#menstruation mention
myautisticpov · 6 months
"People shouldn't post about how the contraceptive pill can be prescribed for non-contraceptive reasons because it's sex negative" feels like a take that can only come from people who don't realise just how young some people end up being prescribed the pill
Like, fine, you, person in your twenties, might be comfortable being like "this is the pill I take to fuck without getting pregnant", but I don't think it's sex negative for a thirteen-year-old who has been prescribed it for debilitating period pain to not want to have to hide their medication from their classmates on an overnight school trip because their classmates think that the only reason anyone would take it is that they're sexually active
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“…Besides, I can’t eat chocolate anyway.”
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vimbry · 1 year
you know, I was thinking. when the discussion of "would you rather have a period or lay an egg" comes up, a lot of people choose lay the egg. I would, cause you would, right? that's way preferable to an extended experience of cramps and blood. however, I think we're all making the same mistake of thinking about this as relative to the size of a chicken or maybe a crocodile. a human would probably have more of a kiwi situation going on. so now you have to think about your answer very carefully.
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claypigeonpottery · 16 days
I'd love to hear you expand on your thoughts about gender and deer antlers and also introduce the aspect of caribou antlers to the conversation. Both males and females have antlers but the males drop them in the winter because of the weight while the females keep theirs until the new set pushes the old set out.
I have a lot of thoughts and none of them really go anywhere but I’m happy to expand
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it’s funny, I was thinking about caribou while I was making this brown clay deer-person. I didn’t want the antler to read as caribou, it was more just turning thoughts around in my head
I imagine if we had antlers, culturally it would be considered masculine (likely even for those—like caribou—where everyone can grow antlers and shed them at different times).
it made me think about gender being seasonal, with the growing and shedding of antlers.
it made me think about how tender and sensitive antlers are when they first grow in, covered in velvet. is it like menstruation, a gender-specific thing that’s painful or uncomfortable for awhile?
it made me think about losing an antler accidentally, or removing them. or only removing one. or just cutting off a few tines. what would it signify? how would it feel?
do queer deer (lol) notice each other because of how their antlers look, recognize each other as queer?
would a doe feel relieved when it’s time to shed her antlers? would she dread growing new ones? would a buck, any buck, feel dysphoric, feel a loss, when he sheds his?
I don’t know, I’ve just been having the gender recently. so obviously I had to pass that feeling on to my little sculptural creatures
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blushedfemme · 4 months
every month with my cycle my boobs get visibly bigger, and they feel so heavy and achey and sensitive.
i can’t help but fantasize about them being full of milk, my nipples all taut and glistening, sloshing painfully, leaking through my shirt. i ‘innocently’ complain about it to a butch who i suspect is into that but far too shy to admit it. i fight a smile as they start to squirm, clear their throat repeatedly to hide their needy little sounds, their face so red. too repressed to let themselves look at my swollen, leaky tits and absolutely unable to focus on anything else. their breath is shaky, jaw slack, saliva pooling in their mouth.
i ask them to go down on me as a distraction from my discomfort. they oblige of course, ever eager to please me, but while they eat me out they’re watching over my stomach as i hold and jiggle my tits, still bitching about how full they are. only after i’ve cum on their face several times do they get desperate enough to surface and stammer out an oh-so-selfless offer to ‘help’ me with my problem. “that’s so sweet of you,” i purr, “what a gentleman,” giving them an indulgent smile as i sit upright and make myself comfy before pulling them half into my lap and smiling even bigger at the contented exhale through their nose, eyes fluttering closed, the moment they latch onto me. i moan in relief and give them head scratches, telling them what a good boy they are for ‘helping’ me, as they let out small sounds and melt into my lap. i let them keep their little cover, their at-your-service alibi… this time.
next time i’ll make them beg.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
unfortunately, most intersex people are not told outright that they are intersex, in that verbiage, even by doctors or other medical professionals. most of us have strung together that conclusion through being told our specific conditions if we're lucky, or a piece or part of it such as being told a symptom, or even being told nothing at all. many intersex people undergo surgery at very very young ages and are never informed about it ever in life, and only find out by seeing scars, or never at all.
the only reason i discovered i was intersex was because of how apparent my condition made itself to me. i started growing a full beard during puberty and had some disruptions with my menstrual cycles that were so intense and severe i was having to stay home from school. i was told by the obgyn that i "produced too many androgens, and needed to be placed on estrogen to correct it." that's all they told me. by the way, the estrogen made things far worse for me, and the only thing that actually helped was starting testosterone HRT.
being intersex is for the most part a process of piecing things together. people are very hush hush about it for the most part and don't want to draw attention to it, so you have to be your own detective. you have to be your own advocate.
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leezlelatch · 5 months
being very self-indulgent and sending this as a distraction while i think about how sweet copia would be with a partner that is in misery over cramps…the most gentle and doting lover.
Copia x reader, period cramps, comfort, fluff. I'd like to preface this by saying I do not get cramps. I am very blessed, although it does make up for it in other horrible period things, but I hope I can do this somewhat justice. <3
This would be the perfect time for the blanket wrapped tightly around your body to swallow you whole. It's pulled taut over your bent form in the bed. Your knees are drawn up to hold the heating pad against your abdomen, and every wave of pain which passes through you from the great period god in the sky is quickly driving you to madness.
