#the twilight saga
thewulf · 2 days
Trust in the Tide || Paul Lahote
Summary: Request -Hello!! I loved your forever yours fic!! I was wondering if you could write another Paul Lahote fic where Bella goes to the cullens house and drags her sister Y/N along with. Paul isnt happy about this at all and gets very possessive of Y/N.
A/N: Okay this one is cheeeeeesy but really sweet :)
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Swan Sister Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
TW: Possessiveness, general twilight warnings
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On an unusually warm afternoon, with the sun painting the waves in hues of amber and gold, you find yourself lounging on the sands of La Push beach. Beside you, Paul's presence is as comforting as the steady rhythm of the surf. Though known among his peers for his fierce temper and unyielding nature with you he's a different person—gentle, attentive, and uncharacteristically vulnerable.
You've been together for a year now ever since the day he imprinted on you. A single moment that forever changed the course of both your lives. In this year your relationship has blossomed into a deep and passionate connection with you often playing the role of his anchor, the calm in his storm.
As you sit there watching the gulls dance above the waves Paul's hand finds yours, his fingers lacing with yours in a familiar, comforting grip. His other hand brushes away a stray lock of hair from your face tucking it gently behind your ear. "Beautiful day, isn't it?" he murmurs. His voice low and warm carrying over the sound of the waves.
You nod while leaning into his side, feeling the solid strength of him. "It's perfect," you agree, allowing yourself a moment to bask in the simple joy of being here with him away from the complexities of your intertwined worlds.
Paul's gaze is fixed on the horizon, but you know his thoughts are never far from you. In these quiet, unguarded moments you see a side of him that no one else does. You see the vulnerability hidden behind the façade of the tough werewolf. It's a side he only shows to you. It makes your heart swell with a mix of affection and pride.
"Thanks for being here, you know," he says suddenly before turning to look at you with intense, sincere eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Your heart flutters at his words. A gentle reminder of the bond you share. "I'll always be here, Paul," you assure him by squeezing his hand. "No matter what."
In these moments with the salty breeze tangling your hair and the sound of Paul's steady heartbeat under your ear you feel an overwhelming sense of peace. Here, with him, you are home.
But your peaceful afternoon is abruptly shattered when Bella, her brow creased with worry but with a knowing smirk on her face, approaches the two of you on the beach. The sight of her alone is enough to tighten Paul's grip around your waist. His body tensing as if bracing for a storm.
"Whenever you aren't with Charlie, you're always here," Bella comments lightly. Trying to ease the tension with a touch of humor as she nods towards the two of you entwined on the sand.
You can't help but smile even as the worry in Bella's eyes belies her playful tone. "Can you blame me?" you reply with gesturing to the serene beach and then to Paul whose presence is a comforting constant in your life.
Paul attempted to lighten the mood despite the tension. He throws a quizzical glance at Bella. "What brings the vampire girl back down to La Push?" he jokes. Trying to elicit a smile but his voice betrays a hint of his underlying concern.
Bella's expression turns serious again as she ignores Paul’s attempt at humor. "It's Alice," she begins. Her voice dropping to a more urgent whisper. "She had a vision... and it involves you, Y/N. It's not clear, but it's serious enough that we think you should come to the house and talk about it."
Instantly, Paul's embrace tightens. His protective instincts flaring up. "No," he says flatly, his voice laced with a protectiveness that borders on aggression. "She’s not going anywhere near those bloodsuckers."
You squeeze his hand trying to calm the storm you see brewing in his eyes. "Paul, if it's about me… I need to know. I need to understand what's happening," you reason. Your voice a soothing counterpoint to his growling tone.
Bella looks between the two of you, her worry deepening. "It’s not clear what it means yet, but Alice saw a conflict... something that might escalate without your intervention. We think Y/N might be a key to preventing it."
Paul’s body is rigid with conflict. The thought of you walking into what he views as the lion’s den. A place where every instinct tells him you could be in danger, is tearing him apart inside. "You don't understand, Bella. I can’t just let her walk into a potential trap," he argues with his voice strained.
You look up at him. Your heart is aching at the pain and fear etched in his features. "Paul, I need to do this. Not just for me but for all of us. If there’s even a chance that my being there could help prevent a bigger conflict, we have to take it." Your voice is firm. Carrying the weight of your resolve. "I’ll be okay. I went to school with them, remember? They'd never harm a hair on my head."
