lazer-t · 2 days
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Sand Boa illustration commission for @lyndzparker
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song-and-tea · 1 year
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Was getting into angular designs, originally inspired by @/lazert
First is Tadley, my kitty, then Boone, who belongs to @celestial-citrus, and @/msburgandy's Beau
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Igazi szupersztárt igazolt a Sziget: Billie Eilish is fellép a fesztiválon
Igazi szupersztárt igazolt a Sziget: Billie Eilish is fellép a fesztiválon - https://metalindex.hu/2022/12/01/igazi-szupersztart-igazolt-a-sziget-billie-eilish-is-fellep-a-fesztivalon/ -
Majd’ három tucat 2023-as fellépő nevét dobták be ízelítőként a Sziget Fesztivál szervezői a köztudatba, de már a lista eleje nagyot durran: korunk egyik legnagyobb sztárja, az Oscar-, Golden Globe- és sokszoros Grammy-díjas Billie Eilish lép fel jövőre a fesztivál Nagyszínpadán – olvasható a közleményben.
Csütörtökön délelőtt bejelentették a Sziget Fesztivál szervezői a 2023-as rendezvény első fellépőinek sorát. Az előadók között olyan nevek szerepelnek, mint az Oscar-, Golden Globe- és sokszoros Grammy-díjas Billie Eilish, de érkezik az Imagine Dragons és David Guetta is.
“Amikor felmerült a lehetősége, hogy Billie Eilisht meg tudjuk hívni a jövő évi fesztiválra, olyan döntést kellett hoznunk, amit nagyon ritkán teszünk meg: egy nappal eltoltuk a Szigetet, és most örömmel mondhatjuk, hogy az utóbbi évek talán legnagyobb sztárja a Sziget Nagyszínpadán lép fel 2023-ban” – jelentette be Kádár Tamás fő szervező Billie Eilish fellépését és egyben azt, hogy a jövő évi fesztivál augusztus 10-én, csütörtökön kezdődik és 15-ig tart majd.
A szervezők közleménye szerint a most bejelentett nevek közül persze a Magyarországon először látható Billie-n túl is van mit szemezni. Vannak, akik már korábban hatalmas koncertet adtak a Szigeten. Így például a friss dalokkal visszatérő David Guetta, a Florence + the Machine, miután megjelentette a kritikusok által is elismert Dance Fever című albumát, és szintén idén rukkolt elő új anyaggal az oxfordi legenda, a Foals.
Rengeteg új zenével érkezik az Imagine Dragons és sokak örömére pótolja a tavaly betegség miatt lemondott első hazai fellépését Sam Fender. A Szigetet is érinti majd a One Direction zenekar feloszlása után szólókarrierbe kezdett énekes, Niall Horan első fesztiválturnéja. Az elektronikus szcéna aktuális sztárjai közül a Szigetre várjuk a Major Lazert (is) alapító Diplot, vagy itt lesz Jamie xx, de érkezik majd a német elektronikus zene ikonikus alakja, Sven Väth is. És bizonyára felfigyel majd a Sziget közönsége, mint ahogy felfigyelt rá a hiphop-R&B szcéna kanadai szupersztárja, Drake is, a szváziföldi származású Uncle Wafflesre, aki a szupertrendi, Dél-Afrikából induló, de már az európai klubokban hódító Amapiano egyik feltörekvő csillaga.
A nevek láttán tehát már most erősen kirajzolódik a Sziget zenei arculata, mint mindig: aktuális sztárok, nagy közönségkedvencek és feltörekvő, izgalmas előadók, a műfaji sokszínűség jegyében.
Íme felsorolva a most napvilágot látott első körös lista: 
Billie Eilish, David Guetta, Florence + the Machine, Imagine Dragons, Sam Fender, Niall Horan, YUNGBLUD, Foals, Diplo, Jamie xx, M83, Moderat, Sven Väth, Mimi Webb, Nothing But Thieves, Two Feet, Viagra Boys, Amyl And The Sniffers, 070 Shake, TV Girl, Dixon, Uncle Waffles, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, Baby Queen, The Comet Is Coming, Easy Life, Youngr, Los Bitchos, Destroy Boys, Kelly Lee Owens (DJ set), Mall Grab, Partiboi69, Parra For Cuva, Jungle By Night, yuné pinku (DJ set) és Hannah Grae.
A Igazi szupersztárt igazolt a Sziget: Billie Eilish is fellép a fesztiválon bejegyzés először a On Stage jelent meg.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Maybe we're all Lonely and Afraid, Maybe we're all Trying to Find the Words to say
Maeve x Lucas. Shadows on the wall. 2.8k
TW (there are more squicks): slight mention of past abuse, mention of plague, mention of eye stuff lol 
Lucas was a hard worker. 
It was obvious from the way he moved, from the way his face scrunched up as he thought. 
Watching the same thing be mirrored on someone of much shorter stature had become...an amusing game of sorts to Maeve. This had gone on for a few weeks now, Will begging them to take the lessons down to the dock to get out of the stifling heat of being indoors. 
While she agreed at first, under the guise of the heat, she soon realized the boy had other motives in coming to the dock. 
The air today was stifling, even outside. She fanned herself with her hand, almost melting into the chair she sat in. Will had finished his work quickly, a bit too quickly, before running off again. 
Lilith and Amanda had gone off alone to seek shelter from the heat, a flimsy disguise to be alone if she ever heard one. But they got what they needed to done, and with a wink she sent them off. 
Emmie and Andrew on the other hand…
“Ms. Maeve it’s too hot,” Emmie whined, sinking into her chair. 
She reached over to take the little girl’s hand, gently holding her wrists in her hands. Her still, oddly enough, cold hands. 
“We can go to get some more water...well you could finish your water,” she said with a warm smile. “Water is very important in staying cool.”
Emmie made a face. “Yeah but water is gross!”
“...my love, it doesn’t have a taste.”
“What makes it gross!”
She laughed softly, letting go of one of Emmie’s wrists to brush back her hair. Just a bit sweaty, her cheeks were rosy though. No fever, no sunburn. No signs of a heatstroke. 
