#am i the asshole
AITA for banning a child from my house?
It's not my child, btw- it's my cousin, an 8 y/o autistic boy. I am 15 and it's technically not my house.
For context, my cousin has EXTREMELY severe autism, to the point where he quite literally cannot form any connections with people and does not sit down at all. He is always running around, yelling in garbled speech, and doesn't understand words, sentences, or commands. He only responds to his name when his mother calls it. He isn't intelligent mentally, either. I do love him a lot in spite of how he has never paid attention to me or treats both me and everyone else around him as though they don't exist.
I have (had?) a cat. I have raised this cat for 3 years and I got this little furball when he was only 2 weeks old. I gave him milk and cared for him so, so much. He was a Persian-British mix and was, frankly, pretty dumb and sleepy all the time. Like a little doll.
My cousin also, apparently, decided that my cat, Velvet, was doll-like, because he grabbed Velvet and refused to let the cat go. I was in the bathroom at the time and only heard the cat's mewing. Nobody else was home. My cousin thought it would be nice to throw Velvet out of the window. Our 4th-story window. Velvet was a spoilt little thing and had never really lived outside of a house, and consequently, died. My cousin? Didn't care. Just went away from the open window and went back to running around the house.
I came out only a few seconds later and was very confused as to just WHERE was the previously mewing cat, and obviously I couldn't just ask my cousin, since he can't talk and wouldn't be able to think of it either. My mom found the fucking CORPSE when she came back home. I was horrified and, while I don't think this was the proper thing to do to a little boy who has absolutely ZERO awareness of his surroundings, I proceeded to absolutely scream my head off at my cousin while grabbing his arm, which resulted in an absolute meltdown from him and my aunt (who had also just arrived) having to physically pry me off him as I was crying. I don't think I can be really blamed for being upset over my cousin KILLING my BELOVED PET just because he was born wrong. I also sort of yelled at my aunt to never come here or bring her son here ever again. My mother has severely chastised me for that and had ME grounded. What the fuck. Mental illnesses aren't all sunshine and rainbows, y'all. Ugh. I feel like I AM the asshole, but honestly. Consider the circumstances. I hate it here and I miss my fucking cat.
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transfaguette · 7 months
aita is so funny the way people will be like “throwaway/anon cuz other person uses this website” and then just go on to describe hyper specific scenarios that would be unmistakable to the people involved.
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batboyblog · 2 years
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The Goyim are fucking wild, the way I would have dumped that casserole over that woman's head, also divorce that wife.
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justsome-di · 1 year
what is going on in r/amitheasshole is this man okay
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
AITA for starting a successful business?
I found a great resource that I could use to make clothing products that everyone needs, so I did what comes naturally and started chopping down the trees and made lots of money. But this little orange guy doesn’t like me chopping down trees and becoming successful. He keeps trying to find ways to stop me because he “speaks for the trees” but that’s whackery because trees can’t consent! He’s preventing my innovation and my customers from purchasing. AITA? It’s him right. I’m just following my destiny. Capitalism wins baby! 😎 The American Dream to build factories, sell, sell, sell and expand until there’s nothing left to take from the land. I’m so rich and successful right now, ain’t no way that little orange guy should be stopping me. I mean, how bad can I possibly be?
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amithedevil · 10 months
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OP really buried the lede with this one
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babykinkyhotfck · 8 months
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broadwaybalogna · 2 months
[Zutara AITA post because it sounds so funny to me]
AITA for getting shot by lightning?
So I (17M) and a group of friends (13M Aang), (13F Toph), (17M Sokka), and (15F Katara) went to war against my tyrannical father in order to save the world from dictatorship. We split into three groups and Katara and I were sent to fight my somewhat tyrannical sister. She challenged me to an Agni Kai which resulted in her throwing lightning at Katara. When I noticed, without thinking, I jumped in front of it to save her. Long story short, I almost died but Katara beat my sister and healed me👍. After Aang beat my father and took away his bending for good, I guess he kind of assumed Katara would date him? Anyways, I guess I cast some sort of love spell (?) when I risked my life to save hers without thinking and she said that she liked me and not him in front of our whole friend group. So he got a little pissed and upset because she was supposed to be his “forever girl” (if someone could let me know what that means too that would be great) and then got pissed at me and said I forced her to fall for me. I was just trying to save her life. Now I feel kind of bad because I took away the romance I guess they had. I mean, I’ll admit that I like her too but I never tried to push it on her! Can someone help me understand this mess? Am I the asshole?
