my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 hours
So, I did a Maladaptive daydreaming and this is what I got:
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If anyone doesn’t know what Maladaptive daydreaming means, it’s a very intense daydream that can feel real and can be an escape from reality. You can even daydream about fictional characters(at least I do).
If anyone wants to or is interested in taking the quiz, I’ll link it below:
I meant to spell it Maladaptive
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 hours
Thank you so much for sharing @bloomingbluebell ♥️
So, I did a Maladaptive daydreaming and this is what I got:
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If anyone doesn’t know what Maladaptive daydreaming means, it’s a very intense daydream that can feel real and can be an escape from reality. You can even daydream about fictional characters(at least I do).
If anyone wants to or is interested in taking the quiz, I’ll link it below:
I meant to spell it Maladaptive
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 hours
So, I did a Maladaptive daydreaming and this is what I got:
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If anyone doesn’t know what Maladaptive daydreaming means, it’s a very intense daydream that can feel real and can be an escape from reality. You can even daydream about fictional characters(at least I do).
If anyone wants to or is interested in taking the quiz, I’ll link it below:
I meant to spell it Maladaptive
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 hours
ADHD Bingo!
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Here’s a blank version if you want to participate.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 13 hours
hii, do you have any help for job hunting? I've been unemployed for so long I've kind of forgotten what I /did/ before in job hunting and now I'm scared with the huge gap years and my lack of skills because I couldn't be a good unemployed person doing formations and classes I really just only gotten obsessed over my garden 😑
Hi there,
I found some sites that have listed some jobs.
I hope these have jobs that interests you. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 14 hours
The Autism Urge to be Helpful
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The Autistic Teacher
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Hi everyone,
I’m sorry for the lack of posts today. I’ve been really tired and I barely slept. I’m still trying to answer some questions in my inbox. I appreciate your patience.
I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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Actually Supporting Autistic People Involves…
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There’s going to be a Minecraft Netflix series coming out soon. I have never played or have been interested in the game, but I know a lot of people are.
For my Minecraft friends out there: how do you feel about this? Do you think it’ll be good? Feel free to share your thoughts.
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Yes, it’s weird.
Imagine this:
You’re out on your first date, and everything is going well. When suddenly… they reach over and takes your roll without asking or saying anything?
Me: Why did you take my food?
Date: I’m sorry, were/did you going to eat it?
Me: I might’ve if you haven’t had ate it!!!
Storms out on date.
...I can’t believe people do this.
So I was rewatching friends with my mum and the episode where Joey goes on a date with Phoebe's friend and gets mad at her for taking some of his food.
Me and my mum both think she's weird for taking his food on the first date (especially because she didn't ask and it was their first time meeting) but mum's boyfriend and his friends think Joey was overreacting and it's weird to have a problem with it.
Me and my mum are neurodivergent but her bf and his friends are neurotypical and idk if that's related
Which brings me to the question:
I already have a poll for this week but I'm curious so here's another :)
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Literally me….
Seriously why is asking to clarify a question insulting? Do others think we’re stupid or something?
All I want is detailed information so I can get things right. Is that so rude or insulting?
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I’m glad you find it helpful @daydream-reblog ♥️
hello! so i’m undiagnosed autistic (though fairly certain) and i’m pretty sure i had a major meltdown yesterday, as i’d seen it coming since i’ve had quite a lot of sudden changes in my daily routine lately.
i was wondering, is it common after a meltdown to have a sort of manic episode the next day? like, yesterday i was sobbing uncontrollably until i almost hyperventilated. my mom made me take my anxiety medication and take a nap, and then today i seemed in much higher spirits and got quite a lot of my chores done when i’ve been struggling to get anything done for a couple weeks. or is that reaction just me going back to “normal”? i’m having a hard time making sense of it all and would love your, or others, input here. i’m still learning about autism and the things that come with it.
thank you!
Hi there,
I found some articles that I think will help:
Hopefully these help. Neurodivergent Insights has this helpful Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between the two:
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I hope this helps. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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HELP! I’m an autistic person who doesn’t like affection or affectionate words like “I love you” and I accidentally made a friend cry at a sleepover because i couldn’t say “I love you” or show any affection to them. WHAT SHOULD I DO??
Hi there,
I’m an affectionate person towards certain people. Like my partner and my mom.
I know some experience little to no empathy, and that perfectly fine. There just some that just don’t understand why/how people feel towards others.
I think the same can be said with affection. Some are very affectionate towards others. While some are less affectionate.
I’m not sure what you can do. But maybe try to explain this? Explain that you just aren’t as affectionate. Hopefully they’ll understand.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. Maybe my followers can provide some help?
I’m sorry if this didn’t answer your inbox. I still appreciate the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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hello! so i’m undiagnosed autistic (though fairly certain) and i’m pretty sure i had a major meltdown yesterday, as i’d seen it coming since i’ve had quite a lot of sudden changes in my daily routine lately.
i was wondering, is it common after a meltdown to have a sort of manic episode the next day? like, yesterday i was sobbing uncontrollably until i almost hyperventilated. my mom made me take my anxiety medication and take a nap, and then today i seemed in much higher spirits and got quite a lot of my chores done when i’ve been struggling to get anything done for a couple weeks. or is that reaction just me going back to “normal”? i’m having a hard time making sense of it all and would love your, or others, input here. i’m still learning about autism and the things that come with it.
thank you!
Hi there,
I found some articles that I think will help:
Hopefully these help. Neurodivergent Insights has this helpful Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between the two:
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I hope this helps. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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Situation Mutism VS “Verbal Shutdown”
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Autistic Qualia
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Are visual snow and dyscalculia comorbidities with autism? Because I have both and suspicions of having Autism.
Hi there,
Yes, I do believe that dyscalculia and other disabilities like autism. Here’s a are articles if you’re interested:
I hope this helps answer your question. Thanks for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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Hello! I was wondering about the connection between autism and overthinking/ocd/ and intrusive thoughts. I know autistic ppl are always in their mind more so i was wondering if they are more prone to those kinds of things, thanks!
Hi there,
Neurodivergent Insights has a great Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between the two.
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Here’s another article:
Here’s one more in case you want to read it:
I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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