Seeing the agony in his eyes you reach up to cup his cheek, forcing him to meet your gaze. "I promise Pau, I'll come home right to you. Just wait for me, okay?"
Paul's face is a mask of conflict. He’s torn between his fierce instinct to protect and his deep trust in you. "It's not you I don't trust, you know that," he says, his voice tense. "It's them. It's walking you right into their world... without me even being able to be there to protect you."
You nod understanding his fear. "Paul, I'm Bella's sister," you remind him gently by playing to his more rational side. "They've known me almost as long as they've known her. They'd never hurt me. And this could help everyone. The pack even. Your brothers and sister. It could prevent a bigger conflict. Isn't that worth it?"
He looks out towards the sea, his jaw clenching as he processes your words. "And I can't even escort you there..." he mutters with frustration lacing every word.
With pleading eyes, you look back at him. "I need you to trust me on this," you say softly. "Trust that I'll be okay."
Paul stares into your eyes searching for something that might make this easier. Finally, with a guttural sigh, his resistance crumbles. "Alright," he murmurs. His voice rough with suppressed emotion. "But I’m holding you to that promise. You come straight back to me. Please." He adds with a soft smile.
You grin while squeezing his hand tightly ever so grateful for his trust and understanding. "I will, Paul. I promise." Sensing the weight of the moment you step closer to him before wrapping your arms around his neck. You press a lingering, tender kiss to his lips. A promise of your return sealed with the sweetness of your affection.
As you pull away your eyes lock with his communicating a depth of love and reassurance. "Wait for me," you whisper. It’s a soft plea mixed with a firm promise. He agrees. His expression a mix of resolve and vulnerability. The hard lines of his face softening at your touch.
With one last look you turn and follow Bella to her truck feeling the weight of Paul's gaze on you like a protective cloak. As you climb into the passenger seat and the truck pulls away his figure remains etched against the horizon. A silent sentinel watching over the path you'll return by.
As the truck bumps along the familiar forested road leading to the Cullen house Bella steals a few glances your way her earlier worry momentarily replaced by a hint of curiosity. The silence between you isn’t uncomfortable but it's filled with the unspoken acknowledgment of the distance that has grown between you two. Yet, today, as the trees blur past there’s a tentative bridge being built in those stolen glances.
“You seem really happy, Y/N,” Bella finally says. The words careful but genuine. She adjusts her grip on the steering wheel focusing on the winding road but clearly intent on your response.
Your heart swells at the mention and you can't help but nod enthusiastically. “I am, Bella. Paul... he’s been amazing,” you reply. Your voice tinged with undeniable joy. “He’s so kind to me, you know? In ways that people don’t always see.”
Bella smiles, a soft, understanding smile that reaches her eyes. “I can tell. He looks at you like... like you’re his whole world.” Her tone is reflective, possibly recalling her own complex relationships. “It’s really nice seeing you so taken care of. Makes me feel less worried about dragging you into our... mess today.”
The road smooths out as you approach the Cullen’s long driveway and you let out a small, contented sigh. “Thanks, Bella. I know it’s a lot, with everything going on. But being with Paul, it feels right. Like I’m where I’m supposed to be.” You turn to her with a bright grin spreading across your face. “And don’t worry about today. We’ll handle it just like we handle everything else.”
Bella nods, her expression mixing relief with a bit of admiration. “I’m glad, Y/N. And I’m glad he’s good to you. We all need that… someone who makes us feel like coming home.”
The conversation lulls as the imposing structure of the Cullen house comes into view with its vast windows reflecting the cloudy sky above. Today might be filled with uncertainties but your heart holds on to the warmth of the conversation, the shared smiles, and the reassurance of your sister's concern, making you feel ready for whatever lies ahead.
As you step into the cool, grand interior of the Cullen house the atmosphere is charged with a mix of anticipation and tension. The Cullen’s are all present. Their expressions ranging from curious to concerned. Alice steps forward first with her slight frame contrasting the intensity of her gaze.
"Thank you for coming, Y/N," Alice says sincerely. "I know this isn't easy."
You nod feeling the weight of the situation but bolstered by the earlier conversation with Bella. "Let's just get to the bottom of this, Alice. What exactly did you see?"