“Why can Will go and play and we can’t?” Andrew whined, crossing his arms as he stared at his addition pages.
“Will isn’t...playing. He’s helping Lucas, see?” She pointed to the smaller boy, toddling after Lucas while brightly talking about something. There was a necklace around his neck. 
The eel tooth she pulled out of Will’s stomach. What a first meeting. 
She pursed her lips to keep from smiling. Will had burst into the clinic when she was trying to save a man’s eye (a very impromptu moment that almost cost that man his other eye) yelling about how Lucas made him his own tooth necklace. 
It did take a while to calm Will down from the sight of the man’s infected eye (and her all bloodied), but that wasn’t her fault. 
He now wore that necklace everywhere. She never saw him without it. And if he didn’t wear it around his neck, she tied it around his wrist. Oh how he bragged about it to the others when Lucas wasn’t around. Talking the big talk about how he was just like their big brother. 
She hid her giggles, watching Lucas pick up a crate of fishing gear and watching Will attempt to pick up the same. 
Attempt, being the key word. 
He fell back with a thump, making a face at the heavy crate. Lucas was none the wiser, silent as he walked away from the young boy’s struggle.
Lucas was so quiet when he worked. And the others tended to avoid him like the plague. And she knew what avoiding like the plague looked like. 
She rubbed at her palms, trying not to think back on that time. The blood on her hands. The tears. The horror in the streets. The smoke from the Lazert blocking out the sun. 
She sighed, massaging her temples. Sometimes she wondered how on Earth she was able to sleep at night. Most nights she didn’t go to sleep to begin with. And of course, her quite atrocious eating habits. 
Which Lucas, somehow, was helping to manage. At least a little. 
Will picked up a smaller crate, this one having hooks and replacement fishing line. Quickly, he bolted after Lucas. 
She wondered how long this would go on before Lucas noticed his little shadow. The shadow with the face of a round cheeked boy. So energetic and innocent. The missing teeth reminiscent of hers.
Giggling, she held her arm over her head as she looked up at the sky. No clouds. Not even a hint of rain.
She knocked three teeth out the first time she fell from a tree. Her mother told her that if she kept her teeth by her bedside she would trick a fairy changeling. A well tricked fairy would leave sweets. 
Ah, she was thinking in fairy tales again. It was the innocent and the horrifying that made her miss her mother. 
And she was waxing poetry. All lost in her mind today it seemed.
“Here, we can wrap up lessons, and you two can go find somewhere to cool off. It’s too hot for arithmetic anyway,” she said, closing the books scattered around the rickety old table. 
Andrew and Emmie lit up, dashing away from the table and laughing as they ran who knows where. 
Smiling and humming to herself, she started to clean up the mess they made. It was an explosion of books and papers, and it was going to be a pain to sort the pages by kid. 
She tied her hair back with the handkerchief, her smile growing bubbly as she touched the soft yet worn fabric. Such a simple gift. Small yet she treasured those who made it. 
She snuck a look at Lucas, he was showing Will how to bait a hook. The latter of which was gagging at the prospect of having to hold a worm. That poor worm. 
A treasure from those who made it and those who helped give to it. 
Lucas was a hard worker. 
But he was kind.
Watching him laugh, the boisterous sound making her heart flop in such an odd way she had to look away from him. Hearing Will try and mimic such a laugh was amusing as well, making her stifle her giggles to not be heard by the two of them. 
Will liked following Lucas around, chuffing when he chuffed, rubbing the back of his neck when Lucas did so. The weird, adorable, totally Lucas, focus face now on the face of someone much younger. The crease of the eyebrows, the squint, the way he breathed harshly when things went wrong again. The way his tongue would peek out from his lips when he focused really hard.
Kids were strange things. 
Will cheered when he baited his hook, Lucas dodging a little as to not get impaled by the hook as the boy waved the baited hook and line around. Both were laughing, the sun unbearably beating down on them. 
She swept the papers into one hand, rapping them against the rough surface of the table to even them out. Tucking the small stack into the notebook of her notes on addition, she moved on to Emmie’s work. 
Lucas watched her for a moment, helping Will set his hook down so someone else may use it. 
She knew his footsteps, now echoed by a shadow’s. Will stomped harder to make his footsteps louder, and she found it adorable.
“Afternoon,” she said, keeping her back to them. Her heart kept fluttering weirdly when Lucas was around. It was starting to become even stranger than normal. 
He kissed the top of her head, she could feel him smiling against her hair. 
“You smell nice today,” he said softly, taking her hand away from where she was cleaning up.
Will watched, taking her other hand and making her laugh. 
Lucas saw this, blinking at the little boy as he mimicked Lucas’ soft expression when he looked up at her. But it was more childlike and a clear imitation. 
She decided to play along a little. “Why Lucas! You’ve gotten so much smaller!” she said, gasping a little as she looked down at the smaller boy, he was growing like a weed, now coming up to her hip. 
He giggled, smiling brightly. “Now.” She tugged her hand out of the actual Lucas’, placing it on her hip. “Has someone put a spell on you?”
“No!” he laughed. 
“No?” she asked, tapping her lower lip. “Have you just been shrunk? A potion maybe? Did you eat something weird?” she teased, squatting down a little. “Now you seem to be around my height. A blessing don’t you know. My neck hurts from always looking up at you.”
He laughed. “Ms. Maeve, I'm not Lucas! I’m Will!”
She placed her hand on her chest, gasping again. “Oh my! You were so convincing I thought it must have been Lucas!” His gapped tooth grin made her smile. He was a sweetheart when he wasn’t whining. “Now where would the real Lucas be?”
Will shrugged, but his giggles and side eye’d looks to Lucas made her smile.
“Ah. Is he over here?” she asked, looking over where Will was. Lucas was much taller with her near the ground, he’d be an imposing sight if it weren’t for the joy lighting up his eyes. 
Her gaze slowly fluttered up as she met those eyes. An even brillianter blue today. And now him trying not to laugh. She got to her feet, twisting her lips as she looked at him. “Hmmm well you’re around my Lucas’ height.”
