yaoiboypussy · 12 hours
Hate starts young. Kids are being taught to be violent towards trans people. Recently many trans teens have been attacked by other kids. The most recent reported transphobic attack done by children was done by a group of 10 youths around 12 years old. The children who were attacked were only 3 years old. They were targeted because their father is a transgender man.
The toddlers were reportedly subjected to verbal and physical abuse after a group of about 10 youths, aged around 12, tripped and pushed them, while they were in park. The youths also launched transphobic insults at the youngsters, making fun of their father before he moved in to take them home.
The twins didn’t know what to do. They’re only three. One of these young people had pulled one of the girls off one of the rides in the park at the outset which really upset her. They followed them out of the park at Glenbryn and started tripping them up. One of the twins was pushed into a wall and hit her head. It was so upsetting and frightening for these children and their dad.
Belfast trans woman Adrianne Elson, who has spoken out before on issues affecting the trans community, said the incident was “horrific.” She said: “These were children themselves doing this, some of them around 12-years-old, who should have known better but it went on and on as they tried to go home. They were saying to the twins ‘your dad’s a girl’ at first and laughing but it just got worse and worse and more and more threatening.”
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useless-englandfacts · 18 hours
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just a reminder that transphobia is a minority hate movement, but it’s backed by all our major political parties and nearly all of our media!!! (x)
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enbycrip · 2 days
Do you know there was never a single fucking prosecution under section 28? Its whole fucking power was in its chilling effect. People feared losing their jobs; their kids; their livelihoods. People didn’t transition if they intended to stay in their jobs. Bodies didn’t support their queer members because legal advice leans very much “on the safe side just don’t”. So many, *many* queer people didn’t have the chance to produce queer art art and culture. The BBC didn’t produce shows written by out queer creatives or featuring queer characters unless they were going to go out after the watershed, and frequently much later at night. Many community venues didn’t host queer theatre or out queer bands. Queer parents didn’t dare enter into queer relationships while their children were young. People lived their lives in fear and pain. The whole thing was just meant to make it too fucking difficult for vulnerable and marginalised people to speak up about inclusion, or rights, or needs.
I think that’s what these new Tory “advisory guidelines” are intended to do to queer educators, students, teachers, parents, children, teenagers, librarians, medical professionals and creatives. Create a hostile environment for queer folk, especially trans binary and nonbinary folk.
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 days
okay important thing to say time here guys. terfs don’t hate cis men or masculinity. if your only conception of terfhood is that they’re man-haters, you’ve misunderstood the movement entirely.
like. look at posey parker asking cis men to enter womens toilets carrying guns to threaten trans women. look at her saying trans men should be sterilised. their problem has never been cis men, it has been trans people. they fucking love traditional gender roles, they just hate anyone subverting them.
they’re single-issue activists who have sold out their feminist movement for their hatred of trans people.
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odinsblog · 12 hours
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Good! He’s an asshole
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Canada has been seeing an unusual wave of anti-LGBTQ+ protests over the last year. These rallies and marches targeted drag storytime events at libraries, they targeted local school board meetings – in fact, they even targeted high schools and elementary schools in residential neighborhoods.
This organized wave of hate climaxed with a so-called “one million march for children” which took place in cities across Canada last September.
Now the pendulum is swinging the other way, and 2SLGBTQIA community groups are getting organized. Along with labour unions and civil society groups, they’re planning their own marches to protest against this recent wave of hate targeting queer and trans Canadians.
On this episode of Sources, Fae Johnstone, Executive Director of the Society of Queer Momentum, talks with PressProgress Editor Luke LeBrun about why she is organizing a Rainbow Week of Action across Canada this week. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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trans-androgyne · 2 days
“Men can’t wear women’s clothes but when women wear men’s clothes nobody bats an eye” tell that to every girl and transmasc that’s ever been denied entry to prom because they wore a suit
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adelacreations · 11 hours
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For context I got permission to show everyone these from @half-oz-eddie
I'm sorry anon, are you unaware about what a Maid Cafe is? The point is people regardless of gender are either maids or butlers. I'm SO SO sorry your transphobic ass feels so uncomfortable about the concept of male characters wearing nail polish and lip stick
And that "some have lipstick that's too much" that's Lord Billy, an Resident Evil Village x Stranger Things AU yours truly (me). Lord Billy is genderfluid.
You're frankly a coward to sit there on anon and type those words to the @harringrove-cafe which was designed to bring joy to people's day. We don't tolerate this type of behaviour towards the Cafe OR in the harringrove and Billy Hargrove fandom in general.
Come off of anon and say that shit with your WHOLE chest since you have plenty of words to say about what Billy and the other male characters should and shouldn't wear. Cisgender males wear lipstick and nail polish in real life, does that give you the heebie jeebies too?
You're actually pathetic, get the fuck out of here and back to the vile river of hate that you came from. You're not welcome here.
