#past trauma
alekthefox · 3 days
Which Domino Falls First?
Golden Ratio/Aventio/Ratiorine/Dr. Ratio x Aventurine
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, they both need a hug, past trauma(Aventurine), insecure Ratio (trust me), pining, resolved emotional anguish (not completely gone, that takes time to heal), Post-Penacony, suicidal Aventurine, Ratio SIMPING SO HARD, author is crying.
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Aventurine awoke, alive. Anyone else would call it a miracle. Aventurine would call it a last minute choice. The note from the good doctor... It made his mind spin in spirographs. Ave was aware of the "mutual respect" they had, and Ratio never strayed from the rocky road Aventurine paved for them all. Yet this simple, short note had given him... "hope" if he can call it that. It was difficult to believe the kindness. Not because the good doctor is incapable of it, far from the truth, but simply due to the fact that the message was aimed at Aventurine.
He emerged from the dream pool, hearing commotion out in the halls. Yet he stood over the doctor's advice, eyes tracing each word, trying to decipher the meaning. It didn't make sense in the slightest. The first part about Death and Dormancy did, unsurprising that his doctor-- his? No. It was unsurprising that the doctor figured it out. Maybe he knew from the start, just how Ave knew death wasn't real in the beautiful dream. Dr. Ratio would never solve an equation for a student of his, he'd give guidance. The second part however... It was so sincere it hurt. In a moment of impulse he felt the need to destroy it. Yet he didn't. Still, he wasn't going to fall for the bait. Aventurine is an investment, a tool, not a person someone could care for. If someone, even the doctor, would make that mistake... Aventurine would let them have a taste but no more. Just enough to satisfy them, just a little bit of honey in their tea. Once that itch is scratched people often move on.
Aventurine's flirting wouldn't be out of character by any means, however now it wouldn't be for fun and the act... Now it would be a shield meant to crack slightly before shoving the... 'friend' away.
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Veritas waited, pacing the room. He did everything as he was told, however much it pained him to see that damned gambler tear himself apart. And, oh Aeons, did it hurt. He shunned himself with every clouded thought. The gambler would never settle for him. Him, a man who cannot grasp the one goal he has. He is no genius. Despite the hard work, the Aeon didn't spare him a glance. Why should Aventurine? The gambler needed someone who could steer him away from the danger and Veritas had failed time and time again. He could have deviated, however that would either doom the gambler or... knowing him, anyways go to his advantage. Aventurine's mind was vast despite the lack of proper education, and by no means a void. It was frustrating, it was beautiful. No matter what Ratio did he would have seen it coming, surely. "Luck" he called it. Yet another lie. No, not a lie... a careful misdirection.
His act was nearly flawless. The way he seemed deeply hurt at the 'betrayal', how he toyed with Sunday and everyone else... Aventurine wasn't a player, no, he was the game master. The players had input, yes, but Aventurine was dictating the pace, secrets, clues, the when and the where.
Nearly flawless. The only thing the gambler didn't take into account was Veritas being aware of the hurt behind his confidence. Yes, he was told the plan, but even as it was explained to him Aventurine was acting. A never-ending layer after layer of masks. But Veritas saw through it all. Aventurine was scared. Terrified even. He longed for that death yet never managed to fail at fleeing from it. But it wasn't just fear behind those pretty eyes. It was resentment for himself and others, it was vengeful, hurt. Veritas understood all of those far too well. Yet he couldn't resent himself for... wanting to hold him. Though that would never happen in honesty. It was clear. If Ratio were to pursue him, Ave would allow it and think of him as nothing more than another person who wants to use him. Yet he longs for those eyes to look at him with anything but faux emotions.
Ratio stopped his pacing and turned abruptly, looking him over where he stood in the doorframe. A peculiar sight it was. Ratio was extremely relieved and glad, but one thing struck him as odd. Aventurine didn't walk into the room fully and close the door. He used the public's eye as a shield. Therefore the doctor didn't dare approach him.
"You survived afterall."
"All thanks to my friends, including you, dear doctor."
The tone of his voice was the same as always. Ratio prayed to every Aeon that perhaps this Penacony situation might change him even in the slightest for the better. Once he saw he'd learned nothing, but still felt those eyes draw him in, that is when he hated both of them. Mostly himself. Aventurine was a victim afterall, a willing victim, but one nevertheless. He couldn't blame him as much. It was still disappointing.
"Doctor, don't tell me you didn't bet on me! Your face seems displeased. I thought you'd be happy to see me~"
Now he didn't understand him. After everything, he hadn't learned... although change takes time. Another thing didn't make sense. He turned his head away, eyes unfocusing. Why did Aventurine come find him in the first place? What did he want now that the job was done? Did the note actually have an effect on him? And if so why is he playing the same role as before?
"Ratio, are you alright?"
His head turned at an incredible speed, eyes wide. Ratio knew he was silent in thought for too long, as he does when solving a particularly difficult problem, but for the gambler to sound so raw and even use anything other than 'doctor'...
"Yes. I assume you read my advice."
"It was quite helpful indeed! I knew I could count on you, Doc. But don't let it get to your head~"
And there it was again.