He let out a tiny snort, eyes crinkling with affection. Her cheeks warmed. 
Ignoring her flushed face, she stood on her tiptoes, pretending to inspect his face. He had freckles now, his skin deeply tanned. 
She wanted to count them. They were…well, the only word for it was adorable. They suited his face well. Though the tan lines from where his hair stayed matted to his face made her giggle. So uneven. 
In some ways she was lucky she couldn’t tan. 
“Hmmm you look like my Lucas…” she said, landing back on her heels with a small click. She crossed her arms and tilted her head, both him and Will mimicking the motion. “Oh dear now it seems I have a doppelganger,” she giggled. “Two doppelgangers!” 
Lucas dropped the charade when he laughed, nose wrinkling at her antics. 
“I’m afraid you can’t be my Lucas though,” she said, coming to her conclusion. “You do look an awful lot like him. But he doesn’t have freckles.” 
“Can’t you make an exception just this once?” he asked with an affectionate smile. “I’m sure your Lucas wouldn’t mind. And the freckles are an easy fix! A little makeup and they’re gone!” He made a vanishing motion with his hands, Will doing the same. 
He still didn’t seem to notice it, which was still amusing to her. 
“Even so! I still can’t overlook one thing.”
“Oh? And what might that be?” he asked, moving closer to her. This was risky with him working today and all, but the heat might’ve just melted her brain into mush. 
She rubbed her nose against his, moving away. “I’m afraid you’re much too short to be my Lucas.”
He gasped dramatically, holding his chest and stumbling into the nearest table. She laughed so hard she snorted, covering her mouth with her hands as she smiled. Watching her laugh, he shot her a grin that made her blush. 
“If you can figure out a way to get a little taller…” she held her index and thumb apart a little for reference, trying to get her laughter under control. She had to fight her smile. “Then we might get somewhere.” She sighed, leaning against her table, papers scattering on the ground. Will watched the two of them, laughing. “And then maybe we can find my Lucas. Wherever he may be.”
He looked around, dragging a small crate over and standing on it. “How’s this?”
She bit her lip, smiling as she inspected it. “Hmm a bit too tall.”
He stepped off the crate and up onto his tip toes. He quirked an eyebrow and she laughed. “Perfect.” 
He snorted, resting back on his heels as he leaned over to kiss her softly. “I should get back to work,” he whispered, kissing the corners of her mouth before moving away. 
“I’ll miss you,” she said, wiping an imaginary tear away from her eye, making him chuckle. 
He ruffled her hair. “Don’t forget me,” he joked, holding her hand gently, raising it and kissing her knuckles softly. “After work, I can make dinner.”
“If you’re free.”
“Well I’ll disappoint many men, don’t you know they just come flocking to my door!” Not quite a lie. A drunk man, like any person, could turn into a stupid person. “But I think I can fit you in,” she said with a wink. She could feel his teeth graze her skin as he laughed, letting her hand fall to her side.
“I’m honoured.”
She smiled, leaning against the table again. “It’s a date then.”
His cheeks pinked as he nodded and walked away. “Y-Yeah. A date.”
“Hopefully this one goes better!” she called after him. “Hard to get bit by an eel that far from the ocean.”
He looked over his shoulder. “Are you ever going to let me live that down?”
She giggled, waving at him sweetly. “Never. Will has evidence of his fight with the creatures around his neck now.”
He looked surprised that Will would wear the necklace. Pride soon soaked into his features and he grinned. “Too bad you didn’t get a tooth stuck in you, I would’ve made something for you too.”
She snorted, waving him off. “Get back to work, eel boy.”
He saluted, jogging away.
She turned away to pick up the papers she knocked down, smiling to herself.
Gods she loved him. 
It took her a moment to realize what she had just thought. What she knew was going on.
She waited for the waves of panic, for the horror, the disgust in herself to set it. She waited for her stomach to sink to her feet and the colour to drain from her face.
But it never came.
Instead, there was a warm feeling. Buzzing, her heart racing a little, that same love struck smile never faltering. 
She loved him.
The very thought startling her.
She slammed the papers down on the table, spooking Will from where he was trying to make fish hooks out of sticks. 
Even startled, she did not mind. 
No. She did mind! She minded about one thing.
It was too easy. She hadn’t suffered enough to get to this realization. The universe never smiled upon her for long. Something always was going to happen. Always going to go wrong. It was too easy to stay here and love him so...freely. 
She froze at the prospect of telling him.
There was the catch. She couldn’t tell him. She wouldn’t. 
Stacking Emmie’s papers and tucking them between the pages of a book, she gnawed on her lower lip. She feared him rejecting her. A kiss was one thing. Yes a rejected kiss would (and did) sting but…
Loving another was different. Kisses were physical, showing affection. Infatuation.
But no. She loved him.
She glanced at him, he was trying to pry a few of the smaller kids off his back, he was tending to the nets and they mistook him for a plaything. He was laughing, holding one by their shirt collar. She didn’t recognize the child, they looked around six. 
Her eyes darted away, lashes brushing her cheeks.
Being in love wasn’t some...profound thing. It happened slow, it crept up on your senses, drugging you and sending you down into the murky feelings below. It could happen quickly, it could move at a slog. It could be romantic, platonic, about family. But being in love was no different than being angry at someone. Being in love could be used against you. Love was an emotion that vile people used. 
Love was a chain, dragging her down into the depths of the ocean while she gasped for air, finding none. 
No. It was different. 
Being in love with Lucas was different. 
It was...innocent in a way. Like the taste of bubblegum on a hot afternoon, the smell of something sweet in the mornings. 
The feeling of waking up in the arms of the person you were indescribably, unspeakably, deeply, undoubtedly, in love with. 
It was all different than before. Before it was a biting cold followed by the sugary sweetness of mock warmth. Being left in the snow, shivering and alone until they wanted you again. Possessing. A chain around her throat. 
But she wasn’t in love with Nicolas Bell anymore. 
This was something new altogether. 
It frightened and enticed her. 