Alice describes her vision in greater detail explaining that it involved a confrontation that could escalate tensions not just within Forks but potentially with other vampire groups. Your presence, she suggests, might symbolize a commitment to peace that could soothe rising fears.
Edward, ever the voice of reason, interjects thoughtfully. "I’ve given this some thought. Perhaps there's a way to communicate our intentions without requiring Y/N to be directly involved. We could send a message through Carlisle to the other leaders, clarifying our stance and our commitment to peace. Getting the pack involved this early seems… unwise." His soft smile towards you is comforting and you give him a quick nod back agreeing with his stance.
Jasper, who has been quietly assessing the mood, adds, "And I can reach out to my old contacts. They trust my judgment. If I explain the situation and our peaceful intentions it might help calm any unrest."
You listen to each suggestion feeling a sense of relief that there might be solutions that don't require you to be more involved than necessary. "Both sound like good plans," you agree. "My being here today is a show of good faith and hopefully that's enough. Showing that we're united in wanting peace might be the strongest message we can send."
Carlisle nods in agreement. His expression one of gentle authority. "I think that's wise. We appreciate your willingness to help, Y/N, and your insight has been invaluable. But let's minimize risk where we can."
Esme with her nurturing demeanor smiles warmly at you. "And we're here to support you not to make demands. Let's proceed with those ideas and keep communication open. Should we need you we know how to get ahold of you." She gestures to your sister who was looking more and more relieved.
As the meeting begins to wind down and everyone seems to agree on the proactive steps to take, Emmett can't resist lightening the mood. He leans slightly closer to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes and pretends to sniff the air dramatically. "Y/N, you know I love you, but you kind of stink like wet dog today," he says with a broad grin, clearly teasing.
You can't help but laugh, shaking your head at his typical goofiness. "Emmett, you really never change, do you?" you reply. The laughter making your words light and easy.
Rosalie who was standing beside him rolls her eyes affectionately at her husband's antics but smiles at the exchange. It's clear they all value the levity Emmett brings, especially in tense situations.
"Hey, I'm just saying, maybe a little vampire sparkle wouldn't hurt," Emmett chuckles, winking at you.
As you leave the Cullen house, chuckling over Emmett's playful banter, you feel a genuine warmth from the exchange. It's moments like these in the middle of the gravity of supernatural politics that remind you of the strange yet comforting friendship you've found with the Cullen’s. They might be vampires, but their familial bonds and moments of humor aren't so different from what you find at home with Paul and the pack.
As Bella's truck pulls up to the familiar surroundings of La Push you can already see Paul waiting by the road, his posture tense with anticipation. The moment the truck stops he's at the door pulling it open with a haste that speaks volumes of his anxiety and relief.
"You're back," Paul breathes out. His voice thick with emotion as he helps you out of the truck. His hands are gentle but firm, as if he needs to physically feel that you're safe and sound.
"I'm back, just like I promised," you reassure him by reaching up to touch his face, feeling the rough stubble and the warmth of his skin. His eyes search yours looking for any sign of distress instead relaxing when he sees your calm demeanor.
Before you can fully turn to Paul you remember Bella, still seated in the driver’s seat, watching the exchange with a small smile. "Thanks, Bella. For everything today," you speak while giving her a grateful look.
Bella nods, her eyes softening. "Of course. Take care, you two," she replies. Her voice carrying a hint of relief at seeing you safe and sound with Paul.
Paul who was not one to hold grudges where your safety is involved, nods at Bella. "Thanks for looking out for her," he adds. His tone sincere despite the underlying tension of the day.
With a final wave Bella starts the truck again before pulling away from the curb as you turn back to Paul. His arms are already open, ready to pull you into a secure embrace. "I was worried, you know," he admits once Bella's truck has disappeared from sight, his voice low, almost a whisper against the breeze. "Every minute felt like an hour. But I trust you. I should have remembered that you can handle anything."
You smile softly as you were touched by his concern and his admission. "I know you were worried, and I love you for it," you say while pulling him close for a hug. "But I also knew everything would be okay. We had to make sure of that."
Paul nods, his expression softening as he pulls back just enough to look into your eyes. "I'm sorry for doubting. It's just hard when I think about anything happening to you."
"Nothing happened, Paul. And I had to go today to keep it that way," you explain, hoping he understands the importance of your actions today. Not just for yourself but for the peace it might ensure.