"Will you stop that? It's infuriating."
"What ever could you mean?"
"Do you really take me for a fool?"
It hurt deep inside his chest, just like failing a student for the first time. Ratio was ruthless with his grading yet always hoped it would push the student to try harder. It was only fair to offer the gambler the same treatment.
Aventurine couldn't believe his own blunder. He was not one to make such a significant mistake. 'Ratio, are you alright?' So incredibly idiotic. His walls were built anew. Who was to fall first?
"Well~" Aventurine swallowed the unease and took a step in, closing the door without turning his back to him as if Veritas would pounce the moment he did.
"Well what?"
"I know what you want from me, doctor~ It was obvious from the very start. I waited patiently for you. Don't I deserve a reward?"
"And what is it you think I want from you?"
Aventurine swallowed hard as he approached him and placed a hand on his chest. He didn't expect his wrist to be grabbed and yanked to the side. Did he misunderstand? No, surely not. Ave got closer still, looking up at him, flashing his eyes.
"Don't you want to thoroughly examine the sweetness of the last avgin? Isn't it tempting?"
"Your hypothesis is incorrect, zero points."
"You grade me before I've tested it? It hurts~"
Ratio sighed in frustration, trying not to yell some sense into him.
"No, you know what truly hurts? Watching you strap bombs to yourself and eagerly walking alone, waiting to be blown apart."
"So you do care~"
"More than rationally reasonable."
That's it. Veritas fell first, setting off the entire line of dominos. But Aventurine was never in that line, he was the hand to push him. Ave watched the fury in his eyes. How delightful. If he can make the doctor hate him, that will be an easier victory. Before Aventurine could answer Ratio continued.
"I am fully aware you do not want me so spare us both the trouble. Either you will be honest with me or you will walk out and close that door," they both know Veritas would leave it slightly ajar, "and the choice is yours alone."
Despite the disgust in his gut, he did want him. That feeling was out of anxiety that Ratio will be just like everyone else. Aventurine didn't drop his faux happy before getting on his toes to kiss him. But Veritas let go of his wrist and took a single step back. Ave barely managed not to stumble. Ratio couldn't hide his irritation.
"I will not allow you to make a fool of me any longer. Make your choice, gambler. Leave and continue playing games... or stay and fold."
Aventurine thought he understood at least slightly. Now though Ratio's grading was deserved. What did he want then? He laid down an all-or-nothing bet, showing all of his cards, but what he wanted Aventurine to bet in return was unknown to him.
"You want honesty? That's all? You're a terrible businessman."
"I already know your past, for the record. What I want to know is who you really are, not who you used to be or pretend to be. Your mind is on the level of a genius. Something I cannot achieve or even begin to translate."
The praises didn't feel empty. Why? Flattery never affected him. They were always hollow words, sweet nothings. Veritas was far too honest. His shield cracked slightly and now was the time to push him away. He couldn't. Why? Why couldn't he?
"Who are you?"
"A hopeless man."
Hopeless. That is something they shared until recently. Until the reverse suicide note written for him.
"And what if I'm honest and you hate me?"
"I doubt that's a possibility."
"But you do not deny it."
"I don't fear the unknown, I long for it."
Kakavasha bit his lip, bruising it. Not in an attractive, playful way. It was to remind himself this wasn't a fabricated dream bubble. He longs to know him? Not to touch him, not to be touched, not to use him? How could anyone want that?
Now that Kakavasha missed the opening to push him away that would not shatter himself... he let the tears flow. The bitter tears that he's held in his entire life. He covered his mouth and crumbled to the ground, choking on sobs. He didn't know what to expect but all the same Veritas' arms hovering around him, asking for permission wordlessly... they terrified him. Kakavasha was the one to pounce, throwing himself into the good doctor's arms, the good doctor. Those arms made him feel more safe than his Aeon's shield ever did. He couldn't believe himself. His hands clutched at whatever fabric he could reach.
Veritas held him firmly. Ave may be hurt, but he was not fragile. He wasn't a flower wilting. He was a grand temple of Preservation, enduring more than many could, standing tall despite the cracks. So many years he stood, a pillar of endurance. And even so near the ground, seeking comfort desperately, he was still standing.
He learned.
Kakavasha didn't stop sobbing until he passed out in his arms, tears staining Veritas' clothes. He carried him into the bed, Ratio's bed, and walked away. Or rather he would have until he hear that pained, soft voice.
"Don't leave me, please, Veritas."
Ratio had no doubts in his mind. He held Kakavasha, both in the same bed, no intentions from either of anything sinful. Unless holding each other was sinful. Then they both were to suffer together.
Curssed be the Aeon who rejected him, for someone higher than THEM had chosen him. If Veritas could have taught Kakavasha that he can be cared for, that he is not unwanted... that would make all his efforts worth the torment. The tossing and turning. The sleepless studies. Everything. Because he saved a life and he improved it. If only slightly. Yet Veritas doesn't expect a PhD, a reward, compensation. Simply the fact that Kakavasha could continue on with these facts is enough. And if those eyes ever look at him with honesty, whatever the emotion, it would feed his starving heart. He is willing to wait a lifetime even if it never comes.
