genderqueerdykes · 1 day
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The nurse at my psych meds provider told me she couldn't get a good reading on my blood pressure because i have such big guns, ain't that something ! Had someone at the same office compliment the back of my vest which has a giant trans flag and the words "we keep us safe". The driver scheduled to take me to my appointment through my insurance has a trans sister, and take me home from my appointment was trans and we traded numbers. Boy do I love being a tranny ! It's a great time to love, appreciate and bond with other trans people!
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your-pal-nebula · 23 hours
I love Animal Crossing because it allows me to finally fulfill my dreams of being a boy who wears a dress and a flower crown running around at night catching scorpions and tarantulas for profit
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"Who's Hotter?" Pride Month Event: GNC and Genderqueer as F***
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A description of the characters lgbtq+ identity was provided by the requester and is below the cut
Haruka Tenou: This entry is about her character in Sailor Moon Crystal. In this adaptation, she dresses very masculinely, and Michiru calls her "both a man and woman". Her gender identity is never explicitly stated, but she's still GNC as f*** if she isn't genderqueer.
RWBY: Ice Queendom Shion Zaiden: Stated to be nonbinary by Rooster Teeth, the company that created RWBY. For some reason, the Japanese website describes them as male.
Osana Najimi: Frequently switches between saying they're male and saying they're female. Is perfectly comfortable presenting either way depending on their mood. Their true gender identity is a mystery, and is often just listed as "Najimi"
Dragona Joestar: Incredibly unclear what they identify as, but English translations have opted to use male pronouns until there's further information. We know he was born a male, dresses femininely, and has breast injections. I think the fanbase agrees that even if he isn't genderqueer, he's still GNC as f***.
Hange Zoë: Gender is never officially stated, and the author has gone on record saying it's up to interpretation.
Nathan Seymour: I don't think it's explicitly stated what they identify as, but evidence points them to being outside of the gender-binary. Has been said to consider themselves "gender-free".
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subparcarrion · 10 hours
happy pride month folks <33 stay safe and remember you are valid
and I mean happy pride month to everyone.
so... happy pride month to people who aren't out yet. happy pride month to people who can't come out. happy pride month to people who aren't accepted by their friends and family. happy pride month to people who are questioning. happy pride month to haven't quite figured it out yet. happy pride month to unlabeled people. happy pride month to people who don't use labels. happy pride month to trans people. happy pride month to non-binary people. happy pride month to transfem people. happy pride month to transmasc people. happy pride month to intersex people. happy pride month to gender non-conforming people. happy pride month to genderfluid people. happy pride month to genderqueer people. happy pride month to agender people. happy pride month to demi-gender people. happy pride month to ace and ace spec people. happy pride month to aro and aro spec people. happy pride month to aroace people. happy pride month to bi people. happy pride month to pan people. happy pride month to omni people. happy pride month to lesbian people. happy pride month to gay people. happy pride month to drag queens. happy pride month to drag kings. happy pride month to people who use micro-labels. happy pride month to people whose identities have been ignored. happy pride month to people with culturally specific identities. happy pride month to people who are told they can't be queer though they are. happy pride month to queer disabled people. happy pride month to queer neurodivergent people. happy pride month to queer people of colour. happy pride month to queer indigenous people. happy pride month to queer asian people. happy pride month to queer interracial people. happy pride month to queer women. happy pride month to queer people with intersectional identities. and happy pride month to everyone else I didn't get a chance to mention.
You are seen. You matter. You are wonderful. You are valid. You are awesome. You are gorgeous. You deserve respect. You deserve love. You deserve happiness. And the world is a better place with you in it. (/p) thank you for your kindness, and your percerveriance, and the joy you bring to this world. I love you (/p) and I hope to see you again next pride month.
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happy pride month to all the out queers, closeted queers, ( @taylorswift), questioning people, EVERYBODY.
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transition goal <3
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cephalopod-celabrator · 10 months
It is inherently fun and sexy to say statements that swap the traditional genders of pronouns and terms mid-statement, such as: "I'm going to make him my wife" "She's my boyfriend" "Who says a guy can't be a pretty princess?" "That girl's the coolest dude I've ever met" "She's a madman who has to be stopped" "It's not his fault he's a material girl" Gender is a set of watercolors and the prettiest shades come from mixing the paints together.
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This was tagged as butch bait, so I presume this is a jest post and I decided not to reblog directly from the original poster because of this. However butches and gender nonconforming women almost NEVER get shown as old in media, and our beautiful middle aged (and older!) butches never get to the public eye!