Paul takes a deep breath, his chest rising and falling under your hands. "I get it now. I do. And I'm proud of you, Y/N. Really proud." His words are sincere and filled with a new respect for your judgment and your strength.
The two of you stand there for a moment, just holding each other, the sound of the waves in the background a soothing soundtrack to your reunion. Paul's hold tightens briefly as if reaffirming his promise to always be there for you.
"Why don't we just sit here for a while?" Paul suggests, gesturing towards the beach. "Enjoy the quiet and each other's company. No rush, just us." You grin, grateful for the peaceful end to an eventful day. Settling back onto the sand you lean against him feeling truly at home in his embrace. As the sun begins to set it painted the sky in fiery hues. You savor the moment of calm, the simple joy of being together.
As the evening air grows cooler and a gentle shiver passes through you Paul notices immediately. With a concerned furrow of his brow, he shifts closer, his arms reaching out to you. "Hey, come here," he says softly while pulling you gently towards him. Before you know it you're settled comfortably in his lap. His warmth enveloping you like a protective cloak.
Wrapped in his embrace you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of safety and love. Paul's hands rub your arms gently, generating warmth, his breath warm against the side of your neck. "Better?" he asks. His voice a soothing rumble in his chest.
"Much," you reply leaning back against him, feeling his heartbeat steady and reassuring against your back. The sound of the waves, the starlit sky, and Paul's presence combine into a perfect ever peaceful moment.
Paul kisses the top of your head gently. An affirmation of his feelings. "I love you. You know that?" he murmurs into your hair. His voice carrying a weight of sincerity. "Not just for being so strong today, but for every day. For being you."
Your heart feels full. His words lifting you even further into a state of bliss. "I love you too, Paul. So much," you whisper back, turning slightly to catch his eye. The look he gives you is filled with adoration and a promise of infinite tomorrows.
As the evening chill sets in and you snuggle deeper into Paul's embrace his heart swells with an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. Under the vast, starlit sky, as he feels your steady breathing against him Paul's thoughts drift towards the future. A future he envisions vividly with you by his side.
Holding you close, his mind fills with images of similar nights, perhaps a little house of your own nearby where the sounds of the ocean can lull you both to sleep. He imagines lazy mornings with you, shared laughter, and quiet evenings just like this one. Each moment reinforcing the bond between you.
"You know," Paul whispers while breaking the comfortable silence. His voice tinged with a mix of wonder and conviction, "I feel like the luckiest guy on earth to have you. Every day with you feels like a promise of something great."
You look up at him, touched by his sincerity and the soft look in his eyes. "And I feel like the luckiest girl," you respond. Your voice soft. "I can't wait for all those days, Paul."
Content in the quiet night wrapped in each other's arms the world seems to stand still. Eventually, as the night deepens and the chill of the air becomes more pronounced, Paul's concern for your comfort reasserts itself. "Let's get you home before you turn into an ice cube," he jokes lightly. But his care is evident in the way he helps you to your feet and keeps you close as you walk to his car.
When you arrive at your doorstep Paul pulls you into one more long, lingering kiss. This one filled with promises and plans. "See you tomorrow, love. Dream of us," he says as he finally, regretfully, pulls away.
As you watch him drive off his earlier words echo in your heart filling you with warmth and a deep, unshakeable sense of belonging. You step inside already counting the minutes until you see him again, secure in the knowledge that what you have is once-in-a-lifetime. Tonight has not only brought you closer but has also cemented a future you are both eager to build together. One beautiful day at a time.
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game-save-compare1 · 2 days
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writewithmiaaa · 2 days
Jasper Hale X reader
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Chapter one: Guarded Grace
Pairings: Jasper Hale x Female reader
Warnings: None 💗
Summary: When James runs into the ballet studio, there is a girl in there, practising her barre. How will Jasper react?
Type: Fluff and a pinch of angst💓
The ballet studio was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the faint glow of the streetlights outside. Y/N moved gracefully along the barre, her every movement fluid and precise. She had always found solace in ballet, a way to express herself and escape from the mundane worries of life. Tonight, the studio was her sanctuary, a place where she could lose herself in the dance.