Veritas was fully aware that this wasn't all that Kakavasha was. He wasn't just a victim, just hurt, just his past. He looked forwards to witnessing all of him if he would allow it.
As Veritas felt Kakavasha's breath stabilise and slow, his tense body relax in his arms... His mind was clear.
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
People who love you shouldn't make you feel ashamed of your interests and hobbies. What you enjoy is wonderful, even if it's uncommon, complicated, stereotypical, etc. Please keep sharing your lovely energy with the world.
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stevesbipanic · 4 months
@steddiemicrofic prompt: edge, WC: 509, rating: T
Eddie arrived home to a quiet house, which wasn't completely unusual for the Harrington home to be quiet but usually Eddie found his boyfriend moving around the kitchen making dinner, softly singing along to the radio.
"Steve?" He called out but was met with more silence. Strange, but Steve could be up in bed, maybe he had a migraine. Eddie checked quickly upstairs but found their bed cold and empty too. He'd seen Steve's car in the driveway so he hadn't left, and Robin didn't have her licence yet so she couldn't have picked him up, plus he'd have left a note.
Eddie went back downstairs checking the loving room hoping maybe Steve had just fallen asleep on the couch. Still, he was nowhere to be found. He went back to the kitchen ready to start calling around hoping maybe Steve was just visiting someone and forgot to leave a note. He was halfway through dialling the Hendersons when a shadow in the backyard caught his eye.
"Oh sweetheart," he mumbled to himself as he hung up the phone. Eddie grabbed a blanket off the couch and opened to sliding door to the back deck. Steve didn't flinch at the sound, eyes staying ahead. Sighing, Eddie wrapped the blanket around Steve's shoulders and joined him sitting at the edge of the pool.
The two boys sat silent for a few moments, Eddie knew better to just wait for Steve to talk, he'd made his presence known and that's what Steve needed right now. He wouldn't always talk, sometimes choosing to simply sit before they went back inside and curled up in bed. Sometimes Steve wanted touch, sometimes he'd just want to know Eddie was there.
Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, Steve spoke. "It's been five years and I can't look at this pool and not see her." Eddie knew who they were talking about, after all only one girl had drowned in this pool. "She should be at college with, Nance, she should get to have a grave with a body in it, she should be here instead of," Steve choked out a sob instead of finishing that thought. Even though it ripped Eddie's heart to shreds, and wanted nothing more than to tell Steve he's loved and that it's not his fault, he knew Steve didn't want that, he'd said those words a million times before, Steve knew so Eddie waited.
Steve tilted his body until he lent against Eddie's side and Eddie let out a breathe as he was finally allowed to comfort his boy, wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. He sat there with Steve crying softly in his arms until they slowed to a stop, it was time for bed.
Eddie took his hand leading him back into the house and upstairs, curling him into his chest and reminding him he was there, that he'd always be there.
"I think it's time to move, Steve."
"Do you think she'd forgive me?"
"I know she already has," and that was enough.
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whumpshaped · 5 months
Could you make a pet whumpee that was trained to act, to obey, when they hear a *click*. And a Caretaker always and -by accident-, clicking a pen when he's stressed, making Whumpee comfused and scared.
tw pet whump, accidental bad caretaker, conditioning, past trauma
Whumpee perked up more and more each time, looking around for the source of the sound. It was Caretaker, but... they didn't seem to be paying any attention to them at all.
What did they want?
Whumpee was starting to tremble a little.
They didn't know what to do.
They whimpered despite themself, out of fear and frustration. They wished Caretaker had established what the clicks meant before they started clicking, like Whumper had done. Then they would've been able to just obey.
They froze when Caretaker stopped and looked up, realising their stupid voice had disturbed them. "I'm so sorry," they breathed. "I– I just don't know– I didn't know what it meant–"
"The c-clicking, I didn't know, I couldn't figure out–"
Caretaker looked at the pen in their hand like it was a snake, and promptly threw it on the desk. "Fuck. Whumpee, I'm sorry. It doesn't mean anything. I'm so sorry, I keep clicking every pen I touch. Are you okay?"
"I, I am, I just need to know, I need to know for next time– Please, I just need to know–"
Caretaker pushed their chair back and rushed over, kneeling by Whumpee to give them a hug. "Shh, it's alright. It's alright. It doesn't mean anything. You don't have to do anything. I'm so sorry it stressed you out so much."
The tension slowly drained from Whumpee's body, and they allowed themself to melt into the embrace. "Does it... does it really not mean anything?" they choked out.
"It really doesn't. I promise. You're not a dog, Whumpee. You're not being trained."
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straight-to-the-pain · 6 months
I’ve been thinking about how often we see stories about people getting out of an awful situation and being surrounded with support and care and getting to move on and recover.
But what if they don’t. They’ve spent god knows how long in their own personal hell, captivity, torture, isolation. For what felt like an eternity, they held onto the idea of finally being freed, rescued, released. And one day it just happens. Political pressure, a hostage exchange, a rescue. Whatever happens, one day they’re just free.
