#eating disorder recovery
desultory-suggestions · 5 months
Instead of choosing an intensive, unrealistic, or punishing goal this New Year ask yourself: What is one simple thing that would enrich my life this new year? Maybe you can do three paintings this year. Maybe you can buy and care for a potted plant. Maybe you can learn to cook one meal exceptionally well. You don't need to push yourself to the brink. Let's stop committing to punishing goals based on insecurity and start asking what will enrich our lives.
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positivelyqueer · 5 months
I'm so fucking mad about how pervasive diet culture is. Like this shit is literally killing people in so many different ways but I can't open up a recipe book or grocery store magazine without reading words like 'bad' and 'sinful' and 'guilty/guilt free'. Like what the honest fuck is that?
And trying to recover from an eating disorder in that environment is like, I don't know, trying to recover from ingesting poison when the whole world wants to sell you repacked poison pills as pseudo scientific health supplements. And the poison pill industry is worth billions. And everyone around you is talking about how they wished they had the willpower to ingest poison, and sharing tips on how to make the poison go down smoother.
If you're currently recovering despite it all you are brave and powerful and strong as fuck. Don't let anyone diminish that.
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sunsetsandhope · 10 months
daily reminder, food is not your enemy, the number on scale doesn't define you as a person, the size of your clothing has nothing to do with your personality, and if you struggle with ed, recovery, body image issues or body dysmorphia, i hope it will pass and one day it will become a distant memory for us.
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pansyboybloom · 5 months
I need people to realize that binge eating disorders aren’t just ‘overeating’. this is a disability, this is a mental illness, it is a disorder, not a moral failing and people, esp fat people, with it are not pathetic or weak willed or gluttonous or disgusting. We’re people, and deserve to be treated as such.
Support your friends who binge. Don’t make assumptions. Do research and watch out for fatphobia and diet culture centered rhetoric. Respect us, regardless on how or why or when we do or do not recover. Show us love, because god knows very few people do
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ed-recoverry · 2 years
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adventures-in-therapy · 2 months
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whispytears · 9 months
Upgrading time!
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(The GIF has no relevance, I thought it was cute).
Hey everyone! I have decided to make some changes to this account in order to bring in more traffic and more people into a non-toxic eating disorder community. I have been so happy with the interaction from the ed community. It is such an invisible disorder until it is not so I truly appreciate all of the invisible warriors (sorry if that sounds corny but it's true!) who support my content in any way. <3
Some changes I would like to emphasize:
There is now an anonymous "ask me" section. Feel free to ask about any recovery advice OR share some personal stories about a topic in the eating disorder community!
I will change the weekly polls to bi-weekly. The weeks in between will be a dedicated space for my followers/invisible warriors to share or ask questions about the ed-community.
Those are all of the changes for now. To keep full transparency I will blaze this post but it will be the last blazed post in a while. I want to reach out to as many people in the community who want to be a part of the good energy and vibes I intend to create on this blog.
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
A shout out to the people in recovery for an eating disorder who are being pressured to lose weight and chase thinness even more than usual due to the New Years holiday. And a special shout out to the fat people in recovery for eating disorders who have to deal with fatphobia on top of it all and even more weight loss encouragement than other people. If you relapse, please know that it is not recovery ending. As you've likely heard, recovery is not linear. You will get back up eventually and make it out of your disorder alive.
-Mod Worthy
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fatliberation · 11 months
When We Leave NEDA Behind, Where do We Go?
A Guide by Sharon Maxwell @heysharonmaxwell
NEDA has a long history of harming the communities it is supposed to serve. As we #leaveNEDAbehind, I encourage you to follow the following ED orgs who are committed to serving and supporting ALL folks with eating disorders.
The National Alliance for Eating Disorders
The National Alliance for Eating Disorders (“The Alliance”) is the leading national non-profit organization providing education, referrals, and support for all individuals experiencing eating disorders, as well as their loved ones. The Alliance’s services include:
Educational presentations and training days
Free, weekly therapist-led support groups nationwide (virtual and in-person) for those experiencing eating disorders and for their loved ones
Support and referrals through both a free helpline and comprehensive referral website/app
Direct, low-cost, life-saving, outpatient treatment to underinsured and uninsured adults in the south Florida community.
Unique and empowering Southern Smash scale smashing events and SmashTALK panel discussions.
@alliancefored | #notonemore | allianceforeatingdisorders.com
Project HEAL
Project HEAL (Help to Eat, Accept, and Live)’s mission is to break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers to eating disorder healing. Project Heal’s goal is to change the systems and, in the meantime, to provide life-saving support to people with eating disorders who the systems fail.
Project HEAL’s services include:
For those unsure of the next step in their eating disorder healing journey, Project HEAL provides free, impartial Clinical Assessments, followed by a comprehensive report with diagnosis, clinical recommendation, and referrals.
For those struggling to access treatment through their insurance, Project HEAL’s Insurance Navigation Program helps individuals understand their often confusing benefits and advocate on their behalf to get their treatment covered.
Project HEAL connects people to free Treatment Placements through the HEALers Circle, a national network of facilities and providers at every level of care. They also offer paid scholarships with providers with shared identities.
Project HEAL offers one-time Cash Assistance grants of $500-$1,500 to individuals who are unable to afford tertiary costs related to their treatment, i.e., housing and travel costs or insurance deductibles.