Lucas was odd. He was dense as he was sweet. How he interacted with her and around her was so different from what she knew of before. Skittish, but like a puppy in a way.
She pressed her lips together to keep from giggling. He was like a puppy. A kicked puppy at times.
He met her eyes again, she smiled.
She did love him. 
And she was okay with that. 
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caracal20 · 4 years
Top 5 NPCs from TTRPGs!! Your games or popular media
oooooo this is hard.... Im gonna do both bc i have so many faves..
In no particular order, from games im in:
-Sans Serif from my LANCER game,,, he's just a no frills kinda guy, straight to the point, running his shop, printing, talking casually to the leaders of the revolution, always on top of the game, once you meet him you understand his whole deal, you gotta love him
-Mariah's Uncle Robert from my MOTW game, he's FUN and i like his ANTICS with the LADS
-Lady Elysvar from my werewolf pirate bloodhunter's game. She's an elegant hot lady AND she does pushup contests + fistfights with me, are you kidding me
-Fourth Drawn Blade 🥺 from my LANCER game,, beautiful principled withdrawn swordboy with a COOL sword- nothing bad should ever happen to him, and totally nothing ever will, in the anime version of our game im sure his eps would be big faves of mine
-Keller from my old tal'dorei campaign. Nerdass bratty trying-to-be-goth-and-failing elf bae, i miss him
And then from popular media:
-Jarett Howarth (not to critrole post but LISTEN he was CHARMING)
-LazerTed (from Friends at the Table,,, absolutely terrible, fucking hilarious)
-Ibex (ALSO f@tt, this guy was HOT and just a GREAT character, holy shit, when Austin Walker rly sinks his teeth into a particular npc,, he goes OFF)
-Jake Coolice (TAZ Amnesty :) a nice boy!)
-Angus McDonald (TAZ Balance :) a nice boy!!!)
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desenmoda-blog · 6 years
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Lazer Kesimli Kısa Kol Siyah Bluz  👚Ürün Kodu:DSN-10886-SY Daha Fazlası için: https://desenmoda.com.tr/ 👗🧥👚👖 ‼️ EN KOLAY VE EN HIZLI KAPIDA ÖDEMELİ SİPARİŞ VEREBİLİRSİNİZ ‼️ YADA SITEMIZDEN KREDI KARTI İLE ÖDEME YAPABİLİRSİNİZ 💁🏻👌🏻 TÜRKİYENİN HER İLİNE KAPIDA ÖDEMELI KARGO YOLLUYORUZ 👏🏻🐥🛒#indirimliürünler #kaliteliürün #kampanya #moda #trend #kadıngömlek #yeni #sezon #lazert-shirt #siyah #bluz #t-shirt #istanbul #siyahbluz (Istanbul, Turkey)
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angst-parental · 6 years
Asra doesn’t look at you, and you don’t expect him to. The plague has come, nearly into your home, and he wants to leave. “Count Lucio has asked for my help specifically.” you gather, and sit at your workbench. Asra was your student. He should understand the importance of expanding your magic to help someone more than anyone. It was a practice you instilled early.
“Do you remember our first masquerade?” he cuts in, hands on his hips. “Because this next one will be the last. For you. For me. If you go and help.”
“We can always dance at home.” you offer, and he rolls his eyes.
“You’re unbearable. You’re so set about going. Don’t you love me?” Moments in your bed, pressed together emit through the room. He always projects when he’s scared.
“It doesn’t matter if I love you. And I do.” You add, upon seeing the hurt look on his face.
“The city needs me.”
“I fucking need you.” his bottom lip quivers, and he turns away.
“I hope you fucking die in the plague. Maybe you’ll learn your lesson.” There’s a heavy silence and you’re left speechless. How could the man you’d loved for the last six years say something like that to you?
“Okay, Asra. If that’s how you feel.” You head upstairs to gather your things, him standing stone cold near your work bench. For a moment you pause in front of him, and take his hands. He looks almost hopeful, as if you’d decided to come with him. You press your tarot deck into his palms. “You are my heart, Arsa.” You press a kiss to his forehead and it lingers as he presses against you. “Goodbye.”
Those were the last words he spoke to you before your departure to the Lazert.
I hope you die in the plague, Maybe you’ll learn your lesson
God does he wish he died too.
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rfsak2 · 7 years
Cactus, Part III
Here we go! This one was fun to write.
Cactus, Part III Summary: This is it. Harry/Jamie Warnings: There’s some past family unpleasantness, but hopefully it shouldn’t put anyone off. It’s not specific.
This might be Harry’s favorite thing.
Her head was in his lap, his fingers idly winding a platinum spiral around one knuckle. She looked relaxed and peaceful, humming softly along with the most recent mix of Sweet Creature. The song came to an end and-
The Jurassic Park theme suddenly rent the peaceful, almost contemplative moment. She briefly looked panicked and mouthed sorry.
He shrugged. “Answer it. Go on.”
She dug the phone out of the back pocket of her jeans and smiled, answering it and hitting speaker. “Hello, Gorgeous George.”
Harry frowned. Who the fuck is Gorgeous George?
“Hey Mama. You still in Jamaica?”
“Si, Señor.”
Harry smiled down at her and mouthed, Who’s that?
My brother.
He tried not to audibly sigh in relief. The tattoo artist?
She shook her head. A different brother.
“Dom Hooper, from that rehab charity you like, wants to know if you’d be available for a charity gig in LA in November.”
She pulled up the calendar in her iPad. “What day?”
“The 16th. You guys would be like one of five acts with a short, five or six song set.”
“Let me check. We’ll be recording in LA by then so it shouldn’t be t-” She laughed. “The boss is nodding. Should be fine.”
“Alright. I’ll check with your boys.”
“I’m her boy too.” Harry leaned closer to the phone. “I want t’come.”
Her brother chuckled. “It think that can be arranged. Harry, yeah?”
“Tha’s me. George?”
“Jorge. Only my sister calls me George. She keepin’ ya outta trouble?”
Harry laughed. “Yeh don’t know yer sister, mate.”
“That’s fair.”
She huffed. “For the record, I call you Gorgeous George. Not just George. That’s so pedestrian.”