But they come home and everything’s different. They never had a huge network to begin with, and now the people who still care just don’t know how to deal with them and their trauma. It’s all too much. They’re not the person they used to be, the person their friends used to love.
Sure, they’ve been given medical treatment for their obvious wounds but the doctors just don’t seem to understand them when they say that there’s a pain that never quite goes away. They’ve had the mandatory counselling, but the therapist’s empty platitudes made them feel all the more disconnected from their reality.
For so long, they waited for this. But now it feels like their past is an impossible weight on their chest, never letting them move forward. People tell them that they have their future ahead of them, but they can’t help but wonder if they should have just died there.
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Whumpuary 2024 Day 14
14. (Jan 27-28) Flinching / Breakdown / Sleep Deprivation 
cw past trauma, implied noncon/torture, hurt/comfort, aftermath of whump
“You’re slower than usual,” Hero teased when they pinned Villain to the wall. “Lost your edge after that little vacation you took?” 
Villain was breathing heavily. Their hands grasped at Hero’s, which were fisted in the front of their suit, but Villain lacked their typical strength. “Wasn’t a vacation, you jerk,” they huffed. “And I’m doing my best here.” 
Hero pulled one of their hands back, and their heart jumped when Villain flinched away from them; they’d never reacted like that before. The instinctual fear was clearly visible in their eyes.  
“Whoa, hey,” Hero said softly. “I was just gonna—your mask is slipping.” 
Villain looked down, frowning. “Sorry. I just...go ahead.” 
Hero raised their hands slowly and adjusted Villain’s mask, noting the sharp intake of breath when Hero’s fingers grazed their cheek. As they put it back in place, Hero could see a dark bruise hiding under the mask. The slightest bit of purple spread up their cheekbone. 
Villain was trembling when Hero stepped back. 
“Are you okay?” Hero asked. Logically, they knew they should take advantage of Villain’s weakness and bring them in. But they just couldn’t bring themself to be that cruel. 
“When I was gone this week,” Villain whispered, “I was...Supervillain took me hostage. I’ll spare you the details but...they did some shit to me I wouldn’t even do to my enemies.” 
Hero felt their heart ache at the admission and the pained expression in Villain’s eyes when they looked back up. “I’m sorry, I—I had no idea.” 
“Not your fault,” Villain said with a shrug. They tried to force a smile as well, but it didn’t quite work. “But it messed me up pretty good. I can’t sleep. I can’t move without remembering their hands on me.” 
A sick feeling curled in Hero’s stomach as they imagined what the normally collected Villain must have been through to have them on the verge of tears at the memory. They slowly reached out, giving Villain enough time to stop them—but when they didn’t, Hero pulled them into an embrace. “It’s over,” they muttered into Villain’s hair. “You're safe now.” 
Their words seemed to open the floodgates, and suddenly Villain broke down. Hero didn’t know what to do, so they just held their nemesis as they cried. The fact that they’d been in the middle of a fight passed through Hero’s mind, but it didn’t matter now. They were a hero—their job was to help people. Even if those people regularly made their life hell. 
“I’m sorry,” Villain choked out. “This is pathetic. And I—I deserved it.” 
“No one deserves to be hurt like that,” Hero said, rubbing their back in soothing circles. 
Villain tried to steady their breathing as they looked up at Hero, eyes glistening with tears. “Thank you. Just—give me a minute, and we can get back to it.” 
“What do you say we get a rain check,” Hero asked with a small smile, “and you let me buy you a coffee instead?” 
Villain sniffled and rolled their eyes. “As long as you promise to reschedule. Because I was looking forward to kicking your ass.” 
Hero laughed. “Okay, deal.” 
Although the coffee may not have truly fixed anything, it was a welcomed comfort. 
taglist: @morning-star-whump
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dialogue 15
bad caretaker ask game
15. "one more sound and i swear i'll bring you back to whumper."
[tw bad caretaker, whumpee goes nonverbal, betrayal, past trauma]
"One more sound and I swear I'll bring you back to Whumper."
The room immediately fell silent after that, and Caretaker didn't even seem to care about the way Whumpee's tear-filled eyes widened in sheer terror. They went on with the bandaging process as though their words had meant nothing at all. As though that wasn't the most horrifying thing they could've said.
Whumpee couldn't see straight from the panic. They took the rough treatment without a single hiss, focusing all their energy on drawing the quietest breaths they could.
They were not going back. They didn't want to go back. They didn't want Caretaker to bring them back. Going back was one thing, but if they absolutely had to, they would've... wanted their friend to object to it.
Was that selfish of them?
Had they been selfish this entire time?
Was that why Caretaker was so incredibly upset with them, to the point of wanting to hand them over to their abuser?
After minutes of having worked themself up, Whumpee's mind gave out. It was like a switch being flipped, all that anxiety suddenly disappeared and left a gaping hole in its wake. They felt nothing. They couldn't hear anything over the buzzing in their ear; the sound of static was too overwhelming.
They stared at the floor for what felt like an eternity. Their mind was going to places it hadn't in a very long time, and they flinched violently when Caretaker shook them by the shoulders — they didn't let a single sound escape, though.
