#transfem wallpaper
palebluetroye · 2 years
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bridget wallpaper !! send me an ask if you’d like any characters in this style
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blahaj-is-love · 9 months
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guywithrice · 9 months
lgbtq+ wallpapers (part 1)
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memehex · 6 months
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lgbtq-aestheticss · 5 months
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Transfemasc + gaybian vaporeon wallpapers
Requested by anon
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xxcalicofemmexx · 3 months
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transfeminine wallpapers!
Transfeminine: Someone who is transitioning femininely. This person may be binary trans or nonbinary, and they may be transitioning hormonally, socially, surgically, or any number of ways
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newpathpride · 1 year
Today’s subtle wallpaper is transfem reflecting on water. Hope you like it!
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Could you do a coral/flower based trans flag (whichever is easier, or blending could be cool) please? Thanks!
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tofu-gaycat · 2 years
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aceing-on-the-cake · 2 years
Gender Cork Board Wallpapers
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Free for use w/reblog, no reposting please
Feel free to request a gender or sexuality you want to see like this and I'll see what I can do
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that-one-raccoon · 1 year
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Been thinking about Cleminnit (Transfem c! Tommyinnit) so i made a wallpaper! Hope y’all like it ♡
Alternate version below:
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(REMINDER: this is about the character, not the streamer)
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hey, remember when you asked for a transmasc wallpaper set? where did you get that flag from? i wanna see if the creator has a matching transfem flag, and maybe make another set
the op is deactivated, but here's the transfem one ^^
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blahaj-is-love · 8 months
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proseka-headcanons · 10 hours
Unofficial Mod Mai’s gender headcanons list since other people are doing it. (+ a fun extra headcanon that is very random)
Ichika: Demigirl (She tried to get her cactus to grow blue flowers once so they were like Miku.)
Saki: Transneutral/Non-binary/Doesnt give a fvck about gender (They needed braces for a few years)
Honami: Transfem (Likes fruit punch)
Shiho: Transfem (Cuts her own hair)
Minori: Pangender (Tried to cut her hair to look like Haruka’s hair once. It did not go well.)
Haruka: Honestly I can’t decide for her. I like Transfem and Transmasc Haruka so… their gender is whatever Im feeling like it is. (Her favorite color is purple.)
Airi: Transneutral (As a child she had a pet rock named Saku and treated it like it was alive. She fed it and everything.)
Shizuku: Demigirl (Her phone wallpaper is set as Haruka. She had to get Airi to help her change it though. And yes this is shizuharu propaganda)
Kohane: Transfem (Sometimes forgets to put her contacts in and can’t find her glasses so she just can’t see for the day.)
An: Transfem (Im gonna be honest I can’t come up with anything for her. Sorry…)
Akito: Honestly I can’t decide for him but thats because I just. Haven’t looked enough into his character to make a decision and man he could be anything. (I also dont have a random headcanon for him sorryyyyyy)
Toya: Demiboy (He sometimes accidentally does the :3 smile)
Tsukasa: Non-binary (His bed is 70% plushies, 10% pillows, and 20% space for him to sleep on. He insists this is very comfortable.)
Emu: Transfem but doesn’t care what you call her (Bought a whole store because Rui mentioned they needed a part from there for their next robot. This also might be emurui propaganda…)
Rui: Transfem but prefers they/them pronouns (With said store Emu bought, Rui started exclusively buying parts for their robots from there unless an absolutely necessary part wasn’t stocked there.)
Nene: Demigirl (Now owns seven game systems because Emu overheard that she wanted another system. Emunene propaganda maybe? I prefer it platonically but ehhhh I’m a multishipper…)
Kanade: Transfem (A bit clingy towards Honami… heheheheheheh honakana is cute…)
Mafuyu: Agender (Their real smile is similar to Rui’s. The whole :3 thing you know.)
Mizuki: Transfem (Has started to do the :3 smile occasionally because of how often she spends time with Rui. This just might be Ruimizu propaganda…)
Ena: Transmasc (Slightly fearful of Honami because of her art.)
BONUS!!!! A couple of NPC’s!!!
Riho: Transfem (Likes to doodle while coming up with new songs)
Reki: Transmasc (Unfortunately I dont really have anything for him. But he is very silly to me.)
No Mai because, frankly, I do not remember what I last said my headcanons for her were and I do not want to confuse you guys (I tend to be very flexible with some of my headcanons, especially gender ones, so yeah…)
- Unofficial Mod Mai
should we make a tag for gender headcanon posts
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desolatesekai · 4 months
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hey there, everyone ♪ welcome to a yet another prosekai edit blog!! there are a lot of them already, howeveeeer— my main priority for starting this blog is to have an archive for my own edits ★ i haven't done them in a long time and i wanted to start anew, so they might not be the best, but i'm doing it just for fun!! i don't have a main blog for the time being and i'm still figuring out tumblr again, but i hope we can get along well ww
if you like my edits, though, then you can look under the cut for more details about requesting and my dni criteria ★
any transparents that aren't the in-game transparents are gonna be by @/prsk2dmv-transparents and @/sekaitransparents!! will be crediting them whenever i use them, but if i ever forget then the credit is here ~
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icons: only square ones for now. these can contain either card icons (icon that is just a close-up of the card, optionally with some touch-ups), general icons (icon of a character on a certain background, mostly of a monochrome color) and pride icons (icon of a character on a pride flag, although i want to try making icons with disability flags as well). i won't do gif icons, though, or at least not for now ):
twitter layouts: a set containing an icon (please specify which one from the icons above) and a twitter header; the types of headers are general headers (containing the requested character/pairing on a certain background; works with pride flags as well), picture headers (headers that are a picture fitting the icon) and mixed headers (made from three pictures — two fitting the icon and one containing the character/pairing)
moodboards: either open ones (where every picture is separated) or closed ones (where everything is in one picture). if you choose a closed one, i will as well do two versions; one with only pictures used in the moodboard and one with a requested character/pairing on top of it.
