starry-ace · 8 months
“The Barbie movie is like basic gender studies 101. It’s like the bare minimum for feminism”
things do not need to be perfect to be good. You cannot teach someone intersectionality if that person has not heard of bare minimum feminism. You might be on step 100 but just because you started earlier does not mean that everyone can jump to your level. They have to climb the stairs too. And the people at the top yelling down to the people at the bottom that being at the bottom is bad, they need to be at the top, IT DOES NOT ENCOURAGE THEM TO CLIMB UP.
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biddybumps · 6 months
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poetessinthepit · 5 days
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Excerpt from the "Woman in Palestine Wikipedia Entry"
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tekra-brings-the-rain · 4 months
One of my problems with white feminism is the fact that it doesn’t focus on dismantling systems of exploitation, but instead aims to be part of those structures, creating a concept of ‘winning’ at the capitalistic power system, which is designed to oppress. For example, female CEOs are often used as an example of success, which is basing how ‘feminist’ an organization/person/society is by how well it/they perform under capitalism.
This can also work in other ways as well, such as with queer and trans representation centering those who are successful only in a way that follows the path laid out by the current system.
All liberation will only work if you leave the capitalistic framework.
This kind of feminism had its place in history (think the suffragette movement) but we need to move forwards for meaningful change.
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hard--headed--woman · 5 months
I just had this conversation with my friend and I thought I'd share it here : believing that feminism has to educate men in order to destroy the patriarchy because we cannot do it without them (this is what she believes) is believing that men oppress us because they are ignorant. It is saying that they oppress us because they don't know what they're doing and don't realize they are doing something wrong, and that somehow this ignorance has been going on for centuries. It is being overly naive. Men aren't babies. Men aren't innocent little beings who would never hurt us if they knew their actions were hurtful. They have been oppressing us for thousands of years, we have been figthing against it for thousands of years ; how could it be possible for them not to understand what they do ? How could they possibly take away our rights without understanding what they do ? How could they hit us, rape us, traffick us without understanding what they do ? And it's not like feminism is new. We have been fighting for centuries and they have been fighting back for centuries to prevent us to free ourselves. They don't read feminist books, they don't take listen to our sperches, they ignore us when we talk about our rights, they mock us, they don't take us seriously. And listen to them speaking. Listen to them giving each other relationship advices, teaching each other to manipulate us. Listen to them talking about us. Read their comments on the internet. Read their damn books and essays about feminism and women's rights. They know what they're doing. They don't care about us. They hate us, they don't see us as humans.
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anti-terf-posts · 8 months
hot take but plus size/fat people shouldn't have to sexualize themselves for you to be accepting of them.
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liminityy · 17 days
masculine trans women 🤝 feminine trans men
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violottie · 3 months
"Our liberation is not only interconnected it is also intersectional. The time to decolonize is long overdue." from Anusha Wijeyakumar, 01/Mar/2024:
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also the fact that ppl who deny transandrophobia have the gall to pretend to be intersectional feminists is astounding. literally the definition of intersectionality is acknowledging how different parts of a person's identity impacts the discrimination they face. understanding transandrophobia is acknowledging that transmascs, like everyone, face a unique form of oppression due to us being trans, men, and viewed as female by society.
if you harass transmascs for talking about their lived experiences bc "men always evil", you better take intersectional feminist out of your bio and get used to using radfem tags
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bog-bitch · 6 months
Heartbreaking: The Feminist Post You Were About To Reblog Was Made By a TERF
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queercodedangel · 27 days
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This doesn't mean that there is no value at all in reforms. But it does mean that the benefits of reforms are fragile and can be reversed at any point because the fundamental power structures of class society are still the same.
You can earn as many rights as you want, as long as class society exists they are in the hands of the capitalist ruling class and can be taken away at any moment.
Read "Reform or Revolution" by Rosa Luxemburg for more on this topic. You can read it for free in the Marxists Internet Archive
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biddybumps · 6 months
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Reposting this here too because i’ve never seen something more true in my life 🫠
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poetessinthepit · 4 days
Some facts for those who want to purplewash Palestinian society and portray it as anti-women:
- Palestine has one of the highest percentages of educated women in both the MENA region and the world. Palestinian culture encourages women to get university degrees, and this is not a recent development but something that has become the norm over the last 50 years.
- Women across Palestine have had active involvement in resistance movements for over a 100 years, and during the first Intifada, the women's liberation movement played a vital leadership role with women fighting both for their rights as women and as Palestinians. Palestinian women during the first intifada invented some pretty ingenious organizing strategies, such as disguising their political meetings as homemaking groups and hiding their political pamphlets in loaves of bread.
- There is no mandatory hjiab anywhere in Palestine aside from some high school dress codes in Gaza.
None of this is to say that Palestinian society is not a patriarchal society deserving of feminist critique, but it is to say the picture of Palestinian women painted by Israeli propaganda is not accurate, and any assumption that it is accurate is easily impressed upon ignorant westerners who see muslim majority nations as a total monolith.
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i don’t trust any ‘feminist’ bitch that says ‘we need to dismantle the patriarchy!!’ but will snap their necks to call ppl they don’t like (esp trans people bc ik you fucking terfs) ‘ugly’ like girl did you read your own posts??
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hard--headed--woman · 5 months
if you sincerely believe that men are oppressed or hated in this society because they're men (no, i'm not saying men of color or gay and bi men aren't oppressed, nice try dick havers fandom) you're delusional, you've spent too much time on tumblr and you've had your brain rotted by MRA and incel rhetoric.
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i love girls and women so much. the women in my life bring me so much joy and happiness that i can’t even put into words. i find them so beautiful in every way. the female relationships in my life are what keep me alive, there is so much pure genuine love between women and it gives me so much hope to know that such love still exists. there is nothing more comforting to me than to be held in the arms of a woman whether it be my mother or my sister or my friend or a girlfriend. we can talk for hours without stopping or we can sit in complete silence and i will feel content just from their presence alone. we can talk about anything (no matter how embarrassing) and there is never a feeling of judgement. we are all so different yet the same at the same time and it’s beautiful. i feel bad for the women who hate other women, i don’t understand how any woman could be happy centring men in their lives who don’t care about them at all. i have so much genuine love for every kind of woman or girl that it almost feels like it’s consuming my heart 🤍
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