"Whumpee. We're done."
Whumpee looked at them almost like they were a stranger. In a way, they were. It was easier to believe that, than to think a person who had promised them protection and safety was so ready to threaten several more years of torture at the hands of someone who had already done it once.
They nodded in acknowledgement.
Caretaker sighed. "Don't... don't do this. I didn't mean that. You don't have to go on a week-long nonverbal strike against me."
Whumpee opened their mouth to answer, to make sure Caretaker knew they weren't upset at all. Because they weren't. Not at all. They weren't upset. They weren't. They couldn't be. They had no right to be. They had to be good, they had to be pleasant so Caretaker wouldn't have a reason to threaten this again. But as they tried to form the words to reassure their friend, they just couldn't do it.
"For fuck's sake, Whumpee..." Caretaker rubbed their temples in frustration. "I– no, I'm not– I'm not doing this. I'm not indulging your fucking paranoia. Not today. Take your time, calm down a little, and then we can talk later if you want." They stood up and grabbed the remaining roll of gauze, promptly leaving Whumpee alone in the kitchen.
Whumpee eventually forced themself to move so Caretaker wouldn't get even angrier by the time dinner rolled around and they were still sitting in the same spot, retreating to their room instead. They knew hiding in there would cause more conflicts, but their brain still felt like it had been scrambled. There was nothing in their head but a primal need to protect themself, a need so strong it made their throat close up every time they tried to practise their apology.
They couldn't even cry. Whumper hated whenever they cried.
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meraki24601 · 5 months
You didn't do anything wrong.
“I’m sorry,” Whumpee said, cleaning up the largest shards of the broken glass they knocked off the table.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Caretaker replied, plastering a smile on their face as they wrote a mental note to announce themselves before approaching Whumpee from behind. 
“I’m sorry,” Whumpee moaned as their tears stained Caretaker’s new shirt.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Caretaker sighed. They held Whumpee tighter in their arms, hoping their presence would scare away the bad dreams haunting the night.
“I’m sorry,” Whumpee laughed. Their hand rose to cover the lopsided grin spreading across their face.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Caretaker squealed, running to shut off the watering hose. Their soaked clothes clung to their skin, and their shoes squeaked as they ran.
“I’m sorry,” Caretaker wailed as Whumper’s thumb covered the large red button.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Whumpee closed their eyes. Their muscles tensed, ready for what came next. 
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lionlena · 11 months
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 3
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart…  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse,  unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking
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Part 3
Joel stared blankly at your door. His breathing was heavy, and his hands moved restlessly and clenched into fists. He wanted to start knocking, banging on the door, and screaming. He wanted to know more about his baby boy. He wanted to argue with you, but at the same time, he didn't want his son to associate him with evening arguing. He didn't want Teddy to be afraid of him.
He finally came home and locked himself in his room. He slept little in the night, still thinking about what he had learned and… He didn't agree with you. He was Teddy's father. Whether you wanted it or not, you wouldn't have gotten pregnant without him. No matter how small and bad a part of him was, he had a part in it. And he knew he would be a good father to his son, just as he was to Sarah. He may not have always been perfect, but he could love and show fatherly love. He wanted to look after Teddy. He just didn't know how. He suspected you'd stop him every time he tried to get close.
So all he had to do was watch the boy from a distance.
Almost 3 weeks after he found out about his son, he saw a scene that made his blood boil.
He had just returned from a patrol with Barbara. He was beginning to suspect that Maria kept connecting him whit this idiot on purpose because she could see how much he hated her.
Suddenly, the woman laughed and murmured, "This little son of Y/N is such a weakling."
He shot her an angry glare, then looked at the scene that was playing out a few meters away. Two boys, older and taller than Teddy, laughed at him as he tried to take his stuffed bunny away from them.
"Weakling? Is that what you call a child who is the victim of two bullies?!" He looked at her with contempt. "But what do you know about children? You're too old for your own. Which is lucky, because you'd obviously make a terrible mother!"
The woman opened and closed her mouth, and he moved quickly to the children. He snatched the stuffed animal from the boy's hands and growled: "Are you having fun? Why don't you try it with me."
Only then boy's mother appeared, who had previously been standing with another woman a few meters away, step in.
"What's going on?! They're just having fun."
"Play? Rather, they bully the younger child."
The woman snorted and looked at him indignantly. "How dare you." She reached out to her sons. "Boys, we're going home."
Joel snorted, then looked softly at Teddy. The boy ran to him and with a big smile took his bunny.
"Thank you," he said and looked at him like a hero.
Joel patted his head, but their interaction was interrupted by the woman who was the mother of the little girl.
"Teddy, we're coming back too."
The boy shook his head and suddenly snuggled up against Joel's leg, taking him completely by surprise. The woman winced slightly.
"Your mom asked me to take care of you. Come on."
"No," the little one moaned.
Joel bent down and picked the boy up. The toddler immediately wrapped his arms around his neck and it was the moment when Teddy, completely unconsciously, took over his dad's heart. Joel cleared his throat and confidently said, "I'll take care of him. I live next door to Y/N."