“Well then... I’m so sorry, princess. My mistake.”
“Damn fuckin’ straight.” Her brother chuckled. “Goodbye, brother dearest.”
“Adios, chica. Talk to ya later.”
“Te amo.”
“Te amo.”
Harry smiled. “He seems nice.”
“He’s a pain in the ass really.”
She was glorious. Absolutely glorious.
Mitch elbowed him, snorting under his breath.
She was smiling and waving at them. Harry grinned and waved back, catching the kiss she was blowing them as she ducked under her guitar strap.
Harry honestly didn’t know how he was going to survive this. Her playing his music was enough, but her playing her own music wearing that dress and those boots. Shit, if she didn’t seem to know exactly what he liked.
She tested her pedals and then managed a graceful kneel to check a connection. She stood carefully, one hand holding the stiff, grey lace of her skirt down. Absentmindedly, her fingers ghosted over the angel tattooed in brilliant color on her thigh as she turned to her drummer.
He really needed to get control of himself or this was only going to get harder.
The drummer, an exceptionally cool, black man, made a face. “Dolores.”
“Yes, mi hermano querido.” She grinned against her mic. “Can I help you?”
“That dress is short, little sister.”
“Little, my ass.” She flicked him off. “I’m older than you.” The crowd laughed and she turned over her shoulder as if she had just remembered they were there. “Oh hey.”
Dante made a face. “So? You’re also about a foot too short to be popping off at the mouth like that. Short… kinda like your dress.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Me vale madre, hermanito.”
“You don’t kiss our mother with that mouth, d’ya?” Wait were they really related?
“Simmer down, ya two.” The lead singer, stepped up to his mic and smiled, roguish and more than a little hipster. “Hey y’all! I’m Matt Reeve, behind me on the electric guitar is Jamie Schwartz, on bass we have Tommy Lazert, and last but not least Dante Schwartz on the drums. We’re Spike and Devil.”
They were more Southern than Harry had been honestly been expecting, but excellent and fun to watch. They toed a fine line between the wailing psychedelic ‘60s guitar riffs that Jamie preferred and obviously excelled in and the softer blue-grassy strumming and plucking that Matt showcased.
She somehow managed to be dignified and dare he say it, lady-like, while shredding a guitar like Slash in a dress short enough that if she turned the wrong way the entire club would know what color her knickers were. Harry had done his fair share of performing and he really didn’t know how she had managed it.
She was glorious.
Thirty minutes later, they left the stage and Harry and Mitch skirted the edges of the room to meet her at the door to the green room without attracting too much attention.
Said door swung open, Jamie popping out first followed by her brother. She lit up their little corner of the club as she threw her arms open for them.
“Hey boys!”
Mitch hugged her briefly but Harry wrapped himself around her and popped her off her suede-booted feet. “Ye’re a little monster! Yeh did so good! Fookin’ incredible!”
She giggled. “Thanks! You had fun?”
Mitch nodded but Harry refused to let her go for another half-minute or so. When he let her down, she turned to her brother. “This is my brother, Dante.” She smiled. “Dante, this is Mitch and Harry.”
Mitch shook his hand, followed by Harry, who chose to keep his free hand in the small of her back.
“Nice t’meet yeh.”
Dante grinned. “Likewise, bro. Dolores has told me a lot about you guys.”
She frowned at him. “You’re a shithead.”
Harry nodded. “I was meaning to ask you about that.”
She scoffed. “Dante is angry with me for running off one of his ‘girlfriends’ quien era una perra de todos modos.”
He laughed and shook her head. “No. Ella no fue.”
“Sí que estaba. Ella te estaba engañando.”
“You still have no proof.”
“The fuck I don’t.”
Harry made a face and looked at Mitch looked impressed and vaguely afraid. Mitch tried for a chuckle. 
Harry grinned. “So how many brothers do you have, love? Everytime you mention a brother, it’s a different one.”
She grinned, blushing. “Yeah our family is a bit complicated. I have five brothers. Jorge, who you talked to, is the oldest followed by Freddy, the tattoo artist. They are our parents’ only biological kids. The two middle kids, Leo and Ryan, Dante and I, we were all adopted.”
Dante smiled and pulled his sister into a one-armed hug. “We’re the babies.”
Harry smiled. “Shall we go get drinks?”
“Yeah. Let’s.”
They made their way to a reserved table and got comfortable, Jamie fitting nicely in between Harry and Dante.
“So Dolores…”
She elbowed her brother and huffed, turning to Harry. “Yes, Harold?”
He grinned. “Why don’t you use your name, love? Dolores is pretty.”
She shook her head. “No it isn’t! It means ‘sorrow’.”
Dante shrugged. “Seems appropriate. You’ve been nothing but trouble since you were three years old.”
“Asshole.” She turned to face Harry fully. “I don’t like ‘Dolores’.”
Harry nodded. “I gather that. Why?”
She smiled. “My birth mother named me that right before she fucked off to wherever she went. My mom hated it but by the time we got adopted, it was too late to really change it.”
His heart clenched and he laid his arm over the couch behind her, gathering her closer to his side. His other hand came up to rub a thumb over her angel. “Sorry, monster. That sucks.” When she shrugged, he smiled down at her. “Where did Jamie come from?”
“My original last name was James. My mom thought Jamie would be a cute nickname.”
“It is.” He set his chin on her shoulder. “Yeh said ‘we got adopted’. Did yeh and Dante get adopted at the same time?”
Nodding, she smiled and elbowed her brother again. “We were in the same state home… I’m barely a month older than him and our respective shit went down around the same time, so we got placed in the system about the same time. My dad is a social worker and Dante was in his workload, but whenever he went to see Dante, Dante would scream until Dad promised that he’d find me a family too. My dad kinda fell in love with us and though they hadn’t intended to adopt anymore kids, I guess he couldn’t help himself. He introduced Mom to us and the rest is history.”
Harry smiled and Dante made gagging noises behind her.
“He pretends but he loves me.”
Harry’s thumb was still rubbing against her thigh. “Is the angel fer yer mum?”