As she executed a flawless arabesque, she heard the distant sound of a door creaking open. Pausing, she glanced toward the entrance of the studio, her heart skipping a beat. Her pulse quickened when a tall, menacing figure stepped into the room, his presence filling the space with an aura of danger. His blonde hair was long, and an evil grin plastered his chiseled jaw.
He moved with a predatory grace, his eyes locking onto her with an intensity that made her blood run cold. "What a delightful surprise," he said, his voice smooth and chilling. "I was looking for someone else, but you'll do nicely. I’m James."
Before she could react, another figure burst into the studio, moving with inhuman speed and precision. This time, the man had golden eyes which were fierce, and medium length hair. He smelt of oak and cinnamon. The mystery man quickly positioned himself between Y/N and the danger.
"Get behind me," he ordered, his voice low but commanding.
“What the hell is happening? You ruined my perfect barre.” Y/N sulked, a pout covering her pretty face.
“I said, get behind me.”
Y/N had no idea what was happening, and so she instinctively trusted the intensity in his gaze. She backed away, pressing herself against the mirrored wall as the man squared off against James.
James's smile widened, showing his sharp teeth. "Two for the price of one," he hissed. "This is going to be fun, isn’t it Jasper?"
Jasper's stance shifted, his body poised like a coiled spring ready to strike. "You won't touch her, she’s human.” he growled, his voice filled with quiet fury.
“Oh Jasper, but that’s half the fun.” James mock pouted. The two vampires began to circle each other, their movements a deadly dance. Y/N watched in a mix of terror and awe as Jasper's military precision met James's raw ferocity. The air crackled with tension, the threat of violence palpable.
Suddenly, James lunged, and the room exploded into a blur of movement. Jasper met him head-on, their clash echoing through the studio. The mirrors shook, reflecting the chaotic struggle as they grappled, each trying to gain the upper hand.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the fierce battle. She had never felt so helpless, so vulnerable. But then, in the midst of the chaos, she saw something extraordinary. Jasper's movements became more fluid, more controlled. A feeling of calm washed over the room. How did that happen?
With a final, powerful blow and barred teeth, Jasper sent James crashing into the barre, breaking it in half. The defeated vampire snarled but didn't attempt to rise. Instead, he slinked back, eyes burning with hatred.
"This isn't over," James spat, his gaze flickering to Y/N before he retreated, disappearing into the night.
The studio fell silent, the only sound the ragged breathing of the combatants. Jasper turned to Y/N, his expression softening.
"Are you alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.
Y/N nodded, her legs trembling from the adrenaline. "Yes, thank you. What was that about?”
Jasper offered a small, reassuring smile. "Don’t worry about it darlin’, you’re safe now. Want me to walk you home?”
As they stepped into the cool night air, Jasper stayed close to Y/N, his presence a comforting shield against the lingering fear. The streets were eerily quiet, the distant hum of traffic the only sound.
"Where do you live?" Jasper asked gently.
"Just a few blocks from here," Y/N replied, her voice still shaky.
They walked in silence for a while, the tension of the encounter gradually easing with each step. Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Jasper, still amazed by how he had come to her rescue.
"Thank you," she said finally, breaking the silence. "For everything."
Jasper looked at her, his eyes softening. "It's my duty to protect the innocent. I'm just glad I was there in time."
As they reached her apartment building, Y/N felt a pang of reluctance at the thought of parting ways. "Will I see you again?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Jasper's smile was warm and reassuring. "I'll make sure of it. You're part of our world now, and we take care of our own.” He handed her a note with his number on it. “For emergencies ma’am.” He winked, and with a final nod, he watched as she entered her building, waiting until she was safely inside before turning away.
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Have we seen Eddie as a vampire in the twilight baseball scene yet?
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move over edward, there’s a new eddie in town
(he’s also been in twilight here and in breaking dawn pt. 2 here 💖)
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simpfordemetri · 1 day
Demetri headcanons pleaseee
This greek men speaks variety of languages,such as greek,italian,english,spanish,french,latin,and the list could continue…
When it come to his personality,he is possesive,if he has a mate he sees them as his possesion,he has jealous issues due to this.
He loves reading and studying arts,he has degrees also in psychology.
He doesnt get along with Aro,he sees him as his leader but thats all,no father figure and sometimes Aro gets on his nerves.