The woman looked uncertain, but she did not have the strength to face the childish tantrum. She shrugged and finally said, "All right."
Joel smiled and patted his son on the back. "Teddy, do you want to meet Ellie?" The little boy nodded enthusiastically. "Let's go. Do you want me to carry you?"
When Joel entered the house, Ellie gave him a surprised look. He walked past her and sat Teddy in a chair in the kitchen.
"Wait here. We'll find some crayons and paper for you in a moment."
Ellie grabbed his arm as he tried to cross the threshold. "What happened witch keeping distance?"
"Maybe it's time to break the ice." Seeing her shocked expression, he laughed a little and added: "Two boys were bullying him and I chased them away. And he stuck with me. What was I supposed to do?"
Ellie looked at the boy, who sat politely and waved his legs rhythmically. "Yes, he's cute, but what about Y/N?"
"Leave Mama Bear on my head."
"As you wish." She spread her arms and ran to the baby. "Hi, Teddy!"
The little one smiled widely and started talking to her, and Joel… Joel felt proud and happy. He had a wonderful, beautiful, smart son and he was not going to give up being his dad.
You were furious when Joanna told you who she allowed to take your treasure, your precious little one. You wanted to yell at her, scratch her eyes out, but at the same time, you knew that she often helped you by taking care of your child. Plus, how could she know about your hatred of Joel, from what she said, Teddy really wanted to go with him.
Ellie opened the door for you and gave you a sharp look. You knew he didn't like you, and you guessed why.
"Where is he?" you asked trying to contain all your rage.
The girl nodded and led you into the living room, your heart skipping a beat at the sight you saw. This could be the cutest picture in the world if it wasn't for the fact that your son fell asleep in this asshole's arms. Teddy looked so calm that your heart trembled. Joel was sitting on the couch with your little one sleeping on his chest, Teddy's little head resting on Joel's shoulder. You saw how protectively he held the little one and you wanted to break his arms. You moved towards him and hissed, "Give him to me."
Joel sighed heavily and whispered, "Calm down. I'll take him to your house in a moment."
You shook your head. "Give. Me. Him. NOW. And never touch him again," you hissed.
Joel rolled his eyes and muttered, "I won't hurt him."
You felt a wave of rage wash over you, and you didn't even care that Ellie was standing next to you. "You already hurt him. The moment you conceived him. The moment you ignored the fact that your dick was causing me pain."
Joel felt as if someone had punched him in the face. You took advantage of this and quickly took your son, who sleepily purred, "Mommy?"
You rubbed his back and whispered, "Shh, sleep baby."
You looked at Ellie who stared at you in shock. " I'm sorry that you heard this," you said as you walked past her and left their damned living room.
Ellie looked at Joel sadly. "Teddy is your son." he nodded. "And you hurt Y/N?"
Joel immediately stood up and walked over to her, but she backed away sharply, so he stopped. "What? No, Ellie... It's not like that. Y/N was an adult and... She wanted it."
She looked at him. "Really? Because it didn't sound like that at all!" He reached out to her, but she pushed him away and ran out of the house.
Joel rubbed his temples and sighed heavily. Why did he have to screw everything up? But he didn't do anything wrong. He just wanted to spend some time with his own child.
You put your son to bed when you heard a soft knock. You swung the door open and growled, "What the fuck..." You stopped mid-sentence. "Ellie? Sorry, I thought it was Joel.”
"Can we talk?"
Her behavior disturbed you. She didn't look like the saucy, rebellious teenager you used to see. She was more like a scared child, and your maternal instincts took over immediately. "Of course. Come on." When she came in, you put your arm around her and led her to the kitchen. "Would you like some lemonade?"
You sat across from each other at the kitchen island. Ellie was silent, and you decided to break the silence. "Look, I'm really sorry. I lost my nerves. I just told Joel not to go near Teddy and..."
"Did he force you to get pregnant? Did he rape you?"
You froze at first. Ellie stared at you with sad eyes, and you realized there was something more in this question. You grabbed her hand and calmly asked, "Ellie, did someone hurt you?"
She nodded at first, but then said, "No... I mean... He tried."
You swallowed, afraid to ask if it was Joel. Part of you absolutely didn't believe it. Joel was a bastard, he was an asshole, he was a complete dick, but... Not a pedophile. You didn't know how far you could go and asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"
There was silence for a long time and you wanted to apologize to her when she took a shuddering breath and started saying, "It was after we left Jackson. Joel got hurt and (...)"
You listened patiently to her stories about David and his cult, how they ate people, and how he wanted to use Ellie, even force her to have children with him. You were scared and angry at the same time. The dude was worse than Joel. He was a hundred times worse dick. If it weren't for the fact that he was already dead, you would have found him and killed him yourself.
"Then Joel found me and I thought... I thought I was safe with him."
You wanted to hit yourself when you realized how Ellie read your words to Joel. You squeezed her hand tighter and said, "You're safe with him. I can say a lot of bad things about him, but Joel is not a pedophile, cannibal, or rapist."
"But you said..."