There is a future for butch and gnc women. We can grow old and be ourselves, without changing a thing. So I present to you pictures of older butch and gnc women!
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transaffirmations · 3 days
i know it's lonely out there, but out there somewhere someone understands you. you aren't alone in this, and while it might be lonely,
there are people to be lonely with and love, and you're one of those people too. you are loved
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boreal-sea · 8 months
Shoutout to the folks who wish they could be feminine the way men are feminine, and shoutout to the folks who wish they could be masculine the way women are masculine.
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noahsfault · 4 months
I’m going to tell you something nobody told me:
It is O-fucking-Kay if you think you’re trans except for that one thing
If you think you might be a girl but you like having your hair short, or you don’t like wearing dresses, or you don’t want to wear makeup, that is totally okay
If you think you might be a guy but you like having long hair or you really love skirts or you wear lots of sparkly jewellery, that is totally okay
If you think you might be nonbinary but you really like presenting in a way that aligns with your agab, that is totally okay
If you think you might be trans but you aren’t sure if you want hormones, that is totally okay
If you think you’re trans “except for…” that is totally okay and get this: you don’t have to change that part of yourself to be trans
You can if you want to, but if you don’t, that is totally okay
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
more than anything else on this planet, trans men need other goofy ass transmasculine people to hang out with and be the dumbass bros you've always wanted to be together with. i need you to know this, this is like the #1 thing
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Diversity win!Hot girl is also a pretty boy!
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arsenenicholas · 29 days
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Please share, tag someone who could bring this to a lot of people, and post to other platforms. Not originally mine, idk who is the source of the screenshots.
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Text is broken and in the middle is an excerpt from a leaked nhs document-> a) For medication sourced directly (e.g via the internet), explain the increased risks of harm due to the unregulated nature of these medicines/products. These may include the use of counterfeit chemicals, unsafe/unknown ancilliary ingredients or variability of potency etc. More information can be found here (link to nhs website). // b) Do not initiate or continue prescribing puberty surpressing hormones or gender affirming hormones. The General Medical Council's guidance to medical professionals on 'bridging prescriptions (a course of endocrine intervention managed by a healthcare professional outside of the specialised gender service while an individual is waiting to be seen) does not apply to care offered to young people under 18 years of age. // c) If the child/young person or their carer disregards your advice and you consider that this puts the child/young person at increased risk, then a safeguarding referral might also be appropriate in line with standard safeguarding approaches. Discuss with your line manager and your organization's safeguarding team.
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In black text on white background, from the news article linked above-> It seems to us - and to those inside the NHS who have leaked the document to us - that what purports to be an "assessment" in fact an exercise in bringing very significant pressure to bear on trans youth and their families to cease private treatment, backed up with a threat of a safeguarding referral to social services if they do not. // We are concerned about what appears to be a misleading exercise in gathering data on which trans youth are obtaining private treatment from abroad, for the purposes of seeking to cause or compel them to stop treatment.
In the same thick white text on black background as previous image-> So an internal NHS document has been leaked basically asking trans kids on excruciatingly ling waiting lists to come to a 'mental health assessment' where the NHS will harvest their personal information & threaten their families with a social services referral if they're found to be on private blockers/hormones & refuse to come off them. // This country is for dogs i swear.
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tommy2020 · 5 months
I’m a boy and I kiss other boys.
I’m a boy and I was not born a boy.
I’m a boy and I use unconventional pronouns.
I’m a boy and I want to live as a boy.
I’m a boy and I want to be free to say that out loud.
I’m a boy and I want to live without fear of being hurt.
Just like the other boys.
My friend is a girl and she likes boys.
My friend is a girl and she was not born a girl.
My friend is a girl and uses she/her.
My friend is a girl and she wants to be called a girl, not a slur.
My friend is a girl and she should be allowed to live as a girl.
My friend is a girl and she shouldn’t be assaulted because she is a girl.
Just like the other girls.
My sibling is nonbinary and they like every gender.
My sibling is nonbinary and they were not born that way.
My sibling is nonbinary and uses whatever pronouns they feel like.
My sibling is nonbinary and wants to be perceived as a person too.
My sibling is nonbinary and should be allowed to choose what they call themselves.
My sibling is nonbinary and shouldn’t be shoved under the rug because their gender identity “doesn’t make sense”.
Just like other people.
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transition goal <3
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