She nodded, looking down at his hand. “Her name is Angelica. Seemed appropriate.” She looked up and caught his eye. They both froze, the tension suddenly thick. “She cried when I showed it her.”
“First tattoo?”
She chuckled, eyes still locked on his. “Yeah. She doesn’t seem to mind them nowadays.”
He looked down at her lips. “Yeah.”
Harry caught Dante’s smile over his sister’s head and like that the spell was broken. Blushing, she turned to ask Mitch something.
Eventually she wandered off to talk to someone and Dante slid over to him. He sipped his beer and grinned. “Look I’m not gonna give you any ‘touch her you die’ bullshit. She’s well-protected without getting my nose all up in it and I don’t think you’re a bad dude. I don’t think you’ll ever want to hurt her. Not on purpose.
“But man, I’m warnin’ ya. She’s… She’s naive sometimes. She’s an angel. She always sees the good in people and despite the shit that she’s seen, she’s an optimist like I’ve never seen before. Maybe I’m biased because she’s my sister and my best friend but I don’t think you gonna be able to walk away from her all that easily. You should keep that in mind before you start anything you may not want to finish.”
Harry set his notebook down by her thigh and sat next to her on the couch. “I’ve got somethin’... new.”
She smiled. “Cool! Let’s hear it.”
He blushed and rubbed his hands on his jeans.
She frowned and grabbed his hand. “What’s wrong? You’re not normally this nervous to share what you’ve written.”
He laughed and lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a quick kiss to her knuckle. “I spent all night on it. It’s probably shit.”
“Doubt it.” She smiled and pat his leg with her free hand. “Do you want me to keep time?”
He nodded. “Yeah, that would be helpful. It’s uh… 4/4.”
She counted it out and he took another deep breath and began, feeling a bit like he was digging himself a hole.
“Open up your eyes, shut your mouth and see That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me I'll guess I'll be getting you stuck in between my teeth And there's nothing I can do about it.”
He snuck a peek at her and she seemed to enjoying the song, smiling slightly, her eyes closed like she was imagining it.
“Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor Couldn't take you home to mother in a skirt that short But I think that's what I like about it.”
He licked his lips and smiled, glancing at her again, now she was looking at him, her tilted in confusion. He swallowed dryly. “The chorus is:”
“She's an angel Only angel She's an angel My only angel”
“There’d be some fun… uh vocalization. Not sure what yet. The next verse goes:”
“I must admit I thought I'd like to make you mine As I went about my business through the warning signs End up meeting in the hallway every single time And there's nothing we can do about it. Told it to her brother and she told it to me That she's gonna be angel, just you wait and see When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets And there's nothing she can do about it.”
He nodded. “And that it. Of course, there’d be a guitar solo and um…” He sighed. “What do you think?”
She swallowed. “First, I want to say that I like the song. I can see how this one would be fun to perform. I look forward to hearing the finished product.”
He held his breath. “And second?”
She took a deep breath. “Is it…” She paused and eyed him. “This is going to sound stupid. Is it about me? I mean-” She stuttered. “I mean with the angel references and you’re so nervous and.. the sk-”
He leaned forward and kissed her, words failing him the way they normally did.
This….this was what he wanted. She must have just put on chapstick, her lips felt smooth and tasted vaguely sweet. His hand, the one that hadn’t been clutching hers for dear life, slid back in her hair, those curls tangling around his fingers like they didn’t want him to leave.
She gasped, hand coming up to grasp his shirt. He tried to keep it chaste, really but when he nipped lightly at her lip, intending to pull away, to use his words like a grown-ass man, she let out a stuttering moan and he was lost yet again.
He pressed forward and the hand in her hair, sliding across her back to her opposite hip. She came willingly closer and he groaned into her mouth.
She’s naive.
He pulled away and kissed her forehead. He took a second to collect himself but she beat him to it.
“I…” She sounded a little breathless and he had to beat back savage pride, the likes of which he’d never experienced before. “I don’t want to make you crawl... well I might be... in certain circumstances...” She blushed and Harry chuckled as she waved that thought off. “The point is: I’m no angel… but I don’t think I’m a devil either… I just don’t want somethin’ to happen if that’s what you think of me. I don’t want somethin’ to happen if you feel like you’re doing something despite ‘warning signs.’ I don’t-”
Harry laid his finger against her lips.
“Yeh are an angel.” He smiled softly and nodded. “Yeh are, love. Ye’re sweet and kind. And yeah ye’re a little kinky and if that doesn’t make yeh absolutely the most interestin’ woman on earth...” She shook her head, laughing softly. “Also I don’t think ye’re… evil or some man-eater or summat, I swear. That’s not what the ‘warning signs’ were about. Just tha’ whatever this is… It’s not gonna be easy.” He swallowed. “The paps and the media alone drive normal, sane women mad.”
She chuckled, they still weren’t looking at each other as if they were afraid that they wouldn’t be able to say these words if they were. “This is technically inappropriate office behavior.”
He scoffed. “I’m sure ye’ve seen more inappropriate things in this line of work. This is hardly on t’map, love.”
“So what is this?”
“I don’t know… But whatever it is, I want it as long as you want it too.”
She took a deep breath. “Okay, then.”
Part II Up Next: Part IV
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lauracsati · 7 years
Szia! Huuu kerlek szepen valaszolj mert nagyon kivancsiva tettel! Imadom major lazert ott is voltam szigeten, ma lattam hogy te kitetted h ott voltal a backstageben es kepet is csinaltal veluk. Megkerdezhetem hogy ezt igy hogy csinaltad? 😍 elore is nagyon szepen koszonom!☺️
Hahah funny story
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lazer-t · 2 days
Uploaded the process video for this commission to my YouTube channel!