Crisis Textline: text HEALING to 741741 | www.theprojectheal.org
FEDUP (Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations) is a collective of trans+, intersex, and gender diverse people who believe eating disorders in marginalized communities are social justice issues. FEDUP’s mission is to make visible, interrupt, and undermine the disproportionately high incidence of eating disorders in trans and gender diverse individuals through radical community healing, recovery institution reform, research, empowerment, and education. FEDUP’s services include:
Support groups: FEDUP Closed Support Group for Gender-Diverse Folx, Support Group for Caregivers and Loved Ones of Trans & Intersex People With Eating Disorders, and Closed Support Group for QTBIPOC With Eds
Listing of FEDUP approved providers of therapy, counseling, nutrition services, and recovery coaches
Educational content about eating disorders
A conference for researchers, advocates, and clinicians in the eating disorder field where all attendees are empowered to participate, share their expertise, and learn from one another so that they can incorporate approaches that work - for our patients, our communities, and ourselves
@fedupcollective | fedupcollective.org
Nalgona Positivity Pride
Nalgona Positivity Pride is an unconventional eating disorder awareness organization that shines a light on the often-overlooked societal factors that perpetuate unrealistic and oppressive beauty and health standards. NPP offers a vial space for BIPOC to celebrate and embrace their bodies and identities. Nalgona Positivity Pride’s services include:
Education, such as public speaking services for universities, mental health and eating disorder organizations, and more as well as social media content
Consulting services for eating disorder providers and women of color entrepreneurs, including social media, branding, and event planning. Also, size diversity, creating eating disorder informed media, eating disorder harm reduction
An eating disorder harm reduction hub, including The EDHR Course and The EDHR Harm Reduction Community Services
2 eating disorder support groups: Sage and Spoon and The Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Community Circle
@nalgonapositivitypride | nalgonapositivitypride.com
Body Reborn
Body Reborn is a restorative space for people of color with disordered eating.
Body Reborn’s services include:
The Healing Collaborative - A free 8-week program for people of color. The program consists of three pillars: (1) Body Liberation, (2) Peer Support, and (3) Lifelong Community.
A non-hierarchical, discussion-driven conference that centers experiences of marginalized people in eating disorder care
@bodyreborn | bodyreborn.org
MEDA (Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association) is dedicated to the prevention and compassionate treatment of eating disorders, so that every body has access to recovery and support. MEDA’s services include:
Assessments to individual therapy and groups, tailored treatment referrals. to hight levels of care, skill sessions to hels reach meal and snack goals, and 24/7/365 community available
The Sooner the Better helps communities learn the signs and symptoms of disordered eating, exercise, and body image.
MEDA offers presentations from a skilled mental health clinician on a variety of topics including Body Confidence, Eating Disorders, and Promoting Positive Body Culture in Your Schools and Homes.
MEDA also offers high-level clinical trainings for professionals working with eating disorders whether it is in the field of medicine, mental health, or education.
Annual national conference bringing over 275 people together to discuss the latest in eating disorder research and therapies
“Networking with a Purpose” meetings where clinicians come together to learn about specific aspects of treatment
Two graduate clinical interns are trained at MEDA every year, where they are supervised by clinicians and work directly with clients and loved ones.
@recoverwithmeda | medainc.org
ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) provides free peer support to anyone struggling with an eating disorder. ANAD’s services include:
Eating Disorder Peer Support Groups
Recovery Mentorship Program offering free eating disorder support online for those who struggle with eating disorders but are motivated to recover. ANAD mentors are people who have walked the difficult road to recovery from their eating disorder and are recovered for at least 2 years.
Eating Disorder Treatment Directory
ANAD Approach Guides are designed to educate and “guide” its community on a wide range of topics, such as caregiving, pregnancy, binge eating, and navigating life after treatment.
@anadhelp | anad.org
heysharonmaxwell.com | #leaveNEDAbehind
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
It's okay to be scraping by. Even if you would rather be doing better, even if you technically could be doing better. Sometimes the weight of things just pushes us down. Keep moving forward, even if is slow. In time you will be back where you want to be.
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positivelyqueer · 1 year
I promise choosing recovery gets easier.
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neuroticboyfriend · 4 months
i keep thinking i don't deserve to get better because my condition (addiction/alcoholism) isn't bad enough. because there are people who've been in it for longer than me, people who've gone places i didn't, people who've done things i haven't done, etc. etc. and for anyone in a similar situation: how much pain would be enough?
is it enough once it consumes your every waking moment? once it makes you want to die? once it puts your life in imminent danger? once you overdose? once you're hospitalized? again? two times, three times, four times? how much pain would you have to be in for what you're going through now to matter?
odds are, you don't have an answer, or the answer is death - even if you don't think that's your answer, by thinking it needs to be worse - at least in regards to things like addiction, self harm, eating disorders, etc. - if no amount of pain would ever be enough, you'd be driving yourself right to death. that is the end-of-the-line expression of pain, and the end-point for an unfortunate amount of untreated, severe conditions.
but there is another, healthier version of expressing your pain that validates it: actually acknowledging it at the least, and ideally seeking recovery. by saying something like "i need/want to recover," or even something like "im not ready to recover BUT"... the implication there is that what you're facing is awful and needs to change. it's something that needs recovering from because it's painful - painful enough to warrant action being taken.
and that's true for any condition. if it's hurting you, you need and deserve to take steps to make your life better. you need and deserve help and support. even if it can't (or shouldn't be) cured or recovered from, whatever struggle you're going through is enough. it's enough. even if i don't believe it for myself, i'm trying, and we'll try together until we believe it. okay? you're not alone.
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pansyboybloom · 5 months
honestly? shout out to bears and the bear community for helping me want to recover from my eating disorder. i want to find my natural weight. i want to be fat and healthy. i want to love and support others through loving and supporting myself. i want to accept my body as it is. bears i love you so much <3
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