into it.
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dyspunktional-revan · 4 months
Just. Just think for a few seconds about the fact that we’re having a “which is transphobic, outing someone’s agab or being against outing someone’s agab” discourse.
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antiradqueer-karkat · 1 month
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bastard-sweet · 1 year
as someone who is completely anti-jkr, and is well aware she is a TERF, and quite honestly the damage she does existing as a TERF is bad enough.
I see a lot of people saying she supports anti-trans legislation or organisations. are there any sources on this?
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
throwback to episode 15 in which i talk about just one incident where trans lives aren't valued.
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transmorolians · 2 years
Playing games with people who are actually nice is...different.
Five years ago I was playing TF2 with cis friends, got sexually harassed by a stranger, wasn't even defended, complained about it after we finished playing to a chorus of, "He was just trying to get a rise out of you! Don't take it personally!"
Today I played TF2 with a proudly-transgender acquaintance, encountered a racist transmisic, watched the proud acquaintence laugh and mock the bigot for being a bigot, and was comforted in party chat during the match. "Sorry about that bigot. He was an asshole. You okay? Also, what's your pronouns, by the way, since I forgot to ask earlier?"
Being surrounded by people who care enough is...something. A good yet strange something. Not used to it.
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