Art was commissioned by @lyndzparker for their business
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“First Kiss” I was first introduced to this magical spot as a teen (age 15) by two classmates at M. E. LaZerte high school. One lived about a block away his entire life, and the other lived mid-way between The Tree and the 7-11. It was a cool spot, and we hung out in the ring of trees. It was a place we’ed smoke, and drink. We’d also share the stories of our lives - how shitty it was at home, how we all wondered if we would ever get out of the neighborhood. Who did we think was hot, or who we might want to date if we could work up the courage to ask out. Sometimes we would have music when someone brought along a get blaster - I listened to everything from AC/DC to Metallica to The Sex Pistols and yes, Corey Hart here. As the innocent of our youth faded away like so many other GenX kids, we found a “haven” where it was safe to talk. Divorces, alcoholic parents, physically abusive parents, the growing pains all teens go through, this was a place where for whatever fucked up reason, we felt safe. It was also the place that was the start of teenage relationships, as we struggled with growing into men and women. And "The Tree, was the perfect spot to make your first move”. The first girl I kissed here was Colleen. She had lived by the area and had babysat for parents in the neighborhood. For her, it was the magical safe space where she would run off to, or sneak out to, to sit alone and write in her journal. We had been dating for about two weeks, when Colleen walked me over to this spot on a summer night. Like so many other young couples, this is the spot we would have our first kiss. Thank You Universe. Thank You Colleen. Thank You Richard. "And it has to be in black and white" - Ricki © Scott Fraser Photography — at Londonderry, Edmonton
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betoverheks · 6 years
Heks valt van haar fiets. Bont en blauw spoed ik me huiswaarts om eens een lekker potje te grienen. Heks weent om bloemen in de knop gebroken. Om stilletjes naar de knoppen gaan door een onzichtbare ziekte. Telkens uit je eigen as herrijzen is niet te doen. Ik ben een Heks, niks Feniks.
Heks valt van haar fiets. Bont en blauw spoed ik me huiswaarts om eens een lekker potje te grienen. Heks weent om bloemen in de knop gebroken. Om stilletjes naar de knoppen gaan door een onzichtbare ziekte. Telkens uit je eigen as herrijzen is niet te doen. Ik ben een Heks, niks Feniks.
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Vanmorgen lazert Heks hardhandig van haar fiets. Precies op de plek, waar een paar agentjes me gisteren sommeerden om niet te fietsen. In de berm van de Singel. Ik heb me een hele dag kapot geërgerd aan hun bemoeizieke actie. Kwestie van ouwe baardige pik en piepjong blond huppeltje. Ouwe probeert indruk te maken op Huppeltje. Ten koste van Heks.
Maar misschien had die ouwe toch gelijk. Is dit…
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to-test-out-themes · 7 years
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i s2g i never want to do web dev this feels like it should be so easy but like hn g 
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prideguy · 5 years
Alberta high school students walk out of class in support of gay-straight alliances
Alberta high school students walk out of class in support of gay-straight alliances
EDMONTON—High school students walked out of class and into the cold Friday morning to stand up for the rights of LGBTQ youth in light of Alberta’s recent election.
At 9:30 a.m., pupils streamed out of M.E. LaZerte High School in northeast Edmonton to protest prospective government policies that could remove safeguards protecting the privacy of members of gay-straight alliances (GSAs),…
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Aid Manuals For The Summer From 2016.
Noteworthy: Played for the Olds Grizzlys in the Alberta Junior Hockey League coming from 2010-2014. Sister was on Crew Alberta for Canada Winter season Games. Named Griffins' very most strengthened player in 2014-15. Participated in high school at M.E. Lazerte. Concerning Blogging site - In Shade Purchase is actually the personal produced blog post of Jeni Cook focused on sewing ventures, modern-day quilts, and also tutorials along with thrifting, vintage locates, cooking, and rabbits. This is actually certainly not the first time Nvidia has actually tried its own palm at video game streaming, yet the new GeForce Now is very different off its previous version. Cumulative purchases from the Pokémon video games hit more than 200 million copies - and that's not consisting of the Activity Boys kids bought particularly for the video games. In order to help customers determine their enthusiasm in the forthcoming game, our team have actually organized a list from fifteen things you must understand just before you acquire the game. Yes, I do possess a life ... yet I really appreciate your blogging site plus all from your fantastic dishes a lot. I intend to find their colleges as well as colleges where the youths of the nation are actually learnt citizenship, good manners, activities as well as sporting activities. I am just capable to listen to certain audio generally no songs in video games when I select just about anything on my receiver apart from 7 channel stereo. . This book completely CAPTIVATED ME, calling to my heart and soul, as The Hot Chance EATEN ME from beginning to finish. I have additionally incorporated my Job Meals Blog on top of my dishes web page If you are actually searching for some of the dishes I have actually produced PFB, that is where they are concealing! I will like to recommend, however guide is on my Christmas time listing so sadly I do not have this however. While numerous adventure games are packed along with discussion and also talkative characters, Machinarium's actors from tin-can robots certainly never speak. I was being patient standing by 2 full weeks and now this seriously pisses me off that I got an activity only to play 10% from this. Since I possess other video games happening out in March, I actually like these games yet now I'm asking yourself if its own worth the wait actually. Visually, it's magnificent - strangely charming, but flaunting the kind of quality that's vital for a video game where a solitary inappropriate relocation might mean disaster. Mobile games like Farmville and Angry Birds played on platforms like Facebook and iPhones, viewed millions of individuals which had not earlier considered themselves players, getting rid of time at work, while driving, as well as in your home. From any of the encounters our company've played up until now, Arizona Sunshine seems like what Virtual Reality video games may at some point become when programmers have the time and amount of money to craft full-length digital fact take ins. The type of absurd arithmetics activity you could possess played in your head prior to mobile phones developed to soak up all our thought processes, Threes! There are 2 type of activities, outside games that are used substantial industries, and also inside games that are actually played in the four wall structures of the property or class. In 1999 the couple possessed their very first youngster and also he began to invest even more time participating in activities as a means to loosen up. As I unboxed Black Hearts the Board Game as well as its own sumptuous miniatures, in shorts, I paniced that Steamforged had transported an imbalanced product because meeting Dark Souls' online reputation for difficulty. However when Celia discovers that Marco is her foe, they start to think of the activity certainly not as a competition however as a fantastic collaboration. Followers have possessed a running prank that all Gendry's been actually providing for the past 4 seasons is actually rowing, which may well be the case, yet he is going to have hit his location by time seven as Dempsie has been actually identified in Belfast. Ensure to have a look at our ideal PS4 activities round-up, or go to our list from the best upcoming PS4 games for 2016 to obtain an examine the future of PS4 video gaming. Following opportunity you watch Video game from Thrones, take a closer examine a number of the outfits, developed through seamstress Michele Carragher and also professional Michele Clapton. If you liked this information and also you desire to obtain details concerning sneak a peek at these guys generously pay a visit to our own page. Minecraft's escalating results is unusual, to make sure, however this is actually a confident indicator that the correct dish from activity auto mechanics, availability, and also area participation could bring in independent projects fiscally realistic on the internet. Unlike the apple iphone, the volume of specialized games operators for Android phones is a little bit extra bland, as there typically aren't as a lot of for certain phone styles ... and the video games that sustain all of them may be differed also. UNITED STATE launch from Pokémon HeartGold and also SoulSilver, improved versions of the initial Silver and gold video games. Besides complimentary activities, EA/Origin Get access to participants may participate in some games (but certainly not all) ahead of launch; a lot of the amount of time, customers receive a five-day headstart. The very first 7 amounts of the AQF are located in undergraduate studies, amount 8 is actually a step between undergraduate and also postgraduate researches, and also degrees 9 and 10 are at the postgraduate level.