To everyone else: please show the Cafe alot of love. We artists all had a fun time drawing these for the maid Cafe event!
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justerithings · 2 days
“I refuse to date bisexual people” -> garden variety biphobia
“I refuse to date trans people” -> for some reason a perfectly valid opinion to have and if you question me about it at all, you’re actually a predator
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mspeevee · 1 day
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being LGBTQ+ is not a fuckin ideology??? ""think of the children""??? you could have easily just said "We would prefer to keep heated topics out of our server" and left it at that but instead we have mr "being LGBTQ+ and mentioning it is inappropriate for children!!".
that kind of wording or thinking is NOT "tolerance"
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yaoiboypussy · 2 days
I feel like I’m going insane I saw a display for “historic queer women in stem” and you know who they put there. Alan L. Hart. Alan L. Hart
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theconcealedweapon · 2 days
You ever notice that right wingers lie and exaggerate in order to make left wingers look bad, while left wingers who want to make right wingers look bad can just tell the truth with zero exaggeration?
For example
Right wingers say "left wingers want drag queens in lingerie to read books about boners to kindergarteners" which is nowhere near true.
Left wingers say "right wingers want to legally force preteen rape victims to give birth", which is 100% true with zero exaggeration.
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it’s interesting to me that the bbc decided to use the (obviously loaded and fragrantly right-wing) term “gender ideology” to debate trans people’s existence
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jaskierx · 1 day
the amount of terfs yelling at me on my feminism post is really highlighting how much of an issue it is that radfems are prioritising transphobia over everything else
i’m out here trying to post my thoughts on women’s oppression and folks are falling over themselves to yell about how trans women aren’t affected by any of those issues so they must be men and i should just accept it. nobody is actually talking about the issue or about women, they’re busy forming a queue to remind everyone how much they hate trans people, or bringing up trans women as a gotcha as if the fact that trans women aren’t affected by certain aspects of misogyny is some kind of big win that makes them undeniably correct
women are not defined by the oppression they face. feminist issues are still feminist issues when they don’t affect women who were assigned male at birth, in the same way that they’re still feminist issues when they don’t affect white women, or rich women, or women who don’t have children. you wouldn’t come onto a post and start shouting about how a particular issue only affects cis women in certain circumstances, so why are you centring your hatred of trans women in discussions about feminism?
you care far more about making trans women’s lives worse than you do about making women’s lives better and it’s fucking harmful to all of us
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odinsblog · 1 day
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The victim complex of conservative Christian white men
“I know you’ve heard about Harrison Butker by now, and his embarrassment of a commencement speech at Benedictine College. You’ve probably seen the NFL kicker roasted six ways from Sunday for his misogyny, hypocrisy, and regressive nonsense. People have already written about his stupidity, everyone has memed his nonsense, and conservatives have applauded him for advocating for a return to the 1950s. That is exactly what he was doing, unashamedly. Butker delivered countless awful lines, saying, ‘Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.’ Which is an ugly mix of law and order rhetoric and sexism, a mix that makes no logical sense but scratches a certain itch in the mind of his conservative audience.
I just want to briefly add to the criticism of this Super Bowl winner, who will probably run for office before too long. Specifically, I want to highlight the inane variety of patriarchal bullshit running through his speech, and his apparent approach to the world. Butker and men like him are trying to sell us a load of hot garbage, and get men to be the worst version of themselves. They’re trying to make us see ourselves as victims, and encouraging us to use that false belief as fuel to go out and hurt other people. We can and should reject that directive.
We should reject it for countless reasons, but I think the place to start is to look at this guy telling us we’ve been oppressed by society and so we should stand up and be real men and tell women to be homemakers. He makes four million dollars a year to kick a ball, he’s won the Super Bowl, and he’s still a miserable person pretending to be a victim. All that wealth, all the success, and he’s going to speak at a college to tell young women, ‘I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.’
As they’re graduating college to go out into the world, he’s telling them to stay home and be mothers. He’s theoretically reached the American dream, and he’s spending his time telling college girls to be ‘homemakers.’
Oh and in the days since his speech it’s come out that his mom is an accomplished physicist.
But nevertheless.”
(continue reading)
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tales-from-syscord · 2 days
tme means transmisogyny exempt and is a fairly stupid term, sorry
its used to talk about how transfem ppl have a significantly worse experience than transmasc ppl (which not only us extremely harmful to transfemmes for telling them how bad their life is gonna be but also completely undermines transmasc experiences) (which also results in harassment towards transmascs)
its also rooted in the belief that transandrophobia isn’t real (which. it is)
but there’s also a lot of people that can experience transmisogyny not just transfemmes ?? (for example intersex ppl)
i didn’t put this very well, but i just saw a post from someone else who went really into the harmfulness of the terms and i’ll see if i can send it to you
- 📼 (if that signoff isn’t taken?)
Oh YIKES. Transandrophobia and transmisogyny can and do co-exist.. thanks for informing us 📼!
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