#asra route
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Yall cant tell me they ain’t hitting the same pose 😭
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mindie-arts · 9 days
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“𝑰𝒕’𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑰 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒅” 🤍🔮
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saintunhinged · 7 months
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you find a picture of asra from long before the two of you met and you can’t stop admiring it.
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You stumble into the room that both you and Asra shared, only to find colorful clothes scattered on the bed. You had no doubt that they belonged to Asra. On the edge of the bed was a framed picture, so close to falling off that a bump to the mattress could have made it fall and broken it.
He always was a bit messy, but you didn’t mind helping him straighten up his things here and there.
Making your way to fix it, your eyes fall on the young kid in the photo. A wide smile paints your face as you recognize what it is— or who. Bright purple eyes stared from the picture, yet these eyes belonged to a younger version of the person you knew. The white hair and golden skin gave it away, not to mention the signature scarf he always styled with his outfits.
You almost wanted to let out a loud “aw” at the sight of a much younger Asra smiling at you from the picture, but the familiar voice that came from behind you had spoke even before a could even get a word out.
Just as you marveled at the younger version of him, the familiar voice of your magician lover interrupted your thoughts. “I meant to clean this mess up.” Asra declared, appearing in the doorway with an apologetic grin on his face.
Instead, you turn around with the frame in your hand. “You were so adorable!” you exclaimed, unable to hold your excitement.
Asra’s eyes met yours, curiosity dancing in the violet depths. A soft smile graced his lips, the contrast between the past and present evident in the warmth that radiated from the framed photograph and the genuine connection between you and the person before you.
His eyes twinkled mischievously as he observed you holding the framed picture. “Ah, my youthful days,” he mused, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. “Care to share what you’ve found?”
You couldn’t contain the affectionate grin on your face. “Look at you! White hair, golden skin, and that signature scarf. You were absolutely adorable.”
Asra chuckled, a melodic sound that filled the room with warmth. “I suppose I’ve always had a flair for fashion.” He gestured towards the colorful chaos on the bed. “Although, it seems my fashion sense hasn’t evolved much since then.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Oh, come on. Your style is timeless. Besides, who doesn’t love a bit of magic in their wardrobe?”
“As much as I appreciate your fashion critique,” Asra began, a playful glint in his eyes, “I need help cleaning up. Not that I mind the distraction, of course.”
You chuckled, joining him by the door. “Cleaning can wait. I’m too busy reveling in the cuteness overload from this picture.” You held the frame closer to him. “Did you always have that mischievous glint in your eyes?”
Asra grinned, leaning in to get a closer look. “Maybe. Magic and mischief tend to go hand in hand, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely,” you agreed, a teasing tone in your voice. “Though I have to say, present-day Asra might have a bit more charm, if that’s possible.”
A playful gasp escaped Asra’s lips. “I hopre you’re not implying I wasn’t the epitome of charm back then? I’ll have you know I was quite the charismatic little magician.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I’m sure you were. But now, you’re a charismatic, charming magician who also happens to share a room with me.”
Asra’s bright eyes sparkled with affection. “And how fortunate I am,” he replied, his voice dripping with playful sincerity. “Now, shall we continue this trip down memory lane or get back to the 'cleaning' business?”
You grin, holding the picture close to your heart. “Cleaning can wait. I’m too busy falling in love with the tiny, precious child in this photo... and the not-so-tiny, still-precious adult standing in front of me.”
His soft smirk deepened, his mischievous gaze locked onto yours. “Falling in love, you say? My, my, someone's being rather bold today.”
You shrugged, a playful glint in your eyes matching his. “Can you blame me? I mean, just look at this adorable face.” You pointed at the picture, then at Asra, emphasizing your point.
He feigned modesty, placing a hand over his heart. “Oh, you flatter me. But you know, present-day me comes with a lot more... intriguing qualities.”
You raised an eyebrow, a sly smile forming. “Intriguing, huh? Do tell, I’m all ears.”
Asra stepped closer, a layer of thick white hair falling down his forehead, eyes never leaving yours. “Well, for starters, this Asra,” he starts, pointing to himself with his index finger, “knows a thing or two about casting spells of the heart. And perhaps, just perhaps, he’s been under the influence of a certain enchantment.”