stimboards: nothing to say in this one, just that i might deny the request when i won't be able to find good gifs. you can send me gifs you want to see in the stimboard, though
wallpapers: either phone or pc ones, specified size would be appreciated. similiar to icons, these can contain either card wallpapers (preferably only to be requested for phone wallpapers), general wallpapers and pride wallpapers. i might experiment with some of them, however!
tumblr layouts: not too confident in making these, but i might as well try. works the same way as twitter layouts, but the only header type is gonna be a general header
reply icons: also not too confident with these, but work the same way as normal icons. they're just uhh shaped like reply icons you know.
i'm ok with doing any pairing that is not proship or toyasaki/toyakasa! i'll also think about adding more sources someday, but for now i just want to stick to prosekai ww
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— i prefer simple edits over the overly aesthetic ones!
— please tell me directly if i do something wrong, eg. use a wrong flag! i can't correct myself if i don't know what i did wrong
— please, please use tonetags when needed! i'm autistic and i can't read the tone well, so i'd hate to get a request or an ask wrong because of it!
— i have full rights to deny a request! i won't do it much and i'll always state a reason to why i'm denying it, but i want you to be aware of this possibility
— i'll try my best to get the requests done quick, but i'm still a high schooler and i have my own personal life!
— feel free to ask about anything!
— the cards from revival my dream and island panic sets won't be edited, and it also goes to any possible racist sets in the future!
— dni if you fit the basic criteria, but also if you're a fetishist, colopale defender, sexualize minors, don't see mizuki as a canon transfem and/or use he/him on them and ship toyasaki/toyakasa or other canon found families!
— i'll add the alt text for all images in the future, but i have to learn how to properly write it first!
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pride-flag-planets · 1 year
I’m Theo (any pronouns + it/its + neopronouns)
Feel free to use any of the pieces on this blog as a pfp, header, wallpaper, background, etc. (with credit please!) Use it, modify it, destroy it. Go absolutely wild. I believe art should be set free to grow and evolve outside the original artist. However, if you want to use any of these for a business, ask me first.
List + links for completed ones under the cut
If you want me to draw something, submit an ask that includes:
The flag you want represented (image and/or a link to a page where I can read about it and find an image. Especially important if there are multiple alternate flags)
The name of the identity
What you want me to make out of it (I mostly do koi but I love to be challenged with something else!)
(Optional) any other details (rings/moons for planets, what’s the main color of the koi, etc.)
(Optional) background color
For the extra details, take my other art as an example of what I can do. But also feel free to ask me about something I haven’t drawn before and I’ll try my best.
I tend to do multiple versions with different backgrounds but not always
This is supposed to be a fun project for me: I am not obligated to make your flag (though I will try to get all of the ones you request!)
I’m absolutely willing to redo any of the flags I’ve already done.
Every post will be tagged to the best of my ability
The planets 🪐 will include #pride flag planets, the koi 🐠 will include #queer koi, potions 🫙 will be #pride potions, and others will be tagged as #misc subtle pride
Groups of 2+ will include #queer planetary system or #queer koi pond
Currently working on
Trans ace lesbian planet
Lesbian graysexual planet
trans potion
🪐 pride flag planets 🐠 queer koi 🫙pride potions 🌳 trees ☁️ clouds/fog
🪐Aro Neu/Neu Aro
🪐Bisexual (no rings)
🪐Bisexual (with rings)
🐠Gay (mlm)
🪐Queerplatonic Relationship / QPR
🐠Queerplatonic Relationship / QPR
🐠Quoiromantic / WTFromantic
(Ordered from least to most recent)
note: planetary systems are named by their planet, and moons are in parentheses
🐠Aroace (Aromantic and Asexual fish with Aroace moon reflection)
🪐Transfemmasc (Nonbinary, Trans, Genderfluid, Genderqueer)
🐠Lesbian + Asexual (Asexual and Lesbian fish)
🐠Bisexual + Asexual (Asexual and Bisexual fish)
🐠Aroace + Demigirl (Aroace and Demigirl fish)
🐠Bisexual + Non-binary (Bisexual and Non-binary fish)
🐠Lesbian + Non-binary (Lesbian and Non-binary fish)
🪐Bisexual (Demisexual, Demiromantic)
🐠Bigender + Genderfluid (Bigender and Genderfluid fish)
🐠Lesbian + Oriented Aroace (Lesbian and Oriented Aroace fish)
🐠Pan + Oriented Aroace (Pansexual and Oriented Aroace fish)
🐠Bisexual, Demigirl, Greyace (Demigirl, Bisexual, and Greyace fish)
🪐Lesbian (Asexual, Oriented Aroace, Aromantic, Nonbinary)
🐠Aroaceflux (aroaceflux, aroflux, and aceflux fish)
🐠Aroace (Aromantic and Asexual fish redraw)
🌳Aroace (Aromantic and Asexual split trees, some with Aroace background)
🐠Greyromantic Asexual (Greyromantic and asexual fish)
🐠Aroace Nonbinary (Aroace and Enby fish)
🪐Aroallo (bisexual and quoigender moons)
🪐Trans, Asexual, Aromantic
🐠AAA (aromantic, asexual, agender)
🪐Aroace demigirl (aroace planet with demigirl rings)
🐠Transfem Greyrose (fish)
🐠Trans lesbian (fish)
🪐Aroace Genderqueer (aroace planet with genderqueer rings)
🐠Aromantic, Asexual, Genderqueer (fish)
🐠Pansexual Agender (fish)
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