#physical health
ros3ybabe · 3 days
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Day 1 - 20 Day Challenge
so I had to push the start date of the challenge to Wednesday the 29th. I was sick as of Monday and Tuesday, and even on Wednesday night, I got really ill, which I'm still not sure of what caused it, but it was not a good time. There's a couple things I didn't do, but I'd say I'm off to a good start!
☀️ Morning Non Negotiables
low impact youtube workout ❌️
morning journaling routine ✅️
morning hygiene ✅️
⛅️ Daily Non Negotiables
study Spanish 10+ minutes ✅️ (12min)
read 10 pages of a self help book ✅️ (10pgs)
walked 3k to 5k steps ❌️ (2,504steps)
⭐️ Night Routine Non Negotiables
night time hygiene ✅️
night time journaling ✅️
set up for next day ✅️
🌈 Rules
did not wake up at my normal time, accidentally slept in til 8am but was asleep by 1030pm
only had 2 cups of coffee, both before noon. this was hard to do, because I'm so used to having coffee around 3pm, and having 4 cups in a day
drank ~50oz of water if I had to guesstimate. need to do better about that
I didn't get in as many steps as I wanted. it's too hot to go outside, I wasn't feeling well near the end of the day and and I also woke up at 8 am when my goal was 5am, so I ended up skipping the workout. I'm not sure if I would count those as valid reasons or excuses, but those are what happened. I told myself I was going to be honest with this challenge. But it was still a pretty good start!
🎧 Song of the Day: Woke Up - XG
til next time lovelies 🩷
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wonilita · 11 hours
౨ৎ small habits to adopt
small list | part 1
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ʚɞ smile at strangers
ʚɞ drink tea
ʚɞ stop complaining (bad for health)
ʚɞ take a cold shower
ʚɞ stand up straight / fix your posture
ʚɞ floss
ʚɞ journal after a long day
ʚɞ stretch
ʚɞ make your bed every morning
ʚɞ read 10 pages of a book every day!
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luminarai · 10 months
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hey, hi, I was just on the former bird app and came across this info from a brand new study and now I cannot stop screaming internally??? what the actual fuckkkk
theres' an article from the guardian here and here is the actual study:
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teratomarty · 9 months
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
it's never too late to start brushing your teeth again. i basically never brushed my teeth for a whole 10 years. a decade. A DECADE. i still struggle to brush my teeth once a week, but it all started with brushing my teeth once every few months. so i mean it when i say brushing your teeth once a week, a month, a year, or even a decade, is better than nothing.
and still, nothing is not shameful. it is not immoral to struggle with self care. and it is also not pointless to keep trying. anything you can do, even if its wiping plaque off with a towel, is enough. it is good to take care of yourself however you can, even if it's just trying to muster the will to. reading this post is good, too.
i believe in you and i am proud of you, even in the smallest of steps. it's okay. you can give yourself grace.
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biscuitdolly · 2 months
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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greg-katana · 4 months
If you're between the ages of 21-35, how many prescription medications do you take in a day?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
Autistic Self Care
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Saying no
Researching new interests
Sensory safe clothing
Rewatching/relistening to the same song/movie
Setting boundaries
Alone time
Info dumping
Safe place
Engaging in special interests
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akindplace · 2 years
You're not weak, you're tired because you have been trying so hard when you are already so overwhelmed. You're not lazy, you're sick and burned out. You're not giving up on yourself when you take a break to rest. You're not unproductive or useless because you are not like other people. You are not a projection of other's' desires. Try projecting your own needs outwardly, communicate when you need help and prioritize your own comfort, your rest, your recovery.
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prettieinpink · 8 months
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based on a health link article
Cycle syncing is when we match our menstrual cycle to our health lifestyle, such as nutrition and exercise. By using your menstrual cycle as a guide of your health throughout, you become in tune of your hormonal needs
Our menstrual cycle has 3 distinct phases excluding your period, which occur over a month.
Follicular(menstruation happens in this phase). Lasts for 6-14 days. Estrogen and progesterone are increasing.
Ovulatory. Lasts for 15-17 days. Estrogen is at its peak, testosterone and progesterone are increasing.
Luteal. Lasts for 18-28 days. Estrogen and progesterone are high, but if the egg stays unfertilised, the hormones decrease and the cycle repeats.
Your hormones are at its lowest, so light exercise and cardio is better suited for your stamina here. Yoga, walking, stretching, jogging
Hormones are increasing, so high intensity exercises are suited for this phase as your energy is higher. gym, cycling, skip rope, running, HIIT
As your body prepares itself for another cycle, energy may be low, so light or moderate exercise is best. Pilates, ab exercises, any strength training
Your Estrogen will begin to increase in this stage. Drink warm beverages to help with cramps. Despite your cravings, limit fatty/oily foods, caffeine and watch your sodium intake. Eat foods that help with metabolising your estrogen.
broccoli, sauerkraut, cabbage, high quality meats, cauliflower, spinach, sesame seeds, flaxseeds
Your estrogen is the highest so opt for foods that support your liver, protect you from environmental toxins(as they can impact your hormones) and are anti-inflammatory.
Leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, legumes, high quality meat & fish, garlic, almonds, whole fruits
Estrogen and progesterone are high, but will begin to decrease. Magnesium rich foods to help fight fatigue, and foods that help with serotonin are best.
Leafy greens, quinoa, buckwheat, dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, beans, avocado
This is the phase when your cycle is beginning to repeat, so you want to ensure that your diet is optimal. Avoid caffeinated drinks, sugar, deep fried foods and high amounts of dairy.