You chuckled, playing along. “Is it reversible, or am I stuck with the consequences?”
Asra placed a finger to his lips, feigning deep contemplation. “I guess that depends. Are you prepared for a lifetime of charm, wit, and an abundance of wonderful moments?”
You pretended to ponder, tapping your chin. “Tough choice. But if it means being swept off my feet by a charming someone every day, I think I can handle it.”
A genuine laugh escaped Asra, the sound like music in the room. “Very well. Brace yourself for a lifetime of love, with a touch of mischief, of course.”
You held the framed picture between you two, as if sealing the deal. “Deal. Now, about this cleaning business... any chance we can clean the mess with our minds?” You half-way joke, but apart of you seriously didn’t feel like doing the physical work.
The magician’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “I suppose a little magic wouldn't hurt. But only if you keep falling in love with the tiny, precious child and the not-so-tiny, still-precious me every day.”
You grinned, leaning in for a playful peck on Asra's cheek. “Deal.” And with that, you both set out to sprinkle a bit of magic on the chaos, leaving a trail of laughter and love in your wake.
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lemoiin · 1 year
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“should I run a million miles away
from every memory of you?
let that be a lesson to me
think not with my heart but with my head.”
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nixya · 1 year
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My lovely, favorite character ever.
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spookyinthewoods · 1 year
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Despite the beauty of the celestial bodies falling towards you, Asra only looks at you.
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mjart12699 · 1 year
Asra gives off the vibe of “was put on a leash as a kid because they would wander off by accident with whimsy on their mind” while Lucio gives off the vibe of “was put on a leash as a kid because he would wander off on purpose and cause chaos in his wake”
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Excuse me, who gave you permission to be this pretty???
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leapin-b · 2 years
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taduki · 22 days
“Your Other Left!” HCs w/ Asra and (my) MC
T’s curiosity definitely gets her dragged into Azz’s harebrained experiments. She’s particularly interested in their cosmetic brews, the ones that can make the wearer’s face look like a glittering galaxy, and she refuses to work on anything unlike those. Asra is ambitious, and it shows in his ingredient shelf… Long story short, it looks like a storm ran through it, and it’s a miracle they don’t knock anything over while they work.
One of the recent experiments was a body glitter that, when applied, would create a subtle fire effect in whatever color they chose. After they laid out all the mixes, it was time to distribute one drop of cliffside honeysuckle in each of the tiny pots.
T carefully held a glass dropper full of the material over one of the pots. Asra ghosted over her shoulder, watching intently. “One drop in the left one”, he muttered. T held her breath and hovered the dropper over the pot closest to her left. Asra yelped, “No! Your other left-!” A thick cloud of smoke boomed from the pot, sending sparkles everywhere. T shrieked and grabbed onto Asra. Through the smoke, the substance in the pot fizzled and bubbled to a stop. The magicians coughed and fanned the smoke off to be greeted with a sticky, deep purple mess painting the work desk. Asra ruffled his glitter-laden hair back as the smoke cleared.
“Think anyone would buy it?”
“Not a chance.”
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elenagoeslightly · 4 months
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The irony is how I started this game for Julian but folded at the speed of light without looking back for Asra.
Also he was written by sleep token.
Like I dare you to listen to fall for me by them and not think about Asra as he looks at the mc after he resurrects them and looks at them romancing others
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kashwitdabias · 2 months
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Asra like a overprotective brother😭😭
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saintunhinged · 2 years
prompt #52 with Asra who planning is to propose plz and ty!! 💖💞
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pt 2
“We’ve met that generous magician of yours.” An old lady abruptly commented. She startled you, not knowing she and an old man were standing behind you, but the softness and welcoming smile plastered on her face immediately gave you a sense of serenity.
You flashed a warm smile toward the couple, curious of the hearty statement the woman made. “Asra?” You eloquently asked. 
The two shared a knowing look, a twinkle in their eyes as they wore a similar smile of mischief. “I have reason to believe your marriage will be long and fulfilling.” Her words were gentle, but the assumption she made had you questioning them.
