#my thougts
whereserpentswalk · 2 days
Ending the sexualization of women on film won't happen when female characters are completely covered from the neck down and shot as conservatively as possible with the camera treating their bodies like forbidden fruit, it will happen when a female action hero can appear entirely shirtless and have it be shot as entirely badass and powerful just like how it would for a male action hero.
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peaceishim · 2 days
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(via twitter)
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elysiumwhispers · 15 hours
I want to place little kisses on her soul and show her how loved and wonderful and worthy she is.
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inkmadeofsky · 3 days
The draft version:
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vs the poem:
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The Star Loves the Night by ©inkmadeofsky
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junexsleepyy · 2 months
You’re my favorite voice to hear, every time you speak to me.
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deloveusion · 3 months
i deserve some hickies on my inner thighs🙄
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introspectsoul · 2 months
I'm a pile of unfinished things, unsaid feelings, unthought thoughts, and unlived lives.
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sugarhigh1 · 1 year
I'm super sexual but also like I'm super shy which doesn't mix well
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jm-2406 · 3 months
Please let me know that I am not the only one who has read [& continues to do so] fanfictions about the characters whom I know nothing about; I haven't seen the movie/series or read the books about them but I am crushing hard on them because one of their fanfictions landed on my "for you" page...
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pensierialmare · 2 months
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Voglio essere come prima ….
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xabbtix · 3 months
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whereserpentswalk · 3 days
You're a parasite possessing a human’s body. The hunan in question was doomed the momment they touched you. Of course, you didn't know it at the time, your species is only as intelligent as what it latches on to, and you happened to latch on to one of about a dozen truly sapient species in the known universe. You killed them, but you were no smarter than a bug when you killed them.
You exist in this weird space between humanity and inhumanity. Your body is human, your voice a human’s voice, your face a human’s face, but none of that is yourse, you're a creature that crawled in through that body’s mouth and replaced the brain. They were just someone searching around an alien forest, you barely know who they were, and now you're basically puppeting their corpse.
There are also ways you're not human. Most people who meet you assume genetic modification, cybernetic implants, or just some sort of mental illness makes you act the way you do. You useally don't admit what it actually is. Your mannerisms are off, even though you feel human emotions your voice and face rarely reflect them well. When you infected the body, your very nature changed it, you neutered it and made it soft and sexless, you made it take in the minimum amount of food making it skinny and frail. You feel more like a monster than you would if you looked more inhuman, like you're puppeting a corpse.
Still you have freinds, a steady job, a human life on a planet far away from the one you originated from. Despite everything people like you, there are humans who care about you despite you not even being one. You never told them of course, you just said it was faulty cybernetics. But you can live life, read books, enjoy the view of the rain from your apartment, listen to music faintly playing on a street corner. And it all feels stolen, like you can only enjoy all of this because you're stealing someone else's chance at it. The thought rarely crosses your mind but it does so frequently enough, perhaps once every few months, to truly upset you with what you are, to make you feel like everyone who loves you only loves you because they think you're something you're not. You remember that you're an invasive species, that you have no mother or father, that your very existence isn't meant to be.
There was a time when you met someone on the street who knew the body you once inhabited. She recognized it, ran up to you wanting to talk to you, saying she thought you were dead. When you came clean to her you expected to be horrified, to want to hurt you. She didn't. She said she understood, and that she's happy the person your inhabiting still exists in some regard. A lot of people die in the forest, how blessed your body was to birth something new.
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peaceishim · 10 days
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agoraphobia-anxiety · 4 months
I just want to be okay. I don’t need to be happy, I just want to be okay.
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idksmtms · 4 months
just finished pirating the Percy Jackson show (bc we do NOT give money to disney in this house) and ummmm why was Poseidon such a DILF??? And Luke Castellan???? Like I'm sorry, why such a cutie if evil???
Anyway, would anyone read if I wrote for them?
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whatthehellami · 7 months
The importance given to beauty is weird. It is almost like women need to be pretty. If someone does not have conventionally attractive features, people will still be like, 'oh she is beautiful in her own way' which means no matter what a woman needs to be beautiful. This level of importance is not given to intelligence, education, smartness or creativity. Nobody says 'oh don't believe what others are saying, I know you are creative." It would be wonderful if people actually made these characteristics mandatory but instead all a woman needs to be is pretty. There is no harm in that but it's just that it is a very superficial yardstick of measuring a person's worth.
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