To start implementing these changes to your lifestyle, track your cycle and begin to identify how long each phase lasts for. Pay attention to how your body responds to each phase.
with that, I wish you luck 💖🎀 i hope we all stay healthy and happy together 👏
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ros3ybabe · 2 days
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Day 2: 20 Day Challenge
Thursday was such a good day, and I don't know if Friday will be as well, but we shall see! I had a mini stress crying episode on Thursday due to some work/school stuff. But I got over it really quick and had a good day!
☀️ Morning Routine Non Negotiables
low impact youtube workout ✅️ (21min Move with Nicole Pilates video)
morning journaling routine ✅️
morning hygiene ✅️
⛅️ Daily Non Negotiables
study Spanish 10minutes minimum ✅️ (19min of study on Busuu)
read 10 pages of a book ✅️ (15pgs of Mindset by Carol Dweck)
get 3k to 5k steps ✅️ (3,543 steps)
⭐️ Night Routine Non Negotiables
night time guided journal ✅️
night time hygiene ✅️
set up for next day ✅️ (picked out workouts for Friday, but went to bed later then I wanted)
🌈 Rules
woke up at 5am but went to sleep at 11pm
drank ~65oz of water (I'm getting better!)
had 3 cups of coffee, the last one at 2pm (was stressed, wanted caffiene. will not do that today)
have no idea what my screen time was but it had to have been high, I was on screens a lot. and a lot if it was tiktok.
Thursday was a good day! Here's to finding balance and being productive <3
💕 Song of The Day: IVE - Heya
til next time lovelies 🩷
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sshonuu · 23 days
Having a serious disease is just like:
"Oh, that's just an illness and I don't need to feel guilty because of it, because I can't control it"
And then:
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mushramoo · 9 months
chronic fatigue is something I feel like is not talked abt enough. being too tired to get out of bed, too tired to go to class, having to use all your energy just to exist in the current moment. Being constantly sleepy and able to take naps at any point, and those naps always end up longer than you think. going to the doctor because ur so tired of being TIRED. And they tell u that u just need to exercise more, not understanding that not only is it extremely difficult to even walk, but that your body doesn’t give you the awake signal even after you do. getting ur lab results back and wanting to cry cos there’s nothing wrong with you. Having to survive off energy drinks because you can barely stay awake during the day. Your body aches and you’re constantly yawning. You’ve tried every possible treatment, caffeine, abstaining from caffeine, exercise, medication, B-12 shots, and nothing changes.
It’s not only infuriating, but it makes you feel like you’re slowly losing your mind because nobody believes you. There aren’t even any definitive tests to prove you have it, just symptoms when every other test failed. My experience with chronic fatigue is constant distress because I can’t do the things I want to do, ever. And paired with ADHD it means I struggle so fucking much doing basic tasks.
To all my friends out there with chronic fatigue, I see you, we are in this together.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was having a (very advanced) physical and mental health check-up until I got lost and was stranded in a room with my 7th-grade friends. We filmed a short comedy of us eating food together.
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neuroticboyfriend · 5 months
relapse is not a moral failure. substance use and addiction are not a moral failure. mental illness is not a moral failure. disability is not a moral failure. you have a health condition. you are struggling. recovery is not mean to be perfect, and if you're not in recovery, surviving is good too. i'm glad you're here, and i hope life treats you better soon. please know this is not your fault. you do not need to feel guilty over your own health.
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biscuitdolly · 7 months
easy hygiene tips ♡
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to improve physical appearance , health and hygiene are a must.
water ♡
water. please , for the love of god , drink water. get up rn and go drink some water. water does so much , want clear skin? water. want to lose weight? water. want to feel more refreshed? water. ITS SO HELPFUL!! you really don't want to be dehydrated, it has so many negative effects.
i would aim for around 2 liters (8 full glasses) a day , but you can slowly increase your water intake over the span of a few weeks if you're not ready for that. if you like me and forget to drink , set alarms or reminders for when you need to.
apple cider vinegar ♡
okay , yes, it tastes gross, but it's so good for your PH!! just drink 2 teaspoons everyday (dilute with water first) , trust me it will make your body sweat and kitty smell (and taste) soo much better!! it can also help u lose weight , decrease waist size and is so good for your skin!!
easy oral hygiene ♡
brush your teeth at least 3 times a day. i normally opt for brushing my teeth twice in a row morning and night , and once during the day (yes , even if i'm at school). also , don't forget to floss!! most importantly u wanna b scraping/brushing your tongue, along with brushing your gums and the roof of your mouth!! If you're not brushing regularly and not brushing your tongue, your breath is gonna stink.
another tip - mints > gum. no matter how minty your gum is , if you're chewing it all day it's gonna make your breath smell bad. a sugar-free mint that specialises in good breath every morning helps so much for me.
shower/bath care ♡
please wash behind your ears and your belly button. every part of your body should be clean!!! you don't want build-up.
exfoliate before and after u shave. this will leave u feeling SO smooth and helps avoid razor bumps , if you have sensitive skin (like me) it can help avoid irritation (i get SO itchy and my skin gets covered in red bumps if i don't exfoliate when shaving). personally, i don't suffer from oily skin , but if u do, exfoliating afterwards helps remove any dirt from clogged pores and any residue build-up!
use different clothes depending on what part of your body you're cleaning!! use a softer cloth for your face and kitty , and use regular clothes for the main part of your body and bum. NEVER wash your face in the shower! you want your face to have its own personal time for you to clean it so you can really focus on it. also , hot water from the shower can damage your skin and make it dry. your shower head also probably has a lot of bacteria hiding in it, so please wash your face separately after your shower.
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