Your eyes widened realizing what they meant and your mouth parted to acknowledge their mistake, “Oh! No, we’re not married!” A profuse heat spread across your face as you tried clearing the confusion, but they didn’t seem to be listening. Instead, you watched them indicatively walk away, grins stretched across their wrinkled faces as if they knew of the best biggest secret ever.
Surely, friends of you and Asra joked about the two of you being like an old married couple, but you never saw these people in your life. At least from as far as you remembered. 
Surprisingly, you couldn’t wait to tell Asra about the odd encounter.
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Your thoughts aimlessly wandered to the old couple you ran into earlier at Nadia’s palace. “People think we’re married.” Even the words leaving your mouth felt foreign. It was late at night when you and Asra returned to the shop. After a long and exhausting day of running around Vesuvia, you particularly wished to end the day with a warm cup of tea.
You dropped your collected items off on the counter. Behind you, Asra hung up his hat and scarf on the hook next to the entrance. His sluggish movements meant he was just as tired, but nonetheless, he wanted to indulge in your unanticipated revelation. “What makes you say that?” He was curious to know what you were thinking.
While searching for the tea kettle, you politely asked the salamander to set a fire, hoping the wood you left with it before leaving was enough. “There was this old couple I ran into at the palace. The lady said our marriage will be fulfilling. And then she ran off before I could tell her otherwise!” You explained, a trace of unbelief framing your voice. After gathering the various herbs into an infuser, you waited for the water to start boiling in the kettle.
“Is that all she said?” He wondered, feeling the speed of his heartbeat accelerate. Asra no longer felt as tired anymore. With your back facing him, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He was glad you were occupied, otherwise the confunded expression painted over his face would’ve given you the impression that you said something you weren’t supposed to. 
He had knowledge of who you spoke of. Afterall, that lady had told him the same thing. Asra had first run into them years ago. He considered them good friends, wise with the age to prove it. So it was no surprise when they showed up offering him the advice he graciously took. They just so happened to catch him shortly after the two of you parted ways in the palace. That’s when his plan to propose to you was disclosed. Though, he never expected you three to meet.
When the tea kettle whistled, you set out a cup for both you and Asra. Fixing the hot beverage to your likings, you shook your head, “They practically skipped away before I could get another word out. I mean, can you believe that? Us, married? ” The idea of it ironically humored you. 
He was relieved knowing his plans still were hidden, but the vague chuckle you let fall from your lips led Asra to believe marriage was an impossible concept for you. “Does it bother you?” He gingerly made an inquiry, causing you to turn to him, confused in the slightest of what exactly could bother you. That was until he quickly continued, “The thought of being together like that?”
Your gaze fell to his inviting eyes. Sure, it would have been nice to imagine, but if you were being honest, you never really gave much thought to it. You were happy with your relationship as it was. But since it was a conversation that you and Asra were having, you couldn’t help but imagine committing to sharing your life with him.
“Hm.. I suppose it doesn’t.” You honestly told him, and from the redness spreading rapidly across his cheeks, you wondered what was going on in his head. His sudden bashfulness and attempt to avoid eye contact caused a warm feeling to course through you. The sight was truly adorable.
Asra slid in the seat around the table where readings were done. You considerately placed the steaming cups of tea on the table in front of Asra, before sitting down in the seat opposite of him. Reaching across the table, you tenderly grab his soft hands in yours, rubbing your thumbs across his knuckles. “What are you thinking?” 
His entrancing gaze found yours again, a renewed confidence traced his features. “Good things, love.” He sweetly smiled, bringing your hands up to press a hot kiss to your palm.
You were both content. Tomorrow, he would be certain in asking for your hand in marriage.
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lemoiin · 1 year
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chantealalune · 2 months
I was just thinking about Julian this morning and idk if I’m remembering wrong but is he like immortal
Like in asras route he gets his memories back by killing himself and using his healing mark to come back
So like was that just a one time free trial or can he do it again? Can he just never die??
Why haven’t I thought much about this
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generationbluna · 4 months
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Thanks for the lovely messages and words TT—TT
A little thank you: A not so amused Asra. xD
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