"I know what I said." You took a deep breath. "Listen to me. I was young and naive. I was in love with him and he... He didn't act like a decent guy, but he didn't rape me. I went to bed with him of my own free. Sex with him... He wasn't gentle, and in the morning he thought our night together was a mistake. He said a lot of nasty things to me and left me with a broken heart."
Ellie nodded and muttered, "He was an asshole."
"He's acting like that less and less." You smiled slightly at her words. "And Teddy?"
"He didn't know about him. I left Boston the next day and found out about the pregnancy while traveling."
Ellie looked down and mumbled, "I'm sorry that I thought you were a bitch."
"It's okay. I even understand you a little."
Suddenly Teddy appeared in the kitchen. He was still sleepy and rubbing his eyes with a small fist, but when he saw the teenage girl, he immediately woke up. "Ellie! Will you play with me?"
The girl looked at you, and you said, "Go ahead."
You were surprised at how well they got along. You didn't know if Ellie was affected by your son's charm or the fact that he was Joel's son, but you didn't care. You enjoyed their good relationship. By evening, Teddy had told you about how Joel helped him, and you felt a little silly. Maybe you needn't have been so hard on him. Your son obviously already loved him, not even knowing it was his dad.
You heard Ellie's quiet grunts and turned your attention to her.
"It's getting late," she said, and you nodded. "Could I stay here tonight?"
You were really surprised how quickly the relationship between you two changed.
"Of course you can, but Joel won't really hurt you."
"I know, but I'm still mad at him, for cheating me. He said you were getting revenge because he didn't want to leave Tess." You snorted annoyed. "He left out the rest."
"Okay. But you have to tell him." Ellie winced, and you sort of automatically added, "Okay, I'll let him know."
You didn't really know why you suggested it. Did it was, your motherly instinct to protect Ellie? Or did you want to stick another pin in Joel, letting him know that the teenage girl prefers you?
You couldn't back away from your words and you made your way to his house with heavy steps.
It was even funny to see how stupid Joel looked when he opened the door.
"Ellie wants to stay with me for the night. I agreed."
Joel leaned back slightly. He blinked once, then twice before he understood your words. He was sure Ellie stayed somewhere in town. When he realized she was with you, he felt uneasy.
"She talked to you?"
"Yes. She told me about David and wanted to know if you raped me." You could easily see the horror on his face. "You care about her?"
"Yes," he croaked.
"I told her the truth that I went to bed with you willingly. And that you were an asshole in the morning, but... You're not a pedophile or a rapist."
Joel's shoulders slumped and he breathed a sigh of relief. You had the opportunity to hurt him deeply. Ruin his relationship with Ellie, but as always you had a good heart.
"Thank you and… I'm sorry I took Teddy."
He surprised you, but you didn't show it. You calmly replied, "Teddy told me what you did. He thinks you're a hero."
Joel smiled slightly. "These kids were teasing him and I..." He looked at you confidently. "I am his father, Y/N. No matter how hard you try, you won't change it. And I won't abandon him. I will protect him, love him, and take care of him. You can fight me or accept my help in raising him."
You shook your head and replied, " And here is old Joel. You're trying to fix the whole world, even though you're destroying it yourself, but fine. I'll let you date him but on one condition."
"You're not allowed to say you're his father. You can be his friend or uncle, but not 'dad'. Do you understand?"
Joel clenched his jaw and looked at you angrily. He thought you were playing unfairly, but at the same time, he really wanted to look after Teddy.
"Alright," he murmured.
"Great" you replied and smiled. Then you turned on your heel and went home pleased with yourself. You knew your requirement would hurt Joel, but you thought he deserved it. Yes, he defended your son and took care of him, but that didn't mean your wounds were healed. You still felt that Joel didn't understand how much he hurt you. So you had every right to attack him.
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A/N: I really think after what happened in episode 8, Ellie should talk to someone.
Part II
Part IV
Taglist:   @ajeff855​, @anislabonis-love​,  @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi​,    @i-workwithpens​, @milla-frenchy​,  @quality-lust    @liatome​  @sarahhxx03 @creedslove​ @jojo-munson​ @pascalislove​​ @sofiparallel  
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echoingalaxies · 5 months
A Whumpee who never smiles, never laughs, never shows happiness in those typical ways. When it finally does happen, everybody around them knows something is terribly wrong, and that the hysterical laughter is not from a place of joy, but because of the endless pain and horrors that have brought Whumpee to this extreme state of exhaustion and despair.
Whumpee's breaking down right in front of their friends' eyes, nearly unable to breathe through the fits of laughter because crying is no longer enough, and it's terrifying.
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whumperofworlds · 9 months
A Whumper who has the power to enter dreams. They entered Whumpee's dreams and made them nightmares. Maybe they make them dream about a past trauma. Maybe they make a dream where Caretaker hurts them so bad that when Whumpee wakes up, they're outright terrified of Caretaker. Or maybe they trapped them in nightmares that they can't wake up from, as Caretaker and the team have to find a way to wake them up.
Feel free to add more!