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creativename87 · 4 months
Am I An Asshole For Killing Myself?
I'm uh... 28M and just recently some pretty big changes in my life have happened. This webnovel I really like ended, I made some new friends, and oh, the apocalypse started. but most of that's not really important. well except for the new friends
they're great! don't get me wrong I love them so terribly much
The only problem is I just came back from a recent near death experience and by near death I mean full death. i died.
and anyway, i was pretty okay dokay when I came back to life, but everyone seemed really mad when they saw me again??? Like that's so strange tbh I know I technically DID die, but I didn't like FOR REAL die, i only died for like a little bit
and like none of them seemed to really understand my side of the story? I felt really oppressed by the whole situation, but maybe that had to do more with the drugging and being tied up part.
but don't worry! they've done this before without my consent so it's like for sure for sure completely normal, and like the last time they did it I didn't even die I just disappeared off the face of the earth for two years leaving them all to grapple with my loss and various other such pains, so really this is all an over reaction
anyway, what do you guys think? AITA?
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justalilpearlie · 4 months
AITA for celebrating my friend's wife died?
I swear its not what it sounds like!
So a year or two ago I(27M) was put into a sort of hunger games type of death game along with some other people. We have 3 or more lives and once we lose our last one we're out, however every new season we come back and have to play again.
The thing is, I'm out first every single time! It's not funny anymore, I feel cursed, and apparently I am? The eldritch angel beings that watch over us and plan the games seem to have gotten angry at me after a couple friends and I tried to rebel agaisnt them in season 0.
That was until recently, when, in the current season, my friend(30M)'s wife(31F) was eliminated before I was! Apparently she was trying to lure someone into the End with her to push them off into the void? But ended up falling in herself. A bit of an L if I'm being honest :/
Like you could imagine, I was ECSTATIC, it meant the curse was broken! So I was celebrating around, chanting "[friend's wife] is death!" over and over again, and everyone seemed to be happy for me too!
I announced I'd throw a big party next week to celebrate, and thats when I realized my friend wasn't happy at all, in fact he was quite pissed... I think I upset him even worse with my reaction. But no one else seemed to really care anyways! Still, he hasn't talked to me ever since, and I don't really know what to do... Should I go on with the party to celebrate my victory anyways? This is a big thing for me...
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AITA for being nice to a co-worker who doesn't like men?
I think a girl (20F) at my work doesn't like men. I've been going out of my way to be nice to her and nothing works. AITA? How can I get her to want to talk to me?
I'm 28M and I started at my job about 3 weeks ago. There's this girl, Brandi, I work with sometimes who I really like. I was shy as a kid and I've been trying to come out of my shell more lately, and make an effort with people. Going out of my comfort zone and talk to people, all that. So I decided to try to give Brandi 1 compliment every day I saw her. And it wasn't creep shit like "nice ass" or anything that would make her uncomfortable. Stuff like that she has a pretty smile, or beautiful eyes, or that kind of thing.
But I feel like whenever I do it, she gets kind of weird, and goes away from me. SHE HAS NOT TOLD ME TO STOP or that I make her uncomfortable. She just does kind of a weird smile and says thanks and goes away. I feel like she doesn't want to talk to me at all now. On Friday I even put a little note in the pocket of her jacket. It just said "You look nice today, Brandi!" with a smiley face. I just thought it would be nice and make her smile. She never said anything about it.
I told my sister (26F) about it and Sis said I was being an asshole and should leave Brandi alone. I calmly reminded my sister that SHE HAS NOT TOLD ME TO STOP so why would I need to? My sister didn't have a good answer so she changed the subject and wouldn't talk about Brandi any more.
Then I told my friend (32M) about Brandi, and he said she probably spends too much time on social media where women are being taught to be afraid of all men. It all clicked when he said that, it makes sense. Why else would she act like she doesn't want to be around me or talk to me, when all I do is be nice to her and try to make her happy? I also realized she talks way more to girls than men, and doesn't seem as friendly with them.
AITA for being nice to Brandi? And what can I do to show her not to be afraid of me? I don't know what nice things to say to her that I haven't already said.
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mediocre-megs · 1 year
AITA for trying to save a child?