He wasnt with Heidi,when i first read headcanons about him i wrote about it too,but i just dont see it,actually apart from the mates couples in the castle,i dont really think the Volturi have casual sex with each other tbh.Heidi and him just get along really well.
He is waiting for his mate,has been for centuries,he has much love to give to them but he will struggle a bit,he is not used to be lovey dovey.
He enjoy a good laugh session with Felix,actually his laugh is very loud and is the kind of person to “hit” you while laughing as if he were begging for air .
He cracks very bad jokes,like really shitty ones but surprisingly he makes everyone laugh even the twins.
He is a very respectful men,a gentleman,he is stuck in the old times.
A casanova but just by flirting,i dont really think he had so much “preys”,of course enjoys sex and had some partners here and there but not like people picture him.
Very romantic,the type of writing you love notes,giving you flowers every week and planning stupid cute dates.Its almost cringe to our generation.
About that,he doesnt understand out generation,its funny to imagine him with a gen z mate,he will try to keep up with them but we just mentally drain him.
Very skilled at fighting,it actually make me mad how quick the took him down in the Breaking Dawn part 2 vission,its impossible but anyways.
His favourite movie for some reason is Titanic and will totally make his mate watch it like a thousand times bro.
He enjoys some songs of modern pop but its like a deep secret.
Loves poetry but its so bad at writing it,he had try but didnt success.
Get frustated very quick,he likes thing his way,its a perfectionist and when something get a bit out of schedule he will get frustated and anxious.
Anxiety,he has anxiety,sometimes he swears his heart is pounding again and his chest is hurting from it.
Doesnt like the smell of human food but if his mate eats in front of him its the only time he wont say nothing.
Doesnt know how to drive and doesnt see the point in learning.Tbh i dont think any of them know.
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I actually don’t know if I could do a lifetime with someone who abandoned me in the woods and led me to believe I wasn’t good enough for them
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nessa007 · 2 months
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Dakota Fanning and Andrew Scott for ELLE (2024) The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012)
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flying-ham · 1 year
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embry-call-fan-club · 1 month
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Whenever Bella left the Forks area code she got into so much avoidable nonsense
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chewbacca · 6 months
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THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON (2009) dir. Chris Weitz
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nerdby · 10 months
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dailyflicks · 3 months
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— The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) dir. Chris Weitz — Poor Things (2023) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
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writewithmiaaa · 2 days
Guarded Grace masterlist! (Jasper Hale x Ballet Dancer!Reader)
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Pairings : Jasper Hale x Reader, Platonic Cullen’s x Reader
Warnings : None (AS OF YET)
Summary : When James runs into the Ballet studio, expecting to see Bella. He gets a bit of a surprise when Y/N is there, practising her barre. Can Jasper save her from James’ ferocious grip?
Chapter one: Guarded Grace
Chapter two: Coming soon!
Chapter three: Coming soon!
Chapter four: Coming soon!
Chapter five: Coming soon!
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forkswashington · 7 months
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© Zach Nichols
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simpfordemetri · 2 days
Loved the first kiss with Caius! Can you do it with Demetri? 😍
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Oh to kiss this man
Demetri is so so gentle with you,knowing that you are human and easily breakable scare him a bit
However he is the most segure guard when it comes ti affection,he knows he wont hurt you
Maybe some light bruise if he accidentally grab you a bit too hard but thats all
You two spend all the time glue to each other wherever you are except in the throne room
Hands always interlaced or his hand on your waist
But he never kissed you yet and you werent going to give the first step
However he was trying to respect your space as he didnt wanted to scare you
Mostly cause he knows once he taste your lips he will need to kiss you all the time
One day,while playing some dumb game like chess,he let you win,making you giggle and be smug about your victory
He pulled you to him telling you to down a big your ego
Your faces were cm away from each other
You stopped breathing for a moment while looking at his lips
“Dont forget to breath doll”
He told you after crashing softly his lips with yours
It was quick,scared to overwhelmed you,but as soon as he pulled away you grabbed his neck pulling him to your lips again
Kissing him with hunger as if you needed him
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queertwilight · 1 year
as someone who has moved to a smaller city (30K people in total) for grad school, i would like to say twilight is wrong. the smaller the population the more people know you. i went to a cafe twice and they already know my order. 1000% everyone in forks knows the cullens are vampires and are just too entertained by how bad they are at acting normal to break it to them
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