You relax slightly when it passes, and the catch of the door captures your attention. You peek out from the cocoon and a smile quickly forms when you see Copia. He's surprisingly not in his paints although you know it's early in the day, and there's a plastic bag in his hand which rustles as he approaches you.
"Topolino," he coos, sitting on the edge of the bed. His fingers hook beneath the blanket to draw it down, and his lips capture your own the moment they are revealed to him. "Still hurting?"
"I'm dying," you nod, your voice solemn. Copia cuts you a look, although a smile still plays at his lips. "Are you not working today?" You continue.
"Later on. This morning, I am going to spend time with il mio amore. While you are hurting." His fingertips brush wisps of hair from your forehead, his smile growing as your expression brightens. "Ah, see? You are feeling better already. Your Papa is healing, I know this."
His words make you laugh and you half-heartedly swat at him, the vibration of his chuckle warm against your fingertips as they rest on his belly. "What did you bring?" You ask, glancing at the plastic bag.
"Sì, your goodies!" He says, staring down into the bag for several seconds before meticulously pulling out each one and lining them along your blanket. Hersheys, Kit Kats, and 3 Musketeers, three types of iced tea, two pepperoni rolls, and a big bottle of ibuprofen.
You blink in surprise at your Copia's offerings, and then press your forehead to his hand which rests on the bed. "I am so in love with you," you say, your voice thick with emotion.
"As I am in love with you, baby," Copia says, leaning down to cradle your head beneath his, his free hand curled through your hair. "I don't want you in pain, eh?" He lightly guides your head back so he can climb over you and settle at your back, his arms pulling you into the comfort of his embrace. "Let's watch a movie. Eat your snacks. Get snuggly." He squeezes you a little and you laugh. "See? Better already."
You turn your head for a kiss, and you linger there for a moment, lips pressed to his, until your uterus reminds you that it is furious. You groan softly and reach for the ibuprofen as Copia attempts to rub and add pressure to your lower stomach. "Two ibuprofen," he says, nose nudging at your cheek. "None of that 'more will make it work faster', sì?"
You grumble but comply, and Copia laughs softly as he presses several light kisses to your neck. You unwrap a candy and take a bite and then pass it back to Copia, his yummy noise filling you with a warmth even sweeter than what your heating pad provides. Having a period sucks, and having cramps is even worse, but having a partner who loves and cares for you in all of these things - is even better.
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wtf-a-psychoanalysis · 8 months
TW!! Menstruation, Periods, pain
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Usagi helps his boyfriend get thru the pain
He knows where to get the best pain medication in the hidden city
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maxbegone · 1 year
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[maria] supplies her with the diva cup. and because half of our planet is women, these shows never talk about menstruation, which is a huge thing you're going to have to deal with in the apocalypse. this is the second time we've come around on it. joel has no interest in helping out on that front, but here maria has been thinking about it already.
— craig mazin, the last of us podcast episode 6
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
If your reason isn't on here, just click whatever is the closest.
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ash-rigby · 5 months
do any other uterus-having smut writers and nsfw artists often find themselves having a creative boom right before their period starts?
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askcometcare · 2 months
[ooc] how would pcos work if people have no.. periods.. on spinch and can't get pregnant. googled it and yeah facial hair is a symptom im just curious
OOC: anthries have "ovaries" but their purpose is just producing hormones instead of anything to do with pregnancy
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just-antithings · 5 months
'hope it will make you infertile', cool, i am already living a childfree life, but does it mean that i will stop getting periods? pretty please???
this is an important question antis please let us know
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i-may-be-an-emu · 4 months
Tw dysphoria triggers for afab trans and non binary folk (being called femal and woman and stuff) and periods
I got a period tracking app called “period” as in a full stop, its icon is white with a full stop on it. It causes me minimal dysphoria and is really great with not being like “hey you girl woman she/her girlboss are you ready to have your really girly female period?!?!” Like other ones. It isn’t obvious on my home screen and doesn’t really have any gendered parts to it. I think it can also help track birth control but I’m not sure because I don’t use birth control myself (I’m ace and sex repulsed so yeah that’s my birth control) you can also log physical symptoms and keep track of how many sanitary items you used that day. I’ve only had it for a week so idk how the tracking of the cycle works or anything but so far it’s great and I thought I’d share for any other people who get period dysphoria but still want/need to track their period like me.
EDIT: YOU CAN ALSO TRACK TESTOSTERONE DOSES!!! (and estrogen and progesterone doses too!!!)
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
Hi! I'm starting a youtube channel called Fat Period to discuss menstruating while fat including but not limited to using insertables with reach limitations, size inclusive period underwear, size inclusive pads, and period/hormone related health conditions that can impact menstruation.
I want to reach out to other fat people before I start and ask if there's anything super important that has been a frustration to anyone that you don't see anyone talking about. I know my own fat experience, but I'd love to have some conversations with others before jumping into making educational content on youtube.
So I was hoping y'all might post this and I could as the mods and followers: What are some things about menstruating while fat no one talks about but is frustrating or limiting?
Ooo best of luck! Followers please reply/reblog if you have thoughts!
-mod squirrel
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
having periods is hard for everyone, but i just wanted to say huge shoutout to every guy on their period right now, especially if you have to be in public. I'm off my T temporarily due to doctor problems and I'm here with you. it's a very vulnerable time and it's like, the last possible way you want to get clocked as "not passing". respect to every man on their period
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