I (56M) have been on a sort of road trip with E (14F) for a while now. For privacy, I won’t say why she had to go to the hospital but basically it was for some testing. As we’re getting there hospital staff threw a pipe bomb at us (??? is this protocol?) and I woke up in a separate room. An acquaintance of mine, M (40s F) then tells me that the testing on E will be lethal? And gives me a sentimental knife and tells staff members to drop me off at a nearby highway. To make a long story short, I managed to get my hands on a weapon, things turned physical, and I did some things I regret. I managed to get E out safely but the whole thing has really been weighing on me. AITA?
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maysblogg · 5 months
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he was neither impress nor offended
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AITA for telling my daughter to shut the f up?
Hi tumblr. So I (39F) have two children, Lisa (14F, fake name) and Bart (1M, fake name). Lisa is from a failed relationship, but we're all okay now with my current husband.
Since I got pregnant, I started gaining weight, quite some, and all my family was very supportive. I was really lean back then, but now I didn't drop it all back. I'm, maybe, 15 pounds more than I was. I'm very bad with my body image now, I'm insecure and don't like showing it off that much.
Lisa is like me when I was young, lean and the type who eats a lot and gains nothing. She's not eating very much now though since she's stressed with school and other things. It's hard to find clothes her size because she's just between the smallest size for adults and the biggest size for kids.The other day when my mom (70F) came over for Lisa's birthday, they drank some coffee and started to talk about clothes because it was what my mon was going to gift her. This is the important bit. In the conversation, Lisa started to complain how no clothes fit her well enough because she dropped 8 pounds during the summer, how jeans fit her hips okay but then were loose on the waist, how even the S looked big on her and I just snapped. She knows I've been dealing with bad body image and although she was very supportive and always tells me it doesn't matter and I'm pretty like I am, this is like just bragging about how skinny she is. I rolled my eyes and said "Poor little thing," like joking, and Lisa looked at me devastated (she was talking about some perfect and pretty pants she found but the smallest size was large on her) and said in a sarcastic like joking tone "Ugh, it's so difficult to be skinny," and I snapped. I told her to shut up and left the room, but now my mom and Lisa are mad at me.
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AITA for discussing my friend's sexuality with a completely different friend group?
my best friend of 10 years (we're both 25) told me several months ago they're gray-ace. i'll be completely honest: i think microlabels are stupid and pointless, since they really only describe personal preferences that have nothing to do with sexuality. i'm not interested in debates or discourse, so save your essays.
being friends with them for a decade, i obviously know them extremely well, and i'm positive that they're not gray-ace, they just have a history of dating ugly, toxic people (one of whom i know for a fact pressured them into sex at least once). i'm pretty confident i'm right, since recently they were telling me about a woman they met at a bar, and how upon seeing her immediately wanted to hook up bc she's so sexy. now, i'm not ace but finding strangers sexy and wanting to have sex with them doesn't strike me as ace behavior. especially considering they were only ever luke-warm about sex and attraction when it came to men, and haven't mentioned feeling the same way since they realized they were a lesbian.
i would never ever tell them what i really think. this is their journey to make, i'll see them on the other side. i'm also not going to share my opinion with any of our mutual friends, bc our friend group doesn't gossip about each other or talk behind others' backs, and i don't want to put anyone in the position of hearing me vent about how i think our friend is using asexuality to avoid processing their trauma.
all that being said, i'm in a discord server with people who share similar views and beliefs (about most things, not just microlabels lol), none of whom are in any way affiliated with my irl friend group. so i vented to them about this situation, they agreed with me, we made some lighthearted jokes about it. like i said, i'm never going to say anything to my friend, but it feels dishonest to smile and nod when they talk about being gray-ace, then later roll my eyes and laugh about it on discord (for what it's worth, they haven't mentioned being gray-ace since they started dating the woman from the bar).
so, AITA for pretending to believe them, then talking about them in an unrelated discord server?
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AITA for calling my friend a hypocrite?
I have a friend who loves cats but eats meat (birds, cows, pigs, fish, etc,) and I asked her if she would ever eat cat meat. To that she said no, never EVER, because she loves cats and finds them too cute. I said that pigs are really smart, cows really cute, etc, and that many cultures eat cat meat - is there anything wrong with those cultures? That seems to have made her uncomfortable and she just said that she wouldn't tell someone who had a pig as a pet that they should eat pigs and that I should leave her alone. I called her a hypocrite and she seems mad.
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