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
It's okay to be scraping by. Even if you would rather be doing better, even if you technically could be doing better. Sometimes the weight of things just pushes us down. Keep moving forward, even if is slow. In time you will be back where you want to be.
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friendlylocalwhumper · 10 months
your character witnesses someone else going through the very same trauma that broke them. except it doesn’t break this person. it turns out okay - no one dies, or a gruesome injury is avoided, or someone actually comes to the rescue. your character is left to cope with the grief of not having been so lucky back in the day.
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whumpshaped · 6 months
I know it's cliche, but hear me out. The Whumpee thinks Caretaker is their new master trope, just that Caretaker is trying to give Whumpee a bath, and Whumpee used to be punished being drowned or something like that, so they beg Caretaker that they'll be good, that they'll behave, etc.
tw past trauma, caretaker new master, conditioned whumpee
“No! No, please, Master, I’m sorry!”
“What’s gotten into you?” Caretaker stared down at the poor thing in front of them hugging their legs like there was no tomorrow. “Whumpee–”
“I’ll be good! I’ll behave! I don’t know what I did, Master, I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being so stupid that I didn’t even realise I was being bad! I’m so sorry!”
“Whumpee, I’m just trying to give you an opportunity to wash up–”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry–”
Caretaker sighed. Alright, they just had to pet their hair and wait it out.
“Hey, Whumpee…” they tried again once the pet had quieted down a little. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yes, Master,” they sniffled. They didn’t sound very okay, but it was a start. “I’m s-sorry.”
“Why do you think you did something wrong, honey?”
“I– I must’ve, I must’ve! I know I did something, if you want t-to– to ‘give me a bath’, I– please, please d-don’t, I’m so sorry…”
Caretaker frowned. “What do you think a bath means?”
Whumpee looked up at them with those wide, tear-filled eyes, so terrified that Caretaker could barely stand it. “D-drowning, Master. Please, I, I know I must deserve it, but please, punish me any other way! I can’t do it again, I can’t, please…”
Oh, that sick bastard.
“Shh, sweetie… It’s okay…” They tried to unwrap Whumpee’s arms from around their legs so they could help them stand up, but eventually they just settled for getting on the floor with them. They pulled Whumpee into a tight hug, rubbing their back as they continued to cry. “I didn’t mean it like that… I’m never gonna hurt you like that, yeah? Ever.”
“Y-you’re… not?”
“No, of course not. Of course not. I promised you’d be safe here, and I meant it. Let’s just calm down.”
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straight-to-the-pain · 10 months
I’m not usually one for conditioned whumpees, and especially not for recovery, but I think I would really enjoy those types of scenes more if the trauma responses were allowed to be more nuanced and complex.
This isn’t a criticism of anyone specific, it’s just something I think I lack in the community, and I don’t think I’m the one to write it either, but I think that what puts me off is that I know what it’s like to be triggered by something, and it’s such a complicated and not always conscious process.
Like yes they might feel that someone they’re with is angry or upset with them and suddenly try to do anything they can to please them, but that might come with a wave of shame and self loathing once they’ve realised that nothing was wrong and they’ve just embarrassed themselves in front of someone close to them.
Or maybe they’re scared of that part of themself, and they’re so scared that other people will see it or hurt them again that they push them away, maybe they test their boundaries, maybe they hurt the people they love instead because they want to see what happens when they finally do get angry.
Maybe they hate that part of them that makes them become someone else, that makes them get lost in their mind. Maybe they resent how it makes relationships hard, how they try to move on but some small thing ignites a carefully buried spark of fear and the whole thing starts again.
I also wish there wasn’t so much of a power dynamic of whumpee and caretaker, where the whumpee is someone who is mentally ill and traumatised and not expected to ever be independent or live alone. No, I want them to have friends and partners and lovers, and struggle and find joy in equal measure, on their own terms.
There’s absolutely people writing this sort of content, and there are things I will read because I think they capture that complexity, and of course these are my personal feelings but I do urge people to think about this when they write, if they want to.
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Whump Prompt #1086
Anon asked:
Need me some prompts for a really happy-go-lucky character who hides their traumas behind a witty remark and a cocky smile
Happy go-lucky is a trope I’ve modelled an OC on so:
Nothing appears to phase the character at first: even when it really should. 
When the Worst Stuff is revealed about their past, everyone is sat in horrified shock except your character, who passes the whole thing off as a funny story. The character shrugs and says ‘and I’m still alive so... I’ll drink to that.’
The ‘it is what it is’ mentality. Someone is mean to them? They’ve heard worse. They’re injured? ‘Not as bad as the last time.’ They’ve just witnessed something horrific? ‘Eh, at least no-one died in my arms this time.’
They’ve learnt to craft their backstory into something more humorous to reduce the impact it has on other people. 
“Hahah, well actually I’ve dealt with this before. It’s a funny story really, I was nearly executed for...”
Maybe one day they can’t hold it in anymore. That One Thing is enough to push them over the edge. Maybe they drink, maybe they do something else self destructive and it all comes out. There’s no cocky smile, there’s no joke; your character is being 100% real and It’s jarring for the caretakers... but also a relief that the trauma is finally being addressed. 
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