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jorgdehart7073-blog · 6 years
The Novice's Overview of The Paleo Diet
Noteworthy: Played for the Olds Grizzlys in the Alberta Junior Hockey League off 2010-2014. Sibling got on Team Alberta for Canada Winter season Video games. In case you loved this information and you would like to receive more details with regards to click through the next page assure visit the website. Called Griffins' very most enhanced gamer in 2014-15. Joined senior high school at M.E. Lazerte. Concerning Blog - In Colour Order is the private designed blogging site of Jeni Baker focused on sewing ventures, contemporary patchworks, and tutorials along with thrifting, vintage finds, cooking, and also bunnies. This is actually certainly not the first time Nvidia has actually tried its own palm at video game streaming, but the new GeForce Now is very various coming from its previous manifestation. Increasing sales from the Pokémon computer game hit over 200 million copies - and that's not consisting of the Game Boys kids got primarily for the video games. In order to help individuals determine their interest in the upcoming activity, our company have actually put together a listing from fifteen points you should understand prior to you acquire the activity. There might certainly not be actually a method to make a 1:1 evaluation currently, but when you put these PS3 exclusives competing with the best the (x86) Xbox 360, there is actually just no contrast which activity console (when improved) is actually a lot better. As well as, hi, that is actually not simply pool you reach experience - developer Cherry Pop Video games gives you the whole pub. This has been actually a bunch of years given that creators are actually doing this for PC (multy system video games). I presume this is brilliantly shown in Holden's conveyed desire desiring to being the Catcher in the Rye." Quick side note: I possessed no idea what the title to the book referred to up until I simply went through guide. I don't know exactly how a book written years earlier might state precisely just what i would claim. The theory seemed to become unmasked in Period 6 after we eventually got to view the Tower of Happiness setting, as well as there was actually just one infant shown: Jon Snowfall However, just like Jon Snowfall, the idea may be going back coming from the lifeless. Yet in spite of it being just one of the all-time greats, there is actually a real secret that is actually impossible to ignore: That is actually a five-year-old activity. Activity of Thrones fans longing their very own Ghost, Nymeria or even Gray Wind might fortunate. Letters Concerning Literary works, financed by the Facility for guide in the Collection of Our lawmakers, motivates pupils to contact authors. That's not to state that the quest have not found its own share from incorrect beginnings as well as detours: Computer game tournaments date back to the early 1970s, as well as attempts to turn all of them right into watchable cinema started as distant as the very early 1980s. Video games don't need to have academic verification to offer, but academia has to interact along with video games to modernise its own method to public record. If they have a hard time a concept, the activity can provide the same idea in an other situation or decrease the difficulty level until the trainee acquires this. That might seem like an art-house adaption from a J.G. Ballard novel, however the activity is actually totally lovely to roam. Given that as quickly as national politics happens in the video game the very sense from the game is shed, this is actually. Although that is still in the initial phases, this research study as well as a number of various other research studies advise that a part of young people might become even more aggressive after participating in intense video games. Read your blogging site for a couple of years & that's due time I finally bring in one! Sansa's period 4 wedding dress, for instance, contained an elaborate design of direwolves and also fish, to symbolise her joint Stark and Tully ancestry, while a dominant lion at the rear of the gown symbolized the technique Sansa's lifestyle had dropped under the command from the Lannisters. Themed Mind: Online mind examinations and also activities along with other styles, including African lifestyle, pets, birds, flicks, pets, and travel. Games offer a possibility to disregard the anxieties of daily lifestyle as well as decompress. Dreams is a little bit of complicated to discuss, but if you are actually innovative and also mastered the Create Mode from LittleBigPlanet, after that this is your supreme video game. Large congratulations to your for composing your blogging site and also cookbook all at once - I encountered the very same problem in 2013 and also may entirely relate - that is actually fun/exciting/exhilarating, but can be extremely difficult and also make you feel like you are actually constantly in a grind. Benediktsson's tours start in the city of Akureyri, on Iceland's north shore, and also attribute various places in the location around Lake Mývatn that will certainly recognize to Video game of Thrones aficionados. I'll be straightforward, between this publication as well as Beyoncé introducing she is actually possessing identical twins, I believe that the world is actually aiming to alleviate the impact from Donald Trump's upcoming manager order. The emphasis of the initial intro seems on the House from Stark, that have actually gone through several distressing and grisly misfortunes through rival Westeros dynasties over recent few seasons before claiming back Winterfell, their farm, observing the Struggle of the Bastards at the end of time six. I mention this whenever I check out a manual through Kristen Callihan - she is among my most favorite authors on the market immediately. I could point out that your 1st book is actually the best heavily made use of away from my considerable selection!
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